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I've only beaten Pokemon X. So I guess you could say I'm still really new to Pokemon games in general.
I don't play strategically, so I just give moves to my Pokemon based on what I think is strongest.

I'm guessing forum currency for Sprite items is earned from posting?

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Yup. Reborn Rupees are gained through posting. If you ever need any assistance on your journey through Reborn, feel free to ask here on the Forums!

Anyways, welcome!

I hope you enjoy your time playing through Reborn and your time here on the forums! ^_^

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Welcome to Reborn, kyle-nil, hope you enjoy your stay and have fun, and as what Combat Medic stated, strategy is quite important especially when you are faced with field effects and gym leaders that possess mons with good IVs as opposed to canon games, and what is deemed rarely used moves in canon games might save you in clutches in battles. Anyway good luck and have fun with your playthrough.

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

And yes, you get the currency through posting. Here's a guide on how many you get per section, if slightly outdated: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13640

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Well met Kyle.

Welcome to Reborn!

Did you say no strategy?


But it might fill you with determination all the same.

Though, to be perfectly honest, you can power through Reborn no problem if lady luck is on your side.

Everything else was said, I'll just echo that if you ever wanna chat/battle/both/neither, the server in Showdown is perfect for that~

btw, I like the blue on your avatar. But it needs more so WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Reborn.

I'll see you around o/

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I've only beaten Pokemon X. So I guess you could say I'm still really new to Pokemon games in general.

I don't play strategically, so I just give moves to my Pokemon based on what I think is strongest.

I'm guessing forum currency for Sprite items is earned from posting?

Welcome to the Reborn Forums, Kyle! ^_^

I used to play like that, too. Especially on the official Pokemon games. And then I played this version. /).(\

Oh I didn't know you could earn forum currency from posting. Well, you learn something new every time. why not

Anyways, nice to meet you and hope to see you around~

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Bit late, but Welcome to the forums!

Don't feel to bad if I ctrl V'ed this,

There's plenty of time to get to know people ^^

A lousy first impression is better than none at all,

At least, that's my impression.

So, hope to see you around!

(YOU MUST LEARN TO BATTLE, Ahem. Reborn is much harder than X :o)

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