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Mono Gen Challenge [Gen 2]


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That is exactly the situation in which Rock Tomb on Sudowoodo is so damn helpful. It drops opponent's speed by 1 stage and inflicts some pretty serious damage. Thunder Wave is generally more useful since it drops them 2 stages and gives a chance at them not moving, but I like that Rock Tomb does damage too.

Yeah, clearly there are quite a number of different strategies so it goes even further to show that almost all pokemon are usefull when setup with the right movepool and items. Something I intend to prove with my run by making sure I use at least 1 to 2 new members for each gym challenge.

With the next one being Radomus I am even open for some nominees on what I have available to use.

I have pretty much forgotten all the gym leaders teams from this point onwards, although I am really looking forward to T3RR4 since she is my personal favourite character in the game.

On a side note I caught a shiny sudowoodo as well and I am thinking of using it as a 1 purpose niche pokemon. what the use is I haven't decided yet

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I was also meaning to ask, as you leave Citae Arc-D'Astrae there's a script from some unknown entity saying you should go back so that you can play.

Anybody know what this is about? I have gone back a few times since and nothing different has happened

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I was also meaning to ask, as you leave Citae Arc-D'Astrae there's a script from some unknown entity saying you should go back so that you can play.

Anybody know what this is about? I have gone back a few times since and nothing different has happened

It was a popular discussion topic - but of course, currently no one has a clear idea on who that voice belongs to. I think most of us are speculating it to be the voice of the girl Adrienn saw while xe was trapped there.

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Update: Braun trumps Brains??

*comic sans ftw

So, the team had just defeated Ditto Arceus and were feeling pumped, but Scarlet had other plans. Off to the grand hall to grind up some new team members. Since this was a double battle, Scarlet decided to bring in an old favourite.

This was the team going in to Radomus:

Leads: Megatron Level 55 233.png& NurseJoy level 57 blissey.gif followed by Ronda Level 60 214.png50Hentais level 57 shuckle.pngLillyD level 60 208.png and Kraken level 58 224.png.png

I didn't have much of a strategy other than just trying to deal out as much damage as I could while trying to keep the team alive. I had many options to use, but in the hopes of keeping things fresh I thought I would try some new members.

Cain was having a bit of a gender bender and was a little too enthusiastic in his support for Scarlet, but we will just keep leading him on and giving him the silent treatment - not like I can say anything anyway~

Megatron and NurseJoy vs Reuniclus and Gallade

  • Gallade OHKOs MurseJoy with close combat
  • Megatron Freezes and leaves Gallade with a scrap of HP after a tri attack.
  • Reuniclus leaves megatron with very little HP after a focus blast

Megatron and 50Hentais vs Gallade and Reuniclus

  • ultra Potion to Galade
  • Tri attack from Megatron leaves Reuniclus with 1/2 HP
  • 50 Hentais Power splits on gallade
  • Reuniclus KOs Megatron

Ronda and 50Hentais vs Gallade and Reuniclus

  • Ronda Megahorn KOs Reuniclus /moxie
  • Gallade defrosts and uses knock off on 50hentais little damage.
  • 50Hentais uses rock slide NE

Ronda and 50 Hentais vs Gallade and Metagross

  • a close combat from Ronda nearly OHKOs Metagross. It is left with a little HP
  • Metagross crits against Ronda leaving her with 1/3 HP
  • Gallade uses Ice punch on 50 Hentais little damage
  • 50Hentais uses bug bute on Gallade takes 1/4 HP
  • Next turn
  • Ultra potion to Metagross
  • Close combat leaves Metagross with little HP
  • Gallade KOs Ronda with stregnth
  • Bug bite misses metagross

LillyD and 50Hentais vs Metagross and Gallade

  • Gallade and Metagross gang up on 50 Hentais and KO it
  • LillYD goes underground

LillyD and Kraken vs Metagross and Gallade

  • Gallade and Metagross gang up on Kraken leaving it with 1/2 HP
  • LillyD KOs Metagross with Dig
  • Kraken takes Gallade down to 1/2 HP with Psybeam

At this point I thought it wass pretty much futile since Radomus was leading 2 to 4., but I decided to push on anyway.

LillyD and Kraken vs Gallade and Malamar

  • Kraken OHKOs Malamar with signal beam (WTF?)
  • Gallade uses Close Combat on LillyD taking 1/3 HP
  • LillyD KOs Gallade with an iron tail

In one turn it's become a tie!

But -

LillyD and Kraken vs Goosip Gardevoir and Slowking

  • G Gardevoir uses psychis leaving LillYD with 1/3 HP
  • Kraken's Hydro Pump misses
  • LillyD OHKOs G Gardevoir with Iron Tail
  • Slowking KOs Kraken with a psychic

OMG. Its 1 vs 1. What do I do???

  • Hyper Potion to LillYD
  • Scald crits and LillyD only survives thanks to sturdy
  • Hyper potion
  • Scald, sturdy, leaves a burn and I die,
  • F*ck.
  • F12 - I aint wasting 2 of the 3 Hyper potions I managed to pickup.
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Update: Logic FTW

And a new font too, a manlier one. I blame comic sans for my previous loss.

After some shuffling this is the team going in:

Lead: Ronda and Megatron followed by Meganium, ScarletRose, LillyD and Kraken

Let's skip the intro-seductions shall we and head straight to the bedroo- I mean battlefield

Ronda and Megatron vs Gllade and Reuniclus

  • Ronda OHKOs Reuniclus with MegaHorn /moxie
  • Gallade uses close combat on Megatron (how did I forget, oh well)

ScarletRose and Ronda vs Metagross and Gallade

  • Ronda uses Megahorn it misses (FML)
  • ScarletRose uses flamethrower leaving metagross with almost no health (why does this always happen)
  • Gallade close combats on ScarletRose leaving her in the red.
  • Metagross uses ice punch on Ronda taking her to 1/2 HP
  • Hyper Potion to metagross
  • Now a flamethrower OHKOs metagross
  • Megahorn misses AGAIN
  • Gallade KOs ScarletRose with Knock off

Ronda and Kraken vs Gallade and Malamar

  • Meganhorn finally hits and OHKOs Malamar /Moxie
  • Gallade uses close combat on Kraken leaving it with a sliver of health
  • Kraken returns the favour with a signal beam leaving Gallade with a sliver of HP as well

Ronda and Kraken vs Gallade and Slowking

  • Ultra potion to Gallade
  • Signal beam to Slowking and then a Megahorn KOs it/ Moxie

Ronda and Kraken vs Gallade and G Gardevoir

  • Signal beam takes gallade to 1/2 HP
  • Close Combat from Ronda KOs Gallade / M.O.X.I.E!
  • G Gardevoir tries to use moon blast and misses

Ronda and Kraken vs G Gardevoir

  • Signal beam and x infinity Moxie powered mega horn KO G Gardevoir.

