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Need help to create a team


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Hello there =)

I recently started playing Reborn, and I really enjoy it. So far it was quite challenging but lately I get my as..butt kicked quite harshly.

It started with Kiki and that monster of a Machamp and now Aya starts cleaning her ladies room with me.

I played Pokemon competitively with the release of Black/White, after X/Y I took a break from it. Yet it seems like I am not even able to build a team to defeat Aya.

I'll attach my pool and team for you.

CAn you guys help me build a solid team overall (without spoilers for the next leaders etc if possible :D)

Thanks in advance.
(Tried to sort them by level, Pokemon in the favorite box are some of the Pokemon I like from the looks)






Edited by Big_Johnson
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Nicknames aside, your team looks quite solid. Scrap noibat right now. It's stats are absolutely ATROCIOUS. Also, 2 Dark types are kinda redundant. I'd suggest replacing Pangoro or Shiftry with Espurr, who is great in this gym battle, as psychic types destroy Aya. Meowstic-F is a decent attacker, and Meowstic-M is a good support with dual screens. Additionally, Camerupt is great in this gym as Earth Power isn't resisted by the field, unlike many other Ground moves. If you choose Camerupt though, beware of Dragalgae's Hydro Pump.

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TBH, a lot of people like to have a rotation team, so they use multiple Pokemon and switch them around if they think a certain Pokemon would be better than a different one for a battle.

Training up that Meditite might be pretty good for Aya, and it can also have an elemental punch, which may or may not be useful for future battles. I recommend replacing Pangoro for it, since Pangoro can't really do too much until it gets its stronger Fighting type moves and some better TMs.

Noibat can't do anything until it evolves into Noivern, so maybe try using Donphan or Camerupt? Earthquake won't be too great, but Donphan can at least Knock Off some Black Sludges if you're willing to get it and Camerupt's Earth Power isn't affected by the Field.

Meowstic is flat out amazing, so you may want to replace something or switch it in temporarily. Female is more offensive, Male is more supportive if you have Prankster + Reflect + Light Screen.

For a solid team, idk, but based on your Pokemon in the box, I'd personally do a rotation team between:

Gothitelle/Meowstic, Typhlosion, Noivern, Medicham, Donphan/Camerupt/Diggersby (Ground type of your choice), Cofagrigus (for a wall), Bisharp, (idk about this one because of other Electric types) Manectric, Roserade (wall + specially offensive), and maybe Toxicroak.

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wow, thanks for the really fast answers!

Since both of you suggested Meowtastic, i'd take it, yet I only got males....Might not be too bad though right? Is it worth to kick out the Gothitelle for it?
Noibat is really really bad..I just trained it for the Noivern...at least just a few LV's to go...

I also considered to swap out Pangoro since it didn't do much ever since it evolved (besides getting OHKO'd).

Diggersby is freshly evolved, would need some grinding, but Huge Power is just awesome...Might consider him later on, Camerupt shall be it for now then :)
Not sure about Roserade...would take quite a grinding +having luck to obtain a stone for it...any other options? I'll need another grass-type, since Shiftry is equaly fu...grounded as Pangoro.

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wow, thanks for the really fast answers!

Since both of you suggested Meowtastic, i'd take it, yet I only got males....Might not be too bad though right? Is it worth to kick out the Gothitelle for it?

Noibat is really really bad..I just trained it for the Noivern...at least just a few LV's to go...

I also considered to swap out Pangoro since it didn't do much ever since it evolved (besides getting OHKO'd).

Diggersby is freshly evolved, would need some grinding, but Huge Power is just awesome...Might consider him later on, Camerupt shall be it for now then :)

Not sure about Roserade...would take quite a grinding +having luck to obtain a stone for it...any other options? I'll need another grass-type, since Shiftry is equaly fu...grounded as Pangoro.

Dawn Stone is available at Azurine Island. y'know, where you saved Cain? Just poke around there, I forgot if it was a visible item or hidden in a rock/bush or something. But Roserade is worth. Giga Drain + Toxic Spikes (better later on, not this gym) + Base 90 Hidden Power with Technician and another move for power or coverage would work.

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Dawn Stone is available at Azurine Island. y'know, where you saved Cain? Just poke around there, I forgot if it was a visible item or hidden in a rock/bush or something. But Roserade is worth. Giga Drain + Toxic Spikes (better later on, not this gym) + Base 90 Hidden Power with Technician and another move for power or coverage would work.

umm roseselia evolves using shiny stone not dawn stone and yeah you can get a dawn stone at azurine island.

wow, thanks for the really fast answers!

Since both of you suggested Meowtastic, i'd take it, yet I only got males....Might not be too bad though right? Is it worth to kick out the Gothitelle for it?

Noibat is really really bad..I just trained it for the Noivern...at least just a few LV's to go...

I also considered to swap out Pangoro since it didn't do much ever since it evolved (besides getting OHKO'd).

Diggersby is freshly evolved, would need some grinding, but Huge Power is just awesome...Might consider him later on, Camerupt shall be it for now then :)

Not sure about Roserade...would take quite a grinding +having luck to obtain a stone for it...any other options? I'll need another grass-type, since Shiftry is equaly fu...grounded as Pangoro.

hmm as for grass types hmm well you can go with leavanny if you want a physical attack grass type or ludicolo if you want a special grass type which kinda tanky and i feel that you team kinda needs a water type. Or you can put in a roserade suggested by most people.

Well first off get rid of noibat,pangoro and shiftry. Also you can always have a back up team, so you can swap around to what pokemon suits the certain gym or boss. well unless you are doing a mono run or something most people have backup teams. You can train up a quagsire/camerupt/diggersby/swinub to wreck aya. just change the field using mist and you should do ok since in mist you can just use EQ without it getting weaken by the field. swinub/quagsire/pelliper learn mist. Mist is an awesome move in reborn cause it gets rid of annoying field effects. It is always good to have a pokemon which can change the field to your advantage.

