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Anymore Pokemon fan games i can play?


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I finished the following in order and last one 3 weeks ago:




Ethereal Gates

Legends Of The Arena


And somehow none of the past games have been updated....at all....and I hate it. I know they're busy and everything but COME ON!!!! I have played 6 unfinished fan games and still none of the others are still updated

Edited by aGoodCabinet
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Well, they do say that patience is a virtue. It's not just developers making the new parts of the game, it's about developing and polishing the original parts of the game too. And spriting? Even with an entire spriting team, this can take months at THE VERY LEAST. Reborn for example. Ame and co are redrawing the entire Reborn City for the new episode. Considering it took like 5/6/7? episodes to even begin outside Reborn City, (pardon my poor knowledge on the subject), and you expect it to be completed as soon as you finish 5 different fangames (maybe about 100 hours of playtime between them). Putting that into perspective, it's not really a long time compared to the blood, sweat and tears the devs have put into ALL of these fangames that make them all something special.

If you want a fangame, check out Zeta and Omicron. It's complete, but not as polished as Insurgence (which are both made by TheSuzerain)

Also, you can poke around the fan game section on this forum to see some games with potential.

Edited by wytch_doctr
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