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Things to do before going to the Circus



Hi! I'm on my first playthrough, just beat Luna, and when I went to go to Agate town through the gate, Cain said something about not coming back in a long time. I suppose it will be a "point of no return" from now on, at least in some time. Since I'm playing more to the completionist side, such possibility got me a little unnerved.

I want to know what I have to do in Reborn city before going to the Circus. Things that aren't doable after I go through, but mostly things that may be important for me to have done before going (items and pokémon). Also, my "main" team is around levels 60-62, with some of the rotation pokémon being a little lower. Should I level them up more before going?

I already went through the majority of the event Pokémon that I could access after Luna (Heracross, Eevee, Solosis, Rotom, Litwick, Spiritomb, Squirtle, Misdreavus, Chespin, Chikorita), did all the in-game trades I could find (Munna, Trapinch, Mime Jr, Accelgor/Escavalier), went through the hide-and-seek events (Zorua, Zangoose, Teddiursa, Lillipup, Litleo), got the prize fossil at the museum, and did everything I could at the 7th street (included "buying one each of the junk seller items just in case").

One more question: What do I need to trigger the Beldum event? The Tauros keeps disappearing as soon as I get teleported to the hideout.

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For the Beldum event, you have to get the ninth Badge, which is in the Circus (rip), so you can't do it until you get back to Reborn City (which won't be until E16).

When I played through episode 15 I could get Beldum right after beating Luna. Not before, but it was still possible before going to Agate.

Did a new patch get released that changed this or something?

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hmm before going to agate breed/prepare a team to beat the next four leaders(Samson,Charlotte,Terra and Ciel). leave 2 pokemon with pick up ability which are the same gender in the day care so they wont make eggs and just lvl up. so you can use them after you complete the episode when Ev training/grinding and what not.Having a lvl 100 pokemon with pick up an come in handy. oh also train up the 2 pokemon with pick up to the lvl cap than dump them in the day care.

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Yea, the change came along with Episode 15 I think. Anyways, gonna leave Lostelle's vid on how to get Beldum in the spoiler below for those who need it.

When I played episode 15 I did this exact event between defeating Luna and going to Agate. It was locked before Luna but I definitely went into Agate with a Metagross. I also recommended that this event be delayed until after returning from Agate so maybe that was acted on in a future release like 15.2 or something.

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Wait, I was completely able to go back to Reborn City after Agate Circus. What are you guys talking about?

Only once you beat episode 15 I assume. You shouldn't be able to go back in the middle of the story.

I think as long as you have solosis you're fine. Many people find they need a trick room pokemon and they don't have it so given you do I'd say go right in :D

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So... I was kind of reckless and jumped in (after getting the stickers and levelling up my pickup users). I actually finished E15 today without much struggling except for those laggy routes and long walks inside them. That part in the Water Treatment Station was pretty... intense.

Thank you all for the tips!

Now I'm out to get the stuff I'm missing and anxiously wait for E16 :)

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