Oh and you can grind at the grand hall since the trainer there can be re-battled again and again.Need good places to EV train here are some good places to EV train for each stat:


1) whack woobats in the underground railnet (good for weak mons)

2)Aqua gang hide out A.k.a lapis ally way gives 100% speed EV all mons there give speed Ev day and night


Just head over to the obsidia slums and whack mankey,pancham and pidove (74% atk 20% Speed And 6% Hp best place to train physical sweepers)


1)Well usually i put on a power lens and just whack the other Ev i wanna train say hp/speed/anything but it might take some time

2) the garden complex in the morning and whack some cherubi (28%)

3) Pyrous moutain numel and slugma

4) complete the spider web puzzle for North Avanturine woods and head over to Celestine Mountain BF2 and fish away with good rod clauncher+remoraid(80% sp atk EV)


!) Headbutt trees in obsidia garden whack pincho (85% def and 15% Hp)

2) Walk around jasper ward and kill scatterbug and sewaddle(44% Def EV)

3)rock smash the rock at Pyrous Moutain the first lvl where there is 3 rock and whack magcargo(100% def EV)

4) Headbutt metal pole at the underground railnet and kill those aron(100% def EV)

5) Wasteland the venipede which jumps out or random stuff trees rock ect(100% def EV)

Sp Def

1) Headbutt trees at garden complex and kill burmy(45% Spdef)

2) spam kill the tuesday grand hall TMNS dude only bring in the mon you wanna train spdef when the blastoise come out(by far the best way to train sp def EV)

3) Garden complex morning ledyba(30%)


1) Garden complex wurmple and caterpie during day time (90% hp Ev)

2) Garden complex wurmple,caterpie and hoothoot during the night (70% hp EV)

Ok now for what you can consider adding into you team/reserve team:


Ability:Thick Fat

Item:soft sand/ground plate

Earthquake( Lvl up to lvl 46 to learn)

Ice fang


icy wind( can be replaced with any moves)

Meowstic M


Item:Light clay

Light Screen






Calm mind

Air cutter


Air Slash


Ability:huge power

Take down/nature power/facade

Dig( replace it with EQ once you can lvl up to higher lvls)

Quick attack



Ability:Rock solid

Lava plume

Rock slide

Earthquake(lvl up to lvl 46 to learn and than use common candy to lower to lvl cap)

Earth Power


Lvl 44-none



Rock smash






Aqua Tail

Zen Headbutt


Quagsire(bluky sweeper)(set 1 if you are willing to breed)

Ability:Water Absorb

Curse(egg move, breed by using this chain Yamask(curse)>shellos(recover)>wooper )


Recover( egg move,breed by using this chain Yamask(curse)>shellos(recover)>wooper)

Yawn( can be replaced with waterfall once u get hm )

Quagsire(set 2 for if you are lazy to breed)

Ability:Water Absorb



Rain Dance/mist(it learns mist at lvl 47)

Mud Bomb


Ability:Pure power

High Jump kick

Ice Punch(heart scale or breed)

Thunder Punch(heart scale or breed)

Zen headbutt/psycho cut(for zen head butt use heart scale)



High Jump kick

Dragon Dance

Brick Break(replace wth drain punch if you are planning to breed)



Ability:Guts/Thick fat

Close combat

Wake up slap

Knock off

Belly drum/heavy slam


Ability:Poison point/natural cure

Toxic spikes


Giga Drain

Petal dance


Ability:Tough Claws

Item: wide lens(get from yamna just use compoundeyes and spam catch yanma)

Razor shell

shell smash

Stone edge

Cross Chop



crunch/knock off/night slash

Razor shell


Swords dance


Ability: Sheer force


Metal Claw

Secret Power

Protect(replace with brick break)


Ability:speed boost

Aqua jet(replace with water fall when you get it)


Poison Fang

Ice Fang




Waterfall(Aqua tail before getting tm breed with buizle)

Strength/skull bash(Egg move breed with shapedo)



Ability:RainDish/Swift Swim

Energy ball

Hydro pump

Giga drain

Mist(replace with rain dance if you do not have a rain dance pokemon)


Ability:Rain Dish/keen eye(use keen eye when running surf in Charlotte gym hehe it will make everyone in the super heated feild lose accuracy)

Rain Dance(can be replace with mist if you have already have a rain set up pokemon)

Surf(replace with mist if you want a super support tanky pelipper)



Hmm quite a long post from me oh well good luck hope you enjoy playing reborn.

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Stuff you wrote

Sweet Baby Jesus, the included EV list is like the best thing you could've done :D Thanks alot for that! (Is there an option to reset the EV?)

So far the Biggersby, Camerupt and Meowstic are trained, and Aya wasn't a problem with two psy-types. Just got confused in the Wastelandcaves...Lv. 65 Mr. Biggles, a rock you can push away, yet its of no use...Well this game is frikkin awesome! Secrets everywhere...

I really like the Quagsire-Build, i guess it's about time to roll some breeding.

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hehe np and if you want to reset EV just use the reset ev berries you can buy them from the obsidia department store lvl 8.you need 7 stickers i think,so you cant get it yet as of now. Anyways --->here<--- is the guide for department store stickers.

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Even though the others beat me to the punch, I'll reinforce that Espurr can and will be your MVP (Most Valuable Pokemon) for many of the upcoming fights. I would recommend getting a female, as support Pokemon never really do it for me. I also found Scrafty to be useful, though another Dark type isn't probably your best be. My Scraft was/is a high risk, high reward type Pokemon, so if your're feeling lucky, it might be a good addition. (Assuming you ditch Magoman.)

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