Victory is ours.


I feel kind of disappointed since I didn't actually get a chance to see just how good some other pokemon could be. All in all however it was a much easier second round thanks to Ronda. Heracross so OP pls nerf

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A wild update appeared!

Before we move on to the major update, can we all just take a minute to appreciate just how ugly this lady is:


Scarlet took great pleasure in putting this lady to rest.

With Radomus defeated, buttler El springs his trap to capture Luna and take out Scarlet in the process, but his plans are somewhat interrupted with Cain valiantly sacrificing himself for me, We get news to finally head over to 7th street.

I pick up another Cyndaquil in hope os having it EV trained or something, we will see. We also defeat the lady pictured above and the Aqua gang leader.

We then head to the cultists to rescue Luna. Scarlet battled through with gusto preparing for a bug showdown at the alter. Apparently my memory is yet again fuzzy as there is no big battle after defeating Luna. It's time to train up some pokemon for the battle against Luna in Iolia Valley. but first we catch a pokemon because wynaut.png (no seriously that's the one addition for the area, bringing the dex count to 70, there goes my 69 nvm, wynaut doesn't count to the dex total yet)

After training some pokemon up, we head to Iolia Valley again to work through the crystal plug puzzle at the end of which a really sad Bennette professes his undying love for Luna, yeah don't mind me over here.

I was actually pretty disappointed with this fight since Dragon116 handled larvesta and ScarletRose handled everyone else on his team in one shot.

so the team going in to Luna is as follows:

Lead: KillSwitch Level 64 ampharos.pngScarletRose level 63157.gif Ronda level 63 214.png Kraken 63 224.png.png Junior 64 237.pngand Dragon116 64 185f.gif(shiny sprite is actually white)

KillSwitch vs Caprenter (Bisharp)

  • Carpenter uses Iron head and KillSwitch flinches
  • Carpenter uses night slash and I setup electric terrain
  • Carpenter uses iron head again and flinch again
  • F*ck this flinch hax.
  • F12 soft reset

Try again with Junior lead.

  • Crpenter uses iron head takes 1/2 HP.
  • Junior uses a close combat OHKOing carpenter

KillSwitch vs HumptyDumpty (Malamar)

  • Malamar used night slash took nearly 1/2 HP
  • KillSwitch sets up electric terrain
  • Malamar used super power then got paralyzed to static
  • Thunder leaves it with a scrap of HP
  • Hyper potion and discharge
  • 2nd discharge KOs Malamar

KillSwitch vs Bandersnatch (Tyranitar)

  • Tyranitar outspeeds me and KOs with a crunch

Junior vs Bandersnatch

  • Outspeeds again and EQ KOs Junior

Ronda vs Bandersnatch

  • Close Combat OHKOs bandersnatch

Ronda vs JubJub Bird (Honchcrow)

  • Rock Blast KOs Honchcrow (phew dodged a bullet there)

Ronda vs March Hare (sableye)

  • Outspeeds me and uses confuse ray. I use close combat only to find out it doesn't affect sableye
  • Quick google search to find out it's typing (wow only weakness is fairy, I would hate to go up against the mega of this)
  • Rock blast KOs it on the next turn

Ronda vs Cheshire (Umbreon)

  • Still confused ronda hurts herself almost OHKOing herself (wtf??)
  • Dark pulse finishes her off
  • RIP 1 v 5 streak

Dragon116 vs Cheshire

  • Dark pulse vs Hammer Arm (sh!t this things Def really is cause hammer arm takes only 1/3 HP and Dragon116 is EV trained for Max Attack)
  • Dark pulse crits, a second hammer arm leaves Cheshir with 1/3 HP
  • 3rd dark pulse seals the deal

Kraken vs Cheshire

  • Ultra potion to Cheshire
  • Signal beam takes 1/4 HP this things sp def is through the roof sheesh.
  • Toxic leaves kraken poisoned
  • Hydro pump takes Cheshire down to half hp
  • A boosted signal beam (from moody raising sp atk) KOs Cheshire after it uses another dark pulse
  • Victory


I am not actually sure where I am going to head next. if I remember correctly it's on to Agate, so I may just stick around and grind up pokemon to he level cap before heading on. According to my knowledge I have caught everything from Gen 2 available up to this point so there's not much else to do.

TL:DR Hitmontop is the worst of the Hitmons. And other than Heracross there's virtually nothing else available in gen 2 that gives you fighting type

Edited by Genesis
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Update: the grindiest of grinds

2 Updates in 1 day?? What is this sorcery??

Nah just kidding, this is a normal update since the only real progress I have made is heading out to Agate Circus where Cain and Scarlet were greeted by the Queen of Booty Oh yeah, I can tell LillYD and her will get along real well. Though I still have no idea where that mallet went.

I spent the entire day training up a few pokemons trying to get them as close to the level cap as possible. I eventually gave up and got them to 60 and a few of them EV trained since there aren't many nice areas to EV train from this point onwards.

I have some goals to set and things I am looking forward to.

Most Notably is the fight against MewTwo. I am still thinking of a strategy for that.

Then I am excited for getting Politoed and Kingdra though I definitely won't enjoy the searching for their evo items and their 5% chance of being held.

Goals are to beat Ciel and Ep15 and to complete my pokedex as far as possible. I honestly have no idea how difficult this will be due to the limited options I have available to take on the next gym leaders.

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Umbreon is the staunchest defender of the Eevee line, with 110 base def and 130 base sp.d, coupled with a fantastic 95 base HP. Leafeon is the only one with a higher defense at 130, but 65 HP is pretty bad.

I like the whole Eevee line, my dream is to one day have an Eeveelution for each type

Update Brains vs Braun - AGAIN??

What is this madness? Did we not already just have this challenge? Oh, but this time it's my brains vs someone else's braun... Yelp.

With having grinded the hell out of everything I thought would be viable, spending 2 hours hunting for a kings rock on hawluchas and clearing the route 2 puzzle I will admit Scarlet was in a bit of a rush to challenge Samson and personally believed she was underlevveled.

