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Need advice on a 6th Pokémon


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Anyone got a tip on what 6th Pokémon i should use? I'm only shiny farming the ones I want to use and it's my first time posting here so i'm not quite sure if i've done it right. Thanks for the help in advance!


Also, the trainer card is currently my team.

Edited by Dixinitus
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I'd immediately say dump Muk for pretty much any other Poison type if you absolutely wanna run it. Or Fearow. Or least likely, Donphan. Heck, maybe Houndoom, because screw it. Also, depending on where you are in the game right now can be another huge deciding factor.

Fearow is my favorite flying type by far so i'm going to keep him. Houndoom i'm not so sure, is there a better fire type Pokémon that i can currently get? (Just defeated the Ice Gym and can't beat Noel) Muk is just Muk. It was either between Muk or Weezing but I got a shiny Muk first so it ended up with him.

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Unfortunately most of your team has really crummy move pools. Empoleon can't learn much good without TMs, Fearow will fall off stat wise sooner rather than later, Jolteon has never exactly gotten good moves, Muk is alright, plenty of better poison options though. Ironically Donphan is the only Pokemon that can really put in work other than Houndoom. But, all that is neither here nor there. Back to your question, I would invest in another ground type or a fighting type. I believe a Toxicroak could do well for your team, mine certainly put in work against Noel. And Croagunk is an event Pokemon so it'd be easy to soft reset for it

EDIT: And a Toxicroak would also free up the poison slot so you could get something else instead of Muk

Edited by Lord_Ludo
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Okay. Depending on where you wanna go from there, you can try to get a shiny Ralts, because that event is finally available at your point in the story, and shiny Garde in Reborn looks very cool. Other than that, Ludo's pretty much covered all the good mons you can get by that point in the game. Or you could go to the police station to get the cool Mystery Egg, and keep trying to rehatch it.

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Or you could go to the police station to get the cool Mystery Egg, and keep trying to rehatch it.

I guess it's just my luck to make a useless team :( However, Fearow, Empoleon & Muk Took out the ice gym single handely. (Porygon-Z one shots them at Noel though.)

I got tentacool from the Police egg, i hatched 148 Tentacools and gave up on my shiny(breeded didn't soft reset police egg) so I don't know.. maybe i'll switch out some? Toxicroak sounds like a great idea considering the fact that i really need a fighting pokémon and together with Muk the poison field works for 4 of my Pokémon. Thanks!

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I guess it's just my luck to make a useless team :( However, Fearow, Empoleon & Muk Took out the ice gym single handely. (Porygon-Z one shots them at Noel though.)

I got tentacool from the Police egg, i hatched 148 Tentacools and gave up on my shiny(breeded didn't soft reset police egg) so I don't know.. maybe i'll switch out some? Toxicroak sounds like a great idea considering the fact that i really need a fighting pokémon and together with Muk the poison field works for 4 of my Pokémon. Thanks!

Your team isn't useless by any means, its just a tad unfortunate since Ame withholds most good TMs. Empoleon can still definitely be good, I've never considered Fearow but if it works for you then all the better. There are plenty of strategies to make any Pokemon viable at this point

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I've never considered Fearow but if it works for you then all the better.

I've never actually played a Pokémon to try to rush or beat everything easily with overpowered pokémons (might be the reason why i'm having such a hard time in Reborn) But Fearow overall works pretty good for me, he has decent stats (Max Stats-Lv. 100. Hp:334 Attack:306 Defence:251

Sp. Attack: 243 Sp. Defence:243 Speed:328) So as far as i've come into the game Fearow is an MVP together with Donphan(wish i had him shiny) Empoleon has pretty much been terrible the entire game except for the Ice gym where he showed me what he can do. (Jolteon + Muk are my newest Pokémon and i replaced Pachirisu with Jolteon)

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Good electric types also if you find that Jolteon isn't working for you could be Magnezone (more bias i know) and Elektross, depending what you're looking for. Magnezone isn't available at your point, but you can still get Magneton. And I'm pretty sure you can get an Tynamo in Reborn City by now. Apologies if I'm mistaken on that. Good luck with Noel and the rest of the game! :D

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The team isn't bad at all and the only one I'd say even needs dropped would be Donphan (if you drop both it and Muk, Nidoking isn't a bad option as that thing is quite powerful with Sheer Force). For Empoleon get Rain Dance on that thing because Hydro Pump/Surf is about all it can really do at this point. Houndoom is better with Dark Pulse and Nasty Plot...because it can do crap with Physical attacks outside of Beat Up (which isn't that strong).

