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Dino Ancestors - A Dragon Monotype Run


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Dragon Monotype Run

!Thy Noise!


Hello guys! Seth here, again. And an exciting news! I finally got myself the pokemons I requested, so thank you Ronan! Actually, he gave it to me last Nov. 3, though I only saw the message in Nov. 9, so disappointing, yeah. Still! Let's make it possible.

There are few advantages and some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages are few numbers of available Dragon Types, so yeah! There are actually, 1..2.. 8 pokes available for Dragon Monotype,

!Thy Noise!:


Goomy - DaGumba

Originated from the western lands not far from Reborn but near Heather's Voice, which means its somewhere in nowhere land.


Swablu - Shiverly

A flock of Swablus came over and Shiverly was caught by the open forest fires caught by the wild Pansears doing some.. uhm... ritual mating.. I guess?


Horsea - VivaQueen

He was going home to his grandma's coral but he saw me with DaGumba and Shiverly happily dancing ashore. He enjoyed and decided to join our team.


Charmander - Sir LongFire

He was left alone in front of my house, in a basket, with a scar on his forehead. I said, 'He shall be the Chosen One'.



DaGumba - Bold Nature

Ability - Gooey

IV - 26/13/12/20/13/18

Shiverly - Hardy Nature

Ability - Cloud Nine

IV - 20/24/7/22/18/17

VivaQueen - Rash Nature

Ability - Swift Swim

IV - 31/5/3/29/13/20

Sir LongFire - Lax Nature

Ability - Blaze

IV - 29/29/20/29/28/9 (BEST IV EVA, just slow)

Reminders to the Playthrough:

I will be updating the playthrough every time I defeat a gym leader, she is always right there when..... Oops! I won't be posting any pictures though, since it will consume me such precious time, considering how slow my PC is. Every update, I will tell how it goes, if I'm actually productive, I will tell what moves, who I killed, etc. If I will be lazy, I would tell you how it go, like it was easy or not. You can guess how. At the end of each update, I will put a spoiler about my team in this options:

:Name: - :Level: - :Held Item: - :Nature:



Well, that's enough of the reminders! Stay tuned at the next update, Reborn!


- Fern

- Aster & Eclipse

- Julia

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I could tell Charmander couldn't Mega Evolve in Reborn, considering there's no particular way for now to get them. Additionally, I just added it since structural matter, he may be a part dragon, who knows, I will scrap him off the list after Noibat has been captured

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Good luck!

Btw, i expect Lord Goomy to destroy everything in his way

Lord Goomy > ALL

He is the leader of the team, obviously! I wanted Goomy so bad. Thanks for the luck!

To be fair, noibat is complete and utter trash.

To be also fair, I might just give Noibat a try. I'll give it a shot and surprise surprise!

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To be also fair, I might just give Noibat a try. I'll give it a shot and surprise surprise!

With those base stats? And slow experience group? Good luck with that!

But to be fair, it can somehow do something (If it isn't outspeed, because it has the bulk of a Carvanha) it gets Screech and Supersonic for confusion hax, and both Wing Attack and Bite provides decent neutral coverage... but after you get Noivern drop that ugly physhical et and go full special.

Edited by Redo.
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I'm very familiar of how Noibat has such low base stats, before it even gets to Noivern, since rants are all over the community. The challenge for me is to use whatever dragon type pokemons are available in the game, namely Dragalge, Noivern, Tyrunt, etc, and use them effectively.

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Good luck, I was contemplating a DragonType MonoRun, didn't even know Gooby was available though.

The problem for me was that when I wanted to try the only dragon avilable right in the beginning was Noivern which would have done nothing to Julia

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