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Monogen challenge Help with Aya


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Ok, so I am currently having some trouble with my Gen 2 challenge at Aya.

Her poison field keeps taking out my pokemon and when I try set up another field the setter is taken out within a few turns.

I don't have too much trouble with the Nidoqueen and TentaCruel. Gengar is a bit of an issue thanks to his speed and moveset. and then Dragalge walls me.

I have the following in my arsenal:

Ampharos (43) Static. Main use is for electric terrain and damage. It is slow though

Donphan (45) Sturdy. Since ground moves are nerfed in the field he's mainly there to help resist things with his typing

Jumpluff (45) was there to try get some relief against Dragalge. She is fast but typing makes her quite weak

Sudowoodo (43) Sturdy, mainly there for damage, but is also slow

Corsola (42) Hustle, Bubblebeam for Nidoqueen

Typhlosion (44) Fire doesnt really help much in this field

I also have the following:

Houndoom (40). He would help against Gengar if he was faster, but Gnegar just focus blasts him

I have the following unleveled:













Keeping in mind I have to stick to the MonoGen rules I can only use pokemon that are from gen 2 or have pre evolutions that evolve into gen 2 pokemon.

Things I can still go out and catch:

Zubat (for Crobat)


Yanma (can't use Yanmega)

Can anybody advise me on a strategy or pokemon I should invest into for this?

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Try to identify the pokemon that hits the hardest Aya in your team, then send him along with another pokemon.

Hit with the "rocky pokemon" and heal it constantly using the other.

It should be fine this way.

How would I heal it with the other pokemon? None of my pokemon apart from Corsola even know a healing move (recovery) and that only heals herself :/ lol not sure if I am understanding you?

Also no one from my team actually lasts that long against Aya. Donphan can last but doesn't deal any damage since Rollout keeps missing and isn't SE to anything. My Ampharos does good damage but with nothing being a physical attack, nothing gets paralyzed. Ampharos also goes down relatively quickly

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I mean with super potions ^^

I did that in my fighting mono run, i took the one that could hit hard and sent it along with a strong pokemon.

The hithard keep spamming crunches and hjkicks while i spent the other pokemon's turn in using super potions to heal my champion.


He learns mud bomb who will hit with double stab in the wasteland field and resist some poison. I guess you can try with him.

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Get a Crobat. It's fast enough that it can be used to tear through a couple of Aya's Pokemon like Venusaur and Gengar and put a huge dent in Dragalge. I actually used one in testing for Hardcore and confuse ray saved my life (Ame forgot to put Ace for last on Aya...making that Dragalge a huge threat).

If you're really having trouble, get a Blissey. Minimize's effect is doubled on the field and if you Charge Beam up her attack by Serene Grace abuse, Round will do a crap ton of damage. You don't really have to worry about Blissey getting hit too much and it will just absorb special attacks. It's a pain in the butt to grind, but it is worth it if you're walled by Aya.

Forretress is another good option as it can actually hit kind of hard with Spikes due to the field. It's not super tanky, but it can definitely last long against anything Aya's Pokemon could throw at it.

If you use any of the three options I mentioned, Aya will be much, much easier. Learning the field effects will help you whenever you are walled as they can be manipulated in your favor.

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Ursaring with Guts and Facade can do a crap ton of damage if it becomes poison from TSpikes or something (Quick Feet is also acceptable).
Houndoom can learn Sucker Punch via breeding that will go 1st and OHKO Gengar.
Quagsire is indeed a nice option with that Mud Bomb and Yawn and Amnesia can also be helpful.
Prankster Murkrow with Perish Song can guarantee a kill when Aya has 3 or less mons.
Steelix's typing is amazing + its Dig doesn't get nerfed on the field

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First off you should have made a post ----> HERE <---- But since people have suggested strategies and what not here i m gonna fire away my strategies.

