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No Ditto in cage.



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alternatively, if your not that far from the factory arc of the game, you can reload the save from that point and take the steps to get the ditto then and play up to your current point.

well, this is if you want the ditto now. you can always wait till later, besides the two opportunities to get ditto aren't that far apart, just four gym badges to go through~

hope this helps

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I just beat the factory now so I can still get the ditto I think. I prefer to get ditto now since there are a bunch of stuff I wanna breed because I have a few pokemon I like that have really poor natures/IVs that can't be obtained again without breeding.

I did all the steps so I don't know why the ditto is not in the cage. Is there another step?

As of version 15 is the ditto no longer in the cage? I started playing in version 15.

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I already said that I got Happiny and freed the daycare couple at the beginning of the game. Elijah I also bred a growlithe without ditto (used mareep I believe) but that shouldn't have an impact at all.

What mystery egg are you referring too dragon? The only one I know of is the one from the growlithe quest.

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There is a lady in Onyx ward (south part of the ward, inbetween the arcade and move relearner) who tells you to go check out the day care couple. When you do free them, go back to her, she thanks you and gives you an egg. The egg is either Cacnea or Seel, but it's irrelevant. I think that may be what triggers ditto in the cage.

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Recently started a new Reborn run, and yep Ditto wasn't there for me either.

I have done all of the Day-care quests beforehand, and one thing I noticed was that the Meteor Grunt in the warehouse that had Happiny (I think he says something along the lines of 'there's one missing') wasn't there (which I'm presuming why Ditto isn't in the Factory).

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