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[OOC] Fate/Empty Vessel [Sign-Ups for Third War and Servants needed]


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Ah, right

I think there was something i needed to say about that sheet, but IDR

I have a couple other obligations for RP things this evening, so I'll check tomorrow. It was probably some minor nitpick anyways >_<

EDIT: Oh, right, I wanted to have you explain the Poetica Orphica thing better, because ATM I have no clue what it does

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Hey look, a Counter Guardian from the future.

Servant Profile:

Character (RPer): SORASA (Murdoc)

Classes: Lancer

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Strength: D

Endurance: D

Agility: B

Mana: C

Luck: E

Phantasm: C

Class Skills

Battle Continuation A

Magic Resistance C+

Personal Skills

Protection from Arrows E (However, can be combined with Guardian Knight if applicable to reach B rank.)

Guardian Knight A- (Rank-Down due to personal experiences. A good relationship with his Master could remove this penalty.)

Rune Magic C (Learned this class of magic in favor of contemporary magecraft from a certain master of spears.)

Noble Phantasms:

Hauteclere (C Anti-Unit)

The sword of Oliver, converted into a spear to fit SORASA’s fighting style better. It possesses the ability to instantly counterattack to cause the same amount of damage that the wielder suffers from an attack, as long as the attacker is within striking range. The counterstrike is always at least C-rank, but will increase in rank based on the source of the original damage. Outside of this ability, it is simply a high-quality blade, lacking any sort of curse or conceptual ability attached to it.

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right counter guardians that's a can of worms i rather avoid if anything. since there's really nothing to base and judge them from, but anywhos its not my place to say anything along that line anyway, but i can say this Battle Continuation is not a class skill for Lancers it only was one for the sake of Fate/Extra since it was an actual game and the lancer class need something more then just Magic Resistance( Most lancer's in Grand Order don't have it either) we argued this when Fate/Full Moon was going where Sheep pointed that out.

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I can just move that down to personal skills, anyway.

As for the Counter Guardian bit, he's a guy who intentionally followed the footsteps of legendary heroes, but he's still fairly weak by Servant standards.Not trying to power game, just a thing I wanted to try.

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like i said i not saying anything against it i figured it was just something you wanted to try similar to my Spirit of the West. counter guardians are just a pain in general since we wouldn't have anyway to judge him other then what you gave him(which by the way look similar to Cu) they just work better with a backstory attached to them. Like how did he get his spear the only other couther guardian we know is Archer and his NP was a magic only he had.....ugg i said i wasn't going to say anything so will stop here until Lexi puts her thoughts.

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I can tell you right now, since he's partially based on Archer. (I also briefly discussed this with Lexi earlier on the server.) He encountered the NP during his lifetime and modified it to suit his purposes (like Hector with Durandal/Durindana, or Archer with Caladbolg.) His skills look similar to Cu's because 1. he models his fighting styles on those of existing legendary heroes and 2. they had the same teacher. (This is the main point of his character where I'm worried about Sueishness, but it's not -completely- unreasonable since Scathach is more than likely still alive and kicking somewhere.) Much like Archer, his lack of backstory is part of what makes him even with other Servants - as someone who was simply a regular human in life, he has low parameters and a weak NP, he needs to take all the advantages he can get. (Before you get after me about B-rank Agility, Sasaki Kojirou had A+ rank and he didn't even exist.) Overall, he's also got a larger number of lesser weaknesses due to deliberately tying himself to multiple legends (so far Oliver, Cu Chulainn/Scathach, and Hector).

If you've got any more questions, please ask them.

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that the big thing about making a counter guardian in RP you can say what ever you want for him to have abilities and what not since your the only one who knows the backstory in full.

the backstory part was not for having a legend its for people from out side to judge and see if the skills a NP fit not for anything within the RP. Hectors spear came first not Durandal. Though i don't recall them saying anything how it got turned in to Durandal.
So i won't argue that i just wondering how did he get did it? Did Oliver give it to him, did he find it before he became a counter guardian if not are counter guardians even allowed to take things like that(since you know it would mess with the whole there meant to keep balance thing they do)?

this is another big thing we don't know much about counter guardians and how they work in anyway. all i remember from my research is that they have to make a deal with GAIA at their death to become one and once they do they are removed from time and are set to various times to keep balance.

Scathach only trained Cu because she saw a great destiny for him or whatever it was. him and his children where the only one she ever trained in legend(which i could be wrong there since i don't have that legend sitting next to me), but still she didn't train many people. so for her to train some random person...yes that does sound very Sueish.

(Before you get after me about B-rank Agility, Sasaki Kojirou had A+ rank and he didn't even exist.)

yes and nether did Hercules but they have a legend and that's where there abilities come from.

