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Abusing the Broken [EP 15 Finishing Squad]


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Hey guys!

So I recently completed Pokemon Reborn for the first time and honestly I was blown away by how awesome this game is both in terms of storyline design and the challenge that it gives to me as a competitive Pokemon battler. Shoutouts to my buddy LordWallace for introducing me to this game.

It took me about 35 hours to complete Episode 15 from start to finish. I didn't intend to make this a speed run per se, but I heard that apparently 35 hours to complete Reborn is a really fast time to finish up to Episode 15. Honestly if it weren't for the team that I had, I don't think I would've made it through all of the many obstacles and barriers that exist in Pokemon Reborn.

Here is where I am in my save file right now looking for the department stickers and other side quests in preparation for Episode 16:


Here is the team that took me through the amazing journey from start to the end of Episode 15:

The Main Cast:


Reiziken (Blaziken) (M)

Ability: Speed Boost

Level: 75

Naughty Nature

- High Jump Kick

- Flare Blitz

- Bulk Up

- Shadow Claw

First up, my beloved starter Pokemon, Reiziken the Blaziken! Blaziken is honestly one of the most overpowered Pokemon that you can get in this game and essentially gets all the moves it needs in every stage of the game to become a powerhouse sweeper. Soft-resetting for a Speed Boost Torchic with a +Atk nature and decent IVs didn't take that long and ultimately Reiziken did its job. High Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Bulk-Up, and a filler coverage move was just insane in terms of coverage and sheer power.


Yoko (Excadrill) (F)

Ability: Mold Breaker

Level: 75

Adamant Nature

- Earthquake

- Rock Slide

- Metal Claw

- Swords Dance

Excadrill became an instant addition to my team when I got it via the Police Mystery Egg event and man oh man, Yoko just tore everything to shreds as soon as she learned Earthquake at level 33. As a VGC player, I sometimes forget how powerful Earthquake is in a single battle and Yoko definitely delivered in terms of power in the single battles as well as the double battles. The drill that pierces the heavens definitely played a huge role in helping me blaze through this challenging game.


Dank Memes (Clefable) (F)

Ability: Unaware

Level: 69

Sassy Nature

- Minimize

- Cosmic Power

- Moonblast

- Stored Power

Shoutouts to LordWallace for suggesting me to get this Pokemon as opposed to incessant grinding to level up my under-levelled team that was gonna get blown back by Ciel who also had tools to wreck the core of Blaziken and Excadrill.

Even though Ame moved Clefairy to Agate Circus which is insanely late, I think it was for the better, because to be honest Clefable is one of the most broken Pokemon in this game, probably on par with Blaziken in terms of brokenness. Minimize + Cosmic Power + Unaware is just a devastating combination as long as you get a little bit lucky in the first few turns. Essentially, Clefable can put itself in a position where it can sweep the entire enemy team 1v6 which is what it did for me against Ciel, the gym leader that I had the worst matchup. I wish I had the Calm Mind TM available, but I had to settle for Cosmic Power on this set in the end which still worked well with Stored Power.

Supporting Cast:


Andres (Gardevoir) (M)

Ability: Trace

Level: 72

Timid Nature

- Psychic

- Moonblast

- Grass Knot

- Calm Mind

Even though Ame moved Ralts to "conveniently" after the gym battles against Kiki and Aya, Andres became a valuable asset to the team because my team really needed special coverage as well as a means to deal with bulky Water Pokemon that Blaziken and Excadrill struggles to knock out without prior damage. Andres was a key team member against Samson and Terra which are two gym leaders that Blaziken and Excadrill definitely struggle a little bit against.


Akane (Crobat) (F)

Ability: Infiltrator

Level: 72

Brave Nature

- Acrobatics

- Air Slash

- Cross Poison

- Bite

Even though my Crobat definitely has a poor nature for the speed that Crobat offers, Akane was a pretty clutch Pokemon nonetheless and was able to get powerful Acrobatics and Cross Poison attacks off before the enemy could respond. Crobat is another one of those Pokemon that got inconveniently moved to a point where it would've been quite nice in the (ahem, Fighting) gym. As the game went on, Crobat did kind of fall off a bit in terms of damage output, but when I needed Akane most, she definitely did a magnificent job.


Fabiana (Ampharos) (F)

Ability: Plus

Level: 59

Quiet Nature

- Discharge

- Signal Beam

- Power Gem

- Electric Terrain

Ampharos was a very clutch Pokemon in the early-mid stages of Pokemon Reborn due to having innate Paralysis hax (had Thunder Wave before) and also access to pretty solid coverage options via the level-up movepool. As you can see from the level, Fabiana was unfortunately dropped for other allies because she just couldn't hold up to the many poor matchups it had later on in the game (esp Terra). Though, I think later on against Amaria, Fabiana will make a comeback.


TerraREKT (Abomasnow) (F)

Ability: Snow Warning

Level: 68

Quiet Nature

- Blizzard

- Wood Hammer

- Hail

- Sheer Cold

TerraREKT seemed like a clutch Pokemon for the Terra gym battle because in theory, having a means to hit just about everything on her team super-effectively with Blizzard + Wood Hammer is good...however thanks Ame for giving every single member something to break it :( Though, a huge plus was that Abomasnow outsped and OHKO'd that Quagsire with Wood Hammer and also having the Hail do chip damage to Terra's Pokemon was quite helpful. If I were to do this playthrough again, I would definitely replace Sheer Cold with Ice Shard since Sheer Cold is kinda useless in most situations.


Bruh (Walrein) (M)

Ability: Thick Fat

Level: 59

Lax Nature

- Surf

- Waterfall

- Dive

- Blizzard

As you can see, I essentially have zero water types, so naturally it was imperative to get one for moving around in the water when I got Surf, Dive, and Waterfall. After initially using a Wailord against Charlotte, I eventually brought Walrein onto the team to be mainly switch-in death fodder and as an HM Pokemon. He probably doesn't like me much to be honest, but has been essential for traversing the realm of Pokemon Reborn.


Londsor (Kricketune) (F)

Ability: Technician

Level: 27

Brave Nature

- Fury Cutter

- Struggle Bug

- Sing

- Slash

Kricketune is probably the most useful Pokemon out of the ones that you can easily get in the early game (which says a lot about the tough early game in Pokemon Reborn). The Technician boosted Fury Cutter and Struggle Bug attacks were just devastating in Florinia's gym and in general for Psychic types that gave Combusken trouble at the time. Of course, Kricketune was quickly overtaken by other teammates as the game went on, but I will always be grateful for Londsor to get my team through the nasty early game.


Amaterasu (Chandelure) (F)

Ability: Flash Fire

Level: 61

Gentle Nature

- Overheat

- Shadow Ball

- Flamethrower

- Will-O-Wisp

Amaterasu was unfortunately not used that much after I grinded to prepare it for the big battle against Charlotte. I kinda lost patience leveling it up to get Overheat (stopped at level 51) so I decided to just level it up after Ciel was done to get Overheat via level-up. However, I think if I did decide to be more patient with this Pokemon, Chandelure would've been a monster for the battle against Charlotte and Samson as a free switch-in for most of their Pokemon's attacks and firing off Overheats and Will-O-Wisps. I think I'll spend more time to raise it in my 2nd run-through.


shofu (Diggersby) (M)

Ability: Huge Power

Level: 42

Adamant Nature

- Cut

- Strength

- Dig

- Rock Smash

DIGGERSBY THO?! Anyways, honestly I would've used Diggersby for more than an HM slave had Yoko not stolen the spotlight in terms of power. Sorry shofu, there will be a day when you will shine on my team (probably in my 2nd play-through). Diggersby did help a lot against Corey and Shade's gym thankfully and also for traversing the treacherous realm of Pokemon Reborn.


Weeblos (Meowstic) (M)

Ability: Keen Eye

Level: 49

Bold Nature

- Fake Out

- Psybeam

- Charm

- Flash

Like a few other Pokemon in this, Weeblos was a crucial team member in the early game but unfortunately was eventually outclassed by Andres. I am grateful though that Weeblos' Fake Out was clutch against Shelly to stop her Illuimise from using Rain Dance to ruin my day and made that battle a lot easier. I think next time I try Meowstic-M, I will look for one that has Prankster to keep up its viability on my teams.


Bertha (Wailord) (F)

Ability: Water Veil

Level: 62

Quiet Nature

- Surf

- Water Spout

- Strength

- Swagger

Bertha was my first Surf user since I basically played through the game without a Water type until I absolutely needed one for Surf. I think Bertha's shining moment was using Surf in Charlotte's gym to make all of her Pokemon lose accuracy so that they missed their Fire attacks on Yoko who ended up Earthquaking them to Kingdom Come which was quite clutch. I kinda wish I taught this thing Icy Wind or something that would be more useful in the Charlotte gym, but nonetheless I think Bertha contributed well to the team.

Closing Thoughts:

If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read my long-winded writing! I am honestly really happy with the first playthrough of Pokemon Reborn and this team is absolutely phenomenal. I hope you found my team interesting to look at and currently I am playing through Pokemon Reborn a second time (at a much slower pace so that I don't miss stuff like the Mining Kit...heh) and will be looking into trying other Pokemon to see how far they can take me! :]

Edited by Heliosan
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I can't help but notice that you didn't mention Diggersby, Meowstic and Chandelure, despite having them in your signature. I kinda feel sorry for them :(

Oh yeah...whoops, I kinda got frustrated when I couldn't upload the gifs initially so I forgot them. I'll give em something, but tbh they didn't do THAT much.

EDIT: Got em in! :D

That's a pretty powerful squad man, even though I couldn't stand a playthrough using that Clefable set :s

Heh yeah, to be honest, Dank Memes was the key to winning that Ciel battle. I literally sent it out (it was level 65), prayed that I didn't get paraflinched by her Togekiss and setup the Cosmic Powers and Minimizes to win the battle. Pretty gimmicky, yes. I think next time I'll probably cater my team more carefully to the next couple matchups and not speed through the game as fast as I did, but nonetheless it was pretty fun and hilarious to watch all the moves miss or do zero damage if they landed xD.

Edited by Heliosan
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YES! someone else knows the power of krickitune

that guy is a god early game

the first few fern battles, grass gym, and all three pulse tangrowth battles are so much easier with him

yeah, I used him till lvl 42 or something in my first run, couldn't beat Julia until I read someone talking about him and decided to try it out.

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For a long-winded post, a long-winded reply! Most of it is copy-pastes from my earlier posts, but whatever.

-If you go back to E12, you can breed Swords Dance onto your Blaziken. For anything about breeding and E12 breeding, try the pinned guide in this section.

And considering how useless Ghost/Dark coverage has been ever since Radomus and that Excadrill is bad without Sand Rush speed, I'd say get Baton Pass. BP is a good move for it cause recoil WILL wear it down eventually and it obviously also boosts whatever you pass into.

Or, if you don't want that, get something better than Shadow Claw. Bounce comes to mind, there's a tutor for that at the circus, it's stronger and has a 30% para chance.

