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Mono Gen Challenge [Gen 2]


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Ok, this update took far too long to get to, things at work got very busy and because we were sponsoring a national event I had no weekend either to try get to this.

After the crushing loss(es) to Aya I felt determined to try out a new strategy provided to me by the forumites which saw birth to a completely new team well mostly new anyway)

By the time I had finally finished with all my training I had the following:

Also just a quick rant

The amount of grinding I had to do to get a metal coat for steelix was just insanfe. I spent 4 plus hours until I got lucky enough to find a magnemite who as actually carrying one.

Now I know I could have used a pokemon with cmpound eyes ability to boost the % up to 20% but there was nothing available to me in the gen 2 category.

Also I was lucky enough to still have my teddiursa know covet as there was nothing else outside of gen 2 with the move or any TMs available at this point.

This was the grindiest of grinds

Enter the following:

Vladimir level 45 164.png now he had failed every single time I had try to use him up to this point, but he was determined to prove himself this time

Blissey (I am still thinking of a nickname, anyone got any ideas?) level 45 blissey_custom_sprite_by_glidingar-d5uglHer job was to be as annoying as possible and heal when needed

LillyD Level 45 33ubl3m.pngNow one might think with all her training she would have matured from her glory days, but her head is still very suggestive, just saying

Swagaristic Level 42 195.pngI actually needed to train this one up more to get all it's moves and EVs etc, but I got tired of repetitive battling

50Hentais Level 45 Spr_3r_213.pngthe ideal setup for this baby would be toxic, double team, rest and power split, but since i don't have access to all that, I had to settle for Power Split, rock slide, bug bite and rest (yes it has 505 base stats)

and finally

MissPiggy level 45 221.pngher job was simple. Mist, EQ everything to hell (where is fissure??), rinse and repeat

So with the brand new team all ready and set up it was time to try take on Aya again

We lead with Valdimir and MissPiggy against NidoQueen and Tentacruel

  • I set up a barrier and mist while the opponents setup toxic spikes and stealthrocks
  • Validimir uses Zen headbutt on NidoQueen, Tentacruel and Nidoqueen use sludge wave and muddy water. I KO NidoQueen and Tentacruel with an EQ from MissPiggy

Next is Vladimir and MissPiggy vs Gengar and Dragalge

  • MissPiggy uses ice shard and takes dragalge down to half HP, Gengar misses its focus blast, Vladimir takes Genar into the red with a Zen Headbutt and Dragalge KOs MissPiggy with a Hydropump

Next is Vladimir and LillyD vs Gengar and Dragalge

  • An ultra potion is given to Gengar but a Zen Headbutt from Vladimir and Crunch from LillyD take care of it. Dragalge tries to salvage the loss with a dragon pulse to Valdimr that does OK damage

Next is Vladimir and LillyD vs Dragalge and Drapion

  • Vladimir and LillyD do good damage and leave Drapion in the red. Dragalge and Drapion KO Vladimir (Woohoo no longer turn 1 to turn 1 RIP pokemon)
  • Reflect fades, mist fades, man I wish I had spent more time levelling my Quagsire.

Up next is LillyD and Blissey vs Dragalge and Drapion

  • Blissey Minimizes, LillyD digs but before she goes under Dragalge uses Shadow Ball taking her to 1/2 Hp> An ultra potion is used on Drapion
  • Drapion uses poison tail on Blissey, Blissey Minimises, Dragalge uses another shadow ball but misses, LillyD's dig take drapion down to 1/2 HP
  • Drapion tries a poison tail and misses, Dragalge tries a hydro pump and misses. Blissey minimises again, LillyD goes down for the second round dig
  • Dragalge gets withdrawn for Venasuar but the next dig KOs drapion and back out comes dragalge. In this time a sweet kiss was delivered to the newcomer Venasuar

Next is Blissey and LillyD vs Venasaur and Dragalge

  • Venasaur hurts itself and a sweet kiss that confuses Dragalge ends up making it hurt itself too (feel that pain yet Aya, huh?) LillyD uses a Rock slide to do some extra damage
  • Venasaur and Dragalge hurt themselves again. Blissey heals up LillyD with a heal pulse and the refreshed LillyD uses another rock slide to leave the opponents with about 1/3 HP
  • Venasaur hurts itself again. Blissey attacks and KOs Venasuar with Round. Dragalge snaps out of confusion and uses Hydro Pump! and misses. but alls fair in love and war and pokemon and LillyD's rock slide misses too

I swap out Blissey for 50Hentais so I can actually see it in action and an iron tail from LillyD KOs Dragalge.