This is the team going in:

Lead: Junior level 68 237.pngthen YeahMan level 64 xatu.pngBatman level 62 crobat.png DankBudz level 60 jumpluff.gif Godzilla level 62 226.png and Misery level 60 196.png

Junior vs Hariyama

  • Detect spares Junior from a Heavy slam
  • Rock smash as used as I was hoping Hariyama would use Belly drum, got a weak. Hariyama used heavy slam again and got a powerful leaving Junior with 7 HP
  • Junior used close combat - weak. Hairiyama KOd him

Dank Budz vs Hariyama

  • I thought he would heal so I used leach seed only to get a powerful smackdown leaving DankBudz with 8HP.
  • Acrobatics is used to finish it off and DankBudz dies to rocky helmet

Batman vs Lucario since I had no idea who was next

  • They exchange blows a bullet punch and acrobatics
  • Another set of bullet punch and acrobatics
  • Ultra potion and acrobatics crits
  • Acrobatics finishes it off

Godzilla vs Blaziken

  • Blaze kick takes me down to half HP despite being NE. I setup Aqua ring
  • An OK brick break crits and KOs Godzilla before it can use Hydro Pump WTF.

Yeah Man vs Blaziken

  • Blaze kick hits and burns me. Psychic hits Blaziken taking it down to 1/3 HP. After burn damage i have 1 HP on YeahMan
  • Blaze kick KOs

Batman vs Blaziken

  • Blaze Kick KOs due to triple speed boost

Misery vs Blaziken:

  • Bkaze Kick OHKO F12

Second round. Now that I have a better Idea of who is in the team I changed the lead to Misery.

Misery vs Hariyama

  • Psychic leaves it with red HP and retaliates with an OVER 9000 smack down leaving misery with 21 HP
  • Hyper potion/ psychic
  • Hyper Potion/ Psychic KOs

Batman vs Meinshao

  • Acrobatics OHKO

Junior vs Lucario

  • Bullet punch hits and a nice Close combat causes Lucario to hang on with its focus sash
  • Extreme speed takes Junior down to 1/3 HP, close combat KOs Lucario

Batman vs Blaziken

  • Acrobatics leaves blaziken with a scrap of HP, blaze kick misses. His speed boost activates
  • he withdraws blaziken for Hawlucha, acrobatics hits it and takes it down to 1/3 HP
  • Sitrus berry restores HP. It sword dances and is KO with another Acrobatics
  • Back to blaziken
  • Acrobatics KOs it

Batman vs Konkeldurr

  • Acrobatics takes konkeldur to 1/2 HP. It uses poison Jab trololol (smack down ??)
  • Second acrobatics leaves it in the red. Knock off takes BatMan down to red HP too
  • 3rd acrobatics KOs it



I guess it goes to show that a team can be good or bad just depending on how it is set up. I am kind of bummed I didn't get to use Mantine more, but due to a lack of TMs it hasn't got the best move set currently

With Samson defeated we receive the Fury badge and brick break... . . . . ...... Now that we can use surf it's off to Ametrine, but first it's off to try and hunt for wild Horsea and a dragon's scale. I have already at least made peace with the fact that I will be giving up the next 2 hours of my life looking for this.

Oh and as usual T3RR4 is always dropping comments thick and hard probably like how women drop their panties around her and the thick and hard part - well I will leave that up to you to decide.....

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You get an update, you get and update, everybody get's an update

So with Samson defeated, it was back through route 2 and on to Titania's crib, where we get to read her diary. Amaria throws herself off a waterfall after reading it herself and finding out Titania never loved her (damn that's one relationship Scarlet would have been all over)

Now we need to get waterfall. It's funny because with the time it takes to get this you wonder how they even survive at the bottom of the waterfall.

The team discovers a huge ice berg blocking the path to Ametrine. Damn now we have to go around. But wait, Calcenon is under attack and we have to split up and I have to team up with Aya. Ewwww (JK Scarlet would so tap that that while T3RR4 watches)

On a quick side note, when you are teamed up with Aya, this is probably the quickest way to level up your pokemon in the entire game, or at least during the Agate episode since after every battle you are refreshed. This and Crustles are the only way I don't lose my mind when grinding EXP in Agate. in a few hours I had most of my pokemon and new team members at level 69. Yeah, I said it again. 69.

The Aster and Eclipse fight was quite hard the first time I tried since I was also trying to level up a new addition. And I lost, so I tried again with my main team where Kraken pretty much 1 v 8 or 9 of the team. Honestly this thing is a machine when moody plays in your favour. Eclipse's soul is devoured after she betrays team meteor who try to capture Scarlet who is saved by Aya who is then kidnapped. Man this is starting to look like a drama. We get to Calcenon and Hardy is pissed that they took his girlfriend. Oh well. We meet up with Charlotte who pretends to steal the ruby ring giving us a much needed diversion,

Cue Scarlet vs Charlotte.

The team:

Leads: Prince level 68 186.png and Bankai level 68 230.pngfollowed by RocknRolla level 66 232.png, Godzilla level 70 226.png, Miss Piggy level 68 piloswine.png and Kraken level 69 224.png

The strategy: Since in my kllkast playthrough I had never even used a water pokemon up to this point it was a shot in the dark. Try to setup rainy day and when the Water fails EQ everything else to hell.

Prince and Bankai vs Darmanitan and Typhlosion

  • Typhlosion and darmanitan use Heat wave and Rock slide leaving the team at around 1/2 Hp. The field combusts. Bankai is left with e burn. Ho a water pokemon can even get burnt has bothered me since gen 1 but anyway. F*ck physics
  • Bankai puts out the blaze with a surf leaving both Typhlosion and Darmanitan in the red. Prince starts the rain.
  • Hyper potions to both Typhlosion and Darmanitan.
  • Bankais Surf heals Prince and deals reduced damage to Typhlosion and Darmanitan, steam rises and causes everyones accuracy to drop
  • Princes surf KOs Darmanitan and Typhlosion. More steam rises

Prince and Bankai vs Rotom and Volcarona

  • Bankai's surf only hits Volcarona. More steam
  • Volcarona nearly KOs prince with a Giga Drain.
  • A volt switch from rotom KOs Bankai switching out for delphox
  • Prince's surf takes 1/3 HP from both Volcarona and Delphox and causes more steam

Prince and Rocknrolla vs Delphox and Volcarona

  • Delphox psyschock misses
  • Volcaronas Giga drain KOs Prince
  • RocknRollas EQ leaves Volcarona with a scrap of HP and KOs Delphox

RocknRolla and GodZilla vs Rotom and Volcarona

  • Godzilla sets up aqua ring
  • Volcarona uses Hidden power on RocknRolla Not very effective.
  • Rotom uses Volt switch on Godzilla nearly KOing it and sending in Ninetails which causes a rainbow.
  • RocknRollas EQ KOs volcarona and leaves Ninetails with little HP. A sitrus berry brings it back into the yellow

RocknRolla and Godzilla vs Ninetails and Rotom

  • Ninetails is faster than Godzilla and KOs it with Hidden Power.
  • Rotom tries volt switch but doesnt affect rocknrolla
  • An EQ from RocknRolla doesn't affect rotom but KOs Ninetails

MissPiggy and RocknRolla vs Rotom

  • Rotom uses Overheat and OHKOs MissPiggy. Arceus rest her poor soul.
  • RockNRolla uses rollout and does little damage at start

RocknRolla and Kraken vs Rotom

  • Rotom uses volt switch and does nearly half damage to Kraken
  • At risk og KOing my own pokemon Kraken uses psybeam does OK damage. But moody increases accuracy and lowers sp def.
  • a second rollout from RocknRolla leaves Rotom with red HP
  • If the next rollout connects it should be a win. IF.
  • Luckily the next volt switch doesn't KO kraken and it kills off Rotom wih another psybeam

Very close, but victory!