Here is the list of gen 2 mons that can be very useful when Vs Aya:


Ability:Water Absorb


Mist(learns at lvl 47)


Mud bomb


Ability:thick fat

Earthquake(learns at lvl 46)


Icy wind( can be replaced with anything)

Ice fang


Ability:Keen Eyes/insomnia

Item: light clay

Air slash




well the strategy here is to get rid of the field and EQ everything and anything on the field. lead with Noctowl and Piloswine set up reflect and mist. Next EQ everything and anything you see on the field and rinse and repeat until all aya's mon are gone.

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Get a Crobat. It's fast enough that it can be used to tear through a couple of Aya's Pokemon like Venusaur and Gengar and put a huge dent in Dragalge. I actually used one in testing for Hardcore and confuse ray saved my life (Ame forgot to put Ace for last on Aya...making that Dragalge a huge threat).

If you're really having trouble, get a Blissey. Minimize's effect is doubled on the field and if you Charge Beam up her attack by Serene Grace abuse, Round will do a crap ton of damage. You don't really have to worry about Blissey getting hit too much and it will just absorb special attacks. It's a pain in the butt to grind, but it is worth it if you're walled by Aya.

Forretress is another good option as it can actually hit kind of hard with Spikes due to the field. It's not super tanky, but it can definitely last long against anything Aya's Pokemon could throw at it.

If you use any of the three options I mentioned, Aya will be much, much easier. Learning the field effects will help you whenever you are walled as they can be manipulated in your favor.

  • I was thinking about Crobat, but could not think about what it could bring to be useful, but now I see
  • Funny enough I was just starting on Blissey (currently level 42); I looked at the database and see it can learn round via TM and I see I can buy that at the Obsidia store 4th flloor (i need to double check how many stickers I have and I have enough. But now you have mentioned Signal beam and round to be taught to it and I am not sure what my best moveset can be. i was planning on spamming Minimise and using healing pulse when needed and then using sweet kiss to confuse and egg bomb for some damage when there's a chance. Your moveset makes it more attack based? What would be the best move combo currently?
  • I had completely forgotten about foretress and it's typing would help a stack. I was already raging cause the metal coat for my Onix/ Steelix is only available after this fight

Thanks for the tips, looks like I have quite abit of grinding to do. Playing this way has required me to play in a completely different way to what I am used to so i like the challenge. And yes I need to learnt the field effects better. In my first run of reborn I had little trouble with Aya so I didn't think it ould be a problem this time around

Ursaring with Guts and Facade can do a crap ton of damage if it becomes poison from TSpikes or something (Quick Feet is also acceptable).

Houndoom can learn Sucker Punch via breeding that will go 1st and OHKO Gengar.

Quagsire is indeed a nice option with that Mud Bomb and Yawn and Amnesia can also be helpful.

Prankster Murkrow with Perish Song can guarantee a kill when Aya has 3 or less mons.

Steelix's typing is amazing + its Dig doesn't get nerfed on the field

  • I had been waiting ever so patiently for my Ursaring to shine, this may just be his time
  • Sucker punch would so useful right now, will see what I have to try and breed onto it
  • I will give quagsire a try since nothing beats "Swagsire's drizzle made it rain"
  • I hadn't even given Murkrow a thought since I can't use Honchkrow. That said I need to pick between it and misdreavus for destiny bond/ perish song gimmick
  • I can't get steelix until after Aya as the metal coat is in Tanzan, believe me as one of my favorite pokemon I am quite sad I can't use it yet

First off you should have made a post ----> HERE <---- But since people have suggested strategies and what not here i m gonna fire away my strategies.

Here is the list of gen 2 mons that can be very useful when Vs Aya:


Ability:Water Absorb


Mist(learns at lvl 47)


Mud bomb


Ability:thick fat

Earthquake(learns at lvl 46)


Icy wind( can be replaced with anything)

Ice fang


Ability:Keen Eyes/insomnia

Item: light clay

Air slash




well the strategy here is to get rid of the field and EQ everything and anything on the field. lead with Noctowl and Piloswine set up reflect and mist. Next EQ everything and anything you see on the field and rinse and repeat until all aya's mon are gone.

