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I heard from a friend that's watched the new episode already that it's a Ren backstory episode, so we'll find out how on the money you are or aren't pretty soon probably. 

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Spoilers for today's episode.




Well, I was pretty wrong about basically everything.


I will probably make another post or edit this one with actual thoughts on the episode at some point but after watching that I cannot function properly a lot just happened.



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So the Ugly Beast rears it's head. hey guys, King Ryan back to decipher and give my 2 cents on the episode. Get ready for a word wall. 







Firstly, Cinder. In "the time before Rwby" I believe she may have been wronged by Ozpin or someone affiliated to him, and sought justice for what was done against her. She was clearly a capable huntress (or at least of huntress level skill), but she needed/wanted more power in order to complete her goals, which may or may not be aligned with Salem's. In doing so she found some way to get in contact with salem. We know the story from there. But as we see here, Cinder is faltering, in either he devotion or her physical strength, as i would imagine to wield and own a power such as a maiden's, you must be in sync with yourself, your willpower and your beliefs. Clearly 1 or more of those things is out of sync, causing her to fall short of whatever goal she wants to accomplish, which i bet is revenge based. But i have some sort of feeling she will have a good ending. I don't want to go so far as to see she becomes a good guy, or an anti-hero. She doesn't have that vibe, but maybe she will reconcile and sacrifice herself "in the end" of whatever climax plot will feature her. She clearly seems to be disturbed by Salem (and who wouldn't, am i right?) almost like doing an illegal drug deal. You know it's wrong but your drive to complete your goal is stronger. 


NEXT we have Tirion. He technically failed his master, Salem, but what i cant seem to piece together is why he is loyal/devoted to salem. He obviously has that Joker crazy factor, some kind of insanity but at least a little bit logical. We don't know what salem's goal is, other than destruction, and we don't know enough about tirion to understand why he serves salem. But he is a faunus, and i am beginning to think the Faunus may have some sort of connection to the grimm. More so than before. Maybe the Faunus evolved (and i use that term loosely) from the grimm, and some of them were dominated by salem? Can't wait to see what becomes of Tirion. He clearly has all the hate and insanity and is aligned with salem. Maybe if he does get "disowned" he will just start a rampage against the good guys? He has no method to apply poison anymore, so what is he good for? (Literal question. would love some explanation below)


Next we have Yang. In short, we know Yang has 2 options. Go find her mother, and then with Raven in tow, go find Ruby and team RNNY or just go find Ruby and team RNJR. As we know, Raven was shadowing Qrow who was shadowing team RNJR as a guardian, but at a distance due to his semblance. I feel like Yang could find her mother and convince her to save Qrow, as Yang also does care about Qrow, cool uncle and all. Raven seems more.....self centered, maybe due to self preservation? Kind of like Esbern from skyrim. She knows doom is pretty much inevitable and is just trying to wait it out "safely"? I think the former is probably the case as if Yang goes straight to team RNJR and Qrow, who will save Qrow? ALSO will Yang (W/ or w/o Raven) reach Ruby BEFORE the fight with the Nuckelavee ends? will Qrow live through the encounter? Find out next time, on dragon ball z!


Now we have Weiss and Klein. We were all correct in thinking Weiss is going to break out, and now we know more. She is going to find Winter in Mistral, who is acting as a Recon agent for Ironwood, and with the Help of Klein and his super cool secret entrance/exit Weiss will most likely make it out under the radar. Cool cool cool. I love Klein, just wanna say. He seems to have multiple personality disorder (or something of the like), but it's not destructive, much the opposite. He is just cool and kooky and loving and fun. I hope it's not the last we see of him. 


Now breaking up Weiss' segments, we have Ironwood and Jaque with breaking news. Atlas/Mantle in roughly 1 week is going into lockdown. No one in, no one out without the council's permission. An understandable play, but i believe this will do more good than evil. It will keep Ironwood's position of power in check, but it will also keep Jaque and his forces (mostly his forces) from pursuing Weiss. No one else on "the outside" (of Atlas) would turn Weiss in. (at least none that i can think of) And so on the winter cold front, We have Ironwood who is still Aligned with Ozpin and the good guys, however he may be doing things his own way, and we have Weiss, seeking out Winter, and is then probably going to reconvene with team RNJR in some capacity, w/ or w/o winter in tow.


