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The Reborn Hunger Games


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Ama, this could make a really sad mini-story for Zero. He's kicked, lost his eye, his heart, but somehow he survived. With all that pain he took, nothing else can hurt him.

Writing a Reborn Hunger Games AU sounds like fun, actually :'3

Ok but the thing is

It is always Zero

I've done so many simulator runs with the Reborn characters now, and I swear Zero keeps ending up in these relationships.

In fact, I draw the following conclusions from my Meteor games:

- Zero has no standards

- throwing Lumi into the arena will turn her into a violent little beast (at one point she swung a burning torch at Eve)

- Taka is a filthy liar

- Tara keeps drowning. No, seriously, Tara keeps drowning.

- Simon and Tara don't love each other at all

Lumi swings a burning torch at Eve, searing her hair.

Lumi nO

Lumi pushes Ricardo off a cliff during a knife fight.

wow I...

Lumi strangles Solaris after engaging in a fist fight.

Lumi please...

Lumi, Regina, and Taka start fighting, but Regina runs away as Lumi kills Taka.


Lumi silently snaps Solaris's neck.

The winner is Lumi from District 7!

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  • Global Mods
The Bloodbath
The Rock falls into a pit and dies.
Day 1
Your mom cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Goku forces Martha Stewart to kill Flo the Progressive Girl or Stephen King. She refuses to kill, so Goku kills her instead.
Elsa severely injures Jake from State Farm and leaves him to die.
Kool Aid Man, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Morgan Freeman get into a fight. Morgan Freeman triumphantly kills them both.
Night 1
Goku accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
Day 2
Shrek falls into a pit and dies.
Flo the Progressive Girl dies from hunger.
Donkey Kong attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death.
Night 2
A random t-rex, Cookie Monster, and Elsa successfully ambush and kill Morgan Freeman, Batman, and Pope Francis.
Shamwow Guy convinces Ronald McDonald to not kill him, only to kill him instead.
Day 3
No deaths occurred.
Night 3
George W. Bush shoots an arrow at Stephen King, but misses and kills Darth Vader instead.
The Feast
Cookie Monster pushes Spongebob off a cliff during a knife fight.
Samus shoots a poisonous blow dart into George W. Bush's neck, slowly killing him.
Gordon Ramsay stabs Elsa in the back with a trident.
Day 4
No deaths occurred.
Night 4
Shamwow Guy silently snaps Stephen King's neck.
Day 5
Shamwow Guy ambushes Samus and kills him.
Night 5
No deaths occurred.
Day 6
Gordon Ramsay bashes Shamwow Guy's head in with a mace.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
Day 7
A random t-rex dies from an infection.
Gordon Ramsay cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
The winner is Cookie Monster from District 12!

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 7 months later...

It's been long since we made one with the Reborn cast, or at least part of it.



Interesting moments

Bennet defeats Luna in a fight, but spares her life.

Sigmund and Shelly huddle for warmth.

Sirius and Cain tell stories about themselves to each other.

Luna ended up killing 5 people.

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