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Is it possible to get perfect or near perfect IV's on event pokemon?

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The only reason I bother to ask this is because I'm getting really fed up about repeatedly soft-resetting to get the Ditto from the blacksteam factory. Normally I won't give too much of a damn as long as the preferred attack stat and either HP or Speed are above 20, but since you only get the one ditto in game and it just has to be necessary for breeding any sort of pokemon

Thanks in advance to whoever can answer the question.

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It's about RNG. Just keep soft-resseting till you geylt a good Ditto.

Though, personally, I consider that a waste of time. The difference between an average IV mon and a perfect one is a pathetic 15 points at level 100. Speed is the only stat where that would matter. Perfect could take yiu days,aybe weeks, so just go with a Ditto with 20+ in all and call it a day.

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In my opinion, you're probably better off just using whatever pokemon other than Ditto that you have with 31 points in a stat for breeding, and just working towards having some other breeding pokemon with perfect IVs than soft-resetting for Ditto.

It sounds tedious, but at least you'd be making some progress with breeding.

Ditto's really only good for getting you started with breeding. Hell, the shrink in 7th Street pretty much eliminates the need to breed for the correct nature as long as you have heart scales(which you can get from fishing for Luvdiscs in Tanzan Cove).

Edited by aquawaffle
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Well, unless you REALLY, REALLY want to breed genderless pokes with great IVs, it's probs a waste. And even then, it's possibly not worth the invested time. If you get two 31's on that Ditto, that would already be great/incredible.
There are lots of good gendered pokes, so IV-breeding with those (which you can do from not much past the third gym badge if you did the sticker quests) has a much better value/time ratio if you're into that kind of thing.

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I made sure to get at least 1 stat with 31 and the rest be good/half-decent (in my case, Sp Def). That way I can always pass on something perfect, and other stats will likely be good. I think my ditto's lowest IV is 17 or something in attack.

Thanks to that, and a Nasty Plot Pikachu with 31 in Sp Attack, I was able to get a Togepi with 31 Sp Attack, Sp Def, and Speed as well as a 28 in Defense with Nasty Plot. He's probably my most perfect Pokemon in term of numbers.

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