Boom Aya down and out and I only lose 2 pokemon in the battle.

Victory pic:


Because I actually felt cheated out of all my training I soft reset and started and put shuckle up earlier with blissey who did superbly well together. Shuckle is an A grade monster and S+ when setup with the right moveset I believe.

You know just because


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just a short addition before the main story line continues. the following decided to join Scarlet's team:

(all unamed so far)

Zubat 041.png

Misdreavus 200.png

And finally! Chikorita (a shiny one) 1878589-chikorita.png

Disclaimer: Although Chemico is not from Gen 2 I abided by the rules of getting it to acquire a pokemon from my gen. It was not involved in any trainer battles and was released after obtaining Chikorita

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Definitely I take suggestions like LillyD takes it all (punny suggestives)

Chikorita is a male,

Blissey is a female,

Misdreavus is male

Zubat is male

And my shuckle (50Hentais) is also looking for a new nickname, it's a female

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so we head to the underground railnet where we pair up with Cain for some time. I opted to take on Dr Sigmund and won quite comfortably.

Made our way through to the hidden cove hideout where the next mission was to get some potions for Nostra. Some traversing through the Mysidia forest and we arrive in Spinel Town. I start off first by getting the good rod and completing the exp share quest, then it's off to face Serra.

I beat her son quite easily thanks to LillyD and ScarletRose. I decide to do some more grinding since I am gonna change the team up again for Serra.

I was conflicted between 2 strategies: Brute force (please be gentle senpai) and the alternative of breaking/ changing the field. I decided to try brute force first time around with the team of:

GotWood level 49 185.pngScarletRose level 50 pokemon_typhlosionSprite.gifLillyD level 49 208.png Pinky level 49 222.pngPainMuch level 49 houndoom.pngand 50Hentais level 49 shuckle.png

Battle 1

GotWood vs Croyganol

  • GotWood OHKOs Crayola Crayon with a Hammer Arm after surving thanks to sturdy after being hit with a Zap Cannon

GotWood vs Jynx

  • A sucker punch nearly OHKOs jynx but she is left with almost no health while she sends GotWood to be firewood

PainMuch vs Jynx

  • an ultra potion is given to Jynx after which PainMuch OHKOs her with foul play

ScarletRose vs Vaniluxe

  • Lava Plume misses, bounces back and takes Vanilux down to half, it sets up a reflect
  • Ultra Potion to Vanilux, Lava Plume (misses and bounces back) leaves a burn
  • 3rd lava plume seals the deal

ScarletRose vs Glaceon

  • see above same thing happened more or less with glaceon being KOd

LillyD vs Aurorus

  • Nature power is used and lowers my accuracy against an evasion boosted aurorus while I try using iron tail (80 acc). It hits! and crits! OHKO

At this point I pretty much have it sealed in the bag so I send out 50Hentais to try take out froslass

  • Ability and item boost evasion twice on froslass
  • Frostbreath take me down to less than half (damn auto crit) I use power split
  • Froslass uses confuse ray, 50hentais hurts herself
  • Unfortunately thanks to confusion this battle doesn't get to see much hope since 50hentais hurts herself for the next 3 turns while taking damage from shadow balls and hail

ScarletRose vs Froslass

  • Confuse is my death again and she hirts herself 3 times and takes multiple shadow balls

Pnky vs Froslass

  • A shadow ball that crits OHKOs her too.