And give it the Wide Lens from wild Yanma/the Route 1 Nature Center. It makes Bounce, should you use it, 94~% accurate and HJK 99%.

- Honestly, my suggestion would be to ditch Excadrill. It's not even that good! It has a strong Earthquake, but so do other Ground types and it doesn't even have a proper Steel STAB. Excadrill also has bad bulk and out-of-sand-average speed, so Swords Dance is bad since you'll be easily outspeed and killed.

If you REALLY want to keep it, consider ditching Swords Dance (though at that point, you have no reason to use drill over another Ground type) or get a Hippowdon.

-For replacements, I've already done this before, so mind if I copy-paste?

There's Hippowdon, Rhyperior, Krookodile, Stunfisk, kind of Golurk, NIdoking, Torterra, Mamoswine. In order:

-Sand Force (Sand Rush only benefits you by getting tiny amounts of chip damage, but hurts your entire team for the same amount) with Earthquake, Crunch/Body Slam/Fire Fang/Ice Fang/Thunder Fang/a Rock move from E12.

-Solid Rock with Earthquake, a Rock move, Megahorn/Poison Jab/Hammer Arm/Shadow Claw/Metal Burst.

-Moxie with Earthquake, Crunch, a Rock move from E12, Outrage.

-Static with Scald(E12), Discharge, Earth Power, Sludge Wave (TM soonish).

-Iron Fist with Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Heavy Slam (another option is No Guard with Dynamic Punch instead of Hammer Arm and Phantom Force over Shadow Punch). Golurk is slow and not that bulky, so I wouldn't recommend it over any of the other Ground types here, but hey, it's usable.

-Sheer Force with Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Icy Wind, Sucker Punch (Icy Wind is from a tutor, the other three are from E12)

-Overgrow with Wood Hammer/Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Body Slam/Crunch/Superpower/a Rock move from E12.

-Thick Fat with Earthquake, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear/Icicle Crash, a Rock move from E12/Body Slam. Another option is Curse, Avalanche, Earthquake, Ice Shard.

And for Steel

Durant is godly. Hustle gives it effectively 190 base Attack, and it gets Hone Claws to boost that even more and make up for Hustle's accuracy drops. Other great Steel types are Metagross, Bisharp, Empoleon, Escavalier. Sets, in order:

-Hustle with Rock Slide, Iron Head, X-Scissor, Hone Claws.

-Clear Body with Agility, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break/Hammer Arm. Some people run Bullet Punch over Agility, but BP is a 40 BP move, only used cause it's priority, to let you "outspeed" and hit something. If you use Agility once, you'll be able to outspeed almost anything and then go for any move, including Meteor Mash, which is twice as strong as Bullet Punch is.

-Defiant with Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Brick Break/Psycho Cut/Dig(E12)/Low Sweep(E12). There's also the option of going with Swords Dance, and Swords Dance AND Rock Polish. SD alone works since you can just spam those really strong Sucker Punches, but RP also lets you go for your other moves. Thing is, Bisharp DOES have that nice typing and 100 base Defense, but that's just about enough for an SD, getting up both an SD and an RP is really tough.

-Torrent with Scald(E12)/Surf/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam(E12), Grass Knot, Hidden Power/Agility. Water+Ice+Grass is already coverage that nothing resists, and Agility is really easy to set up with that great bulk and typing.

-Swarm with Iron Head, Megahorn/X-Scissor, Drill Run, Knock Off.

-Thaaaaat's not bullshit enough :P Moonblast IS a STAB, but using Charge Beam not only maxes your Sp.Atk, it also buffs your Stored Power to a max of 500 BP. And you don't need to worry about overall coverage if you have a +6 500 BP move (although Psychic+Electric is actually better than Psychic+Fairy. Krookodile is the ONLY thing you can't beat, you'll be plowing through everything else).

Also, be real with me here, how many times have you seen a gym leader/other important foe use a set-up move? Ditch Unaware, Cute Charm makes setting up even easier.

-Mmmmmmm, no. For Gardevoir, most people seem to run Calm Mind, but it's slow and can't take a physical hit at all, so you'll often just be outsped and killed. If you don't run CM, there's a lot of Pokemon that have equal or higher Sp.Atk. Say, Reuniclus can take hits on both sides way better than Gardevoir, is much more reliable and can run both CM and Trick Room, TR either supporting slower teams or just helping out this really-hard-to-kill blob.

But that's just the best Psychic type, there's a lot of others. Others I've written about before, so mind if I copy-paste?

-Reuniclus should be obvious just by looking at it's stats. Hits hard, takes hits. Yes, it's really slow, but it gets Trick Room, which not only makes it almost impossible to "outspeed", but it can also help out your team's slower members. For a set, Regenerator/Magic Guard with Psychic, Shadow Ball, Trick Room, Calm Mind/Hidden Power/Energy Ball(E12).

-Alakazam is kind of a fast frail Reuniclus. Thus inferior because Reuniclus can patch up it's speed while Alakazam will always be frail. Run Psychic, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power, Energy Ball(E12).

-Gothitelle is best with Calm Mind, which it can set up well because of it's great bulk. Psychic, SB, Calm Mind, Energy Ball(E12)/Thunderbolt(E12).

-Sigilyph does things differently. It's got a nice set in Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Charge Beam, Air Slash. The idea is to get your bulk up with CP (which is rather easy with it's good speed), get up your Sp.Atk with Charge Beam and then spam 380 BP Stored Power (or Air Slash/Charge Beam if your foe resists it). Buuuuuut, if you don't mind a not-Psychic type replacing Meowstic, get a Clefable. It also uses CP, SP and Charge Beam, but gets Minimize. So you can be almost unhittable, on top of having max defenses and Sp.Atk. More buffs also mean a more powerful SP, which is 500 BP.

-Swoobat is...iffy, but it can REALLY pay off. Yes, it's frail and not too strong, but it's ability Simple doubles all stat changes and it's fast as hell, so you can easily use Calm Mind to double your Sp.Def and Sp.Atk, making you really specially bulky and strong quickly. Simple with Calm Mind, Psychic/Stored Power, Air Slash and Hidden Power/Charge Beam/Endeavor. Note that Simple doubles effectiveness of buffs, not number, so +3 Sp.Atk with Simple is the same as regular +6, so setting up more than 3 CMs is pointless, but Stored Power still calculates it as just +3, so SP after 3 CMs will still be 140 BP, not 260 (which is why Charge Beam can be handy, the buffs don't change your Sp.Atk past 3, but can power up SP).

-Covered above.

-Contrary Malamar with Superpower, Knock Off, Psycho Cut, Light Screen/Rock Slide(E12)/Destiny Bond. This one is the most unreliable, as it can't really deal with special attackers at all (unless you use Light Screen) and is rather weak before getting some Contrary Superpoewr boosts.

And for Fairies

For Fairy types, you've got yourself Granbull, Clefable, Sylveon, Azumarill (if you did the Growlithe trade before E15 or if you get lucky in E15) and I guess Whimsicott.

-Granbull is pretty physically bulk especially with Intimidate, has great coverage and hits pretty hard. It's especially useful if you have a TR setter to help with that terrible speed.

-Clefable's biggest plus is that it has the bulk that let's it pull of a Minimize, Charge Beam, Cosmic Power, Stored Power set very well. Minimize makes you almost unhittable (especially with Cute Charm as it's ability), Comsic Power makes it so that you take almost no damage when you do get hit, Charge Beam buffs up that not-so-great Sp.Atk, Stored Power is your nuke button. With evasion, both defenses and your sp.atk at max, Stored Power has 500 BP, which is frightening without taking into account that your Sp.Atk is at +6.

-Sylveon's my favorite Fairy type because of it's combination of Pixilate and Trump Card, which gives it a 390 BP nuke which can be fired off turn one (just go waste some PP battling wild Pokemon or something). It's also got godly Sp.Def. But like all Eevelutions, it's other coverage options are terrible.

-Azumarill can be used in 2 ways, either a Belly Drum set-up-er (though that means you'll almost exclusively be using Aqua Jet) or just with 4 attacks (where you can do whatever you want, Azumarill has the bulk to take a hit or two).

-Whimsicott is really more of a supporter, it's Sp.Atk is really not that good. But it can trivialize all "boss fights", against a single Pokemon that's much higher level than any of yours, which happen a lot. But if that's what you wanna use it for, a Prankster Murkrow with Perish Song is way better. I wouldn't use either as a member of my default 6 though.

For sets, in order:

-Intimidate, Play Rough, Outrage/Fire/Thunder/Ice Fang/Crunch/Close Combat/Brick Break(TM later)/ Iron Tail(tutor later)/Earthquake(pre-E13 breeding(the chain would be Sandshrew/Diglett/Wooper/Numel>Snubbul or Sandshrew/Diglett/Wooper/Numel>Mankey>Snubbul for EQ and CC))

-Cute Charm, Minimize, Comsic Power, Charge Beam, Stored Power.

-Pixilate, Trump Card, Hidden Power (ideally Ground), Shadow Ball, Round (TM in the Obsidia Department Store). Another options would be Trump Card (without wasting PP in the wild), Round, Curse and Hidden Power Ground/Dig. Curse buffs up your bad physical defense, so that you can stay in on anything and spam Pixilated moves. Ground+Fairy is almost perfect neutral coverage, so use either Dig or Hidden Power Ground (Dig is obviously way easier to get, pre-E13 breeding (via Sandshrew/Diglett/Onix/Dunsparce>Eevee))

-Huge Power, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Play Rough or Huge Power, Waterfall, Play Rough, Superpower/Bounce (tutor later)/Brick Break/Aqua Jet/Body Slam.

-Prankster, Tailwind/Memento/Leech Seed/Encore/Stun Powder. (Just FYI, Prankster only ups the priority of status moves by 1 level, so Trick Room would still have -6 priority).

-Yeah, as you say, Crobat's lack of real offensive power isn't hard to notice. If you wanna keep it, the special Crobat set with Nasty Plot is way better. Nasty Plot, Air Slash, Hidden Power (ideally Fighting/Ground), Venoshock (especially great if you have a Toxic Spiker, even a level 1 Sturdy Pineco).

Although, while that does solve Crobat's power issues, it needs to set up to do something. It's good typing and bulk allow it to do that, but it's not TOO stable.

If you really wanna keep it AND keep it physical, there's Curse+White Herb. Curse buffs your defense and attack, WH removes the speed drop.

If you want any suggestions for other Flying and/or Poison types, copy-pasting:

For Flying types, there's Honchkrow, Archeops, Swellow (if you get the Toxic Orb), Staraptor, Simple Swoobat, Sigilyph, Braviary, Vivillon and Hawlucha.

-Honch has a simple set of Moxie with Sucker Punch, Night Slash, Drill Peck/Brave Bird, Tailwind/something. The only thing that really stops Honchkrow from getting some Moxie boosts and sweeping whole teams is it's lack of speed. But get up a Tailwind and you're good to go. Sure, Tailwind only lasts 4 turns, but that's plenty of time to get up enough attack boosts that you can just spam Sucker Punch effectively once Tailwind is done. For your Flying STAB, I'd recommend Drill Peck. Brave Bird is stronger, but power isn't an issue with Moxie, and Brave Bird recoil is really high and bad on something with this much power.

