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What Pokemon can't you get now that you can get before?


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Posted this here instead of the On The Hunt forum since I'm wondering about Pokemon you can't get anymore in Episode 15.

So... I know of a few...

- Magikarp (because OP splash)

- Mudkip (other than as a starter)

- Bulbasaur (other than as a starter)

Oh I also heard you could get Togepi at 100% chance from some sort of quiz.. but is now replaced by... um.. I forgot. :wacko:

Same with Azurill, just now that there are 17 Pokemon in competition with it. :P

And was Tentacool something you could fish with an Old/Good Rod before?

Are there others? :blink:

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i was gonna say gastly :c

Ghosts are the only ones I care about so I don't pay attention to the others.

All I know is that the misdreavus that WAS available through the byxbysion hide and seek was moved to the place of the gastly/spectral kiki and that gastly was removed x_x so no gengars..

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Oh I also heard you could get Togepi at 100% chance from some sort of quiz.. but is now replaced by... um.. I forgot. :wacko:

The event's completely gone now, so no replacing for that. :c

Starly was available on the Onyx Rooftop area before, but was moved because of POWERFUL STARAPTOR.

Also, Espurr used to be Gothita, which used to be Ralts.

All of these you can get, though, but later.

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If I remember correctly, Magikarp was removed E12, and most things were removed / pushed back in 10.5 / 11, which is why most people ask for Episode 9 downloads.

A list I can think of for removed / pushed back Pokemon are:

Magikarp (Removed)

Starly (Formerly Onyx Rooftop, now Route 3/4 [i think])

Abra (Formerly trade in return for Bibarel, unsure what you get now, unsure of location)

Ralts (Replaced with Espurr, now Corrupted Pokeball)

Zubat (Formerly Abandoned Railnet, now Byxbysion Tunnels / Glitch City)

Gastly (Replaced with Misdreavus, Removed)

Vulpix (Formerly Obsidia Salon, replaced with Litleo, unsure of location)

Elekid (Formerly Beryl Rooftop, replaced with Helioptile, now in Calcenon City)

Magby (Formerly Abandoned Railnet, replaced with Pansear, now in Calcenon City)

Shroomish (Formerly Azurine Island, now in 1/18 egg)

Togepi (Formerly Coral Ward quiz, now in 1/18 egg)

Riolu (Formerly Apophyll Academy, replaced with Darumaka, now in Ametrine City)

Mudkip (Starter) (Byxbysion Wasteland, replaced with Squirtle)

Bulbasaur (Starter) (Formerly Azurine Island, replaced with Chikorita)

Azurill (Formerly trade in return for a Growlithe, now in 1/18 egg)

Drillbur (Formerly Tanzan Mtn. Depths, now in 1/18 egg)

I'm sure I'm missing lots more, but these are what I recall from the top of my head.

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Wild Munchlax also used to be in the Wasteland trees. With guaranteed Leftovers.

And yes, Vulpix is a trade now. With the clown in the Agate City/Circus checkpoint; the guy that wanted a Carnivine for a Tynamo now wants a Stunfisk for a Vulpix.

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Woooh thanks for so much input! :wub:

- Abra - Now available to be bought with shards in Agate Circus Trade Pokemon Trader in 7th Street

- Drillbur - Now available as a reward for one of the Agate Circus puzzles Bleh, Timbur )O)

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Oh woops! My bad. Yes Abra is in 7th Street my bad. /).(\

And that wasn't a Drillbur. /).(\ I was thinking of Timbur. Hehehe... /).(\


I don't remember of a Pidgeot trade. Was that moved? I know it used to be for Cryogonal (which you can get later),

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Wait... i can get Magby/Elekid in Calcenon City but how?

Go south of Calcenon - and fix the pathway by talking to the station guard. This will give you access to a small area which contains the Magmarizer and the Electrizer. Then, go to the respective houses in Calcenon which has Elekid and Magby, and talk to the people there.

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