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If Girafarig got a mega evolution...


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What ability would be good for a possible Mega Girafarig?

I think it'd be really cool if they made an ability that applied maybe 50% of attack to special attacks and 50% of sp attack to physical attacks. Something to compliment its duality theme. Mixed attackers don't work that often, but I think it makes sense for Girafarig to do it well.

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Or you know, Download with even base offensive stats.

Although the design would have to be more mechanical to make Download make sense appearance-wise.

Anyway, maybe just give it something like Adaptability or Sheer Force? Idk, those are the two Abilities that come to mind when I think of an offensive Ability on both sides. Also, make M-Girafarig Psychic/Dark y/y?

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Although the design would have to be more mechanical to make Download make sense appearance-wise.

Anyway, maybe just give it something like Adaptability or Sheer Force? Idk, those are the two Abilities that come to mind when I think of an offensive Ability on both sides. Also, make M-Girafarig Psychic/Dark y/y?

Malamar has Psychic/Dark covered. I can see how a theme can go that way, but Girafarig's the only Normal/Psychic which isn't a bad type combo at all. I think that adds uniqueness. I could see something similar to Download, but yeah that wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

I just think it would be really cool and thematically accurate for Girafarig to be switching between physical and special attacks on the fly. An ability that could "merge" its attack and special attack in some way could be cool. It would also spice up the nature you'd want on Girafarig. If it needs both attack and special attack, you wouldn't want Adamant/Jolly or Modest/Timid.

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why not just do something akin to Aegislash's Blade and sheild form, except instead of swapping between defense and offense, the swap could be between Special Attack and Physical Attack, with the catch being that either side is a complete tank against it's particular specialty, but not so much against the opposing side ((So basically, the physical side is beefed out with high attack defense but has low sp.def and sp.attk while the special side is beefed out with high Sp.Attk and Sp.Def, but has low defense and attack))

Hell, just make it so that it switches depending on the category of the move selected that turn ((Again, like aegislash. Except for Girarig it would be determined by whether the move was phys or spec. stat moves would leave it in whatever facing it was already in that turn)) and make the animation be that the thing literally turns around 180 degrees to let the opposite side face the opponent.

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Dark/psychic sounds and is a cool combo but.... 4x weak to bug and 2x weak to fairy, with no resistances.... a single immunity to psychic.... from a standard point of view, girafarig's current normal/psychic at least offers a ghost immunity, resistance to psychic and only two 2x weaknesses to dark and bug. Anyways, if it were on me:

Mega Girafarig


Ability: sheer force

Stats: 70HP - 140Atk - 65Def - 100SpA - 65SpD - 115Spe (BST555)

Have a sap sipper girafarig predict the grass move, switch in to get the boost to its attack, mega evolve, then sheer force-boosted STAB zen headbutt and secret power (weird that secret power is useful for once, huh...) your way to victory. It can run crunch and/or earthquake for additional coverage, return for a stronger STAB and it can even get wish by breeding to get some recovery, but sadly Girafarig's current movepool is very shallow: it doesn't get anything to hit its dark and bug weaknesses with, no fire fang, no high jump kick, nothing, neither does it get any stat boosting move for physical attack, instead only getting nasty plot and calm mind (which might make it seem like a better mega could actually be a special focused). 100 SpA could allow some special variants running hyper voice and psychic since Girafarig does get nasty plot, but dunno.

Edited by zimvader42
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I just want to give it Simple or Unaware lolz


Normal / Psychic

Ability: Analytic

Old Stats : 70 / 80 / 65 / 90 / 65 / 85 -- BST: 455

New Stats : 70 / 120 / 75 / 130 / 75 / 85 -- BST: 555

Girafarig has the movepool to attack either in the physical or the special side. With the proper boosts in BST, it can abuse that and attack hard enough in either spectrum. As Girafarig can choose between Return, Zen Headbutt, Crunch etc among physical moves and Hyper Voice, Psychic, T-bolt, Dazzling Gleam etc among special ones, mixed sets are also an option that even allows coverage moves. Small boosts in Def and SpD which allow a bit more survivability, especially when invested and with the proper use of a clerk to keep it alive, it can play a significant role in the game. One could use a neutral ability, or even one that hinders speed in order to get the extra damage from Analytic. This way, M-Girafarig can also function as a wall-breaker. The typing remains the same to keep the nice immunity to ghost. Even if practically the only resistance it has is Psychic, and its movepool does not allow proper revenge against Dark and Bug types, M-Girafarig can compensate with its hard-hitting STAB moves and good enough offensive base stats. A pokemon that can be put to good use even in the high tiers. As it is now, it can be used with moderate efficiency in the RU and UU tiers, without appearing too problematic for the former.

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Well, Sheer Force Psychic is pretty brutal, so Zim's idea could be reworked to even out the two offensive stats, leavint it to the player to choose on which spectrum to attack: the physical spectrum has the possible Sap Sipper boost, while the special one has the stronger moves... Basically, it would be a situation akin to Nidoking, whose Atk is much higher but it is user as special attacker anyway, because its best Sheer Force-abusing moves are special ones.

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