-Archeops is the strongest without boost, with 140 Base Attack. Just get it Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Earthquake (E12) and Dragon Claw (or Knock Off or Endeavor for Defeatist).

-Swellow and Staraptor are pretty similar, even their Brave Birds do almost exactly the same damage. And neither lasts long, Staraptor has Reckless BB, Swellow has Guts BB with a Toxic Orb. Swellow actually hits harder with it's Normal STAB, but Staraptor gets Close Combat. Which of these you want is really a preference thing.

For sets, Swellow runs Guts with Brave Bird, Facade(Arcade TM), Thief (TM before the 14th gym), Endeavor/Mirror Move/Quick Attack. Here, you can see where to get the Toxic Orb you need to activate Guts easily.

For Staraptor, it's Reckless with Brave Bird, Return (or Double-Edge if you got really unlucky and got a Toge from the Mystery Egg), Close Combat, Endeavor/Quick Attack/Thief/Mirror Move.

-Already talked about Swoobat up there^^.

-And Sigilyph^^.

-Braviary is kind of a mix of a bad Staraptor and bad Honckrow. Any ability with Tailwind, Superpower, Brave Bird, Crush Claw/Thrash (or Shadow Claw (if you beat Shade in E15) or Rock Tomb (TM before the 15th gym)).

-Vivillon is a bit iffy. It can either outspeed something and put it to sleep, then set up and sweep, or be outsped and effortlessly killed. Compound Eyes with Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder, Hurricane, Bug Buzz.

-Hawlucha is simple. Unburden (stack up on Flying/Fighting gems) with Swords Dance, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Earthquake(E12)/Stone Edge(E12)/Rock Slide(E12)/Poison Jab(E12)/Feather Dance.

And for Poison types

Arbok, Nidoking, Muk, Drapion, Toxicroak, Dragalge, Tentacruel (if you got it from the Mystery Egg), Roserade, Scolipede.

-Intimidate with Coil, Sucker Punch, Gunk Shot, Earthquake.

-Covered above.

-Poison Touch (30% chance to poison with all contact moves, 44% chance with Poison Jab) with Poison Jab, Shadow Sneak, Curse/Dig(E12), Brick Break(TM from the 12th gym).

-Sniper with Agility, Swords Dance/Dig(both from E12), Night Slash, Cross Poison. Sniper makes critical hits do 2.25x damage instead of 1.5x. And moves with upped crit rates are guaranteed to crit if you have Drapion hold a Scope Lens(from the Department Store)

-Toxicroak is really good with Poison Touch with Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, or really bad with no set-up move.

-Adaptability with Dragon Pulse, Sludge Bomb/Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf(TM after the 12th gym)/Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt(E12). (or Hidden Power)

--Liquid Ooze, Sludge Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Wring Out/Acid Spray. Or be real and use SD(E12), Waterfall, Poison Jab, Knock Off Tentacruel which is surprisingly fun.

-Technician with Hidden Power (ideally Fire or Rock), Sludge Bomb(E12), Giga Drain/Magical Leaf/Leaf Storm, Extrasensory.

-Speed Boost with Megahorn, Poison Jab(E12), Rock Climb, Pursuit.

I'd especially recommend Scolipede. the way you put it, your Crobat is a speedy not-that-strong attacker. Scolipede is already fast and gets even faster, has more power than Scolipede and has stronger moves.

-If you only wanna keep Ampharos around for Amaria, don't. I generally believe Heliolisk is better than Ampharos: Amp is bulkier, but not THAT bulky, and it's slow, so it'll be killed off soon enough. Heliolisk has better coverage (with stuff like Grass Knot, Surf, Dark Pulse), way higher Speed and, most importantly, great abilities! I'm betting Amaria will be using Rain, which boosts her STAB Water moves by another x1.5. Which heal Heliolisk if it has Dry Skin.

Also, if you have a Ninetales (which is really good), you can keep Heliolisk's Solar Power active, which essentially gives it a base Sp.Atk stat of 190. Just note that Solar Power Surf is weaker than regular cause sunlight weakens Water moves (but not Ice moves, so Hidden Power Ice is godly on it).

Other Electric types would be Stunfisk, Galvantula and the coverage-god Eelektross.

-Yeah, chances are that, even if you got Aboma earlier, it wouldn't do much. Bad stats, ability you could base a team around but is otherwise just annoying (it does damage your foes some, but your team takes the same damage).

I'd say ditch it. If you wanna keep it, ditch Hail and Sheer Cold, give it Ice Shard and...Brick Break, I guess?
But for subs, for Ice

There's Cryogonal, Vanilluxe, Avalugg, Mamoswine, Weavile, Aurorus and Lapras.

-Levitate with Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam/Frost Breath, Hidden Power, Water Pulse. There's also Solar Beam if you're using a Ninetales (sun doesn't weaken Ice moves for some reason).

-Weak Armor with Iron Defense, Ice Beam/Frost Breath, Water Pulse, Freeze-Dry/Hidden Power. And again, if you have a Ninetales, Weather Ball is an option for a 150 BP move. The gimmick with this one is to use Weak Armor and Iron Defense to buff both Defense and Speed to +1 (or more) and go to town, so this thing is an odd fast physically-bulky special attacker.

-Sturdy with Avalanche, Crunch, Rock Slide(E12)/Stone Edge(E12), Gyro Ball (E12).

-Covered above.

-We technically don't have Weavile yet, but all we need is the item from the Department Store, which we can reach in E16. Anyways, Pickpocket with Night Slash, Ice Punch/Icicle Crash. And options! Aerial Ace, Dig and Icicle Crash via Farfetch'd/Gogoat>Sandshrew/Diglett/Drilbur/Sandile/Bunnelby>Cubchoo>Sneasel, Aerial Ace, Dig, Icicle Crash/Ice Punch, X-Scissor and/or Poison Jab via Smeargle.

-Aurorus is a tricky one. Bad defensive typing and Speed make it iffy, but, if EV trained, this thing can use Rock Polsih and just sweep. Snow Warning with Blizzard, Freeze-Dry/Discharge/Charge Beam, Ancient Power/Hidden Power Rock, Rock Polish.

-There's 4 ways to run Lapras! 4 Physical attacks, 4 Special attacks, a Curse set or a DD set.

For a physical set, you've got Waterfall, Ice Shard, Avalanche/Bulldoze/Drill Run/Body Slam. 3 STABs, Ice Shard is for frail speedy things or to kill an already weakened foe, Avalanche is a mighty 120 BP move for things you can tank a hit from. And then you've got Drill Run for some coverage, or BS/Bulldoze for support.

For a Special set, you've got, Scald(E12)/Surf/Hydro Pump, Frost Breath, Freeze-Dry, Psychic/Hidden Power/Ancient Power/Icy Wind. Simple stuff, 2 STABs and then Frost Breath instead of T-Bolt because FB hits the same things TB would but also hits things like Swampert or Ludicolo for waaaaaay more. The last move is just filler coverage or Icy Wind for support.

Curse, Waterfall, Avalanche, Ice Shard. Curse is perhaps the most viable set, just because Lapras is so bulky already, and it's Sp.Def is high even without any boosts. Curse+Avalanche is a great combo and, in case something that could outspeed and kill you comes out, have enough Curses up and you can likely OHKO with Ice Shard, taking no damage.

And the DD set is just the 4 Physical Attacks set with DD instead of Ice Shard since the speed boosts make priority unnecessary.

For Grass types

Tangrowth, Torterra, Lilligant, Roserade, Whimsicott, Leavanny and, IMO the best, Gourgeist.

-Regenerator with Leaf Storm/Giga Drain/Power Whip, Knock Off, Brick Break/Rock Tomb, Sludge Bomb(E12). If you have a Ninetales, Chlorophyll is a good one too. And with Chloro's speed, you can run Leaf Storm+Power Swap to get a good hit off, then halve the foe's special attack while restoring your's.

-Covered above.

-Own Tempo with Petal Dance, Sleep Powder, Quiver Dance, Hidden Power Rock. Honestly, the main problem with getting this thing to sweep is getting Hidden Power Rock (which isn't even that tough, check that guide). You can also run Chlorophyll for a fast Sleep Powder if you have a Ninetales.

-Covered above.

-Covered above.

-Swarm/Chlorophyll with X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Shadow Claw, Sticky Web.

-Frisk/Pickup with Protect, Will-o-Wisp, Leech Seed, Phantom Force. Gourgeist is stupidly bulk as is, but Will-o halves the foe's attack, LS gives you recovery, LS and WoW together take 25% of the foe's health, while PF and Protect make you unhittable every 2 out of 3 turns. So you take 75% of the foe's health + PF damage in the same time the foe gets off one weak burned attack that tickles at most.

-All HMs are TMs now, so you only need one slot. That said, Walrein is bad. It's bulky, but can't really do much with it's bulk. Unless you wanna use a set of Stockpile, Curse, Ice Ball, Rollout (with a Wide Lens). There's way better Water types (and no need for other Ice types if you have any of the above Ice types^^)

Kingler, Crawdaunt, Huntail, Clawitzer, Empoleon and Relicanth are the ones that...do anything worth a team slot, while Feraligatr, Empoleon and Gorebyss are the best Water types in the game IMO. Sets:

-Sheer Force, Agility, Waterfall, Rock Slide/X-Scissor/Brick Break/Knock Off for Kingler (Archen>Corphish>Krabby for RS and KO in E12, Kricketune/Karrablast/Ninjask/Dwebble>Skorupi>Krabby for XS and KO in E12, Corphish>Archen>Anorith>Krabby for all RS and XS or all three in E12)

-Adaptability, Knock Off, Waterfall/Crabhammer, Swords Dance/Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet/Rock Slide(E12)/X-Scissor(E12)/Brick Break. Aqua Jet is pointless if you aren't using SD, chains for RS and XS are the same as for Krabby.

-Water Veil, Waterfall, Shell Smash, Ice Fang, Sucker Punch for Huntail.

-Mega Launcher, Water Pulse/Scald(E12), Ice Beam(E12)/Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere/Sludge Wave for Clawitzer, the chain for Ice Beam and Scald is in the guide.

-Rock Head/Sturdy, Head Smash, Waterfall, Earthquake(E12), Zen Headbutt/Yawn for Relicanth (Whiscash for Zen Headbutt and EQ, Wooper or Whiscash for EQ).

-Any Ability, Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Hidden Power Grass/Electric, Shell Smash for Gorebyss. Psychic is also an option for a 3rd attack if you're too lazy to get the right Hidden Power, but HP Grass/Electric works much better. You can also go with Baton Pass.

-Torrent, Agility, Surf/Scald(E12)/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam(E12), Grass Knot for Empoleon. Chain in the guide.

-Sheer Force, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch, Dragon Dance for Feraligatr.