And now we have Blake, Sun and Belladonna fam. Sun lives. I think we all saw this one coming. He played too big of a role to die. But with more breaking news, we find out that Adam and his cult of the white fang plan to dismantle and topple Mistral. Which leads Blake and Sun to meet up with Team RNJR and Qrow now. (But before anything else, does anyone think they have a way to convey this massive assault to the others? The CCT is down, but it's super vital. Inb4 plot convenience.) And i might think that Blake's Father may help in some capacity. He may have stepped down, but i am still sensing a massive sense of power and responsibility from him. He will have a part in this somehow. And we know sun already has the approval of Blake's mother, but now i think he's earned the approval of Blake's father. He, as a huntsman, put his own life on the line for the good of Blake and the rest of the Faunus, as he is aligned with Blake and her beliefs on the white fang. And now Blake's motives are truly revealed and i think she is going to return to her team. Well, we know she is, but how will she act? how will she reconcile with the rest of her team? i am sensing some potential tension.


NOW we get to the good part. Back at the forefront with Team RNJR and Qrow vs the Grimm Nuckelavee. I think we all saw Ren and Nora's return coming. So now we discuss the fate of the team. I think team RNJR could potentially hold their own against the Nuckelavee for a time, but not indefinitely. Some type of intervention has to occur, and the details of each potential saviour. OR everyone dies right here and the series ends. whoopty fuckin do. Which makes me think of what is to come. We have a few options. 

- Ruby could somehow bust out her silver eyes again, which would come with a heavy dose of exposition, and only delay the Nuckelavee, just like she stunned the Wyvern at the top of Beacon tower. 

- Jaune could bust out either his semblance that he's been secretly mastering (which appears to be some sort of force wave manipulation, or whatever we saw in episode 2 was extremely underdeveloped and he will pull a badass card from his sleeve) or maybe something else. People were speculating that Jaune is descendant of the Warrior king of Vale, so maybe he has some sort of heritage thing up his sleeve. Or maybe Pyrha (sorry, i know i spelt that incorrectly) could pull something out of her ass since her essence and armor is infused with Jaune's. 

- Raven COULD show up. We know she was shadowing Qrow so maybe she is still keeping an eye out, testing the mettle of her daughter (in law? how is she related to Ruby?). And maybe at the last second she could swoop in and save the day and save Qrow. but even if this DID happen, i bet Qrow would be in some sort of Debt to raven. But i also think that Raven maybe stopped shadowing Qrow after their discussion at the Tavern. Who knows? this is all speculation.

- I think we all know that Blake and Sun, Weiss (w/ or w/o winter), and Yang (potentially with Raven) will be converging to Mistral after this episode. So Either Team RNJR manages to hold out until any of these reinforcements arrive, or they flee and Qrow dies. Or they pull out one of the cards mentioned above. 


But now a final card. Where does Ozpin and Oscar come into all of this? Ozpin just seems to be sharing a brain with Oscar, with only his knowledge to offer. It doesn't seem like any skill has transferred. Plus they aren't even in complete synchronous agreement. Oscar hasn't put complete faith in Ozpin yet (or has he? i personally don't think he has.) but we do know (or at least i think we do, iirc) that Oscar lived on the continent of Mistral, and he is now venturing to the big city of Mistral, which is haven iirc. (Plz correct me if i'm wrong.) So i bet he is going to have a coincidental run in with one of the good guys. But i bet only after everything else has occurred. 


Which leads me to speculate this season will be roughly 1-3 more episodes long, to let all of this take place, OR they rap it up to some sort of satisfying conclusion next episode. (Something like Team RNJR defeats the Nuckelavee and Qrow survives, hooray!) and then with all this heavy exposition poised to strike, they wait and let all this play itself out, NEXT season, which i believe is happening some time in fall. In the mean time, i believe we will soon discover the fate of our Dear Director. 




Edited by KingRyan
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  • 4 weeks later...

some finale/next season thoughts


I think the real takeaway from the finale was how far team our heroes have come. Imo the grim aren't really meant to be threatening to highly-trained huntsmen, but I digress. The (im just gonna call it The Horseman) was pretty damn freaky, but our heroes won. I'm kinda confused about why it couldn't extend its arms more once it was pinned.



also, this season seemed to nerf ruby a lot. previously, her giant buzzsaw of a scythe was mostly unstoppable if she could get close enough to use it; this season, it seems like everyone and their mom (that being salem) can interrupt it. I'll be looking forward to having her as a focus character in the next season and not Juane. 


I want to be excited for Yang vs. Raven, but i feel like it'll be another curbstomp like Adam. I'm really excited for weiss, blake and sun getting something vaguely resembling a band back together. I really, really want to see adam's ass getting kicked in the next season.


And of course, dear, sweet Penny Polendina is still lying in pieces on the floor of the Vytal tournament.


Edited by doombotmecha
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