Really now??? Ok time to stop fooling around, Painmuch come assist

  • Confuse ray again, but luckily I hit a foul play, damaging froslass for the first time this match
  • A shadow ball to the face and luckily my foul play connects again but froslass has a little HP left still
  • a frostbreath hits me but isnt effective, I snap out of confusion finally and a feint attack seals the deal

Proof is in the pudding:


Phew that was almost too close for comfort. i am still looking for name suggestions and will be trying to recruit a few more to the team soon

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Definitely I take suggestions like LillyD takes it all (punny suggestives)

Chikorita is a male,

Blissey is a female,

Misdreavus is male

Zubat is male

And my shuckle (50Hentais) is also looking for a new nickname, it's a female

Chikorita - LeafyC

Blissey - Nurse Joy

Misdreavus - Silk Spectre

Zubat - Batman

Suckle - 51Hentais

EDIT: Forgot to mention, great job brute forcing your way through Serra! It's awesome GotWood is working so well for you.

Edited by Dragon116
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Suckle - 51Hentais

EDIT: Forgot to mention, great job brute forcing your way through Serra! It's awesome GotWood is working so well for you.

I am curious as to where the 51 comes from?

Just a short update this time around as I didn't do too much and I am going to focus a bit on collecting some team members before continuing.

I feel like I have been hyping up Shuckle a lot, but every time I have tried to showcase it, it hasn't been too lucky. Well, it redeemed itself. Shortly after returning to the hidden cove with the medicine, we begin to try a battle against Noel only to get interrupted. The orderlies go down very quickly.

But to prove a point I sent in Shuckle first for Sirius and he took out his first 4 pokemon without issue, the only thing that actually stopped it was running out of PP for its moves.

In trying to also keep this fresh and challenging I am going to try to put 1 to 2 new members on the team for each gym leader. Seeing as how there's only 100 odd pokemon in gen 2 (many of which are unusable or not available like baby pokemon, skarmory, slowking, scizor, azumarill and togepi (what are the chances of getting either from my mystery egg trololol) legendaries etc) I don't know how strictly I will follow this new rule, but I will try my best to.

In the next update, I will try to do a pokedex update as well ( and something else depending on my MS Paint skills) considering one of the rules is that I have to complete the pokedex for this region. The next update might likely only happen on Saturday though.

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MS Paint in general sucks. You're better off with a free Photoshop knockoff like Gimp or Paint.NET.

The 51 comes from the fact that it's one higher than 50. You asked for a new name so I gave a new name.

Also, you should have already gotten your mystery egg, so why say "what are the chances"?

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MS Paint in general sucks. You're better off with a free Photoshop knockoff like Gimp or Paint.NET.

The 51 comes from the fact that it's one higher than 50. You asked for a new name so I gave a new name.

Also, you should have already gotten your mystery egg, so why say "what are the chances"?

I have no patience \when it comes to editing pics and photos, and my Photoshop skills are probably worse than MS paint haha

Lol I came up with 50 from 50 shades of grey , the full name is supposed to be 50 shades of hentai

I should have yes, but I was lazy, so i went and got it quickly yesterday, needless to say I can't use what I got. Since it is a Pawniard it won't help offering it up for trade either (especially since I don't have 10 badges yet)

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Regardless of your Photoshop skills, it offers much better control over the piece you're working on. In general all I use are the eyedroper tool (to get a specific color) and pencil tool (pixel by pixel manipulation). I have also used the recolor tool (not that difficult), and layer flip.

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Ok this is the 1st of 3 updates today. This one deals specifically with progress in terms of story

We had just beaten Serra and delivered the medicine to Nostra and had beaten Sirius.

Now we voyaged to the Tanzan mountain to attack Team meteor at the heart and rescue someone who is apparently elite 4. Anyway, easy pickings was made of the meteor servants and we made it to the Abra room where we promptly got teleported.

LillyD got very jealous when she saw the massive steelix that had been running rampage vausing earthquakes throughout the area and secretly wished he would rock her world. But becuase he refused she put an end to him with the help of the rest of the team. (I forgot that you couldn't swap out members once you got there and had 3 unusables)

We then went on to the Abra, took care of that with 50Hentais.Then it's a short break from the Tanzan mission and back to the cove to hopefully face Noel this time around.