There's also the mystery egg from the police in the Jasper Ward, which can give you, for Water types, Tentacruel, Starmie and Azumarill. For those:

-Liquid Ooze, Sludge Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Wring Out/Acid Spray. Or be real and use SD(E12), Waterfall, Poison Jab, Knock Off Tentacruel which is surprisingly fun.

-Natural Cure, Hydro Pump, Psychic, Power Gem, Icy Wind/Minimize.

-Huge Power, Belly Drum/Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Play Rough/Bounce/Superpower/Brick Break/Body Slam.

-With that level, I guess you don't use it? Good, it's useless past gym 2. Did you jsut list this for the hell of it or do you want a Bug type? If you do, all the good ones are already up there^^.

-Chandelure kinda has a speed/bulk issue. That's bad in general, but especially if you wanna Will-o things, which is not what Chandy does.

If you have some Trick Room setter (so like Reuniclus for your Psychic type), it's a monster. This may just be me, but I really dislike Overheat. It's nice with a Choice Scarf is you wanna come in, bop something and get out, which you can't do. And 2 consecutive Overheats are weaker than 2 consecutive Flamethrowers anyways! E12 gets you Energy Ball btw. Hidden Power would also be great.

But without a Trick Roomer, either get a different Ghost or a different Fire type.

Ninetales, Arcanine, Darmanitan, Delphox.

-Drought with Flamethrower, Energy Ball (E12), Hidden Power (ideally Rock or Ground), Extrasensory/Nasty Plot. Don't bother with NP if you don't have both EB and HP.

-Intimidate with Agility, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Outrage/Crunch/Dig(12).

-Sheer Force with Flare Blitz, Dig(E12), Superpower, Rock Slide(E12). You can also Hammer Arm to have it be usable in Trick Room too.

-Magician with Flamethrower/Heat Wave, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Grass Knot.


-Ew, memes It does hit hard, but it's slow and frail. It could work in Trick Room, if you even have it, but so does any other better Ground type I listed at the start.

-Nope, Meowstic is only good early game, it's horrible compared to everything else obtainable now.

-Already covered Water types and HMs.

Aaaand that's that. If you have any questions about breeding, feel free to ask.

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Slight correction on the part about Simple: that's the way Simple worked in Gen IV, but it was updated to be valued the same as two of the same boosts (rather than just doubling the effectiveness of the boost) in Gen V.

Oh, really? Huh, that's good to know, thanks.

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For a long-winded post, a long-winded reply! Most of it is copy-pastes from my earlier posts, but whatever.

-If you go back to E12, you can breed Swords Dance onto your Blaziken. For anything about breeding and E12 breeding, try the pinned guide in this section.

And considering how useless Ghost/Dark coverage has been ever since Radomus and that Excadrill is bad without Sand Rush speed, I'd say get Baton Pass. BP is a good move for it cause recoil WILL wear it down eventually and it obviously also boosts whatever you pass into.

Or, if you don't want that, get something better than Shadow Claw. Bounce comes to mind, there's a tutor for that at the circus, it's stronger and has a 30% para chance.

And give it the Wide Lens from wild Yanma/the Route 1 Nature Center. It makes Bounce, should you use it, 94~% accurate and HJK 99%.

- Honestly, my suggestion would be to ditch Excadrill. It's not even that good! It has a strong Earthquake, but so do other Ground types and it doesn't even have a proper Steel STAB. Excadrill also has bad bulk and out-of-sand-average speed, so Swords Dance is bad since you'll be easily outspeed and killed.

If you REALLY want to keep it, consider ditching Swords Dance (though at that point, you have no reason to use drill over another Ground type) or get a Hippowdon.

-For replacements, I've already done this before, so mind if I copy-paste?

There's Hippowdon, Rhyperior, Krookodile, Stunfisk, kind of Golurk, NIdoking, Torterra, Mamoswine. In order:

-Sand Force (Sand Rush only benefits you by getting tiny amounts of chip damage, but hurts your entire team for the same amount) with Earthquake, Crunch/Body Slam/Fire Fang/Ice Fang/Thunder Fang/a Rock move from E12.

-Solid Rock with Earthquake, a Rock move, Megahorn/Poison Jab/Hammer Arm/Shadow Claw/Metal Burst.

-Moxie with Earthquake, Crunch, a Rock move from E12, Outrage.

-Static with Scald(E12), Discharge, Earth Power, Sludge Wave (TM soonish).

-Iron Fist with Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Heavy Slam (another option is No Guard with Dynamic Punch instead of Hammer Arm and Phantom Force over Shadow Punch). Golurk is slow and not that bulky, so I wouldn't recommend it over any of the other Ground types here, but hey, it's usable.

-Sheer Force with Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Icy Wind, Sucker Punch (Icy Wind is from a tutor, the other three are from E12)

-Overgrow with Wood Hammer/Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Body Slam/Crunch/Superpower/a Rock move from E12.

-Thick Fat with Earthquake, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear/Icicle Crash, a Rock move from E12/Body Slam. Another option is Curse, Avalanche, Earthquake, Ice Shard.

And for Steel

Durant is godly. Hustle gives it effectively 190 base Attack, and it gets Hone Claws to boost that even more and make up for Hustle's accuracy drops. Other great Steel types are Metagross, Bisharp, Empoleon, Escavalier. Sets, in order:

-Hustle with Rock Slide, Iron Head, X-Scissor, Hone Claws.

-Clear Body with Agility, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break/Hammer Arm. Some people run Bullet Punch over Agility, but BP is a 40 BP move, only used cause it's priority, to let you "outspeed" and hit something. If you use Agility once, you'll be able to outspeed almost anything and then go for any move, including Meteor Mash, which is twice as strong as Bullet Punch is.

-Defiant with Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Brick Break/Psycho Cut/Dig(E12)/Low Sweep(E12). There's also the option of going with Swords Dance, and Swords Dance AND Rock Polish. SD alone works since you can just spam those really strong Sucker Punches, but RP also lets you go for your other moves. Thing is, Bisharp DOES have that nice typing and 100 base Defense, but that's just about enough for an SD, getting up both an SD and an RP is really tough.

-Torrent with Scald(E12)/Surf/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam(E12), Grass Knot, Hidden Power/Agility. Water+Ice+Grass is already coverage that nothing resists, and Agility is really easy to set up with that great bulk and typing.

-Swarm with Iron Head, Megahorn/X-Scissor, Drill Run, Knock Off.

-Thaaaaat's not bullshit enough :P Moonblast IS a STAB, but using Charge Beam not only maxes your Sp.Atk, it also buffs your Stored Power to a max of 500 BP. And you don't need to worry about overall coverage if you have a +6 500 BP move (although Psychic+Electric is actually better than Psychic+Fairy. Krookodile is the ONLY thing you can't beat, you'll be plowing through everything else).

Also, be real with me here, how many times have you seen a gym leader/other important foe use a set-up move? Ditch Unaware, Cute Charm makes setting up even easier.

-Mmmmmmm, no. For Gardevoir, most people seem to run Calm Mind, but it's slow and can't take a physical hit at all, so you'll often just be outsped and killed. If you don't run CM, there's a lot of Pokemon that have equal or higher Sp.Atk. Say, Reuniclus can take hits on both sides way better than Gardevoir, is much more reliable and can run both CM and Trick Room, TR either supporting slower teams or just helping out this really-hard-to-kill blob.

But that's just the best Psychic type, there's a lot of others. Others I've written about before, so mind if I copy-paste?

-Reuniclus should be obvious just by looking at it's stats. Hits hard, takes hits. Yes, it's really slow, but it gets Trick Room, which not only makes it almost impossible to "outspeed", but it can also help out your team's slower members. For a set, Regenerator/Magic Guard with Psychic, Shadow Ball, Trick Room, Calm Mind/Hidden Power/Energy Ball(E12).

-Alakazam is kind of a fast frail Reuniclus. Thus inferior because Reuniclus can patch up it's speed while Alakazam will always be frail. Run Psychic, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power, Energy Ball(E12).

-Gothitelle is best with Calm Mind, which it can set up well because of it's great bulk. Psychic, SB, Calm Mind, Energy Ball(E12)/Thunderbolt(E12).

-Sigilyph does things differently. It's got a nice set in Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Charge Beam, Air Slash. The idea is to get your bulk up with CP (which is rather easy with it's good speed), get up your Sp.Atk with Charge Beam and then spam 380 BP Stored Power (or Air Slash/Charge Beam if your foe resists it). Buuuuuut, if you don't mind a not-Psychic type replacing Meowstic, get a Clefable. It also uses CP, SP and Charge Beam, but gets Minimize. So you can be almost unhittable, on top of having max defenses and Sp.Atk. More buffs also mean a more powerful SP, which is 500 BP.

-Swoobat is...iffy, but it can REALLY pay off. Yes, it's frail and not too strong, but it's ability Simple doubles all stat changes and it's fast as hell, so you can easily use Calm Mind to double your Sp.Def and Sp.Atk, making you really specially bulky and strong quickly. Simple with Calm Mind, Psychic/Stored Power, Air Slash and Hidden Power/Charge Beam/Endeavor. Note that Simple doubles effectiveness of buffs, not number, so +3 Sp.Atk with Simple is the same as regular +6, so setting up more than 3 CMs is pointless, but Stored Power still calculates it as just +3, so SP after 3 CMs will still be 140 BP, not 260 (which is why Charge Beam can be handy, the buffs don't change your Sp.Atk past 3, but can power up SP).

-Covered above.

-Contrary Malamar with Superpower, Knock Off, Psycho Cut, Light Screen/Rock Slide(E12)/Destiny Bond. This one is the most unreliable, as it can't really deal with special attackers at all (unless you use Light Screen) and is rather weak before getting some Contrary Superpoewr boosts.

And for Fairies

For Fairy types, you've got yourself Granbull, Clefable, Sylveon, Azumarill (if you did the Growlithe trade before E15 or if you get lucky in E15) and I guess Whimsicott.

-Granbull is pretty physically bulk especially with Intimidate, has great coverage and hits pretty hard. It's especially useful if you have a TR setter to help with that terrible speed.

-Clefable's biggest plus is that it has the bulk that let's it pull of a Minimize, Charge Beam, Cosmic Power, Stored Power set very well. Minimize makes you almost unhittable (especially with Cute Charm as it's ability), Comsic Power makes it so that you take almost no damage when you do get hit, Charge Beam buffs up that not-so-great Sp.Atk, Stored Power is your nuke button. With evasion, both defenses and your sp.atk at max, Stored Power has 500 BP, which is frightening without taking into account that your Sp.Atk is at +6.

-Sylveon's my favorite Fairy type because of it's combination of Pixilate and Trump Card, which gives it a 390 BP nuke which can be fired off turn one (just go waste some PP battling wild Pokemon or something). It's also got godly Sp.Def. But like all Eevelutions, it's other coverage options are terrible.

-Azumarill can be used in 2 ways, either a Belly Drum set-up-er (though that means you'll almost exclusively be using Aqua Jet) or just with 4 attacks (where you can do whatever you want, Azumarill has the bulk to take a hit or two).