With all that heat on the team I think I need to retire for the day and have a drink

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Those are both really good fights. I've never tried using Moody, so it's cool to see how it works. Shame that it's too unpredictable to use in clutch situations, but could prove a fun diversion

I would also like to address the burning water question



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Those are both really good fights. I've never tried using Moody, so it's cool to see how it works. Shame that it's too unpredictable to use in clutch situations, but could prove a fun diversion

I would also like to address the burning water question



Hahahaha classic!

Update: The fire burns bright, but is it bright enough

With Charlotte defeated it was on to Ametrine.

We headed to the pulse Avalugg who went down a lot easier with a leach seed from DankBudz and several Thunders from KillSwitch.

We denied Blakes request and had to solve the puzzle to open the secret cave to save Heather, which was relatively quick.

Then we followed blake up the mountain with the help of Cal, Shelly and Heather. I wish they would stay with you so you could grind some extra XP before battling Cal.

So we are nearly at the top when we face Aster, who because I had a team designed for Blake defeats me on my first attempt. Damn life orb making things tougher than they should be.

She went down the second time with a little bit of effort, but not as difficult as the first time.

Only remembering that Blake was an Ice leader. (I thought Serra was the official Ice gym leader?) but I could not remember what was on his team or even if he would only be using 6 pokemon. I was also nervous as hell becuase one of my newest team members was quite underlevelled. I am too lazy to go back and grind so I am hoping this team works:

We are fighting with Shelly, but this is my team: Nvm it's just a double battle with yourself and blake LOL

Leads: ScarletRose level 71 157.pngand Junior level 69 237.png Dragon116 level 68 sudowoodo.png Ronda level 70 214.png and Matilda level 63magcargo.pngLillyD level 70 steelix-f.png

Firstly I would just like to say that Magcargos typing is terrible with a x4 weakness to ground and water. and several other weknesses to boot. Plus it has crappy stats.

ScarletRose and Junior vs Jynx and Fridge Rotom

  • ScarletRose starts with an eruption to melt the snow leaving Rotom in the red and KOing Jynx. I set up detect on Junior since I wasn't sure on the speeds and what would happen after eruption
  • Rotom Thunder bolts ScarletRose taking her to 1/2 HP

ScarletRose and Junior vs Weaville and Fridge rotom

  • potion to Rotom
  • Weaville outspeeds scarletrose and uses nightslash leaving her in the red. She uses eruption and barely tickles the 2 foes. Should have gone with flamethrower
  • Junior uses close combat on weaville KOing it
  • Hail KOs ScarletRose

Ronda and Junior vs Vaniluxe and Fridge Rotom

  • Ronda OHKOs Vanilluxe with close combat /moxie
  • Fridge rotom uses Blizzard taking Junior and Ronda down to red HP
  • Junior KOs rotom with close combat

Ronda and Junior vs Froslass and Walrein

  • I am conflicted to choose who to take out. I can most likely KO one of them, but both are big threats for the rest of the team.
  • Froslass thunderbolts and KOs Junior
  • Ronda KOs Walrein with close combat/ moxie

Ronda and Dragon116 vs Froslass

  • Ronda goes in for Matilda
  • Dragon116 uses a sucker punch leaving froslass with 1/4 Hp
  • Froslass uses blizzard and freezes matilda. First we burn water now we freeze fire?


  • Froslass uses a shadow ball taking Matilda down to 1/4 HP
  • Dragon116 finishes it off with a stone edge.



It was less difficult than I thought it would be. I definitely didn't expect Matilda to survive.

Up next was a real problem however:

Mewtwo and Terra.

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And my fears were confirmed. Mewtwo wrecked my team. I dreaded more EXp grinding so after an hour I deciding to keep resetting until Mewtwo derped out.

It was too fast for my Heracross (Ronda) despte being EV trained, so I sent out Ampharos KillSwitch and spammed reset until it used a move that didn't one shot and paralysed it with discharge and the OHKOd with a megahorn for Ronda.


A quick team change since KillSwitch would be useless and the team for T3RR4 is as follows: Whoops can't change team. Yikes.

So the team is as follows:

Lead RocknnRolla level 67 232.png, Bankai level 70 kingdra.png, Meganium level 69 meganium.png, MissPiggy level 68piloswine.png, KillSwitch level 69 181.png, and Ronda level 72 214.png

Let's see how this goes....

RocknRolla vs Giovanni (NidoKing I love this nickname)

  • Blizzard OP, survive thanks to sturdy
  • Turnaround and OHKO with EQ
  • Tanx 10 second tom. #gitwr3ck3d

Meganium vs Swagsire (bmake it drizzle bitzchez)

  • Petal Dance OHKO
  • Swag got no beef wit me no mo'

Meganium vs Excakill

  • Rock slide misses just like Diana Ross in the world cup.
  • Petal Dance takes you for half, next time I take it all wink wink
  • Afta that poundin I'm all dizzy, what did you put in my drink?
  • Hyper potion to excakill
  • Petal dance gon hit you tru confusion bro
  • Hyper potion to excakill #damnroidz
  • Ah sheet, I dun hurt myself
  • X Scissor OHKO,

Bankai vs Excakill

  • X Scissor takes half
  • Excakill is too wet afta al da bitzches hes been seein, Bankai rides the waves for a OHKO

Bankai vs ClayboyBunny (Claydol) cos now we be playing with blow up dolls.

  • Surf takes half
  • OP psychic KOs Bankai

Ronda vs Clayboybunny

  • Megahorn KOs and swag activates.

