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Can Ability Capsules change to hidden abilities?



I caught a skrelp before going into agate circus, but i realized too late that it wasnt adaptability but its too late for me to go back and catch another one. I tried changing with an ability capsule, but no matter how many times i reset, it kept switching to poison touch instead of adaptability. Can you not change to hidden abilities? If not, i will be sad :(

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I'm pretty sure that the way the ability is picked is not random anymore.

Basically, you're gonna have to use two ability capsules instead of one. Change it to Poison Touch, and then use another ability capsule and it should turn into Adaptability.

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Like Juggler said, they really are expensive. You can buy them with shards at the Agate Circus, starting at I believe 2 random colour shards, then 3, etc etc. I can't remember if you can buy them as early as 7th street, though :/

You can there's a merchamt on 7th street who sells them close to the building that heals your pokes

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i bought mine like 4 green shard today. doesn't really matter tho , as u can get as many shard as you want from the repeatable battle with clown indra.

and don't know why as far as i know using ability capsule always result hidden ability for my pokemon

The game determines which ability to switch to by going down the list of possible abilities, and HA's aren't uncommon in Reborn.

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