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i actually wasnt thinking about this topic closing when i said we need more to talk about

i was just saying we need more discussions and stuff to get us through the off season as we wait with anticipation

im addicted man i need me my RWBY

thankfully i think RT said volume 4 will be out quicker then volume 3 was

in other RWBY news (sort of) a friend of mine just got a black and white cat who he named belladonna so thats cool

Edited by dragoniteborntacoz
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All the new designs they showed for team RWBY are SO GOOD.


Ruby's art is actually my favorite of the four even though Weiss is still the best overall.

Also for anyone that hasn't seen it yet:

If the later parts of this video featuring the other team RWBY members are any indication I feel like the quality of the art is going to bump up again for this volume.

EDIT: maybe "art" wasn't the word I was looking for but, like, the models at the very least look different and I kind of like it.
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  On 10/6/2016 at 10:13 PM, Ikaru said:

All the new designs they showed for team RWBY are SO GOOD.


Ruby's art is actually my favorite of the four even though Weiss is still the best overall.

Also for anyone that hasn't seen it yet:

If the later parts of this video featuring the other team RWBY members are any indication I feel like the quality of the art is going to bump up again for this volume.

EDIT: maybe "art" wasn't the word I was looking for but, like, the models at the very least look different and I kind of like it.

>Not liking Blake

Squidman, I'ma fite you one day. Blake is love, Blake is life.

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now now, having a favorite doesn't mean I dislike the others!

but blake and yang are my least favorites.......

yang moreso than blake at least!!

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I still have this weird feeling something is wrong with the animation on this and I dunno why the hell I can't shake the feeling. It was larger the first time I viewed the video so I think it's in part to how jarring the change is, but also in parts that something is weird about how momentum transfers.

There's just a lot of places that feel like they are very slow and there's a lot of weird touchy moments. Like, Ruby's semblance as far as we know is speed, but the short here does a very bad job at least to me, keeping the momentum of the speed. It feels very slow and choppy and it loses a lot of fluidity I feel. I think a few moments hang to long etc... But I can't really put my finger on why it has this.. feeling to it to me.

Also, the faces look... very stiff. Think that's jsut not being used to the new models yet though. THe visual stuff I'll probably get over once the season starts we'll see.

Something I'll note though... can I jsut say the Grimm look like 9 million times better? Like... they actually look threatening rather than like be weird... squishy clay things they were previous. Like the Beowulf especially since they honestly looked too cute due to jsut how smooth their fur was and stuff etc... but now? HOOO! They look great.~

and for me personally... Blake > Ruby > Wiess > Pretty much literally every character in the series > Yang.

Joking a bit, but Yang is really just not a character I really care for that much. However none of the girls are my fav characters either. Qrow and Oobleck I think are my favourites by far LOL. Sadly I doubt we'll see much of either this Chapter.

I have a feeling though my opinions may change quite a bit once we actually get into the meat of this chapter since I'm going to assume we'll see quite the character growth for our mian 4 across it's length and I'm super looking forward to that. I tend to have my opinions change on characters in this series frequently. ((Like Weiss all of season 1, dispised her lol, but Season 2 made me like her a lot more. I should also note that my particalur rankings there are like... obscenely close on Ruby,Blake and Weiss cause I like all three of them a lot as characters, I only really choose cause I have to. Look... I jsut can't wait until we get there cause I needed more RWBY like... yesterday.))

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I think so but I believe in true RT fashion there's a group of people that will get to watch it beforehand. I don't know if that's the day they'll get it, and we get it later, or that's the day it premieres for everyone.

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I imagine that the 22nd is the date that it comes out for their premium users and it will come out a few days after for everyone else like always. Thing is... all last season Roosterteeth's site got destroyed by the amount of people trying to watch it. ((to the point that how I checked if it was soon time from them to release it elsewhere. I tend to watch it on Crunchyroll cause I can't bloody stand their site layout cause it's awful for trying to watch multiple episodes in a row.))

I should note that they've been doing it with RWBY Chibi that little spin off series, so I imagine they will continue with the main series as well.

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  On 10/16/2016 at 3:33 AM, Sparky said:

RWBY Chibi is non-canon afaik. Blake is just very mysterious and I seem to adore mysterious girls a lot. Same could be said for Velvet's badass display in V3

It's 100% not canon and I never said it was. I only brought it up cause if they are doing it with a side-series related to RWBY I imagine they'll be doing it with the main one as well lol.

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  On 10/16/2016 at 4:41 AM, Hukuna the Undying said:

It's 100% not canon and I never said it was. I only brought it up cause if they are doing it with a side-series related to RWBY I imagine they'll be doing it with the main one as well lol.

Speaking of it is it worth the watch? Is it actually about anything? I was under the impression that it was a cuter retelling of the original.

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  On 10/16/2016 at 8:46 AM, Code: PIRULUK said:

Speaking of it is it worth the watch? Is it actually about anything? I was under the impression that it was a cuter retelling of the original.

Na, it's mostly jsut comedy shorts that like knowing break the 4th wall at times etc... ((and like super hardcore to the point they put meta jokes in the subtitles if you have them turned on at times LOL. They had a bit where they actually poked fun at the "shadow people" of season 1 for example.))

They are pretty cute and I watch them just cause they are short. Though you're not missing much if you skip 'em cause they are really just little sketches XD. It's only worth for me cause they tend to be around 4 minutes so it's really not that much of my time to devote to them.

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Chibi is hilarious imo, and I''d say definitely worth a watch.

