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So yeah. A lot happened in this last episode.

· We see Ozpin fight cinder. He uses a green colored semblance that appears to be a shield. His offensive is fast jabs with his sword. (compared to Asuna’s rapier attack in SAO)

· Pyrrha and Jaune are like a couple for five seconds, and shit hits the fan almost immediately afterwards

· When pyrrha confronts cinder, cinder tells pyrrha how her semblance is special. Well to be fair, pyrrha uses the FUCKING FORCE so eh meh.

· Pyrrha and cinder go at it. It does seem that pyrrha’s semblance is important in a way as it is able to go toe to toe with cinder’s guardian power.

· Pyrrha loses the power struggle and is about to die.

· Ruby and Weiss save the day*

· As ruby does some semblance combo with Weiss, she reaches the top what happens next is-


· … (*no they do not save the day.)



· Oh yeah. Ruby goes mad and turns into the fucking avatar and does that thing that Aang did then he was angry and like uhh… Just watch avatar and you know what I mean.

· >still sad about pyrrha.

· Ruby wakes up, we see her father in his full glory, tl;dr qrow comes in and explains that ruby is the next avatar and she has to go on a magical journey to master the four memelments.

· LOLJK just some plot points.

· Yang has no arm and is mad. I would be mad too, but your forgetting one thing: PROSTETIC BODY PARTS. I mean, if the universe of remnant has the tech level of having floating cars, im pretty sure prostetic body parts are available to the public. Unless her arms were here source of power (seriously doubting that) then I would see no reason to worry.

· AAAND a magical journey with the new gang: RNJR Team Ranger! Heading off to a place I already forgot the name too.



· What happened to... Winter, Neo, CFVY, team with faunice that had the pole, all the other teams that we saw in the tournament, Ironwood, people living in vale.

· Why is it said that people didn’t know why this had happened? This was literally BROADCASTED across remnant.

· When there was an emergency, why did NO ONE call for backup and help from other nations? Im pretty sure there was plenty of time.


· Who the fuck is the person at the end who narrates things about Ozpin?

And the most important thing: Will season 4 exceed our expectations? I hope so.

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BLAHHHHH, this episode!

All I could think about when Ruby got to the top of the tower when Pyrrha started losing was that SOMETHING good was going to happen and save her, one of those things came true, the other did not.

Also, we don't actually know if Cinder died do we?We know that the Grimm is frozen, but there is no mention as to whether she is dead or not, and yes I understand the whole explosion of silver light and whatnot, but still.

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Also, we don't actually know if Cinder died do we?We know that the Grimm is frozen, but there is no mention as to whether she is dead or not, and yes I understand the whole explosion of silver light and whatnot, but still.

From what Qrow said about the legend, the silver light seems to be an Anti-Grimm thing, which is why it froze the dragon. Cinder may have sustained damage, but she's probably not dead.

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ok now that everyone has seen it i will post my thoughts

-ok first of all i need to get this out of the way: cinder gave pyrrha a bad case of heard burn EEEYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry ive been holding that in for a while now

now i know many people liked pyrrha but i honestly think it was a good thing for her to die, i know i know DBT has no heart so hes just being a troll about this-WELL no im not. pyrrha was kind of holding team JNPR back as characters they just couldnt compete with her. now that shes gone JNR can develop into serious characters and stop being team anime stereotype.

-next thing i want to say is cinders "WHAT!" was the only good bit of voice acting ive heard from her

-next i want to bring up the plot

RWBY is going somewhere that i was dreading it would go: into a magic based world. i really enjoyed how the world of remnant followed a set of rules: everyone has an aura and a semblance and we have dust to substitute magic but now we have the maidens and a grimm lady and silver eyes

and despite how much i was against RWBY going this route now that ive seen it im ok with it

-speaking of the wom-grimm from that last bit of dialog with her im guessing that ozpin is still alive and that the two of them talk on a regular bases

my hopes for volume 4 is that it will tone down how dark it is somewhat but still keep it a serious plot while bringing back some of the roosterteeth humor (plz no more anime humor)

i just really hope we dont get a filler arc i dont like those

Edited by dragoniteborntacoz
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-speaking of the wom-grimm from that last bit of dialog with her im guessing that ozpin is still alive and that the two of them talk on a regular bases

Salem (Grimm women's name) seems to view Ozpin with some form of respect (she sees him as mankind's best shot for survival). Dying against Cinder (even with the Fall Maiden's power) would be underwhelming.