-Whimsicott is really more of a supporter, it's Sp.Atk is really not that good. But it can trivialize all "boss fights", against a single Pokemon that's much higher level than any of yours, which happen a lot. But if that's what you wanna use it for, a Prankster Murkrow with Perish Song is way better. I wouldn't use either as a member of my default 6 though.

For sets, in order:

-Intimidate, Play Rough, Outrage/Fire/Thunder/Ice Fang/Crunch/Close Combat/Brick Break(TM later)/ Iron Tail(tutor later)/Earthquake(pre-E13 breeding(the chain would be Sandshrew/Diglett/Wooper/Numel>Snubbul or Sandshrew/Diglett/Wooper/Numel>Mankey>Snubbul for EQ and CC))

-Cute Charm, Minimize, Comsic Power, Charge Beam, Stored Power.

-Pixilate, Trump Card, Hidden Power (ideally Ground), Shadow Ball, Round (TM in the Obsidia Department Store). Another options would be Trump Card (without wasting PP in the wild), Round, Curse and Hidden Power Ground/Dig. Curse buffs up your bad physical defense, so that you can stay in on anything and spam Pixilated moves. Ground+Fairy is almost perfect neutral coverage, so use either Dig or Hidden Power Ground (Dig is obviously way easier to get, pre-E13 breeding (via Sandshrew/Diglett/Onix/Dunsparce>Eevee))

-Huge Power, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Play Rough or Huge Power, Waterfall, Play Rough, Superpower/Bounce (tutor later)/Brick Break/Aqua Jet/Body Slam.

-Prankster, Tailwind/Memento/Leech Seed/Encore/Stun Powder. (Just FYI, Prankster only ups the priority of status moves by 1 level, so Trick Room would still have -6 priority).

-Yeah, as you say, Crobat's lack of real offensive power isn't hard to notice. If you wanna keep it, the special Crobat set with Nasty Plot is way better. Nasty Plot, Air Slash, Hidden Power (ideally Fighting/Ground), Venoshock (especially great if you have a Toxic Spiker, even a level 1 Sturdy Pineco).

Although, while that does solve Crobat's power issues, it needs to set up to do something. It's good typing and bulk allow it to do that, but it's not TOO stable.

If you really wanna keep it AND keep it physical, there's Curse+White Herb. Curse buffs your defense and attack, WH removes the speed drop.

If you want any suggestions for other Flying and/or Poison types, copy-pasting:

For Flying types, there's Honchkrow, Archeops, Swellow (if you get the Toxic Orb), Staraptor, Simple Swoobat, Sigilyph, Braviary, Vivillon and Hawlucha.

-Honch has a simple set of Moxie with Sucker Punch, Night Slash, Drill Peck/Brave Bird, Tailwind/something. The only thing that really stops Honchkrow from getting some Moxie boosts and sweeping whole teams is it's lack of speed. But get up a Tailwind and you're good to go. Sure, Tailwind only lasts 4 turns, but that's plenty of time to get up enough attack boosts that you can just spam Sucker Punch effectively once Tailwind is done. For your Flying STAB, I'd recommend Drill Peck. Brave Bird is stronger, but power isn't an issue with Moxie, and Brave Bird recoil is really high and bad on something with this much power.

-Archeops is the strongest without boost, with 140 Base Attack. Just get it Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Earthquake (E12) and Dragon Claw (or Knock Off or Endeavor for Defeatist).

-Swellow and Staraptor are pretty similar, even their Brave Birds do almost exactly the same damage. And neither lasts long, Staraptor has Reckless BB, Swellow has Guts BB with a Toxic Orb. Swellow actually hits harder with it's Normal STAB, but Staraptor gets Close Combat. Which of these you want is really a preference thing.

For sets, Swellow runs Guts with Brave Bird, Facade(Arcade TM), Thief (TM before the 14th gym), Endeavor/Mirror Move/Quick Attack. Here, you can see where to get the Toxic Orb you need to activate Guts easily.

For Staraptor, it's Reckless with Brave Bird, Return (or Double-Edge if you got really unlucky and got a Toge from the Mystery Egg), Close Combat, Endeavor/Quick Attack/Thief/Mirror Move.

-Already talked about Swoobat up there^^.

-And Sigilyph^^.

-Braviary is kind of a mix of a bad Staraptor and bad Honckrow. Any ability with Tailwind, Superpower, Brave Bird, Crush Claw/Thrash (or Shadow Claw (if you beat Shade in E15) or Rock Tomb (TM before the 15th gym)).

-Vivillon is a bit iffy. It can either outspeed something and put it to sleep, then set up and sweep, or be outsped and effortlessly killed. Compound Eyes with Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder, Hurricane, Bug Buzz.

-Hawlucha is simple. Unburden (stack up on Flying/Fighting gems) with Swords Dance, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Earthquake(E12)/Stone Edge(E12)/Rock Slide(E12)/Poison Jab(E12)/Feather Dance.

And for Poison types

Arbok, Nidoking, Muk, Drapion, Toxicroak, Dragalge, Tentacruel (if you got it from the Mystery Egg), Roserade, Scolipede.

-Intimidate with Coil, Sucker Punch, Gunk Shot, Earthquake.

-Covered above.

-Poison Touch (30% chance to poison with all contact moves, 44% chance with Poison Jab) with Poison Jab, Shadow Sneak, Curse/Dig(E12), Brick Break(TM from the 12th gym).

-Sniper with Agility, Swords Dance/Dig(both from E12), Night Slash, Cross Poison. Sniper makes critical hits do 2.25x damage instead of 1.5x. And moves with upped crit rates are guaranteed to crit if you have Drapion hold a Scope Lens(from the Department Store)

-Toxicroak is really good with Poison Touch with Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, or really bad with no set-up move.

-Adaptability with Dragon Pulse, Sludge Bomb/Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf(TM after the 12th gym)/Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt(E12). (or Hidden Power)

--Liquid Ooze, Sludge Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Wring Out/Acid Spray. Or be real and use SD(E12), Waterfall, Poison Jab, Knock Off Tentacruel which is surprisingly fun.

-Technician with Hidden Power (ideally Fire or Rock), Sludge Bomb(E12), Giga Drain/Magical Leaf/Leaf Storm, Extrasensory.

-Speed Boost with Megahorn, Poison Jab(E12), Rock Climb, Pursuit.

I'd especially recommend Scolipede. the way you put it, your Crobat is a speedy not-that-strong attacker. Scolipede is already fast and gets even faster, has more power than Scolipede and has stronger moves.

-If you only wanna keep Ampharos around for Amaria, don't. I generally believe Heliolisk is better than Ampharos: Amp is bulkier, but not THAT bulky, and it's slow, so it'll be killed off soon enough. Heliolisk has better coverage (with stuff like Grass Knot, Surf, Dark Pulse), way higher Speed and, most importantly, great abilities! I'm betting Amaria will be using Rain, which boosts her STAB Water moves by another x1.5. Which heal Heliolisk if it has Dry Skin.

Also, if you have a Ninetales (which is really good), you can keep Heliolisk's Solar Power active, which essentially gives it a base Sp.Atk stat of 190. Just note that Solar Power Surf is weaker than regular cause sunlight weakens Water moves (but not Ice moves, so Hidden Power Ice is godly on it).

Other Electric types would be Stunfisk, Galvantula and the coverage-god Eelektross.

-Yeah, chances are that, even if you got Aboma earlier, it wouldn't do much. Bad stats, ability you could base a team around but is otherwise just annoying (it does damage your foes some, but your team takes the same damage).

I'd say ditch it. If you wanna keep it, ditch Hail and Sheer Cold, give it Ice Shard and...Brick Break, I guess?

But for subs, for Ice

There's Cryogonal, Vanilluxe, Avalugg, Mamoswine, Weavile, Aurorus and Lapras.

-Levitate with Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam/Frost Breath, Hidden Power, Water Pulse. There's also Solar Beam if you're using a Ninetales (sun doesn't weaken Ice moves for some reason).

-Weak Armor with Iron Defense, Ice Beam/Frost Breath, Water Pulse, Freeze-Dry/Hidden Power. And again, if you have a Ninetales, Weather Ball is an option for a 150 BP move. The gimmick with this one is to use Weak Armor and Iron Defense to buff both Defense and Speed to +1 (or more) and go to town, so this thing is an odd fast physically-bulky special attacker.

-Sturdy with Avalanche, Crunch, Rock Slide(E12)/Stone Edge(E12), Gyro Ball (E12).

-Covered above.

-We technically don't have Weavile yet, but all we need is the item from the Department Store, which we can reach in E16. Anyways, Pickpocket with Night Slash, Ice Punch/Icicle Crash. And options! Aerial Ace, Dig and Icicle Crash via Farfetch'd/Gogoat>Sandshrew/Diglett/Drilbur/Sandile/Bunnelby>Cubchoo>Sneasel, Aerial Ace, Dig, Icicle Crash/Ice Punch, X-Scissor and/or Poison Jab via Smeargle.

-Aurorus is a tricky one. Bad defensive typing and Speed make it iffy, but, if EV trained, this thing can use Rock Polsih and just sweep. Snow Warning with Blizzard, Freeze-Dry/Discharge/Charge Beam, Ancient Power/Hidden Power Rock, Rock Polish.

-There's 4 ways to run Lapras! 4 Physical attacks, 4 Special attacks, a Curse set or a DD set.

For a physical set, you've got Waterfall, Ice Shard, Avalanche/Bulldoze/Drill Run/Body Slam. 3 STABs, Ice Shard is for frail speedy things or to kill an already weakened foe, Avalanche is a mighty 120 BP move for things you can tank a hit from. And then you've got Drill Run for some coverage, or BS/Bulldoze for support.

For a Special set, you've got, Scald(E12)/Surf/Hydro Pump, Frost Breath, Freeze-Dry, Psychic/Hidden Power/Ancient Power/Icy Wind. Simple stuff, 2 STABs and then Frost Breath instead of T-Bolt because FB hits the same things TB would but also hits things like Swampert or Ludicolo for waaaaaay more. The last move is just filler coverage or Icy Wind for support.

Curse, Waterfall, Avalanche, Ice Shard. Curse is perhaps the most viable set, just because Lapras is so bulky already, and it's Sp.Def is high even without any boosts. Curse+Avalanche is a great combo and, in case something that could outspeed and kill you comes out, have enough Curses up and you can likely OHKO with Ice Shard, taking no damage.

And the DD set is just the 4 Physical Attacks set with DD instead of Ice Shard since the speed boosts make priority unnecessary.

For Grass types

Tangrowth, Torterra, Lilligant, Roserade, Whimsicott, Leavanny and, IMO the best, Gourgeist.

-Regenerator with Leaf Storm/Giga Drain/Power Whip, Knock Off, Brick Break/Rock Tomb, Sludge Bomb(E12). If you have a Ninetales, Chlorophyll is a good one too. And with Chloro's speed, you can run Leaf Storm+Power Swap to get a good hit off, then halve the foe's special attack while restoring your's.

