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In your opinion, what is the hardest battle in reborn (yet)


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Ciel was easy for me, since I had EV-trained Mamoswine with Ice Shard. Luna was easy because of Close Combat on Infernape (yeah I went for the easy version). I don't remember why shade was easy, but he was. The first poison gym leader was easy because Swoobat simple-calmminded up and swept.

Other than those, they were all really difficult. I had expected to have an easy time against florinia given almost my entire team had the type advantage, but that didn't happen.

The hardest one was Charlotte, I think. I ended up having to train a staraptor and a rhyperior from scratch, and even then had to figure out the AI's strategy through losing >10 times before I could manipulate it to let me have a chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

its all realy a matter of team comps, expecialy if you're doing mono run (try doing a dark monorun against kiki), but to me the first big obstacle was florinia with that cradilly, it's probably not THE hardest but its probably the first that will make you start over with a new starter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right now the hardest battle for me is Aster who tries to distract you from pursuing.. somebody's brother whose name escapes me, in the Village with a bunch of snow. I've tried countless times but his Pokemon are just too high leveled compared to mine (like 10~15 levels for some of them) and I get real close and then lose.. I'll just have to grind a bit but it's pretty tedious work so I've put it on hold for now.

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Really, only Shade gave me trouble. His team had heavy hitters and i had to get lucky. All other gyms has a weakness that i exploited with ease *Cough *Cough blizzard on t3rr4wr. Everything else was annoying but managable.

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