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Improving my team to face a false god.


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Well, I'm about to go see the Citae d'difficult spelling, and I think my team needs some improvements, in particular a new sixth member. Leave your thoughts below.

*Cataclysm (Blaziken), lvl 57 (yes. I wanted to know what made it so good. I rely on it a lot less than expected.)
Adamant, Speed Boost, perfect IVs, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spe
-Blaze Kick
-Sky Uppercut
-Brave Bird
-Bulk Up
(I know I can get Flare Blitz later and HJK from the tutor eventually (I didn't complete that quest))

*Nefertiti (Cofagrigus), lvl 51 (awesome physical wall, saved me quite some times. Terrible IVs, though)
Relaxed, Mummy, 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpD
-Power Split

*Meos (Meowstic, male), lvl 52 (I'm noticing the lack of power, although those screens are vital)
Quirky, Prankster
-Light Screen
-Sucker Punch

*Floroar (Roselia), lvl 53 (even when not fully evolved, this thing packs quite the punch)
Timid, Natural Cure, max HP fire-IVs, 252 SpA, 4SpD, 252 Spe
-Giga Drain
-HP Fire
-Toxic Spikes (a lot of fun to set up against Wigglytuff)

*Tho (make a guess), lvl 56 (the second powerhouse, this thing just does so much damage)
Adamant, Huge Power, perfect IVs, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spe
-Quick Attack

(about to be kicked:)
Onix, lvl 46 (mainly used to set up Stealth Rocks, just outclassed for the rest)
Hardy, Sturdy
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge
-Iron Tail

I was thinking of perhaps adding Noivern or another Flying-type to work with Diggersby's coming move. Other ideas are welcome, too.

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If you want something to take down Arceus, then two Earthquakers will do the job. One who can live when the crystal cavern is up (Sturdy Donphan) and Eq to breat the field and another to Earthquake twice to destroy the cavern. The second EQ user should live a Judgement, then you can switch out, heal up and repeat. You can set up a Prankster LS to reduce Arceus' damage too.

If you want a permanent member, then yes, Noivern is good. It's got a good movepool and speed and SpAtk.

Meowstic-M can be replaced by something like a Gardevoir who gives you Fairy coverage and a better psychic attacker. Bronzong is underrated, especially with TR, for upcoming fights against an Ice miniboss, and also a flying leader with a big weakness to Steel.

Also, you can get a Shiny Stone for Roselia in Azurine Island.

Edited by wytch_doctr
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hmm a swoobat with simple ability and CM should be useful and a good replacement for meowstic M. Anyways what is stopping you from making a sub team of oped mons. Also you can put in gardevoir/Escavalier/Mamoswine/Archeops to replace onix. Acheops can be gotten earlier at spinel museum if you did the side quest before beating pulse abra but if you missed it i guess no point in mentioning Acheops cause you wont be able to get it until the end of the game.

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hmm a swoobat with simple ability and CM should be useful and a good replacement for meowstic M. Anyways what is stopping you from making a sub team of oped mons. Also you can put in gardevoir/Escavalier/Mamoswine/Archeops to replace onix. Acheops can be gotten earlier at spinel museum if you did the side quest before beating pulse abra but if you missed it i guess no point in mentioning Acheops cause you wont be able to get it until the end of the game.

You can get more Plume Fossils from Circus puzzles, so all you have to do is finish Episode 15 to be able to go on back to the city and revive it.

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I was thinking about a more permanent member for my team, so although PS/DB Mismagius would be cool, it synergizes poorly with Cofagrigus (which is an awesome pokemon). IIt's a shame I missed the archeops, I shouldn't be so careless. I do have Kabuto, Omanyte and Anorith, but I'm not sure if they could do much (Especially Kabuto without Waterfall).
I also heard you could somehow get Beldum, but I don't like blacking out, and losing half of my 70k pokedollars. I know Metagross is really solid, especially with BP on the Ice Field. Shame that Teleport was altered.
I can try Noivern, though. However, I'm not sure it will do well againt the divine. I was perhaps thinking about Florges, too, but it has no way of crippling mons, iirc.
Could someone also please tell me what event mons I should try not to miss before going to Agate (and tell where they are). I know I can get Chespin in 7th and Litwick at the cultists, plus all the Helix-quests. Perhaps Solosis and Rotom could be found after Luna (seeing that green crystal in Tanzan). I'm not sure if I want to do those damn web puzzles to get Galvantula/Heracross/Pinsir (Galvantula might fit well, though).

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Since the last time, I think enough time and events have passed by for an update.
The false god felt the world crashing upon him after three EQs from Tho and Flyogn (which outsped it, quite amazing). So I pretty much followed wytch's strategy. Thanks for that!
Currently, I've added three new members since last time. Because I'm now at the point of entering Agate, I want to know what to adjust/breed/train before that long trip.
So, without further ado, the even better squad now:

Cataclysm (Blaziken), level 63
Speed Boost, Adamant, max IVs, 252 Atk, 5 Def, 252 Spe.
-High Jump Kick
-Flare Blitz
-Brave Bird
-Bulk Up

Nefertiti (Cofagrigus), level 64
Mummy, Relaxed, (poor IVs,) 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpD
-Destiny Bond

Floroar (Roserade), level 64
Natural Cure, Timid, Special IV-spread, 252 SpA, 4SpD, 252 Spe
-Giga Drain
-Toxic Spikes
-HP Fire

Tho (Diggersby), level 65
Huge Power, Adamant, Max IVs, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spe
-Quick Attack

Meos (male Meowstic), level 56
Prankster, Quirky
-Light Screen
-Sucker Punch
(Mainly there to set up screens for survival)

And the new members:
Nightcrawler (Galvantula), level 65
Compoundeyes, Timid, Max IVs, 252 SpA, 4 SpD, 252 Spe
-Bug Buzz
-Discharge (doubts between this and Electro Ball...Consistency vs possible massive damage)
-Sticky Web

Elemental (Flygon), level 64
Levitate, Jolly, Max IVs, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 25 Spe
-Rock Slide
-Dragon Claw

Stratus (Noivern), level 54 (still in training)
Telepathy, Timid, Max IVs, 252 Spa, 4SpD, 252 Spe
-Air Slash
-HP Dark (needed a good move to train against those Woobats...not desiring to stick with it)

Post your thoughts below what needs to be adjusted. (No, I missed the plume fossil, so no Archeops :( )
(P.S. I especially want to know about mons I can still catch now that do really well in future gym/important battles against which my team at this moment would have a very tough time...)

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