Ronda vs Hiphopatatumusssususuasn;bkl

  • we both miss each other #notmeantobe
  • Megahorn leaves with 1/4 HP. You just not making me MegaHorny enough bby
  • Why you trying to roofie me? *Yawn*
  • For dat you gon learn. KO with Megahorn
  • I falls asleep

MissPiggy vs Rawrchomp

  • Draco Meteor OHKO. Tanks for coming

KillSwitch vs Rawrchomp

  • I am only here to heal rocknrolla
  • Bulldoze leaves me with 1/4 HP
  • Well while I am here lemme wake that cow Ronda up
  • Bulldoze.. my sacrifice won't go unnoticed I am sure... Notice me senpai

RocknRolla vs Rawrchomp

  • Stone Edge? Lol Wut? Derp away.
  • EQ does 1/3 HP damage to Rawrchomp. Bb you gotta try harder than that to rock my wurld.
  • Stone edge again? Guess my EQ did more than just shake yo booty eh?
  • Second EQ left you rattled those legs haven't been shakin so bad before eh?
  • Roidz! to Rawrchomp, you can run but u c8 hide bb.
  • EQ again. I am gonna shake you all night long.... all night long, all night...
  • The derping stops as does a draco meteor stop RocknRolla

Ronda vs Rawrchomp

  • Flamethrower nearly KOs Ronda.
  • Close combat nearly KOs Rawrchomp.
  • Rough skin KOs Ronda
  • Kids please practice safe sex.


Scarlet does the walk of shame back to the nearest poke centre. At least now I can get my team together

MissPiggy and KillSwitch are replaced for Kraken (Octillery) and LillyD (steelix)

Round 2. Fight!

RocknRolla vs Giovanni

  • Same as before. Blizzard, sturdy, EQ KO.

Meganium vs Swagsire

  • Same as before, Petal dance OHKO. I think this track is stuck on repeat

Meganium vs Excakill.

  • Rock slide hits this time.
  • Petal dance leaves 1/3 HP. No confusion
  • Rock slide again Meganium in the red.
  • Petal Dance KOs excakill

Kraken vs Calboybunny

  • OP psychic takes a bit more than 1/2 HP.
  • Surf does 1/2 HP damage. Moody boosts sp atk and decreases def
  • AI spazzes out and uses a hyper potion
  • Boosted surf OHKOs Calyboybunny. Moody boosts sp atk again but lowers accuracy. I need a speed boost.

LillYD vs Hipotamusthingamjig

  • I am here to help the team get healed, throw what you got at me while I heal up Meganium
  • Again been given spiked drinks *yawn*
  • Before I go to sleep lets heal RocknRolla
  • SE Bulldoes takes 1/3 HP
  • Ag I may as well help heal Kraken too.ZZZZZZzzzzz
  • Second bulldoze leaves LillyD with 1/3 HP. This girl sure can take a beating.
  • 3rd Bulldoze KOs LillyD

Bankai vs hippo insurance

  • Surf nearly OHKOs Hippo
  • Bulldoze does ok damage and lowers speed
  • Hyper potion
  • Surf
  • Hyper potion
  • Surf
  • With just a scrap of HP left, surf crits and KOs the Hippo.

Bankai vs Rawrchomp (demolition begin)

  • Derp flamethrower Lulz
  • Dragon pulse does weak damage. I forgot dragon deals neutral on this field
  • Draco meteor misses
  • I try out hidden power, same damage as dragon pulse
  • Draco meteor misses again just like all of team meteors efforts to stop me mwuahahaha
  • Surf now leaves Rawrchomp with just under 1/2 HP
  • Draco Meteor hits this time. It's a KO
  • Who's next? Huh bring it.

Kraken vs Rawrchomp

  • Draco Meteor takes 1/2 HP
  • Ice beam takes the other 1/2 from Rawrchomp. Together we make one. Wait no, octopus, no where are those tentacles going (to find out more, visit any japanese hentai website to find out exactly what happened to Rawrchomp and T3RR4)



With that we get the gravity badge, giving us access to Waterawr. Thanks T3RR4, for making sure you always keep me wet.

Although I really should get on to saving Titnia and Amaria, it's on to some pokemon hunting to try and complete the pokedex as much as possible

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Update and the Pokedex is done.. for now

With the defeat of T3RR4 under Scarlet's belt there's onl the water treatment centre, the battle at Titania's crib and Ciel to go before this episode run is complete up to ep15.

With an accidental discovery, I managed to make my way back to reborn city where I was able to make the final additions to my pokedex. Meet the following new members:

Special mention to the following team additions:

Amethyst 160.png, Zeplin 171.png.png, Bankai (Kingdra) and Prince (Politoed) and Matilda (Magcargo) have already been introduced but are new from the last dex entry

Cleffa 173.pngWobbuffet 202.pngGligar Spr_4h_207_m.pngToxicity 18400.pngSneasel 215.png(only reason this didn't make it to thee team is becuase I already have Ciel's team planned out)

Santa 225.pngElekid Elekid.png and Magby 240.png

That brings the pokedex count up to 84/100 or since there are 16 pokemon I cannot catch, 84/84. I may break the rules a little once I have completed the run to trade for Togepi and Marill. As a place marker, let me know if there are any event pokemon that interest you and I will get them specifically for trade. The IVs don't bother me as I just want completion.

Prof Oak:

So you've come to rate your pokedex have you? Captired 84/100. Your pokedex is almost complete. Did you know some pokemon only exist in the ether? You should try having some patience and wait for when the ones you don't own are released.

Some can be obtained through *special* methods.

Come back to get a rare item when you have completed your pokedex.

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Damn those are quite a few updates. T3RR4 dun got hentai'd. Dem roofies ain't got nuthin on octococky.

So some pokemon exist in the ether? That seems fair.

Haha Octacocky. That may just be a new nickname....

And I am not sure where you would classify MissingNo in the pokedex. If I remember correctly, it was number 151 in the National dex before the release of gen 2 or something to that effect. Too lazy to go read up on the details. But with the exception of cheating/ hacking the pokemon not available into the game, (which I would have no clue as to how to even try to do) They exist, somewhere in reborn, but at the same time they don't.. Perhaps ether was wrong and I should have mentioned shrodingers meowth?

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Update the water runs deep

So we made our way to cleanse the water treatment centre. Since I had already levelled up my main team to level 74 each. I was afraid of overlevvelling and brought some backups. I was quite worried they would not handle the task. but


To be perfectly honest, I feel bad each time we take out one of these pulse machines...

Then we head on to Save Amaria and battle Taka.

This is the team going in:

Lead: Zepplin level 71 171.png, MisspIggy level 70 piloswine.pngRocknRolla level 69 232.png.png Amethyst level 74 160.pngToxicity (HM Slave level 65) 211.pngand Batman level 71 169.png

As you can see I don't have that much coverage. Let's hope he doesn't have too many grass/electric types.

Scarlet vs Taka (Round 1):

Zepplin vs Klefki

  • This thing has so many resistances and 2 immunities 2 weakness. Wow
  • klefki___make_for_nibomnthefourth_by_fab
  • Something else probably would have been a better lead. Oh well.
  • Powered up discharge takes half Klekis's HP.
  • Foul play does little damage
  • Klefki throws some spikes
  • a Bzzzaapppp discharge KOs Klefki
  • Guess I spoke too soon about how good it is.

