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In your opinion, what is the hardest battle in reborn (yet)


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The double battle against Dr.Connal in Yureyu. Not only do you have Cain dragging you down, his Discharge + Motor Drive/Lightning Rod/Volt Absorb thing is really good...and he gets bonus points for stopping my last scrubby run and being my favorite character.

And the last double battle against Aster and Eclipse gave me hell the first time. Especially cause Aya doesn't know about teamwork (see a pattern here?)

Other than that, not much. Noel gave me a run for my money in my Poison Mono (which was quite a surprise as I always swept him up to that point and wondered why people thought he was so tough). The first version of Charlotte was also tough, but still beatable "properly" (without changing my team or Rain Dancing).

I agree. His Normals are a b---- and a half. That spam of moves with 5 attacks that ALWAYS SEEM TO CONNECT NO MATTER WHAT.

Skill Link.

EDIT: Oh, and shoutout to doubles Serra, though I don't consider her tough. She wasn't hard to beat because she was strong, but because you had to get lucky and actually hit her team.

Edited by Etesian
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Hmm, Aster and Eclipse's final double battle took me quite some time to overcome (There are not enough curse words for how useless Aya is in this match)

Charlotte in Episode 14 was a nightmare which I only beat by sheer luck (what hidden power does her Rotom-Heat have anyway?)

Taka's fight in the water treatment plant is okay up until you realise how insanely difficult gliscor is to kill without an ice type attack on the Short Circuit Field. THAT drove me nuts many times and has me incredibly grateful for the icy wind tutor up at the circus.

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Non gym leader:

Dr Sigmund Connal double battle at yureyu building. oh my, cain is just useless his nidoking keeps on spamming trash and he gets confuse and hit himself. urgh yes it is immune to the discharge electross was spamming but if the only thing which is immune to electric move dies by killing itself gah that is just so annoying and guess what he does not know teamwork omg electross was low hp and he atks the full hp raichu nice woo. i could have gone and battle the other double but i wanted to beat Dr Sigmund Connal so badly because i just hate him. Never tried vsing solaris/the other guy cant remember who it was i think cain would still do stupid things like killing himself in confusion and hitting a full hp mon when there is another mon in which is low hp.

Aster and Eclipse final battle. meh force me to grind a bunch lucky Aya was with you so grinding is kinda easy since after every battle you healed up but still Aya is so useless -_-. idk what i got against cain's family but both him and his sister cause me so much problems they just dont know what is teamwork.

Gym leaders:

Charlotte. This girl gave me so much problems nerfed and pre nerfed both are still dam bloody hard. Energy ball on typhlosion yeah very illegal indeed.

Noel. Omg that skill link cinccino urgh all the flinch haxes if you used a slower pokemon good luck have fun which i did my poor hariyama got wrecked because i lead with him thinking it could kill noel since he is a normal type gym leader. but now if i m not wrong he does not lead with cinccino back when he did ouch you must lead with a very fast mon or you be in big trouble.

Edited by Luna
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Samson was the hardest for me, it made me quite the game for a little while. other than that everybody else was as difficult as you would expect from Reborn. Although... uh Florina may have held me up for oh I don't know about 2 weeks before I beat her.

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For gym leaders, I had a hard time against Samson, mostly because my team wasnt hitting hard enough resulting in him revenge kill all my mons, plus i wasnt always well-prepared for his field, that Hawlucha and speed boost Blaziken were definitely threats to look out for.

I also had some trouble with Shade during my duotype(Fighting/Fairy) second run mainly because there wasnt a mon that could handle them properly.

As for major NPCs, the battle with Aster and Eclipse in route 3 cave was pretty tough for me, the mons i had with me couldnt gain an edge over them.

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Difficulty is pretty dependent on who you ask. Everyone uses different pokemon and plays the game differently, so they'll likely find difficulty in different places than you would.

Aya was damn-near impossible for me on my first run of Reborn. After about a dozen failed attempts, I decided to go catch some pokemon that resisted poison and use them for the fight.

The Mewtwo in the computer/glitchworld completely destroyed me on this run... up until I realised that leaving the room sent you right back to Agate Circus and going back into the computer sent you right back into the room with Mewtwo(I just soft-reset whenever I lose because I don't like losing money, which is why I didn't realise that this happens until after I gave up and left the room). I grabbed some reserves from my PC and destroyed Mewtwo.

And any double battle where you get an AI fighting alongside you is extremely annoying in my experience, due to the unpredictable and oft-nonsensical thinking of the AI.

Edited by aquawaffle
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First try. Florinia learned to make me dislike the game. I coincidentally was trying out Makuhita/Hariyama befofe I even learned he'd be one of the best mons for an early game.

The actual hardest battle would have been Ditto Arceus for me and most likely everyone else here. Unless you have an insane clutch or gimmick, it's very hard to win.

Although the difference between this and Solaris being hard, was we didn't have to beat Solaris. Whereas you side with Radomus, you have to beat Arceus.

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Any battle with Blake, mostly because I knew that I'd have trouble with his Walrein, and I did! Walrein is always a big threat, especially on top of Ametrine with the boosted Blizzards.

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Nowadays, anything that has sucker punch in the wild.

I second this statement.

When I first started playing Reborn, Florinia gave me hell- As did Serra. (Mind you, this was back in Episode 8)

Now that I've seen/battled every Gym Leader countless times, I still have to say Noel is the hardest because Clefable is tanky af.

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Fern + Blake ._. I'm currently stuck there at the moment. :unsure:

No. Just...no.


rt, rts everywhere.

In my current mono Psychic run, Serra destroyed me and my soul (Signal Beam + Shadow Ball (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻)

Noel is a demon disguised as a kid.

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Solaris' Garchomp gave me serious issues in my first run. It took me at least a week, probs more than that, to find a way to beat him (and luck, too). That improved PULSE Abra gave me headaches in my second run, though. Rendered my wallcoffin useless.
For gym leaders, Serra gave me the most trouble on my first run, I think. It was rather hard to train mons in chrysolia forest...

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That's quite a hard question for me, since there was a really big difference in difficulty between my first and second run (don't know if my team was better, the game got easier or I simply did better this time because I already knew what to expect, probably all of those) During my first run, there were three battles that made me take a longer break from the game: PULSE Abra, Noel and Arceus. In my second run the most problematic for me was... Gym battle with Shelly. It took me about 10 tries before finaly beating her...

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