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Hector (in Fate canon, anyway) owned Durandal first. It's stated that he lengthened the handle and turned it into a spear because it fit his fighting style more. After his death it eventually made its way to Roland. He obtained the sword during his travels, before he became a counter guardian; there are a few examples of Noble Phantasms being owned and/or lost in the modern day, including Avalon, Rhongomyniad, and Fragarach. (I don't think he could grab stuff as a CG; Archer could do that because he was only recording copies of the weapons, not taking them physically.)

I admit that CGs aren't well understood. I did my best to try and make him not violate what we know already, but they remain pretty much an unknown factor. All we really know about the Counter Force is 1. Alaya (not Gaia, Gaia deploys stuff like True Ancestors) controls them, 2. the Counter Force can empower individuals without actually summoning Guardians (Jeanne d'Arc, Shiki) 3. you can make a contract with it to achieve some sort of miracle or at the very least a boost in power and 4. Enkidu can access it directly.

As for Scathach, she did (possibly) train four others in legend: Loegaire (who was pretty much some random dude), Conchobar, Ferdiad, and sometimes Conall Cernach. (Ferdiad I know was there, the other three I'm unsure of.) She's kind of an odd figure because she doesn't really appear anywhere other than in reference to the Ulster cycle and specifically the training of these four, making her an unknown factor. In the Nasuverse she's heavily implied to still be kicking around somewhere, being immortal enough to be unable to commit suicide. Her background also mentions her training "many disciples into warriors and mages," which at least implies she interacted with more than Cu, Connla and Ferdiad.

It's sort of implied that Herakles was an actual person in the Nasuverse, or at the very least he is an actual Heroic Spirit. Sasaki is specifically mentioned as not properly existing, being closer to a wraith or illusion than a Heroic Spirit.

I haven't got his backstory entirely sorted (it's mostly just a general thing right now) but I'd be willing to share a more complete version.

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Hoo boy

So, I like most of the concept, but I would definitely like to see the backstory. At least via PM if not openly in the thread for everyone to take a look at

Outside that I don't have any issues with it. As I said in the chat, I don't mind EMIYA-ness too much, I just don't want it to get excessive

EDIT: It comes to mind that I should mention there is actually a very EMIYA-esque character in existence already. They just have a bit of plot relevance so I'm keeping them hidden. Assuming we don't get many more servant-summoning members, they'll be showing up in our initial war

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if Lexi is fine with is I'm fine with it (though i would love to see the backstory too just for my own curiosity)

though turning a sword into a spear and making it function right would be harder then the other way around.

It's sort of implied that Herakles was an actual person in the Nasuverse, or at the very least he is an actual Heroic Spirit. Sasaki is specifically mentioned as not properly existing, being closer to a wraith or illusion than a Heroic Spirit.

heroic spirits are made up of mainly two categories. ones who where real and other who only existed in legend Hercules is an example of one who only existed in legend. (i don't remember where i read that) but yeah i do know that bit about Sasaki but he was the spirit that most fit the legend of Sasaki that why he was summoned., and his summoning was all kinds of crazy anyway so using him as a example for anything is a bad idea.

speaking of archers here one i made a long time ago and it probably needs more work so I'm going to post it here so i could get some help with it.

Character (RPer): Huang Zhong, The General Who Attacks the West(rustytengo)

Classes: Archer, Rider

Alignment: Lawful good


Strength: C

Endurance: C+

Agility: B-.

Mana: B

Luck: B+

Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Independent Action: B

Magic Resistance: B

Personal Skills

Riding: B

The General who Attacks the West: EX(Gives a boost to parameters when he attacks westward

Noble Phantasms:

Bow of the Tiger General: B

A bow that will never miss no matter what the target is.(will hit not just physical things but concepts as well such as fear, loyalty and the such.)

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Didn't notice that you asked me something, Lexi, lolz

It's the collection of her poems, each holding tremendous power on its own. She can reproduce them at will. The third Phantasm serves to write one new poem in her own blood and add it to the Poetica, but she will die soon afterwards. This one is considerably more powerful than the rest. Others can attempt to reproduce her poems, but will fail as they are on a completely different level than what they could ever hope to achieve.

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Durandal was originally a sword. Hector turned it into a spear, and then somewhere along the line it went back to being a sword before Roland obtained it.

I'll go over your Servant in more detail later but for now I'd recommend making The General who Attacks the West into something more concept-based than literally attacking westward, and his NP seems like a more overpowered version of Chiron's.