Zepplin vs Aerodactyl

  • Acrobatics does little damage
  • Powered up discharge OHKOs the stone bird

Amethyst vs Cradilily

  • Ice fang does half Cradilily's HP
  • It uses Curse
  • Superpower fails to KO cradilily
  • It realiates with Seed bomb nearly OHKOing Amethyst
  • Ice gangs seals the deal (i expected Taka to heal?)

Zepplin vs Gliscor

  • EQ KOs Zepplin

MissPiggy vs Gliscor

  • Ice shard takes Gliscor down to 1/3 HP
  • Night slash does little damage to MissPiggy
  • Second Ice shard seals the deal for Gliscor

Batman vs Huntail

  • 3 cross poison leave it in the red before it KOs batman with 3 aqua tails

I send in Amethyst but foret about spikes and she dies to that

MissPiggy vs Huntail

  • Ice Shard KOs Huntail before it can get the slip on MissPiggy

MissPiggy vs Chatot (I hate this infernal thing)

  • An ice shard leaves it with 1/4 HP
  • A boomburst from it KOs MissPiggy.
  • Options are now limited at best
  • Sitrus berry takes it back to just over half HP

RocknRolla vs Chatot

  • Boomburst KOs RocknRolla

Toxiity falls to Boomburst as well.

because the last centre I visited was back at the Grand Hall I soft reset as I wasn't gonna walk all that way back.

Scarlet vs Taka Round 2

I changed the lead to RocknRolla and went back at it

RocknRolla vs Klefki

  • Clefki leads with spikes I EQ and almost Ko clefki
  • Second turn he withdraws Clefki for Huntail. EQ hits it and takes it to 1/2 HP

RocknRolla vs Huntail

  • Aqua tails takes him down to 1/3 HP
  • EQ KOs Huntail

Zepplin vs Aerodactyl

  • Acrobatics does very little and a discharge KOs Aerodactyl.

Amethyst vs Cradilily

  • Ice fang and sedd bomb leave both at about 1/2 HP ith amehyst slightly worse for wear
  • Second turn he withdraws it for Klefki and superpoer KOs that

Batman vs Cradilily

  • Cross poison does Ok damage
  • Rock slide does Half HP
  • Another cross poison and then it curses
  • 3rd cross poison KOs it

Batman vs Chatot:

  • Cross poison takes 1/2 Xhatot's HP. It KOs Batman with boomburst

MissPiggy vs Chatot

  • Ice Shard KOs it before it can get the slip on MissPiggy

MissPiggy vs Gliscor

  • 2 ice shards make quick work of it


Then it's back to Fiore mansion where the next big set of battles await....

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A quick run to the circus to change the team and this is the team going into the double battles to be held at Fiore.

Update: A mansion destroyed, nightmares relived and some epic battles

We meet up with Julia and Flobot who saw us transcending the waterfall. We are given fly and then interrupted by the meteors

The team going in is as follows: Kraken lead (level 74) octillery.gif, ScarletRose (level 74) 157.gif, Steffo (level 74) 154.gif, MissPiggy (level 71) 221.png, Zepplin (level 71) lanturn.png and Ronda (level 74) heracross___atlas_by_nakugetsu.gif

Battle 1 Scarlet and Flot vs Meteor Ace Diana and Kenan

Kraken and Hippodown vs Grumpig and Leavanny

  • Grumpig and Leavanny team up on Kraken with an X scizzor and crit Psychic leaving it with 1/3 HP
  • Kraken's Ice beam OHKOs Leavanny
  • Hippowdowns crunch leaves grumpig with red HP
  • Sandstorm damage
  • Moody boosts Krakens accuracy and lowers evasion.

Kraken and Hippowdown vs Grumpig and Darmanitan

  • Grumpig KOs Kraken with Psychic
  • Darmintain takes 1/2 HP of Hippodown with flare blitz
  • Hippodown KOs grumpig with another crunch

ScarletRose and Hippodown vs Darmanitan and Noctowl

  • ScarletRose uses eruption leaving darmanitan and Noctowl with 1/3 HP
  • Damanitan transforms into zen and uses EQ which barely scracthes ScarletRose and Hippowdown
  • Noctowl uses heat wave also leaving but a scratch on the team
  • Hippowdown uses Rock slide which KOs Noctowl and Darmanitan

ScarletRose and Hippodown vs Vileplume and Golem

  • Flamethrower OHKOs vileplume
  • Hippodown uses crunch little damage to golem
  • Golem uses EQ and KOs scarletRose
  • and nearly KOs Hippowdown

Steffo and Hippowdown vs Manectric and Golem

  • Manectric KOs the hippo with hidden power
  • Steffo KOs golem with petal dance

Seffo and Torterra vs Machamp and Manectric

  • Manectrics hidden power is SE and takes Steffo to 1/3 HP
  • Steffo's Petal dance KOs manectric
  • Torterra uses crunch on machamp very little damage
  • Machamp KOs Steffo with a punch of some sorts wasn't paying attention. Probably dizzy punch.

Ronda and Torterra vs Venomoth and Machamp

  • Ronda KOs Venomoth with Rock Blast/ moxie activates
  • Torterra nearly KOs machamp with wood hammer
  • Machamp nearly returns the favour to torterra with an ice punch

Ronda and Torterra vs Machamp

  • Ronda KOs Machamp with close combat

Ronda and Trterra vs Puruggly

  • Ronda OHKOs with a close combat

battle 1 over.


Battle 2 Scarlet and Flobot vs Blake and Fern

Kraken and Hippowdown vs Haxorus and Warein

  • Kaxorus uses superpower on Kraken taking it to half HP.
  • Walrein uses surf daamaging everyone but Hippowdown quite a bit more than the others.
  • Kraken's ice beam KOs Haxorus
  • Hippo's orck slide takes only 1/4 of Walreins HP
  • Moody raises evasiveness but lowers sp attack shit.