-Covered above.

-Own Tempo with Petal Dance, Sleep Powder, Quiver Dance, Hidden Power Rock. Honestly, the main problem with getting this thing to sweep is getting Hidden Power Rock (which isn't even that tough, check that guide). You can also run Chlorophyll for a fast Sleep Powder if you have a Ninetales.

-Covered above.

-Covered above.

-Swarm/Chlorophyll with X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Shadow Claw, Sticky Web.

-Frisk/Pickup with Protect, Will-o-Wisp, Leech Seed, Phantom Force. Gourgeist is stupidly bulk as is, but Will-o halves the foe's attack, LS gives you recovery, LS and WoW together take 25% of the foe's health, while PF and Protect make you unhittable every 2 out of 3 turns. So you take 75% of the foe's health + PF damage in the same time the foe gets off one weak burned attack that tickles at most.

-All HMs are TMs now, so you only need one slot. That said, Walrein is bad. It's bulky, but can't really do much with it's bulk. Unless you wanna use a set of Stockpile, Curse, Ice Ball, Rollout (with a Wide Lens). There's way better Water types (and no need for other Ice types if you have any of the above Ice types^^)

Kingler, Crawdaunt, Huntail, Clawitzer, Empoleon and Relicanth are the ones that...do anything worth a team slot, while Feraligatr, Empoleon and Gorebyss are the best Water types in the game IMO. Sets:

-Sheer Force, Agility, Waterfall, Rock Slide/X-Scissor/Brick Break/Knock Off for Kingler (Archen>Corphish>Krabby for RS and KO in E12, Kricketune/Karrablast/Ninjask/Dwebble>Skorupi>Krabby for XS and KO in E12, Corphish>Archen>Anorith>Krabby for all RS and XS or all three in E12)

-Adaptability, Knock Off, Waterfall/Crabhammer, Swords Dance/Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet/Rock Slide(E12)/X-Scissor(E12)/Brick Break. Aqua Jet is pointless if you aren't using SD, chains for RS and XS are the same as for Krabby.

-Water Veil, Waterfall, Shell Smash, Ice Fang, Sucker Punch for Huntail.

-Mega Launcher, Water Pulse/Scald(E12), Ice Beam(E12)/Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere/Sludge Wave for Clawitzer, the chain for Ice Beam and Scald is in the guide.

-Rock Head/Sturdy, Head Smash, Waterfall, Earthquake(E12), Zen Headbutt/Yawn for Relicanth (Whiscash for Zen Headbutt and EQ, Wooper or Whiscash for EQ).

-Any Ability, Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Hidden Power Grass/Electric, Shell Smash for Gorebyss. Psychic is also an option for a 3rd attack if you're too lazy to get the right Hidden Power, but HP Grass/Electric works much better. You can also go with Baton Pass.

-Torrent, Agility, Surf/Scald(E12)/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam(E12), Grass Knot for Empoleon. Chain in the guide.

-Sheer Force, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch, Dragon Dance for Feraligatr.

There's also the mystery egg from the police in the Jasper Ward, which can give you, for Water types, Tentacruel, Starmie and Azumarill. For those:

-Liquid Ooze, Sludge Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Wring Out/Acid Spray. Or be real and use SD(E12), Waterfall, Poison Jab, Knock Off Tentacruel which is surprisingly fun.

-Natural Cure, Hydro Pump, Psychic, Power Gem, Icy Wind/Minimize.

-Huge Power, Belly Drum/Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Play Rough/Bounce/Superpower/Brick Break/Body Slam.

-With that level, I guess you don't use it? Good, it's useless past gym 2. Did you jsut list this for the hell of it or do you want a Bug type? If you do, all the good ones are already up there^^.

-Chandelure kinda has a speed/bulk issue. That's bad in general, but especially if you wanna Will-o things, which is not what Chandy does.

If you have some Trick Room setter (so like Reuniclus for your Psychic type), it's a monster. This may just be me, but I really dislike Overheat. It's nice with a Choice Scarf is you wanna come in, bop something and get out, which you can't do. And 2 consecutive Overheats are weaker than 2 consecutive Flamethrowers anyways! E12 gets you Energy Ball btw. Hidden Power would also be great.

But without a Trick Roomer, either get a different Ghost or a different Fire type.

Ninetales, Arcanine, Darmanitan, Delphox.

-Drought with Flamethrower, Energy Ball (E12), Hidden Power (ideally Rock or Ground), Extrasensory/Nasty Plot. Don't bother with NP if you don't have both EB and HP.

-Intimidate with Agility, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Outrage/Crunch/Dig(12).

-Sheer Force with Flare Blitz, Dig(E12), Superpower, Rock Slide(E12). You can also Hammer Arm to have it be usable in Trick Room too.

-Magician with Flamethrower/Heat Wave, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Grass Knot.


-Ew, memes It does hit hard, but it's slow and frail. It could work in Trick Room, if you even have it, but so does any other better Ground type I listed at the start.

-Nope, Meowstic is only good early game, it's horrible compared to everything else obtainable now.

-Already covered Water types and HMs.

Aaaand that's that. If you have any questions about breeding, feel free to ask.

Bruh, I don't quite have access to every conceivable Pokemon in this game, dude. Ain't no one got time for half of the Pokemon you suggested here. I am playing off of Episode 15 and don't really feel like going back to old episodes to try and get broken Pokemon that aren't in the game anymore nor do I think half of your suggested options for each type are even that good to begin with. Most of these optimal sets require me to either go back to previous episodes or to breed for things that even then, aren't even that great.

To go down your long list of advice:

- Blaziken. Why should I waste so much time to breed Swords Dance when Bulk Up already does the job for me? Sure, I can see Bounce being an okay coverage option, but that final move was kinda filler in the first place and I ultimately never really used that coverage move since I mainly clicked High Jump Kick or Flare Blitz. Don't really see why that's even practical.

- Excadrill. You're asking me to toss the Pokemon that carried me this far and didn't really slow down until Samson/Terra? Ground/Steel is one of the best typings and it just sets up on so many things in Reborn. And you are completely disregarding how strong Mold Breaker Earthquake is. And in terms of the Ground types you suggested...most of them are either not even that good, impractical to get because they don't have access to the good moves, or aren't even good in the first place.

Ground types:

  • Hippowdon: Okay, all this thing is doing is adding sand which my team doesn't even benefit from much and those coverage moves aren't gonna be doing much damage anyway. Half of those require me to mine Heart Scales which was kinda impractical at the time because I didn't actually get the Mining Kit till after Ciel funny enough.
  • Krookodile. Okay, Dark coverage now. Except the problem is that I lose out on Steel coverage.
  • Rhyperior. You think Excadrill is slow, yet you suggest something even slower and doesn't even have that much better coverage.
  • Stunfisk. Um...wat. Excadrill is way more useable than this thing. What is Stunfisk bringing to a team other than its ridiculous facade?
  • Golurk. As you said, still slow, not solving the problem that you outlined with Excadrill anytime soon and probably even less useable.
  • Nidoking. Yes, that's a good option, except all of the good coverage moves aren't obtainable or just impractical to get within the boundaries set by EP15.
  • Torterra. Already got Blaziken for a starter and I am not waiting till Agate Circus to have a Ground type that I have to babysit first and then watch it die to Ice.
  • Mamoswine. This Pokemon is probably the only one you should've suggested out of all the others. But once again the problem is that you have to breed to get Icicle Crash.

And the Steels...

  • Durant. Bug + Steel is worse coverage than Ground + Steel. And not like Durant solves the so-called "speed problem".
  • Metagross. Can't even get this Pokemon until after Ciel. What am I gonna do beforehand? lol.
  • Bisharp. This thing is useless without Sucker Punch (requires breeding) and it's even more frail than Excadrill as well as Pawniard evolves way too late to be of any use until then. Basically a Noibat with worse typing.
  • Empoleon. Got Blaziken already, not dropping it for a penguin that also has an awful level-up movepool.
  • Escavalier. Still a slow option. How does that solve the problem?

- Clefable. Cute Charm? Really? Have you not seen all of these Pokemon that try to setup on my face when I attempt the Clefable sweep? Ciel's Talonflame for example? I can go on and on. Lots of battles will have people that try to setup on Clefable only to see that it was for naught. Charge Beam over Moonblast means dropping a crucial STAB for Dark types? Not to mention Charge Beam can easily miss.

- Gardevoir. And why would I leave Gardevoir in on a physical hit that is probably gonna take it out? Gardevoir probably has one of the best level-up pools compared to most Psychic types in this game.

Psychic Types:

  • Reuniclus. Big problem here, can't get a lot of those great coverage moves you listed thanks to Reborn's limited TMs. Otherwise it would be pretty nice.
  • Alakazam. Same problem as Reuniclus, doesn't get the good moves that it needs to have good coverage.
  • Gothitelle. RIP Shadow Ball TM in EP15. I can see Competitive being okay? Still think it's weaker than Gardevoir in terms of Psychic/Fairy/Grass coverage.
  • Sigilyph. This is basically a poor man's Clefable / Reuniclus.
  • Swoobat. Idk why you keep suggesting Charge Beam on half of the setup Pokemon, but...Swoobat has good speed and unfortunately even the boosts don't really fix its bad offenses or bulk.
  • Malamar. I clearly don't need more physical attackers along with Blaziken and Excadrill.

Fairy Types:

  • Granbull. Another physical attacker to stack, and its coverage is okay if I get Close Combat for the egg move.
  • Clefable. You can't see that I already have that on the team?
  • Sylveon. No Hyper Voice? No consistency. Not to mention the other coverage options aren't great as you said.
  • Azumarill. I clearly said I got Excadrill as my Police Mystery egg. Can't really go back after that.
  • Whimsicott. It seems like this Pokemon is better in competitive than an in-game experience. even then, it's kinda mediocre at both.

- Crobat. Curse + White Herb? Wat. That not only wastes one coverage move on Crobat, but it also is essentially invalidated if I switch out. The Nasty Plot set is okay, but I think you're still missing out on the power of Acrobatics. I am just lazy and stuck with a Brave Crobat lol.

Flying Types:

  • Honchkrow. Yeah, Honchkrow is a Pokemon I would totally use, if I didn't have to breed Drill Peck onto it. I am okay with doing Brave Bird, Sucker Punch, Night Slash, and filler move, but I am essentially limited to Brave Bird for my primary Flying STAB.
  • Archeops. Archeops is okay, but it kinda has redundant coverage with Excadrill. Defeatist is also a pretty tough ability to work with sometimes in battle.
  • Swellow. By the time I can headbutt the trees to get it, Crobat is already looking pretty strong and OHKO'ing stuff with Acrobatics.
  • Staraptor. Not available until Route 4. Should I wait that long before getting Flying coverage? Course not.
  • Braviary. Why would I use it if you even say that it's a bad version of two other Pokemon?
  • Hawlucha. Not available until Route 2. See Staraptor.