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hmm i really can't think of how to change General who Attacks the West other then making it something that combines different skills like Voyager of the Storm, then I'm probably better at changing the name if it to something to do with him being on of the 5 tiger generals.

I made him long before Chiron's NP was reveled(at least so i could see it) all the way back when i first tried doing a Fate RP on here.

But it comes from the part of his legend(i don't remember where in it though) where he shot the helmet off the head of an enemy general thus causing the opposing army to flee hince the ability to shot things that aren't physical. it has limits such as if the thing he is targeting couldn't ever be reduce no mater what it wouldn't work. Like the loyalty of Darmind and the such. it is a bit complicated and hard to explain i will admit. and when hes using that part of the NP it can't actually cause physical harm to the enemy.

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Ah, alright Sir Frog, that makes sense. I'll add her later-ish. Any title or whatever you want for her? Or shall I just invent one?

Actually, while I'm at it, I should ask Huk the same question about Revenge

As for your Archer, Rusty, he doesn't have enough to him for me to make an actual judgement. Perhaps have "attacking westward" refer to "attacking western heroes" instead? It might be a bit OP since most of our heroes are western, but it's also much easier to work with

For those who are hopefully working on making masters plsplspls make masters, here's my current servant intentions in case you want to try to get a specific one of them or something. I'm open to changing some of them as well, this is just what I felt would be the most interesting combination after I settled on the first few servants

Saber: Richard I of England, the Lionheart - Master: Richard (Stop looking at me like that, I just thought their mutual stubbornness was fitting)

Archer: Nani, the Memory of the Future - Master: Cene

Lancer: Honor, the Hero's Prerogative

Rider: Arminius, the German Rider who defeated mighty Rome - Master: Aikawa Midori

Caster: Orpheus, [title TBA]

Assassin: Hassan-i-Sabbah, Drug Addict Hassan (:P) - Master: Craig

Bersker: Revenge, [title TBA] (I know you didn't want to be Zerker Huk, but Honor and Revenge)

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As for your Archer, Rusty, he doesn't have enough to him for me to make an actual judgement. Perhaps have "attacking westward" refer to "attacking western heroes" instead? It might be a bit OP since most of our heroes are western, but it's also much easier to work with

hmm well that sounds like a interesting way to go with it but i don't feel that it fits him that well he was granted the Title after a battle against another Chinese force. So i don't feel that way would fit. What I will probably do is change the skill to Tiger General and have it encompass military abilities (Tactics and what not any suggestions are well come)well dropping it rank down to around B and just use that as his title.

I'm am going add Eternal Arms Master to his skills at a low rank since he was like 70 or older well he was doing all of this awesome stuff. Which after reading a bit more on him i am going to drop his Independent Action to C since he fallowed direction more so then not. i will expand on his NP more just for a better explanation on how it works.

For those who are hopefully working on making masters plsplspls make masters, here's my current servant intentions in case you want to try to get a specific one of them or something. I'm open to changing some of them as well, this is just what I felt would be the most interesting combination after I settled on the first few servants

Saber: Richard I of England, the Lionheart - Master: Richard (Stop looking at me like that, I just thought their mutual stubbornness was fitting)

Archer: Nani, the Memory of the Future - Master: Cene

Lancer: Honor, the Hero's Prerogative

Rider: Arminius, the German Rider who defeated mighty Rome - Master: Aikawa Midori

Caster: Orpheus, [title TBA]

Assassin: Hassan-i-Sabbah, Drug Addict Hassan ( :P) - Master: Craig

Bersker: Revenge, [title TBA] (I know you didn't want to be Zerker Huk, but Honor and Revenge)

Hmm don't know what to think about those teams Craig and Assassin are to similar in fighting so they would be out of interesting fights by being together(or you know they wait until the end and take care of the last reaming teams and steal the Grail though that's still boring) just my thoughts anyway(Craig and Honor would be a more interesting combo to me since Craig has his own version of Honor just my opinion anyway) still need 3 masters though anyway before anything and probably more servants so Lexi won't have to play that many characters.

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"He doesn’t show much respect to people. He will actively work to take down some one he sees as arrogant and annoying." - Why Craig has zero chance of summoning Honor without a catalyst

Honor is uptight as all hell

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not too particular on a title feel free to make one. ((do remember it draws from the power of strong emotion, or is from a strong feeling etc... feel like that's important.))

as for being Berserker again, no worries this one can actually talk a bit making my job not quite as hard lol. It'll still be a bit of a pain in but not as much of one as it could be XD>. So, I don't really mind it as much lol.