Kraken and Hippo vs walrein and Serperior

  • Serperior Giga drains and KOs Hippo
  • Walreins blizzard KOs Kraken

Steffo and Torterra vs Walrein and Serperior

  • Serperior giga drains torterra
  • Petal dance from Steffo hits Serperior (face palm)
  • Blizzard misses Steffo but KOs Torterra

Steffo and Tropius vs Walrein and Serperior

  • Serperior uses leaf blade on Steffo NE
  • Petal Dance hits the correct target this time and KOs Walrein. Confusion insues.
  • Tropius body slams and does little damage to Serperior

Steffo and Tropius vs Serperios and Weaville

  • Weaville and Serperior KO Steffo
  • Tropius uses leaf storm on Weaville taking 1/3 HP

ScarletRose and Tropius vs Weaville and Serperior

  • Weaville KOs tropius with ice shard
  • Giga drain on ScarleyRose takes 1/2 its HP. Damn sp atk boosts from leaf storm.
  • Weakened eruption still manages KO both Weaville and Serperior

ScarletRose and Breloom vs Fridge Rotom and Krookadile

  • ScarletRose OHKOs the fridge with flamethrower
  • EQ from Krookadile KOs ScarletRose and ok damage to Brelool
  • It nearly KOs Krookadile with a drain punch

Ronda and Breloom vs Krookadile and Jynx

  • Ronda OHKOs Jynx with close combat / moxie activates
  • EQ does ok damage to Ronda and Breloom
  • Breloom KOs Krookadile wit Drain punch

Ronda and Breloom vs Mamoswne and Roserade

  • Ice shard from mamoswine crits and KOs Ronda
  • Roserade nearly KOs breloom
  • Breloom derps and tries to use spore on roserade

MissPiggy and Breloom vs Roserade and Mamoswine

  • Breloom is replaced for Ferrothorn
  • Ice shard from MissPiggy nearly KOs roserade
  • Roserade giga draisn on ferrothorn NE
  • Mamoswine Icicle crashes on ferrothorn taking 1/2 HP
  • MissPiggy KOs roserade with ice shard
  • mamoswine nearly KOs ferrothorn with another icicle crash.
  • Ferrothorn flinches

MissPiggy and Ferrothorn vs Mamoswine and Scizzor

  • Mamswine KOs Ferrothorn with icicle crash
  • Siczzor takes 1/3 of MissPiggy;s HP
  • MissPiggy uses EQ and leaves the foes with around 1/2 HP

MissPiggy and Breloom vs Scizzor and Mamoswine

  • Icicle crash KOs Breloom
  • Scizzors leaves MissPiggy in the red after another bug bite
  • MissPiggy KOs them both with another EQ

MissPiggy and Cradilily vs Froslass and Rhyperior

  • Froslass KOs MissPiggy with a shadow ball
  • Cradilily leaves Rhyperior with 1/4 HP after a seed bomb
  • Rhyperior EQs and damages Froslass and Cradilily ok

Zepplin and Cradilily vs Froslass and Rhyperior

  • Froslass uses Ice beam on Zepplin NE
  • Zepplins surf does good damage to froslass and KOs Rhyperior
  • Cradilily's seed bomb KOs froslass

Victory of second battle


Battle 3 Scarlet and Julia vs Solaris and Orderly John

Kraken and Electrode vs Scizor and Wiscash

  • Krakens signal beam and an attack from electrode leave wiscash at 1/3 HP
  • A super power from scizor takes electrode down to 1/2 HP
  • Rock slide misses kraken and takes electrode further down
  • Electrode uses foul play on scizor ok damage
  • scizor super powers on kraken taking almost 1/2 hp
  • Signal beam from Kraken KOs wiscash

Electrode and Kraken vs Scizor and Eelektros

  • Scizor uturns on electrode KOing it sending in Tyranitar
  • Surf leaves Eelektrss and Tyranitar in the red
  • Discharge barely hurts kraken Lol. Moody ftw, but I am left paralyzed. Also nearly KOs Tyranitar

Kraken and Magnezone vs Tyranitar and Eelecktross

  • EQ from Tyranitar does practically nothing
  • Discharge from Eelektross KOs Tyranitar and Kraken

Steffo and Magnezone vs Excadrill and Eelectross

  • Excadrill uses EQ and KOs Magnezone who's air balloon was popped previously.
  • Steffo's etal dance KOs Eelectross

Steffo and Eelektross vs Slowbro and Excadrill

  • Another EQ from excadrill hurts its team more than ours leaving slowbro at 1/2 health
  • Petal dance and flamethrower KO excadrill
  • Slowbro flamethrowers and nearly KOs Steffo
  • Sandstrom damage KOs Steffo

Zepplin and Eelektross vs Slowbro and Gyarodos

  • Gyarodos EQs and does OK damage
  • Zepplin KOs slowbro with discharge and nearly KOs Gyrados.
  • Eelektross finishes it off with volt switch sending out bronzong

Zepplin and Bronzong vs Kecleon and Mandizbuzz

  • Kecelon fails its sucker punch
  • Zepplins discharge leaves Kecleon, Bronzong and Mandibuzz paralyzed but not much damage
  • Bronzong and Mandibuzz can't move from paralisys
  • Kecleon is paralyzed
  • Another discharge leaves everyone else at 1/3 HP
  • Mandibuzz uses toxic on zepplin
  • Bronzong is paralyzed
  • Discharge leaves Kecleon in the red, KOs Madnibuzz and does ok damage to Bronzong
  • Bronzong KOs everything else with explosion

Ronda and Eelektross vs Magnezone and Scizor

  • Scizor does ok damage with bullet punch to Ronda
  • Ronda OHKOs Magnezone with close combat
  • Eelektross uses giga drain on Scizor

Ronda and Eeektross vs Scizor

  • Scizor KOs Ronda with Bullet punch
  • Eelektross KOs Scizor with flamethrower

ScarletRose and Eelectross vs Garchomp

  • ScarletRose uses eruption taking 1/3 HP
  • Garchomp OHKOs ScarletRose with EQ
  • Eelektross uses Flamethrower on Garchomp leabing it with just over 12 HP

MissPiggy and Eelektross vs Garchomp

  • Ice shard KOs Garchomp

Victory and success



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Update: Thong droppers and Heart stoppers: Ciel's walk of shame

As we head to the final battle of this episode, Scarlet is filled with a bunch of emotions, some sad and and some happy. It has been a long 96 hour journey to this point. Many friends were made, battles won and lost and with that all coming to an end, one can only wonder what is next.

From my first playthrough of pokemon reborn I was thrilled and thoroughly challenged. For the first time ever in a pokemon game, I failed. Multiple times. The most noteworthy fail for me 7 or 8 times against Flobot. The second was against Ciel. I only managed to defeat her by using several revives/ cotton candies. With that not being an option in this playthrough I am quite rattled thinking about taking on that Togekiss and Mega Altaria. But at the same time I feel somewhat confident. While this playthrough has definitely been more challenging than my first, I have learnt a lot of different strategies and got to discover some of the real joys of pokemon. Looking at my box now, I have just over 30 pokemon who actually played a significant role on the team and rotating between them all has been a lot of fun. But without further ado, let's get to business.

