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Lillipup is being a ninja ._.



So I found Lillipup twice already:

1st: North Peridot railings

2nd: Under the Opal Brige

But I tried poking around Coral and Obsidia but I didn't find it there.

I know the last area is in Onyx Ward. But any tips on where it could be?

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peridot ward near the apartment where you get snubbull

Um.. *runs around* x.x Nope...

I've heard this sidequest is bugged and Lillipup doesn't show up again after you find it the second time.

Not too sure about that, though.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

I got it in the first playthrough. /).(\ Maybe I just have a bugged 2nd playthrough?

I've hatched two eggs running around looking for Lillipup. :P

Edited by Avarice
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I think it's possible to find it near the door to the desert. At the end of the train tracks.

My memory is pretty hazy at this point though, the best thing to to (iirc) is to check the TV, it has a program that'll give you the locations.

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I think it's possible to find it near the door to the desert. At the end of the train tracks.

My memory is pretty hazy at this point though, the best thing to to (iirc) is to check the TV, it has a program that'll give you the locations.

I think that's the one the OP already found.

The TV's on the Hunt channel is a good choice, and I also got tips from the apartment guy from the house you initially find the Lillipup and it's owner in

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Oh yeah you're right. Thinking about it a bit more isn't the third encounter always the one that you get it on? In that case it's in the Onyx Ward just outside the move relearner's house. Kind of to the left a bit.

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Oh yeah you're right. Thinking about it a bit more isn't the third encounter always the one that you get it on? In that case it's in the Onyx Ward just outside the move relearner's house. Kind of to the left a bit.

8I Third Encounter: Onyx Ward

Got Lillipup. ._.


I thought it was a five-time encounter, like most hide-and-seek Pokemon.

Thank you for the tips! I checked the TV too beforehand. *headdesk again*

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