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So, while I was busy being all nonexistent and stuff, I had an idea


Red Riding Hood, the Wolf Bringer 4*

Character (RPer): Red Riding Hood (Alexus)

Classes: Rider, Caster, Berserker

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Parameters (Parenthesis are stats gained from assimilating Susi)

Strength: E (B)

Endurance: C (B)

Agility: D (A)

Mana: C (D)

Luck: D (D)

Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Riding A+

Magic Resistance B

Personal Skills

Magecraft B (Red’s magic is on par with a powerful magus of modern day. Her magic is specialized for manipulating the living and dead bodies of mammals)

Self-Modification A (Red has the ability to fuse her body with any living creature, temporarily taking on its physical traits. In the short term this has no adverse effects, but using a creature for too long will result in its death)

Mad Enhancement C (Active only when her hood is down. Although maintaining most of her personality, Red becomes overwhelmed with the desire to kill and assimilate that her magic causes)

Noble Phantasms:

Red Riding Hood (E, Anti-self)

Red’s namesake, a magical cloak passed down through her family. This strange article of clothing protects the wearer from their own madness. So long as the hood is up, she is protected from all self-imposed mental interference and gains strong resistances against outward intrusions upon her mind

The Wolf (A, Anti-army)

A powerful phantasmal beast that served as an ally of Red’s family. The Wolf itself is on par with a heroic spirit. He is a sentient being capable of a low level of human communication and refers to himself as Susi. He willingly subjects himself to Red, allowing her to assimilate him for short periods of time

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So, while I was busy being all nonexistent and stuff, I had an idea


Red Riding Hood, the Wolf Bringer 4*

Character (RPer): Red Riding Hood (Alexus)

Classes: Rider, Caster, Berserker

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Parameters (Parenthesis are stats gained from assimilating Susi)

Strength: E ( B)

Endurance: C ( B)

Agility: D (A)

Mana: C (D)

Luck: D (D)

Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Riding A+

Magic Resistance B

Personal Skills

Magecraft B (Red’s magic is on par with a powerful magus of modern day. Her magic is specialized for manipulating the living and dead bodies of mammals)

Self-Modification A (Red has the ability to fuse her body with any living creature, temporarily taking on its physical traits. In the short term this has no adverse effects, but using a creature for too long will result in its death)

Mad Enhancement C (Active only when her hood is down. Although maintaining most of her personality, Red becomes overwhelmed with the desire to kill and assimilate that her magic causes)

Noble Phantasms:

Red Riding Hood (E, Anti-self)

Red’s namesake, a magical cloak passed down through her family. This strange article of clothing protects the wearer from their own madness. So long as the hood is up, she is protected from all self-imposed mental interference and gains strong resistances against outward intrusions upon her mind

The Wolf (A, Anti-army)

A powerful phantasmal beast that served as an ally of Red’s family. The Wolf itself is on par with a heroic spirit. He is a sentient being capable of a low level of human communication and refers to himself as Susi. He willingly subjects himself to Red, allowing her to assimilate him for short periods of time

Daaaang, I really like this concept for a Servant. I probably never would have thought of it, but that was a really cool idea. The NPs are cool too.

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yeah it is a good concept i though about Red Riding Hood at one time but couldn't come up with anything.

anyway here the rework of my archer.

Character (RPer): Huang Zhong, The General Who Attacks the West(rustytengo)

Classes: Archer, Rider

Alignment: Lawful good


Strength: C

Endurance: C+

Agility: B-.

Mana: B

Luck: B+

Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Independent Action: C

Magic Resistance: B

Personal Skills

Riding: B

Tiger General: C, This skill is given to the five Tiger Generals during the Romance of the Three Kingdoms era. It grants them equal ranks in skills needed to lead and command an army (Military tactics, charisma, and such.)

Eternal Arms Mastership: D, His skills did not degrade with age.

Clairvoyance: C

Noble Phantasms:

Bow of the Tiger General: A

The bow he used when he shoot the helm off of an opposing general’s head. causing the army to flee before the battle started.

As a Noble Phantasms it can target anything physical or conceptual as well as abilities of other though it still relies on the skill of the user to make the shot.