I can't give too many recommendations because I don't know what you're dropping. Metagross, Reuniclus, or Alakazam could be good options to add at you lack a Psychic type (or you could go the opposite way and add one of the Ralts family to your team). There's a large pool of Pokemon so picking one is easier said then done.

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A lot of hate towards Fearow. You could always get a murkrow. I found mine at the Aqua Gang hideout on a windy night, and it has not disappointed. It actually has the highest attack on my team. It's an event pokemon so you could keep resetting for a shiny one. Honchkrow+Moxie+Sucker Punch works like a charm. Definitely got me a through a lot of gym leaders

Edited by Skullgasher
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If anyone is still wondering about my muk, Just defeated Ciel with a lvl 61 muk. 61 muk took out 5 of Ciel's fighting pokémon thanks to Gastro Acid, Pain Split & Gunk shot. Fearow took down the last lvl 72 pokémon when he was level 65. No longer have any doubts on my Mighty Fearstrike & Toxicity ;)


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If anyone is still wondering about my muk, Just defeated Ciel with a lvl 61 muk. 61 muk took out 5 of Ciel's fighting pokémon thanks to Gastro Acid, Pain Split & Gunk shot. Fearow took down the last lvl 72 pokémon when he was level 65. No longer have any doubts on my Mighty Fearstrike & Toxicity ;)

I mean, using unconventional means to beat gym leaders is basically the name of the game in Reborn. I certainly didn't know that a Bronzong would almost sweep Blake and Ciel until I did it

Edited by wytch_doctr
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I was wondering if you guys could also take a look at my team. Currently I am just outside the Psychic gym

Empoleon -Brine Meowstic (F) -Psychic Arcanine -Flamethrower

-Whirlpool -Signal Beam -Flame Burst

-Metal Claw -Shadow Ball -Strength

-Drill Peck -Disarming Voice -Morning Sun

Donphan -Earthquake Weezing -Destiny Bond Noivern -Air Slash

-Rollout -Sludge Bomb -Shadow Claw

-Rock Smash -Explosion -Roost

-Giga Impact -Assurance -Super Fang

Edited by Anddew
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Honestly, if you like your team, I wouldn't change it! If you want to just improve the mons you have, the easiest way is to just improve their EV's/natures a little bit, if that's possible! Get the EV-reducing berries and clean up any extra special attack EVs on Donphan/Fearow.

I might try to focus on either all special, or all physical attacks for Jolteon/Houndoom. Muk and Empoleon are already slow, so it's fine to go mixed on them. If you have some extra heart scales, maybe try swapping their natures around, too! Adamant/Jolly for Donphan/Fearow, Modest/Timid/Naive/Rash for Jolteon/Houndoom.

Seeing as you've beat the game, you can try breeding them for better IV's (and grab the shiny charm in Calcenon so you can keep the shininess.)

@Anddew, the psychic gym is a double battle, and the chess field doubles how strong Calm Mind/adds Rock/Psychic damage to a lot of attacks is, so if you can re-learn CM on your Meowstic, that might be good. For spread attacks, is it possible to give Empoleon Surf > Whirlpool, Arcanine Heat Wave > Flame Burst, and Noivern Air Cutter > Shadow Claw/Air Slash (although Air Cutter is really weak.) Also maybe give Weezing Sludge Wave so it can combo with Empoleon who's immune? Struggle Bug is really good for that gym too, from what I remember.

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well the team is not that bad but you can make some improvements if you want. Gonna list down the move set you should put and the best nature for each pokemon you have.

Empoleon(special attack set)


Nature:Modest/Quiet(Quiet if you are planning to run trick room)

Grass knot

Surf/Hydro pump

Water pledge

Icy wind(move tutor at agate)

Empoleon(Physical atk set)

Ability: Defiant

Nature:Adamant/Brave(brave if you are planning to run a trick room team)

Drill peck

Metal Claw


Aqua Jet


Ability:Poison touch


Acid Armor

Pain split

Gunk shot



Ability:Volt Absorb

Nature: Modest



Round/Charge beam/Thunder wave/shock wave

Rain dance/Thunder wave




Drill Run

Drill Peck


Secret Power

Houndoom(special atk)

Ability: Flash Fire

Nature: Timid/Modest

Nasty Plot


Dark Pulse

Hidden power

Houndoom(physical atk)

Ability:Flash Fire



Thunder Fang

Fire Fang

Foul Play



Nature:Brave/Adamant(Brave when running a trick room team)