Scarlet vs Ciel

The team going in was as follows:

Lead: KillSwitch level 74 181.pngAmethyst level 74 feraligatr_scratch_by_pokemon_diamond.gi, Kraken level 74 224.png.png, Bankai level 74kingdra.png, Zepplin level 74171.png and LillyD level 74 steelix-f.png

Round 1, fight !

KillSwitch vs Togekiss

  • After 2 resets because of air slash always making KillSwitch flinch and on the 3rd try it KOd KillSwitch because all 6 air slashes made KillSwitch flinch I could tell this was gonna be a really annoying fight. So another soft reset and some items were equipped to the team. All bright powders. Now we try uberleet reset hax til we can land a hit.
  • After an air slash and 2 aura spheres flinching KillSwitch she finally managed to get a discharge off and paralyzed the Togekiss taking it down to just under half HP
  • Hyper potion and discharge
  • Hyper potion and discharge
  • Hyper potion and discharge
  • Discharge and KO. That takes care of that at least, but KillSwitch is now on red HP

Bankai vs Archeops

  • Archeops outspeeds and Rock Slides taking Bankai down to under half HP.
  • Bankai returns the favor leaving it with a scrap of HP after a Surf
  • Acrheops uses another rock slide and somehow does a a whole lot less damage leaving Bankai with red HP (damage is like falf of what it was the previous turn.
  • Another Surf KOs Archeops

Kraken vs Noivern

  • An Acrobatics takes 1/3 of Krakens HP
  • An ice beam from Kraken OHKOs Noivern
  • Moody sharply raises special attack but lowers special defense, I take a gamble and leave it in.

Kraken vs Gliscor

  • Unfortunately EQ from Gliscor KOs kraken before it can deal a super powerful ice beam.

Amethyst vs Gliscor

  • Ice fang leaves Gliscor with 1/3 HP
  • Gliscor uses Defog/ LOL
  • It's toxic orb heals it quite a bit
  • Ice fang misses WTF> 95% acc y u do dis??
  • Another defog LEL
  • Another toxic orb heal
  • but luckily the next ice fang hits and KOs Gliscor without Amethyst even taking a scratch.

Amethyst vs Talon Flame

  • An Acrobatics takes just over 1/2 of Amethysts HP
  • A waterfall in return OHKOs the fiery wannabe Jesus bird

Zepplin vs Altaria > Mega Altaria RAWRRR

  • Please let a discharge cause paralysis.
  • Dammit and EQ KOs it

Bankai vs Mega Altaria

  • I am just here to heal up KillSwitch
  • Notice me Senapi kun~

KillSwitch vs Mega Altaria

  • A weak EQ takes 1/2 of KillSwitches HP
  • Discharge does not paralyze. Well Shit.
  • Another weak EQ leaves KillSwitch in the red.
  • Discharge does not paralyze,
  • Hyper voice KOs KillSwitch

LillyD vs Mega Altaria

  • Will she be my saving grace?
  • Almost. A Hyper voice which isn'tvery effective takes just over half of LillyD's HP
  • A weak iron tail leaves Mega Altaria in the red. If only it could have been a nice or even an OK.
  • Another hyper voice KOs LillyD

Amethyst vs Mega Altaria

  • The only way I can win is if I outspeed it. I have EV trained for speed, so let's hope for the best.
  • Nope f*ck this, it's faster. Hyper Voice KOs me.

Loss. But let's try that again. Bright powder didn't help one bit.

Round 2, Fight!

KillSwitch vs Togekiss:

  • Air slashes misses! Discharge hits and paralyzes. yes! Ciel's thong has dropped to the floor. There's a pichu on the front and Tauros on the back.
  • 2 hyper potions and discharge, 3rd discharge KOs. One Hyper potion to go.

Bankai vs Archeops

  • An acrobatics leaves Bankai in the red
  • Surf OHKOs this time around

Kraken vs Noivern

  • Dragon pulse takes 1/2 of Krakens HP
  • Ice beam OHKOs.
  • Moody raises accuracy and lowers defense

Amethyst vs Gliscor

  • Ice fang leaves Gliscor with 1/4 HP
  • Acrobatics takes just over 1/2 of Amethysts HP
  • Hyper potion, Ice fang. All potions finished thank Arceus.
  • Another ice fang KOS

Zepplin vs Talon Flame

  • Acrobatics takes 1/3 HP
  • Surf takes just over 1/2 HP
  • Repeat of above and Surf KOs the Jesus bird impersonator

LillyD vs Mega Altaria

  • I am not giving Hyper Voice the chance to build up this time and I am hoping that Iron Tail hits.
  • Hyper voice hits and takes half HP.
  • Iron tail misses. F*Ck!!!!!
  • I withdraw LillyD

Bankai vs Mega Altaria

  • Just here to heal
  • EQ takes out Zepplin too in the healing process

LillyD vs Mega Ataria

  • Hopefully this isn't a repeat
  • Weak EQ thank Arceus. takes 1/4 HP
  • Powerful iron tail hits. It's a OHKO!



With the Thoon out of the way LillYD assumed position


Spoils of war include the suspension badge, granting pokemon up to level 80 their complete obedience (dance for me my puppets), the ability to use HM fly and the TM acrobatics.

With that over, it concludes this run - for the time being. Thanks to everyone who has followed. But the journey is not yet at an end. More challenges await, and I plan to make the next even more challenging and interesting,...

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In regards to the half Rock Slide damage, it's because of Archeops' Defeatist ability, which cuts both Attack and Sp.A in half when its HP is under half. The perfect definition of a glass cannon.

I'm surprised you didn't bring Dragon116 for this fight, since it likely would have killed Archeops with Stone Edge/Rock Slide (Rock isn't resistant against Rock).

Good to hear LillyD got the V.

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For your next playthrough of Reborn, you should do a Fire Monotype Run, with the OP Torchic as your starter. #PhoenixesOP

Nooooo #torchicmust fall

Haha just kidding, but yeah, I have something really special planned for my next playthrough, not quite a mono type, but more a speciality playthrough.. I am just waiting to see if the mods that be will grant me the pokemon I need in order to start it.

And yeah, I was thinking of bringing Dragon116 to the fight, but when I seen I already had 6 capable pokemon all trained I was too lazy to train him up as well. There were a few others I actually wanted to bring to the fight, Like Matilda the Magcargo and Granbull and sneasel and porygon 2, but I was very antsy to get this completed :). Out of everyone that surprised me, he was the only one I will always remember

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Macargo would be a bad choice because of all the EQ on her team. Sneasel demolishes everyone except Talonflame.

I thought that might be the case. Damn magcargo's infernal x weakness to ground. I really wanted to use Sneasel. it's base stats are good, but without Weaville being available or Evolite, I feel less inclined to want to use it sadly

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