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Salem (Grimm women's name) seems to view Ozpin with some form of respect (she sees him as mankind's best shot for survival). Dying against Cinder (even with the Fall Maiden's power) would be underwhelming.

yep i saw her name in the credits next to jen taylor i just wanted to make a pun

i guess depending on how old she is i could call her grim-ma

i will say my first thought when i say her was winter maiden but i really dont think thats who salem is

also i know salem is a reference to salem witch trials (ive been spamming the RWBY facebook chat im in with "burn the witch" since yesterday) but does salem fit the color naming rule

if it doesnt it makes sense as she isnt a human but i was wondering because the only other character to not have a color name is ozpin

but seriously guys thoughts on salem

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btw, any of ya'll think Ruby is Winter? I've got two things really to back this up. One is that the burst of silver light that froze the Grimm was a white aura that seemed to come from her eyes. A parallel to how the fall maidens power is an orange aura around the maidens eyes. Furthermore in the very first instance of seeing Ruby in the series iirc, I think, she's surrounded by snow, right? Bit of foreshadowing?

I also think Cinder is the summer maiden. This is because her main element before becoming the fall maiden, and even after, was fire, the element associated with summer. She's also incredibly powerful beforehand and she would be a prime target for corruption by the Grimm as well as be a better candidate to hold the maiden powers. It also serves to further reinforce the arch nemesis theme between her and Ruby, if my prior idea is right.

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btw, any of ya'll think Ruby is Winter? I've got two things really to back this up. One is that the burst of silver light that froze the Grimm was a white aura that seemed to come from her eyes. A parallel to how the fall maidens power is an orange aura around the maidens eyes. Furthermore in the very first instance of seeing Ruby in the series iirc, I think, she's surrounded by snow, right? Bit of foreshadowing?

I also think Cinder is the summer maiden. This is because her main element before becoming the fall maiden, and even after, was fire, the element associated with summer. She's also incredibly powerful beforehand and she would be a prime target for corruption by the Grimm as well as be a better candidate to hold the maiden powers. It also serves to further reinforce the arch nemesis theme between her and Ruby, if my prior idea is right.

I agree with you on Ruby. I have no idea why Cinder went after the Fall Maiden instead of the Summer one. However, I think Cinder was probably next in line to receive a Maiden's power, but was denied for some reason. This caused her to seek an alliance with Salem (power in exchange for loyalty). The glove she used to absorb Amber's powers had the same symbol that Salem's cape had on the back of it. Also, if Cinder was already a Maiden, why would she need Emerald and Mercury to assist her against Amber?

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maaaaaybe it's a cyclical power thing. Spring has power over winter, summer power over spring, fall over summer. The elemental cycle. I have no evidence to back that up but it makes a sense to the pokenerd within. Or it could be that it was a guarantee to make sure the fight didn't end in a draw. Restraining someone is much harder than killing them.

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i dont think there is specific people for each maiden

i had the thought that each maiden had a different power based on which season they are but after seeing amber we see she had power over fire, wind, and ice so im thinking its uniform ability's or just an increase in power

as for cinder being in line for the maidens power i say no

it looks like the normal way for the powers to be passed on is it goes to the last person the maiden is thinking of (as long as she follows the rules) there is no way of knowing when the maiden will die and making sure the replacement is there ready to take the powers

and if cinder was next in line ozpin and the rest would have known who she is when she infiltrated beacon and know shes too old to be a student

also they would know what her semblance is and could identify that she was the one with roman in episode 1

i really dont think cinder had any connection with any of ozpins group prior to the show

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