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Do Reputation Points do anything?


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I just noticed I had 4 Neutral... points...?

Not sure what that means. (Obviously hasn't been in a forum a while.)

Does it do anything? Like give an award title? Like some sort of currency? I'm pretty sure it's different from the RP currency used to buy stuff from the site store.

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They're mainly just feel good points, but they do come with some neat titles attached. Right now your rep status is neutral but as you gain more points you'll get better and better titles on that.

Edit: Ninjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'd.

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They're meaningless, son.

Basically, Don't worry too much about them. it's honestly a system with no real reward other than feeling a little good about yourself whenever you see your count. Generally speaking, a person's actual reputation in this community is worth alot more than just whatever number and title happens to sit to the right hand side of your profile page, highlighted in bright green.

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Reputation points are supposed to be given to good posts... but I mostly just see them being given to memes and jokes so they're pretty much pointless.

Well that's not necessarily true... Reputation points aren't meant to be given to any sort of post other than what the person giving them considers them worth. So it's really in the eye of the beholder. Some people think things that they find funny are worth giving reputation points to while others think they should be saved for more serious posts. There aren't any standards regulating the types of posts they should be given to though.

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Not worth. But you get to see some new titles.

And just saying this, if you get 420 and say out in the status, you will definetly get a rep more. 100%

Same goes for pretty much any other number, like 69, 666, or 777.

There will always be that one person who adds on to your rep points just to ruin your fun.

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Rep points don't really mean too much in terms of a rewards system or anything. There are people who have been on here in less time than I have, but got more points. And inversely applying to people I've been on for less time then. Most of the time, it is the equivalent of a "Like" on Facebook, or similar. Some posts get you a lot more than others. For instance, I made a guide thread for the battle format of VGC and got like 10-11 rep points, which is VERY rare for a single post on here.

It's mostly just for asthetic viewing purposes.

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Oh cool! I see, thank you!

I'll try to click that green button more often. I tend to just read/browse through and call it done. /).(\

Titles! *.* (I almost typed a weird word.)

Hey at least there are some people who think your thought counts AND don't forget to click on the button.

Good vibes! (For the lulz or not.) ^_^

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