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Sorry for not saying anything about your Archer, Rusty. I'm still kind of out of it

Thus, why I made this monstrosity

Artitha AKA Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster 4*

Character (RPer): Artitha AKA Nessie (Alexus)

Classes: Saber, Assassin

Alignment: True Neutral


Strength: A

Endurance: A

Agility: D

Mana: C

Luck: C

Phantasm: C+

Class Skills

Magic Resistance C

Riding D- (Capable of riding any sea creature at least three feet in length)

Personal Skills

Innocent Monster – (Although this skill cannot be removed, Nessie’s acceptance of her legend prevents her from properly gaining it in the first place. May trigger fully with an improper summons)

Monstrous Strength A (On top of her strength being high, Nessie is capable of shoving her physical capabilities to the point of her bare fists shattering the strongest of non-phantasm shields)

Presence Concealment C (Nessie is very good at hiding, and can easily stand next to a Master or Servant without revealing herself. However she is not fit for sneaking up on foes and making preparations to attack will fully reveal her)

Eternal Arms Mastership A (As she is born of her weapon, Nessie will never lose the ability to use it proficiently)

Noble Phantasms:

Legend of Loch Ness, the Monster in the Deep (D, Anti-self)

The legend that Nessie formed around Loch Ness to protect herself while she tried to understand her own existence, along the way she ended up becoming as much the legend as her original self. This phantasm transforms Nessie into the plesiosaur that many suspect to live in the lake. Outside of water this is actually a detriment as she becomes completely immobile. But in a large body of water she becomes a high-speed menace with jaws capable of snapping weaker heroic spirits in two. This transformation causes Nessie to tear through her mana as quickly as her opponents; if her master is too weak or inexperienced she may not even be able to use it

Excalibur Reflect, Sword of Mirrored Victory (A+, Anti-fortress)

The Holy Sword Excalibur as held by Nessie, who herself is a reflection of the hope of the man who cast Excalibur back into the lake. It is much weaker than when held by its proper owner, but still serves as an extremely powerful weapon. Nessie is capable of a beam attack similar to the unleashing of Excalibur by Arturia, but instead iof annihilating what it strikes; it slices them into perfect halves. Because of Nessie’s state as being a perfectly neutral power for Excalibur to amplify, the right half will be destroyed by holy light while the left will be ruined by darkness

Glorious, isn't she? Yes, I did just turn the Loch Ness Monster into a Saberface

Quick note on the rating of her first phantasm: The phantasm itself doesn't do too much, she's already got stupid strength, it just tosses the added ability to bite into it and makes her go a lot faster. All of that assuming she's in water of course. I'm up to changing it, but that's what felt right to me

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@Rusty: I don't have any real issues except with the phantasm. It's. . . really vague, at least in how it interacts with other things. For example, you could just say "oh he shoots the bond between Master and Servant," but then, is he shooting the friendship between them? Is he shooting the actual magical bond? What resists it? etc. Just a bit more on how it should interact with other stuff (and what exactly he has to phyiscally hit to, say, shoot someone's courage), since as a very conceptual ability, plus what happens if he "hits" a concept.

EDIT: Another Servant.

Character (RPer): Simo "the White Death" Hayha (King Murdoc)

Classes: Archer, Assassin

Alignment: Lawful Good


Strength: E

Endurance: C

Agility: D

Mana: D

Luck: B

Phantasm: A

Class Skills

Independent Action A

Presence Concealment C

Magic Resistance D

Personal Skills

Battle Continuation C (Managed a kill count of just over five men per day, during a war of attrition. Survived an explosive round to the face, literally.)

Clairvoyance C (You need pretty good eyesight to snipe with iron sights, at night, in a blizzard.)

Marksmanship A+ (Are you getting the idea here?)

Eye of the Mind (True) D (While it doesn't provide bonuses to close combat, it does grant a knack for seeing past visual obstructions such as blowing snow.)

Noble Phantasms:

wip, currently dying of exhaustion and distracted by lolis

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K, so, clearly this isn't starting right now. So, new plan: If anyone wants to play a second master that's kewl. I myself will put up a second master after I post for other things

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so murdoc you probably know the first thing i will say about that servant right?

honestly Lexi i don't think that that's a good idea it takes players out of the experience when they end up having to talk to themselves or fight themselves. a better idea for that would be you taking the empty slots and turning them it a group of antagonist to go against the players.would force the players to work together a bit more.

@Rusty: I don't have any real issues except with the phantasm. It's. . . really vague, at least in how it interacts with other things. For example, you could just say "oh he shoots the bond between Master and Servant," but then, is he shooting the friendship between them? Is he shooting the actual magical bond? What resists it? etc. Just a bit more on how it should interact with other stuff (and what exactly he has to phyiscally hit to, say, shoot someone's courage), since as a very conceptual ability, plus what happens if he "hits" a concept.

its not like Rule Breaker it doesn't effect magic. it doesn't destroy anything when hitting a concept the idea is that it shoots its down so reduces it by some degree. Resistance depends on the nature of the enemy some people/servants have concepts so ingrained into them that nothing could change it. what he hits would be something similar what Shiki's mystic eyes see when she cut the death of whatever it is. if he misses it does nothing unless its just the plain physical target then it does what any archer class arrow would do if they miss.

hope that helps.

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