Man oh man, firstly sorry, duly noted, will take note of where to post and thank you for the strategy! I had forgotten that by taking the field effect away my EQs (via donphan) could work properly then. Then again my only field changer is Ampharos and an EQ would hurt devilishly so to her. I have been wanting give Noctowl the chance to prove me wrong and so far it had only disappointed me, but perhaps it will work now.

It looks then like I need a complete team overhaul (something I really don't mind) and a good possible team would consist then of:

  • Blissey
  • Forretress
  • Swagsire
  • Piloswine
  • Noctowl/ Crobat
  • Ursaring/ Houndoom

Edit: Quick question, does mist change the field? I am asking 'cause that's the only move I could imagine out of the moves listed that would do anything, although the move descripton doesn't mention anything about changing the field, just that stat changes are reset

Edited by Genesis
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  • I can't get steelix until after Aya as the metal coat is in Tanzan, believe me as one of my favorite pokemon I am quite sad I can't use it yet

Edit: Quick question, does mist change the field? I am asking 'cause that's the only move I could imagine out of the moves listed that would do anything, although the move descripton doesn't mention anything about changing the field, just that stat changes are reset

Wild Magnemites have a small chance to hold Metal Coat! It may be frustrating until you find one but since Steelix is one of your favorite pokemon it will probably worth the wasted time ;):)

And yes, Mist changes the field into Misty Terrain for 5 turns. But after that it will return to the Wasteland field.

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meh yes mist can change the field. i already wrote what to do but since i guess you did not understand i will list it in Turn.

Turn 1: Piloswine uses mist and Noctowl uses refelct

Turn 2: Piloswine uses EQ and Noctowl focus/ kill anything which is left behind with confusion

Turn 3: Repeat what you did for turn 2

Turn 4: Repeat what you did in turn 2

Turn 5: Repeat what you did in turn 2

Turn 6: Piloswine uses mist again and noctowl focus anything which is low hp

Turn 7: repeat what you did in turn 2

well you can use ampharos with air balloon if you want to use ampharos as the field changer instead of piloswine/swagsire. you can get air balloon by now if you collected most of the department store stickers.

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Wild Magnemites have a small chance to hold Metal Coat! It may be frustrating until you find one but since Steelix is one of your favorite pokemon it will probably worth the wasted time ;):)

And yes, Mist changes the field into Misty Terrain for 5 turns. But after that it will return to the Wasteland field.

Ok that I did not know and you have just made me a very happy trainer, off to shade's gym

And yeah, sorry, I did not know mist did that to the field, when I checked the moves description it didn't mention anything about changing the field so I wasn't sure. And thanks for the idea of the air balloon, didn't think of that either

meh yes mist can change the field. i already wrote what to do but since i guess you did not understand i will list it in Turn.

Turn 1: Piloswine uses mist and Noctowl uses refelct

Turn 2: Piloswine uses EQ and Noctowl focus/ kill anything which is left behind with confusion

Turn 3: Repeat what you did for turn 2

Turn 4: Repeat what you did in turn 2

Turn 5: Repeat what you did in turn 2

Turn 6: Piloswine uses mist again and noctowl focus anything which is low hp

Turn 7: repeat what you did in turn 2

well you can use ampharos with air balloon if you want to use ampharos as the field changer instead of piloswine/swagsire. you can get air balloon by now if you collected most of the department store stickers.

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Wild Magnemites have a small chance to hold Metal Coat! It may be frustrating until you find one but since Steelix is one of your favorite pokemon it will probably worth the wasted time ;):)

And yes, Mist changes the field into Misty Terrain for 5 turns. But after that it will return to the Wasteland field.

2 hours in, the chance must be really small. Since I can only use gen 2 monsters I only have access to Covet wonder if that has anything to do with it

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