Thunder fang


Fire Fang/Giga Impact

Assurance/Fire Fang

i would get a better water, electric and fire type. yes i know empoleon is your starter and all but empoleon is not that great without TMs so i m gonna list down some alternative water types you can consider using below. Jolteon is fast but the problem with it is it can't do much without move tutor and the right TMs. you can put hidden power to cover up this problem but that takes breeding and it consumes time since you will have to breed for a shiny eevee which is even harder trust me, i m doing that right now and it is taking ages. so you might as well replace jolteon with a electric type whic can function with what Tm and move tutor currently available in reborn. Also i wonder why you made a shiny jolteon instead of a shiny glaceon,glaceon is awesome and cute. glaceon ftw!! Well houndoom is not that great as a fire type if you run him with a physical move set since it cannot learn flare blitz. There are better physical atk fire type and special atk fire type than houndoom. Ok now for the list:

Special Attack water type


Ability:RainDish/Swift Swim

Energy ball

Hydro pump/Surf

Giga drain

Mist(replace with rain dance if you do not have a rain dance pokemon)


Ability:Water Absorb

Aurora Beam

Muddy Water/surf

Hydro Pump

Rain dance




Icy wind(move tutor)

Dragon pulse(egg move)



Ability: Water absorb


Ice beam

Freeze Dry(egg move)

Dragon pulse(egg move)


Ability:Volt absorb


Signal Beam

Icy wind



Ability:Mega launcher

Dark pulse

Dragon pulse

Water pulse

Aura sphere


Ability:swift swim


dragon pulse

Rain dance

Icy wind(move tutor)

Physical Attack Water types


Ability:Rock solid

Aqua jet(can be replaced with waterfall)

Shell smash

Aqua Tail(can be replaced with waterfall)

Rock Slide


Ability:Tough Claws

Item: wide lens

Razor shell

shell smash

Stone edge

Cross Chop


Ability:Swift Swim

Ice fang(use heart scale)

Aqua Tail

Aqua jet

Crunch(use heart scale)



crunch/knock off/night slash

Razor shell


Swords dance


Ability: Sheer force


Metal Claw

Secret Power

Brick break


Ability:speed boost



Poison Fang

Ice Fang





Zen Headbutt



Ability:Water Absorb


Curse(breed with shellos using this chain)

Recover(breeding with shellos)


Special Attack Electric type


Ability:Solar power



Dark pulse

Grass knot/Round




Signal Beam

Dragon pulse

Power Gem


Ability: Lightning Rod/Static


Nasty Plot

Grass Knot





Flash cannon


Mirror Coat


Ability:Volt absorb


Signal Beam

Icy wind




Bug buzz

Signal Beam


Sticky web


Ability: levitate


Grass knot




Ability:Lighting Rod/Static



Uproar/round/hidden power(egg move)


Physical Attack Electric type


Ability:Intimidate/Guts( put on toxic orb if running guts)

Wild Charge

Ice Fang(egg move)

Fire Fang(egg move)



Ability: Motor Drive

Ice punch(egg move)

Thunder punch

Low kick/brick break



Ability:Motor Drive/Sap sipper/ lightning Rod

Flame Charge

Wild Charge




Ability: Levitate

Wild Charge


Crush claw

Brick Break

Special Attack Fire types


Ability: Drought

Heat Wave/Flamethrower( egg move)

Nasty plot

Dark Pulse



Ability: Flash Fire



Lava Plume

Extrasensory(egg move)


Ability: rock solid

Lava plume


Earth power



Ability: Flash Fire



Shadow Ball/hex

Shock Wave


Ability:Swarm/Flame body

Fiery Dance

Quiver Dance

Bug Buzz

Heat Wave


Ability: Magician



Flamethrower/Heat wave

Shock wave/ Grass knot



Hyper Voice


Dark pulse

Hyper beam

Physical Attack Fire type



Flare Blitz



Thunder Fang


Ability:Flame Body

Flare Blitz


Poison Jab

Mega Horn


Ability: Sheer Force

Flare Blitz

Rock Tomb


Fire Punch


Please do not thread rob a person make your own post or post ----> Here <---- if you need help

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Hi! I run both Muk and Empoleon too, nice choice :P

As for a 6th pokemon, my suggestion (and I don't think it's already been said) is that you find a decent grass type, to round out a solid fire/water/grass core so you have some natural type-switching synergy and stuff. I'm not entrirely sure what good grass types are available at your point, I know eventually you can get Leafeon, Tangrowth, Lilligant, Ludicolo (although he's also water type) Vileplume/Bell-awesome, and of course Roserade. So you have some options if you choose to go that route. Hope this gives you some ideas.

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