Battle 1: Scarlet vs Noel

I had completely forgotton what most of his team was or what strategy to use so I just went with the following:

Lead: Killswitch Level 53 ampharos.pngBatman level 53 crobat.png Meganium (tbn) level 53 154.png.png LillyD Level 55 Spr_4p_208_m.png, ScarletRose level 55 157.gif and 50Hentais(tbrn) 213.png

(LillyD and Meganium are shinies, just can't find sprites for them)

Killswitch vs Wigglytuff

  • Electric terrain is setup and wigglytiff sets up stealh rock
  • Discharge paralyses, but a dazzling gleem crits taking Killswitch down to half HP as well
  • second discharge crits and KOs wigglytuff

Killswitch vs FLINCHinno

  • Flinchinno is paralysed after KOing Killswitch with a tailslap

50 Hentais vs Cincinno

  • 50 hentais is hurt by stealth rock on switching in. Power split to share attacks and cincino is paralysed and can't move
  • Bug bite and tail slap do little damage to each other. we are healed by the terrain
  • Rock slide does better damage, tail slap misses, we are healed by the terrain
  • Rock slide (cincino now at 1/4 hp) and hidden power (50 hentais at 2/3 HP)
  • Ultra potion and rock slide
  • Rock slide and bullet seed
  • Rock slide and paralysis
  • Rock slide and ultra potion
  • Rock slide and rock blast (that missed)
  • Rock slide and flinch
  • Ultra potion rock slide
  • Rock slide and bullet seed
  • Bug bite and tail slap
  • Bug bite and rock blast
  • Bug bite and Hidden power
  • Bug Bite finally KOs Cincino. 50 hentais still at 1/2 HP

LillyD vs Swellow

  • Tailow uses steel something little damage. LillyD OHKOs with stone edge

LillyD vs Porygon Z (i hate this thing so much from memory)

  • Hidden Power (flame) is SE and OHKOs LillyD

I switch in 50 hentais but stealth rock takes 1/4 hp and Porygon finishes it off before I can rest and power split

ScarletRose vs Porygon Z

  • Lava plume sets the field alight and leaves porygon with 1/3 HP and a burn. Porygon Z uses discharge and Scarletrose is left with 1/3 HP
  • Flamethrower KOs Porygon Z (thank goodness)

ScarletRose vs Giragarig

  • Flamethrower OHKOs Girafarig
  • ScarletRose levels to 46

I risk leaving ScarletRose in against Clefable since stealthrock will just badly hurt Batman

  • but she loves me too much not to listen and 2 flamethrowers KO clefable

Too close for comfort thanks to porygon. Although knowing the team now I could have put GotWood in place of Meganium who did nothing. I honestly forgot his moves for while haha


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This is just a short update and a quick heads up for anyone wanting to do the Gen 2 challenge.

As of ep 15 these pokemon are not available:

  • Skarmory 227_2.png
  • Scizor Spr_4d_212_m.png
  • Togepi/Togetic (only available if you are lucky with your mystery egg) 176.png
  • Raikou, Entei and Suicine 1232-1564f790fba8a62950b2258bdbe7b530.jpb955bc87b02e93a848827bd4aca03a15-d32ib78245.png
  • Lugia and Ho-Oh Spr_3r_249.png250.png
  • Pupitar, Larvitar and Tyranitar (so sad) tyranitar.png
  • Celebi 251_2.png
  • Marill and Azumaril (also can't get unless you are lucky with your lucky egg) 184.png

So in total there are 15 pokemon you cannot catch. 11 if you try trade which I may do towards the end or just wait for them to become available

Edited by Genesis
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cvSen1o.pngMidway update


*disclaimer the above image is not mine, I just found it on the forum, credit to the original artist(s)

So seeing as we are officially past the halfway mark in terms of badges earned as at ep15, I decided to give a go at completing my pokedex and have it rated by a long time pokemon icon Gary Oak. But first let's just show you all the newest additions to Scarlet's team:

But first! some renames:

Gotwood -> Dragon116 thanks to his inspiration. Seriously a solid pokemon 185.png

and for the additions:

Timone - sentret.png /162.gif

Batman - 169_2.png

Travolta - bellossom.png

Poliwhirl (for Politoed) poliwhirl.gif

Rafiki - 190.png

Sunkern/ Sunflora - 191.png/ 192.png

Misery - espeon_sprite_by_miijolly.png

Absinthe - umbreon.png

UwotM8 - Spr_5b_201.png

Forretress - ForretressNormalSprite.gif

Granbull - 210.png

RipperJack - 217_2.png

Slugma/ Magcargo - 219.png

Kraken (note to other users, dont forget to evolve mantyke first before remoraid)223.png /224.png.png

Godzilla - 226.png

Porygon 2- 233.png

MonaLisa - smeargle.png

Dunsparce - 206.png

MarylinMonro - 238.gif

There are others but they have been caught quite a while ago

*2nd Disclaimer: My pokedex count only count's for pokemon that exclusively appear in gen , so I cannot count pokemon that have not yet evolved into their evolutions that appear in gen 2 which comprises of 100 pokemon.

Hey Gary, huge fan, could you please rate my pokedex:

Heyyyy - oh it's you, hey loser.

Ok great, you have captured 61 out of the 100 pokemon for this region. Big Whoop, I caught twice as many on my first day and you'e been playing now for 47 hours, what have you been doing with your life? And you want to be a pokemon master? Don't even try to give me any lip saying there's 15 pokemon you cannot catch just because they aren't available.

Whatever man, don't bother me again, even if you do catch all 100. because I will still be better.

Did I hurt your feelings? Oh well, go chill with that other second rate trainer, Ash, share your feelings with him.

later loser.

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I feel loved, I have Mario, Hiroki, and now you naming pokemon after me =D

Also, Sudowoodo for life.

50Hentais seems mediocre for your team. It can take hits, but damn it's offense is terrible. 15 turns to beat Flinchinno.

Also, I don't recall Gary ever using the term "loser" in the canon games. The rest is good though.

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I don't know, I remember him saying it a lot in the actual series, I may be mistaken.

About 50Hentais - There is a better moveset not yet obtainable in reborn as the Toxic TM is not available yet. But it only took 15 turns because of all the ultra potions and I had nothing SE against it. It can take out charizards and sceptiles in 2 attacks after power split is used.

Edited by Genesis
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Update: The fall of a false God

This is actually a very short update, despite putting in nearly 8 hours worth of play in to today's efforts.

Meet the following new additions to Scarlet's team:

InnerPeace 178.png.pngRonda (Rousey) Spr_3r_214.png (yeah I literally did the whole route 1 puzzle just to get this thing), Heads/Tails 203.gif Stantler 234.png, Bessie (as inspired by miltanks rebellion) 241.pngand Hitmontop hitmontop.png bringing the dex total up by 8 to a grand total of 69 yeah 69. But let's not dwell on that for too long.

Despite having a strategy, I admittedly had a lot more trouble than I should have taking down El's Ditto Arceus. My previous encounter I used a Mismagius and destiny bond. hen I checked my misdreavus it did not have destiny bond. When I checked my Murkrow it did not have perish song. I had nothing with the moves to try and breed with either. But I read and saw that Misdreavus learns Perish Song at level 46 or something so I levelled it up and EV trained it for max speed (also had 31 speed IVs) and HP and even at level 60, it just wasn't fast or bulky enough to get off perish song before Arceus attacked with shadow ball. (I must say I really hate the back tracking back and forth back and forth) but I realised I could use a focus slash, so I quickly went to the item location guide and picked one up from under the grand stairway.

That at least did the trick and I was able to survive and get perish song off. the results:


Success. Even though this took a while (still not as long as the whole top and bottom route 1 puzzle) this was probably still a quicker alterntive than trying to use 2 EQ users with sturdy.

Conclusion. If you're thinking of using a destiny bond Misdreavus - don't. In my previous playthrough, my Mismagius with next to no EV training and crappy IVs was able to outspeed Arceus. Misdreavus needs a focus sash if you can't evolve it.

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That is exactly the situation in which Rock Tomb on Sudowoodo is so damn helpful. It drops opponent's speed by 1 stage and inflicts some pretty serious damage. Thunder Wave is generally more useful since it drops them 2 stages and gives a chance at them not moving, but I like that Rock Tomb does damage too.

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