Poison Types:

  • Arbok. Yeah, this thing is kinda bad. Have you seen its base stats?
  • Nidoking. See above.
  • Muk. Basically the same problem as Arbok. Not a good replacement for Crobat at all.
  • Drapion. This one is actually okay for early game, but also kinda has the same problem as Crobat. Doesn't solve the problem.
  • Toxicroak. Somewhat redundant coverage with Blaziken.
  • Dragalge. This is actually a good option. Good typing, powerful attacks, good coverage options in Dragon/Poison/Water and filler. Still slow, but I could use Trick Room to fix that.
  • Tentacruel. Got Excadrill for my Police Mystery egg.
  • Roserade. This one is actually good, but getting a wanted Hidden Power type is also pretty impractical.
  • Scolipede. It's okay I guess? I mainly wanted Flying coverage so I don't think this helps.

- Ampharos. Yes, I think Heliolisk would be fantastic, it's just that it's adding a really frail aspect to an already frail team. Ninetales is also unfortunately unobtainable because I didn't get it as my Police Mystery egg.

- Abomasnow. I don't know if you read clearly, but it was literally just there for Terra and it did its job just fine. Though, I think Mamoswine would be essentially the only practical Ice type out of the ones you suggested.

  • Cryogonal is too frail and just overall not good for an in-game playthrough.
  • Vaniluxe. This is basically the same problem as Cryogonal.
  • Avalugg. All of these E12 moves.
  • Mamoswine. Yes, good if I didn't have Drill, but definitely a good option.
  • Weavile. Why train this if I can't get it in EP15? Sneasel's level up pool is bad and I have to breed for Icicle Crash. Can't get Ice Punch either.
  • Aurorus. EV training something that is probably gonna die to basically every common offensive type...seems to be a great investment of my time?
  • Lapras. And how late do I actually get this thing? So late, but I guess if I am dying for Water types and I need to have something, sure?

- Walrein. This thing was clearly an HM slave lol. I literally switch this spot whenever I have to battle someone big.

  • Kingler. More breeding in a previous episode and itself isn't...that great at sweeping and rewarding for the egg moves that it needs.
  • Crawdaunt. Okay, this thing is powerful, but it makes me have to setup an SD every time if I want to do damage, not to mention it's kinda frail too. Trick Room could be nice here too I guess.
  • Huntail. Okay, this one is nice, except the Deep Sea Tooth is not available until badge 12. Hooray.
  • Clawitzer. Since Reborn has like zero good water types, this one is not that bad.
  • Empoleon. Can't get it if I have Blaziken and that level-up movepool though.
  • Relicanth. Uh, sounds like another HM slave to me.
  • Feraligatr. Same thing as Empoleon except with a better movepool.
  • Gorebyss. Probably similar problem to Huntail.
  • Starmie. Excadrill is the mystery egg Pokemon for me. Otherwise Starmie would be on this team.

- Kricketune. Yeah, basically only used it for early game.

- Chandelure. Didn't even use this thing, but in the spirit of this reply...

  • Ninetales. Would be nice, but inaccessible.
  • Arcanine. This thing is okay, but kinda stacks with Blaziken in terms of physical Fire coverage.
  • Darmanitan. If I didn't go with Blaziken, this would be pretty nice.
  • Delphox. If I didn't go with Blaziken, this would also be a pretty good Pokemon.

If you made it to the end of this post:

I was already finished with this run of Episode 15 and was just...basically recapping what I did for my first run. I kinda know what I should've done (aka, get the Mining Kit) and whatnot, but honestly telling me that I have to go back to other episodes to get certain moves and whatnot is...kinda not helpful to be honest? It feels kinda cheap and also the time is of essence. I also think you should actually read what you copy-paste before actually giving it as advice to people on a forum like this. Cute Charm Clefable is probably...one of the worst ideas I have heard in building a Clefable set. I am sorry if any of this offends you, but I am being honest with you in my replies. That's all.

Edited by Heliosan
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I mean, if you looked through this section, you'd see that 99% of it is people asking for help/suggestions or threads about people doing some kinda challenge. Sorry for assuming you're in the vast majority.

That said, since you're not considering any of this anyways, I won't bother addressing most of it. Just gonna say 2 things:

1) For Crobat. In case you didn't realise, White Herbs are consumable, so you still get your max Power acrobatics. And you say it's a waste of a moveslot, but what the hell else would you run, you have AIR SLASH.

2) Yes, Talonflame, that's guaranteed to break through Clefable's defenses with it's mighty 81 Base Attack. Or to even hit it, if you put Minimize AND CP to use. You're telling me it can break through a Clef with buffed defenses, evasion and a 50% chance to confuse on touch? And even if we pretend that thing's a valid concern, what else is there? In the entire game? You had Julia's Charge Beams, Kiki's Meditates, maybe Samson had SD on a few things, and??? That's it. While CC would work on EVERYTHING that touches you, with a 50% rate. Yes, Unaware is godly in competitive, against actual people, but the AI (especially in E14) has proven time and time again that it's not capable of handling it properly, which is why almsot nothing has it. Which is why you only gave one example.

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I mean, if you looked through this section, you'd see that 99% of it is people asking for help/suggestions or threads about people doing some kinda challenge. Sorry for assuming you're in the vast majority.

That said, since you're not considering any of this anyways, I won't bother addressing most of it. Just gonna say 2 things:

1) For Crobat. In case you didn't realise, White Herbs are consumable, so you still get your max Power acrobatics. And you say it's a waste of a moveslot, but what the hell else would you run, you have AIR SLASH.

2) Yes, Talonflame, that's guaranteed to break through Clefable's defenses with it's mighty 81 Base Attack. Or to even hit it, if you put Minimize AND CP to use. You're telling me it can break through a Clef with buffed defenses, evasion and a 50% chance to confuse on touch? And even if we pretend that thing's a valid concern, what else is there? In the entire game? You had Julia's Charge Beams, Kiki's Meditates, maybe Samson had SD on a few things, and??? That's it. While CC would work on EVERYTHING that touches you, with a 50% rate. Yes, Unaware is godly in competitive, against actual people, but the AI (especially in E14) has proven time and time again that it's not capable of handling it properly, which is why almsot nothing has it. Which is why you only gave one example.

If you had actually read my post, then you'll probably know that it was a "team showcase" lol.

Air Slash at least can flinch? That's how I broke through some of Samson's Pokemon and then put it into Acrobatics KO range. Curse = lower speed and it is all wasted away when I have to switch out. What a great set to use?

In case you're wondering, we're playing Episode 15 now. And in my experience, the AI did try to setup on the Clefable. Cute Charm has even less applications than Unaware. Oh and if you actually read the post, then you would know that I essentially only got Clefable for Ciel because literally everything else gets rekt by her Pokemon. Clefairy isn't available until Agate Circus nowadays.

And you should actually read the description of Cute Charm before suggesting it over a superior ability in Unaware: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cute_Charm_(Ability)

When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that the attacking Pokémon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender to the Pokémon with this Ability.

umm not really pro here but , u can get nine tails, and a lot of starter (like Turtwig, pilpup, chikorita, totodile, delphox, squirtle, tepig, Chespin) from event u know like trading, an doing task .

You can trade in Reborn? Pretty sure you can't really do that until there is actual online capability. I know about the event starters that you could get, but a lot of them are available so late into the game or they just aren't that good of Pokemon to use based on the circumstances.

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If you had actually read my post, then you'll probably know that it was a "team showcase" lol.

Air Slash at least can flinch? That's how I broke through some of Samson's Pokemon and then put it into Acrobatics KO range. Curse = lower speed and it is all wasted away when I have to switch out. What a great set to use?

In case you're wondering, we're playing Episode 15 now. And in my experience, the AI did try to setup on the Clefable. Cute Charm has even less applications than Unaware. Oh and if you actually read the post, then you would know that I essentially only got Clefable for Ciel because literally everything else gets rekt by her Pokemon. Clefairy isn't available until Agate Circus nowadays.

And you should actually read the description of Cute Charm before suggesting it over a superior ability in Unaware: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cute_Charm_(Ability)

When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that the attacking Pokémon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender to the Pokémon with this Ability.

Which is also the exact name of this here section, where people mostly ask for help for, what a coinkidink.

Again, White Herb removes your Speed drop. And if you'd reread, I only gave that as an option if you REALLY wanted to keep Crobat and keep it physical, I provided an option since you said you felt it lacked power.

Yes, I am aware, thanks for the news flash. Doesn't change my point in the slightest. In E14, AI was messed up to the point that stuff like set-up moves worked out even less than they usually do for the AI. E15 kinda fixed that, but the distribution of set-up moves is still the same.

And I did read it, but figured I might as well give input. I mean, if you're not looking for input...why post this. To inform us that, of the 400-ish things in the game, those particular ones worked out for you? Good on ya, I guess.

And...really? Ciel is generally regarded as one of the easier leaders, only the Altaria and Tallon being somewhat troublesome.

Your point? Yeah, I misremembered a 30% chance to be 50%, that's it. I know that it causes Infatuation and not Confusion, if that's what you're getting at. But for the purposes I suggested it, to make setting up easier, it might as well be the same thing, a 50% chance for the foe to not do anything that turn, the chip damage of the confusion self-hits is hardly the point.

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You can trade in Reborn? Pretty sure you can't really do that until there is actual online capability. I know about the event starters that you could get, but a lot of them are available so late into the game or they just aren't that good of Pokemon to use based on the circumstances.

Not directly yet however we do have a trading thread which can be used to make indirect trades via editing of save files (pretty much two people agree to a trade and someone with RPGMaker swaps the pokemon over (well they aren't the same pokemon but edits the exact same pokemon into someone else's save then deletes it from the person trading it away's).

And, to be honest, you've come off as kind of rude to people who have put in effort to try and give you feedback here. Etesian didn't say you had to change anything he just gave suggestions on what you could consider doing (and he put in a lot of effort to his posts) and you responded relatively poorly. If you don't want any feedback on your team you probably didn't need to make a thread. You have the right to disagree with him but saying things like "if you'd read my post" are just unnecessarily rude to people who are trying to help you.

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Tbf none of his suggestions were particularly fantastic to the point where it made the team better, like the OP pointed out it just seemed like he wrote down whatever was at the top of his head. Dont see how thats rude

As for actual feedback, yeah you may wanna train at least one dedicated Water killer for whenever we do face Amaria. I could totally see Tangrowth or Exeggutor working for this team. They give you bulky Ground resists and Water resists that hit fairly hard. Eggy can set up TR and sweep Amaria potentially while Growth has Regenerator to keep coming in. Only downside is their SDef wont be taking Ice Beams too well, so getting a +SDef nature could help.

Ludicolo is another amazing option that synergizes really well with the team.

