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Pokémon Millionaire!


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Well aren't you just PERFECT (not). For $300!

This one was inspired by Doc Oc again! How does Slowpoke evolve into Slowking?

A. At level 30
B. Trade Slowpoke with a King's Rock
C. Friendship
D. Teach Slowpoke Amnesia through leveling.

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Poor Absol, being blamed for disasters because he/she can foresee them. For $1000!

Which of these has never been a second type for a starter?

A. Ground
B. Rock
C. Flying
D. Steel

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No, it's just that ash always seems to leave whenever someone else finishes. Like I said, first come, first serve. For $2000!

Which of these Pokemon did NOT appear on a sign in Pokemon Snap!

A. Kingler
B. Mewtwo
C. Koffing
D. Marowak

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