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Cottonee location?



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People are getting it from the Mystery egg that one the police officers trades you for a Growlithe egg.

What pokemon you get from the egg depends on your luck, and the pokemon you get is decided at the start of your game, so you can't manipulate it by saving and reloading over and over again..

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People are getting it from the Mystery egg that one the police officers trades you for a Growlithe egg.

What pokemon you get from the egg depends on your luck, and the pokemon you get is decided at the start of your game, so you can't manipulate it by saving and reloading over and over again..

I heard about it. What if I manipulate the game by reloading back to the point prior to trading the Growlithe?

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That doesn't change the pokemon you get. It is determined when you started your adventure and the train station blew up.

You would have to start up a new game and get all the way up to the point where you can get the mystery egg again if you really want one of the other pokemon you can get from the egg.

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That doesn't change the pokemon you get. It is determined when you started your adventure and the train station blew up.

You would have to start up a new game and get all the way up to the point where you can get the mystery egg again if you really want one of the other pokemon you can get from the egg.

Ho well. thank you for the answer! Do you happen to have any ideas on how to beat this battle if I don't meet luck here?

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Perish Song is learned by pokemons who are not yet available for me and learn it on a level higher than the capacity.

Destiny Bond is indeed the next thing which i'm gonna try

And I shall never surrender!

Did you get the Igglybuff in Peridot Ward? He can have Perish Song as the Special Move (aka Egg Move without breeding), just train it.

And he is immune to Dragon after all.

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You can find Quick Claws on wild Meowths. Just grab a mon with Frisk to find one and steal it/catch the Meowth. This should make it easier on you.

Also it should be noted that the mon in the Mystery Egg is determined as the player picks their starter, which could save you a few minutes each time you try to reset for a different mon.

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Perish Song is learned by pokemons who are not yet available for me and learn it on a level higher than the capacity.

Destiny Bond is indeed the next thing which i'm gonna try

And I shall never surrender!

Just battle a Murkrow by doing its event and softreset till you find one with Prankster and Perish Song

Then you can say goodbye to Garchomp

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Did you get the Igglybuff in Peridot Ward? He can have Perish Song as the Special Move (aka Egg Move without breeding), just train it.

And he is immune to Dragon after all.

I tried to get it but for some reason the house is empty so the event never happens...

You can find Quick Claws on wild Meowths. Just grab a mon with Frisk to find one and steal it/catch the Meowth. This should make it easier on you.

Also it should be noted that the mon in the Mystery Egg is determined as the player picks their starter, which could save you a few minutes each time you try to reset for a different mon.

Noted. Thanks a lot!

Just battle a Murkrow by doing its event and softreset till you find one with Prankster and Perish Song

Then you can say goodbye to Garchomp

Just battle a Murkrow by doing its event and softreset till you find one with Prankster and Perish Song

Then you can say goodbye to Garchomp

Did not know about that. Thanks!

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