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An Outstretched Hand


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Hey everyone! You can call me Suyoi. I found Reborn through a convergence of love of pokemon and music remixes I was carried on a sound wave of the genius of GlitchxCity's music and landed here. Completely amazed at the work that has gone into this project and I am still in awe after two weeks of lurking and hunting and training and questing!

I have a passion for AD&D 2nd edition, and I've been playing that since 1994. The draw in Reborn is, for me, the correlation of the two. I tend to run a darker side of my games, with a 3 year campaign based on greed, deceit and power struggles culminating in a living breathing environment for everyone involved. If anyone knows what it is like to "DM" or "Storytell" a game, the best point is when you stop running it; it runs itself and allows you to play your NPCs instead of 'running' them. And from what I have experienced with this game, the tact and art is beyond my expectations.

It has been a while since I've used a forum, but I think I can get back into the swing of things here! Be gentle on this old fart. ^_^

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Welcome! If you're well-versed in DnD, you may want to consider looking into Reborn's Game Nights. We're actually looking for an online DnD (?) or similar RP sort of game. Anyway, check out the Roleplaying Subforum towards the bottom of the forums if you're into that as well. Give the Community Rules on your left a read- they're quick and concise. Enjoy your time here!

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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