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Well... I'd love a return to tittle option


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Well, turning the game off and turn it back on everytime I need to load my save file is a little tidious and complicated, so I'd appreciate a "Return to the Tittle" button (you can put it in the Option Menu).

Thanks and keep up the good job!

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You do realize there's a soft-reset key, right? F12 soft-resets the game and returns you to the intro screen.

Even if you want to load a different savefile while playing, you simply rename the backup/secondary savefile mid-game, soft-reset and you'll be in that savefile.

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I'm a little confused as to what you're saying here. Are you taking about soft resetting because if so you can use F12 to return to the title screen.

I'm not quite sure if this is what you're talking about though as this thread is in team showcase and if I'm correct in what you're talking about it has nothing to do with this section.

Edit: Double ninja'ed...

Edited by mde2001
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The F12 key does that.

You do realize there's a soft-reset key, right? F12 soft-resets the game and returns you to the intro screen.

Even if you want to load a different savefile while playing, you simply rename the backup/secondary savefile mid-game, soft-reset and you'll be in that savefile.

Oh, thanks guys. Didn't realize that. I should read the manual a little more carefully then.

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