For anyone that's not seen it yet, Rooster Teeth have put up Volume 4's opening on their youtube channel. While it probably is my least favourite of all the opening songs, the actual video for the opening sequence is probably by FAR my favourite so far because damn it is brilliant.

Oh, and they also put up 4 world of remnant videos, one on each of the 4 Kingdoms, which were both interesting and, at points, funny, given that Qrow was narrating them.
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I personally think the song is better than Season 3's just cause I fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate that song cause of overly long note at the end that just makes me hate it. It's my third fav but I have a feeling this one will grow on me.

On the intro part yea it's suuuuper cool. That opening sequence right at the beginning is suuuper nice. Speaking of which a little analysis for funsies.

Thing's I've noticed, I have a feeling that we'll definitely be seeing a lot more places in the world of Remnant. Simply cause the World of Remnants tend to hint at things that will be coming in the future for one... and well we know for certain that Weiss is back in Atlas as her father brought her back home at the end of the 3rd season. Yang will probably remain in Vale, where Beacon Academy was once located. That more or less leaves us to wonder where Ruby and Blake ended up. Notably, the coloured orbs in the intro when they split all go to the different continents, ((Yang's and Weiss's going towards the landmasses I'd specified.)) Ruby's, or the red one goes towards the continent with Minstral on it, so we can probably see her heading there in the future. Blake's ((black orb)) kinda goes to that small island continent beneath it, which is actually sorta unknown territory actually. It wasn't mentioned in any of the World of Remnant stuff and is just kinda there actually. Though it could just be headed towards Vacuo but just go that direction for visuals sake. Who knows lol.

Jaune has a red sash around his waist... looks similar to Pyhrra's in her typical get-up... I wonder if this is an intentional nod. I have a feeling yes, but could be just a coincidence. ((both in-universe and out of it actually lol.))

In what I can only assume is our villain line-up notably amoungst our new faces... two old ones do not appear. Emerald and Mercury are both not seen. I find this omission... very curious. ESPECIALLY, since I assume that's Cinder there, the... well I was going to say only lady but I remembered Salem is there, so, the first to appear lel. She looks markedly like Cinder. Though her overall design is INSANELY different my loooooooooooooooooooooooooordy. ((I'm curious as to why that is.))

Adam is still a thing!!! Weirdly... we see him twice? I wonder if he's still working with Salem at this point... ((or Cinder... technically? I'm not really sure how that thing all worked really... lol.)) either way we see him in Yang's part as the transition to the Evil lineup, but then we also see him fighting Blake. So... methinks he's still going to be very important.

Otherwise over analyzation over.

I'm thinking along similar lines to you though Dobbs. Think we're going to get a somewhat slower season here that will build out a lot more of the world we've yet to come to know especially due to that fact our 4 main heros are split up at the beginning of this season thus far. It seems that Blake has found a team of her own ((with more Sun... hooooooooooooo boy... XD.)) I wonder if they will remain split up or if they will gradually drift back towards each other by the end of this season.

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  On 10/22/2016 at 11:44 PM, Hukuna the Undying said:

Blake's ((black orb)) kinda goes to that small island continent beneath it, which is actually sorta unknown territory actually. It wasn't mentioned in any of the World of Remnant stuff and is just kinda there actually. Though it could just be headed towards Vacuo but just go that direction for visuals sake. Who knows lol.

Just to comment on this bit briefly, in Vale's World of Remnant Vid, when Qrow is talking about all the kingdoms, he does briefly mention that little island is Menagerie, which is primarily Faunus. So it would make sense that that's where Blake is, if the visual representation is accurate.

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Oh shit... which was that in? I must've missed it. ((but she did mention that she was raised outside the Kingdoms, so yes, it'd make sense.))

and then after typing this... I read in Vale's.

I'm stupid.

Did go back and watch it, but dang yea no wonder I didn't remember cause it was such a footnote that yeeeeeeeeeea. It gets a line and not much else. It's like... well could it be anymore of a footnote? I suppose it makes sense in way that it was that short a mention since I imagine humans probably don't know all that much about Menagerie ((tfw when that word means literally "a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition."))

Like, I imagine the Faunis aren't super fond of humans pokin' around in their lands but I'm definitely very interested to see what their homeland is like especially since we know so much less about it then anywhere else.

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  On 10/22/2016 at 11:44 PM, Hukuna the Undying said:

Jaune has a red sash around his waist... looks similar to Pyhrra's in her typical get-up... I wonder if this is an intentional nod. I have a feeling yes, but could be just a coincidence. ((both in-universe and out of it actually lol.))

His sword and shield changed too:


Honestly I was kind of disappointed that he didn't seem to have changed much at all compared to everyone else's more obvious differences, but that's kind of neat. I didn't notice those little things. ...But hopefully his weapons' change is intentional and not just a side-effect of the seemingly-improved art.

EDIT: upon closer inspection his outfit has changed pretty notably too; it just wasn't as immediately apparent to me. Alright, I'm excited.

Also, I need the full version of this song.

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Two particular things I wanna point out from the opening:

The new people we say in Blake's bit, the older man and the younger girl. Her biological family, perhaps? That'd be cool.

As for the array of villains (which is sorely lacking in Emerald, Mercury & Neo), I feel like the fact that there's 4 of them (not counting Salem) is key. Perhaps the reason we've yet to see the other three is that they've been doing similar work to Cinder in the other three Kingdoms? Perhaps (despite the fact that the three new ones appear to all be men) one of them is each intended to steal a Maiden's power, like Cinder? There are a lot of aspects of RWBY that flow with the number 4, so it will be interesting to see if any of them correspond to why there's 4 people seemingly working for Salem.

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