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Having a slight dilemma regarding controller choice. I love how stick has all the buttons at my finger tips, but my ps4 controller feels so right. My big meh thing about the stick is the stick itself. I am a lot more comfortable with a d-pad, but I hate using shoulder buttons in a 6 button fighter. Pulling off ex moves and mapping V skills to my 7th and 8th button feels great... And V skills feel like ass on dualshock. But I pull off my combos and maneuvers better on dual shock. I can consistently do Nash's LP-MP-qcb M - Super combo flawlessly on my Dualshock, but I struggle with it on stick.

Also, I tried out Rashid, master of the flatulent wind. He is pretty cool even though I don't really understand him. But to be fair, I don't understand Nacalli 100% either.

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I need to stop sucking and actually Maintain LP and get into Bronze. I played a lot of Necalli yesterday (unintentionally) and I am starting to get the hang of him. He is pretty legit. Also, holy fuck Zangief is hard to fight when you are Necalli. One does not simply grapple with the 'Gief. My Necalli charges into the scrubbiest of 'Giefs screaming "Devour - our - our!" And he lands up getting devoured himself. =/

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Casuals are important. They fund our button mash simulators. Also got to bronze yesterday, let's go for Silver tonight! BOOM! That is how you start the fight and how you finish it!

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It annoys me when people complain about how the game shouldn't release unless they cater to the casual base. I am glad that I can have the game as soon as I can.

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as soon as i figured out that legs was the most broken button in the fucking game i decided im maining chun for the first time since 3rd strike

Chun is kinda OP in both games...

Also for some reason I have a lot of trouble playing Chun in both SF4 and this game. Was my 3rd Strike main for a while and didn't have trouble with her in SFxT either. Half-circle fireballs maybe?

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i find that she doesnt really rely on kikouken to deal with range anymore since her v-skill just lets you get in for basically free on opposing fireballs. bird kick is just bonkers in this game too, but i am finding that for some reason charge inputs are harder to manage in this game. it might just be the fact that ive been playing with a ds4 instead of a stick. that reminds me im probably going to invest in a rap4 on my next paycheck since it's probably the most affordable stick i could find that fits my hands

e: my fave set by far in this game to date is ricki v snake eyez


Edited by Jelly
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After watching these Gief vids and playing some Gief on my own I'm learning how bananas Zangief's super is. Does a ton of damage, actually kinda fast, and YOU CAN FUCKING COMBO INTO THIS THING. I didn't even notice that until I did some wacky shit with it in Training. The combo options that worked for me were Jp.MK and V-Trigger. It's also funny as fuck. Only problem is the input is really hard, but buffering it with the forementioned moves and on wakeup have really helped me pull it off.

On the other hand, it's a lot harder to use as a punish than Gief's super/ultra in USF4 cuz no startup invincibility, so it really helps to find combo options into it.

On a side note, I love DS4 for this game. I have no idea why.

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Gief is more of a big slow "heavy punish character". While Alex is more of a bulky bruiser. When I look at a power character, I think of them as a three scoop Neapolitan Icecream, you get three scoops of the same flavors of ice cream, but what specific kind of flavor do you want? French Vanilla or Vanilla Bean? Regular Chocolate or Dutch Chocolate? Strawberry flavored or the shit with actual strawberries in it? The point I am getting to is what flavor of character do you want? Pick one of three from each category.

Heavyweight or Cruiserweight?

In fighting (i.e. boxing, wrestling, ect.) you are designated to a weight class to attempt balance. Heavyweight is kinda sorta an "anything goes" class. While Cruiserweight is the class right below a Heavyweight. Cruiserweights tend to be surprisingly agile while still hitting hard. While heavies are big slow and Tanky. Examples of heavyweights in fighting games are Bowser, Zangief, and Potekemin. Examples of Cruiserweights are King, Ike, Beowulf, and of course Alex.

Striker or Grappler?

This one is pretty self explanatory, do you like guys who punch or kick shit really hard? Or guys who grab ya? Strikers tend to emphasize either heavy stun or heavy hits. While grapples tend to be flashier and aimed to be hard damage or mind gamesy. Am I going to hit ya? Or grab ya? Examples of strikers are Balrog, Ike, and Bison. Examples of grapplers are Zangief, King, Jax, or wait for it, Alex.

Your last scoop is "Heavy Punish" or "Bruiser"?

A heavy punish character is someone who waits for you to make the first move and punishes you accordingly with something solid and painful. Whether it be a spinning piledriver or DAS BOOT 2 DA FAIC!?! While "Bruisers" are more "in your face" or rushdown-y. The first intimidates you by existing while the latter intimidates you because everywhere you go THEY ARE RIGHT FUCKING THERE! Forcing you to make mistakes out of fear. Some examples of heavy punish are Zangief, Ganondorf, And Balrog. Examples of bruisers are Bowser, Abel, Kanji, and well... Alex.

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Here's something really cool I found someone do with Alex!

"Charging the v-trigger gives a parry and then letting go of the buttons during the parry stops the charge that way you can keep parrying. Each parry refills the v-trigger for the amount lost while he was charging."

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So, I'll admit that I'm not as active as I'd like to be, but now with Alex being out for a little over a week now, I'd like to know everybody's thoughts on him! To some of the people who have played him in past versions of the game, do you think Capcom did a good job at bringing him back to the series? What do you think could have been done differently with him?

I personally believe that they did a fantastic job with the character as a whole. I don't think that there's been a character reintroduced that has played so similarly but just felt so different. Alex, in my opinion, is the perfect example of rebooting a character for a more modern era of fighting games. My only complaint with his changes is that they didn't keep the ole crappy Spiral DDT. That move was close to garbage but man was it fun to land when it worked.

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