Edited by LordWallace
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Tbf none of his suggestions were particularly fantastic to the point where it made the team better, like the OP pointed out it just seemed like he wrote down whatever was at the top of his head. Dont see how thats rude

This thread is mostly used as a place to ask about suggestions for your team. You can't blame Etesian for attempting to assist even if the OP doesn't want to be helped, as he thought of this thread as a literal Team Showcase, which isn't wrong but hey, the majority of the threads in "Team Showcase" are either playthroughs or asking for help about their Reborn teams

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Tbf none of his suggestions were particularly fantastic to the point where it made the team better, like the OP pointed out it just seemed like he wrote down whatever was at the top of his head. Dont see how thats rude

Most of his actual complaints about his team members were lacking power or being disappointing in general, something that vague isn't a lot to go off of for specific suggestions, especially considering how many of his team members could be swapped out for other things, so there's pretty much no point in trying to match suggestions to his team. So I did just list everything worth using from those types (with lowered standards, thus wider selection. because, let's be real here, he's got higher-leveled Meowstic and a Wailord, that's not really a sign that only top tier mons are being asked for).

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Which is also the exact name of this here section, where people mostly ask for help for, what a coinkidink.

Again, White Herb removes your Speed drop. And if you'd reread, I only gave that as an option if you REALLY wanted to keep Crobat and keep it physical, I provided an option since you said you felt it lacked power.

Yes, I am aware, thanks for the news flash. Doesn't change my point in the slightest. In E14, AI was messed up to the point that stuff like set-up moves worked out even less than they usually do for the AI. E15 kinda fixed that, but the distribution of set-up moves is still the same.

And I did read it, but figured I might as well give input. I mean, if you're not looking for input...why post this. To inform us that, of the 400-ish things in the game, those particular ones worked out for you? Good on ya, I guess.

And...really? Ciel is generally regarded as one of the easier leaders, only the Altaria and Tallon being somewhat troublesome.

Your point? Yeah, I misremembered a 30% chance to be 50%, that's it. I know that it causes Infatuation and not Confusion, if that's what you're getting at. But for the purposes I suggested it, to make setting up easier, it might as well be the same thing, a 50% chance for the foe to not do anything that turn, the chip damage of the confusion self-hits is hardly the point.

So we shouldn't share our Reborn playthroughs? Pretty sure that's what this forum is for as well. It's not just a help forum. Why would the "Team Showcase" forum not even be the place to showcase a team that was used to play through this game? That doesn't make sense.

White Herb indeed removes the speed drop, but the biggest issue is that Crobat still kinda has poor defenses even with the +1 Defense boost and not to mention it is all for moot and a White Herb wasted if I am in a situation where my best play is to switch out Crobat. It doesn't have the versatility and at that point, it would just be better to have a means to flinch things and having a non-sp atk decreasing nature makes it somewhat okay for my purposes in getting through the adventure up to Episode 15.

Yes, Ciel was one of the toughest gym leaders for this team because well, looking at it, what do I have for Ciel? Blaziken and Excadrill get destroyed by quite a few of her members. Gardevoir can probably take out the Altaria, but still doesn't last the battle. Crobat is the same. Etc etc. How do you expect this team to beat Ciel? I also was pretty under-leveled for the most part minus Excadrill and Blaziken because I was just going through the game really quick. I even considered getting a Boldore to just setup Stealth Rock to have somewhat of a chance against Ciel because of how poor the matchup is.

Hence...why I just got the Clefairy from Agate Circus after I beat Terra to prepare for the Ciel battle. Just because Ciel might be considered the "easier" of the leaders doesn't mean anything if your Pokemon inherently don't do very well against hers. To give an example, Noel seems to be commonly stated as a tough gym leader to beat but I didn't find him very difficult simply because Blaziken and Excadrill essentially destroyed him. It all comes down to the individual matchup, not how everyone else generally is doing.

Using Cute Charm on Clefable is meaningless if the opposing Pokemon could setup next to Clefable. Simple as that. Doesn't matter how often or less it happens, if someone sets up on your Clefable while you're trying to setup and they get a hit off that ends up KO'ing you because they kept up with your boosts, then all your boosts are wasted. Unaware prevents that. Ciel's Talonflame tried to setup Swords Dances on Clefable and it would've been quite bad if a hit happened to go through evasion and at a time when the defensive boosts weren't ready.

Cute Charm all in all makes the gimmick even more luck based than it needs to be. Charge Beam over Moonblast only increases the already long setup time that is required on Clefable and you lose a very good move for hitting Dark types which you would otherwise be relying on Charge Beam to damage.

Not directly yet however we do have a trading thread which can be used to make indirect trades via editing of save files (pretty much two people agree to a trade and someone with RPGMaker swaps the pokemon over (well they aren't the same pokemon but edits the exact same pokemon into someone else's save then deletes it from the person trading it away's).

And, to be honest, you've come off as kind of rude to people who have put in effort to try and give you feedback here. Etesian didn't say you had to change anything he just gave suggestions on what you could consider doing (and he put in a lot of effort to his posts) and you responded relatively poorly. If you don't want any feedback on your team you probably didn't need to make a thread. You have the right to disagree with him but saying things like "if you'd read my post" are just unnecessarily rude to people who are trying to help you.

Okay that's interesting, never really looked into that. Thanks for letting me know about it.

Um, honestly, from what I read on his post and the subsequent replies, it seemed that he just copy-pasted a lot of stuff into his response from other threads and basically was just saying stuff that sounded quite condescending in its own manner and I did not find a lot of his suggestions helpful. Yes, I do agree on a few of his points believe it or not. Mamoswine and Excadrill definitely compete for that spot. Dragalge is definitely an interesting option to explore. etc. etc.

However, there were a lot of suggestions that...seemed quite questionable as to how well it would work practically. Breeding for Hidden Power for example is already tedious enough in XY and ORAS. Breeding in Pokemon Reborn from what I have tried seems even worse because of how many more steps you have to take to even see an egg show up at the Day Care. There were also some ideas that honestly aren't even good options for replacements in the first place such as Stunfisk over Excadrill or even considering Arbok or Muk as viable Pokemon over Crobat. Is Stunfisk at all a Pokemon that is more viable than Excadrill in a Pokemon Reborn playthrough?

I was under the impression that the "Team Showcase" forum was a place to just talk about what was used in a playthrough of Pokemon Reborn. While I see that it is also a place for helping people on their playthroughs and whatnot, it seems that this post that I wrote with the purpose of sharing information of what I found to be helpful in my fast playthrough of Pokemon Reborn was just interpreted as a thread asking for advice on a team when...it technically isn't?

I heard each and every part of his advice and even took the time to reply to each suggestion. I am open to suggestions for improving the team, but when it gets to the point that the suggestions either make the team objectively worse than it currently is or I would have to manipulate my save file to get the better options for a Pokemon...sorry, I just had to say something about it because I don't think it's constructive advice to suggest sub-optimal sets to people.

Tbf none of his suggestions were particularly fantastic to the point where it made the team better, like the OP pointed out it just seemed like he wrote down whatever was at the top of his head. Dont see how thats rude

As for actual feedback, yeah you may wanna train at least one dedicated Water killer for whenever we do face Amaria. I could totally see Tangrowth or Exeggutor working for this team. They give you bulky Ground resists and Water resists that hit fairly hard. Eggy can set up TR and sweep Amaria potentially while Growth has Regenerator to keep coming in. Only downside is their SDef wont be taking Ice Beams too well, so getting a +SDef nature could help.

Ludicolo is another amazing option that synergizes really well with the team.

Yeah, I definitely wanna get Ludicolo now even though I missed the event back when I was in Reborn City, but inb4 Amaria's Lapras has Freeze-Dry (based off of what I know about Ame, it will). RIP. Oh wellz, at least it will probably have a very strong match-up against the rest of the team which is definitely appreciated for me given that for this save file, Blaziken and Excadrill get destroyed by Water types.

Edited by Heliosan
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Etesian was just offering options. Your first paragraph in response to him already sets up the rest of your replies as rude. I can understand you just wanted to show off your team (and I'm sure Etesian would understand that as well), so all you had to do was simply say that. Attacking people when they're offering help only discourages them from helping anyone else.

In regards to trading, I think kaiMaxwell meant in-game trades, like an NPC requests a luvdisc for a darumaka. But yes, the reborn trading thread is definitely an option. You could even request some of those E12 options that Etesian suggested. I'm sure someone has them or is capable of obtaining them.

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Etesian was just offering options. Your first paragraph in response to him already sets up the rest of your replies as rude. I can understand you just wanted to show off your team (and I'm sure Etesian would understand that as well), so all you had to do was simply say that. Attacking people when they're offering help only discourages them from helping anyone else.

In regards to trading, I think kaiMaxwell meant in-game trades, like an NPC requests a luvdisc for a darumaka. But yes, the reborn trading thread is definitely an option. You could even request some of those E12 options that Etesian suggested. I'm sure someone has them or is capable of obtaining them.

yes i mean in game trade . In one of your post i see u say vulpix and other starter isn't viable to use because they are un-atainable .

Vulpix is from the agate circus . There are clown looking for the stunfisk and willing to trade vulpix for it.

The starter u can get at this point is totodile and turtwig while the rest is unavailable due to unable to go back to reborn city.

totodile can be gotten at the the ice mountain (ametrine mountain?) here is the video

and turtwig can also be gotten at one of the circus by solving the puzzle where u get dive . (next to ice cream vendor)

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25 hours is quite impressive :\. even on my second run in I am 18 hours in and just beat Shelly. Not that I am trying to motor through or anything, but even if I did try motor through I don't think I could do 25 hours so congratz on that

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35 hours is impressive if you're not really trying to speed through the game.

I'm pretty sure I've wasted 20 hours before facing Julia. I don't know how I did it.

So we shouldn't share our Reborn playthroughs? Pretty sure that's what this forum is for as well. It's not just a help forum. Why would the "Team Showcase" forum not even be the place to showcase a team that was used to play through this game? That doesn't make sense.


I'll give you some credit for being right on the fact that you want to showcase your team, but here's the thing: What happens commonly > A rare occurrence.

If you're willing to post your team, people will comment on it, whether you like it or not. If you were not up for accepting suggestions, you should have mentioned it. I'm pretty sure you didn't.

Also, you've been here long enough to know how the Team Showcase section works. Like I said, people that only want to showcase their team, and don't want suggestions, happens rarely. You should have specified that somewhere in your post.

I hope we understand each other. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but rather, that some things could've been worded out "better".

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35 hours is impressive if you're not really trying to speed through the game.

I'm pretty sure I've wasted 20 hours before facing Julia. I don't know how I did it.


I'll give you some credit for being right on the fact that you want to showcase your team, but here's the thing: What happens commonly > A rare occurrence.

If you're willing to post your team, people will comment on it, whether you like it or not. If you were not up for accepting suggestions, you should have mentioned it. I'm pretty sure you didn't.

Also, you've been here long enough to know how the Team Showcase section works. Like I said, people that only want to showcase their team, and don't want suggestions, happens rarely. You should have specified that somewhere in your post.

I hope we understand each other. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but rather, that some things could've been worded out "better".

Yeah, I'll concede that I should've made a disclaimer somewhere about it, but I didn't really think that was needed until later. I'll keep that in mind for the future. Thanks! :)

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