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Hi! I first discovered Pokemon Reborn via conversation in a channel on Rizon and since I really like fangames I decided to search and I found the game interesting with the dark and more realistic plot than the others I have on my computer. I have downloaded at this point. I downloaded it and started playing it and I found myself wanting to play it more and progress further than in the other fangames that I tried playing. While I did enjoy them for what they are, I just seemed to play a little bit then stop, but with Reborn I just want to continue.

I'm at the second gym in the game and I think I have a pretty good team so far, right now my party is a shiny Arbok, Combusken, shiny Espurr, Blitzle, Slugma, and Pidgeotto. They are all between level 20 and 24 atm. I just think this game is really engaging and fun.

I have always liked the Pokemon games so I have several and I tend to pick the fire starter types lol.

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Well met Tezca.

Welcome to Reborn!

Started with Torchic eh? Nice pick, though I won't sit here and undermine the other starters (Specially not Turtwig <3)

If you like Fan-Games, I'll suggest Pokémon Rejuvenation (Which is in this forum too) if you haven't played. now pay me jan

And if you want to chat with us, visit our server on Showdown. We'll treat you well! maybe

I do notice your lack of blue though, and raise you a WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

Do enjoy your eternal stay here in Reborn.

I'll see you around o/

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Well met Tezca.

Welcome to Reborn!

Started with Torchic eh? Nice pick, though I won't sit here and undermine the other starters (Specially not Turtwig <3)

If you like Fan-Games, I'll suggest Pokémon Rejuvenation (Which is in this forum too) if you haven't played. now pay me jan

And if you want to chat with us, visit our server on Showdown. We'll treat you well! maybe

I do notice your lack of blue though, and raise you a WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

Do enjoy your eternal stay here in Reborn.

I'll see you around o/

I would like to chat, I will check it out a bit later and I'll check out the game too, thanks!

Yeah you have a point too, can't really ignore the other starters too, they are really good in their own way.

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Bit late, but Welcome to the forums!

Don't feel to bad if I ctrl V'ed this,

There's plenty of time to get to know people ^^

A lousy first impression is better than none at all,

At least, that's my impression.

So, hope to see you around!

(Though, I do have to point out that your title is no longer valid >:3)

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