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What was the video game that got you into gaming?


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the title says it all. pretty sure most of the people here are huge gamers, but what was the game that got you into this hobby in the first place? i'd like to hear about it~

for me, it was either Pokemon Mystery Dungeon2 or various Sonic games. but Earthbound was definitely what sparked my interest in jrpgs and the like.

so yeah, leave your vidya gaems below.

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It was a really really long time ago but I think I still remember a bit of it

The Sim that actually get me into it I think but it's not my first game

it in that NES and the game was um I don't know what first so I just gonna tell all of it them:Contra,that game that use balloon to fly,that game that you use slingshot to shoot balloon and Mario.

that all I can remember

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Back in my day, all I used to play was Pokemon Red... Until of course I let my friend borrow it for a year. When I got it back, she had pumped it full of missing numbers.

For console games, I would say Pokemon Colosseum. While at the previously mentioned friend's house, I saw her playing it for the first time, and one Christmas later, the rest was history.

(And perhaps Super Smash Bros Melee, that was the first one I ever owned for the game cube.)

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Pssh. All you people with your Gameboy games or DS games or NES games. Let's take things back even farther, to a system released in 1977 - the Atari 2600.

Honestly, I'm not old enough to have been around when that was released, but my dad was. He had it when I was a young boy, probably around 5 or 6, and the first game that really got me hooked was "Spiderman" for the Atari 2600.

Any time my dad let us play, that was the game I wanted to play. Unfortunately, the controllers for the Atari broke after a couple years, and they would've been expensive to replace, so we never got new ones. Though knowing what I do now, I wish we had.

If not that, the next game I would point to would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 for NES. I never owned a NES, but I had a friend that did, and I remember that we always played that game whenever I came over. We barely got past the first boss if we ever did, and my friend got bored of playing long before I did, so I'd reluctantly quit after a run or two. I think that was the first game I could say I was addicted to, if I were to go that far. Then again, I hadn't really played many video games at that point as we owned no "functioning" systems anymore, so it was kind of like a treat I only got every so often. While Spiderman was the first video game I really enjoyed, TMNT 2 was the game that made me want my own system, though that wouldn't happen until around 3rd or 4th grade, when my parents bought us a used PS2 as a surprise. And it was the best surprise for me at that point. After that, things sorta just continued from there.

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I guess what got me started was Pokemon Ruby. My grandad had gotten me my first Gameboy ((Which I still have by the way, a good ten damn years later, and it still works just fine)) that Christmas, and all I had for a while was a spongebob game that I can barely remember now- until my dad ordered a ruby cart off ebay or amazon or somewhere.

Needless to say, that game kept me occupied for hours on end, eventually I branched out to trying the other pokemon games like both Fire Red, leaf green, Sapphire and Emerald, and even Yellow Version. I upgraded to a NDS a few years later and moved on to even more stuff like the Drawn to Life Series, Pokemon diamond, pearl, platinum, soul silver, BW and BW2... Then I moved up to computers for games like Reborn and Insurgence as well as to my current go-to Console, the PSP, and started to get into games for that like Tactics Ogre (which is probably my favorite game of all time) and even into stuff like GBA emulators...

basically, my life as a gamer started the moment I picked up pokemon, and over time it simply expanded out from that point as I explored different genres and games and play-styles...

It's kinda weird right now though... the past few years, I've kinda begun to drop most of my gaming in exchange for writing ((and the planning and background work nessacary for writting)) during most of my free time... but I'm not really that sad about it- My gaming career had a good run; plus it came around full circle anyway- it started with me playing GBA games on a GBA, and ended with me playing the same games years later on a virtual emulation of the hardware... kinda poetic.

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My grandparents buying me a Game Gear for Christmas. I also had a NES around the house with Super Mario Bros 1 and 3, Punch-Out!!, Zelda 1, TMNT (the one every claims is unbeatable), Bubble Bobble, and a few other random games. The first video game I ever beat was either Sonic Chaos or Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. They did buy me a Super Nintendo later with Donkey Kong Country bundled with it and I was all about that game. I also fucking loved Yoshi's Island. My first RPG was Super Mario RPG and my first fighting game was Super Street Fighter 2. I mained Ryu pretty consistently until my College years when I actually started to take traditional Fighting games seriously.

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The hobby kinda just happened with me. Started when I was 3-4 and got a PS1, had nothing else to do as a kid, so I just played that a ton. Especially Digimon World 3 and Tomba 2. Especially especially Tomba 2. Despite being in a part of Europe that didn't even get any of the really popular PS1 games, I somehow got the JAPANESE version of Tomba 2, a game far from being a best seller. I didn't even know how to save! But kid-me didn't care, I loved that game so much, I just kept replaying the first part (which I later found out was like 60% of that far-from straight-forward game). I only put the game down when my PS1 eventually died .So years later, when I discovered emulation, I was absolutely overjoyed and overwhelmed by nostalgia.

Also, Sacred.

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The first game I ever played was Spyro the Dragon for the PS1 when I was about four or five. I remember clearly how happy I was when I figured out how to jump, let alone glide. Spyro is still one of my favorite game series to this day (Excluding that Skylanders stuff. That doesn't count >_>) and is probably why I still like older platformers and mythological creatures in general. It's also the reason I still keep track of Insomniac in case they ever get the rights again. I know it's not going to happen, and that the new heads don't care anymore. Let me dream.

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Upon moving to the place that I know reside in my parent made a fateful decision to purchase an Xbox for our new home and on that day they sealed the fate of their oldest child, me!

because of the actions taken that day I grew up to be an anti-social nerd who stays up way to late and plays way to many video games.

My first game was Ty the Tasmanian Tiger for the original Xbox and it is what started me off into gaming. which is why I'm so hype for the steam releases of the original 3 Ty games (assuming Krome can raise the money)!

although special mention and thanks should be made to Sonic 1-3, Spyro a Hero's Tail and Halo: Combat Evolved. These where the origins that have since lead me to where I am now.

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Toughie there. I remember playing NFL 2K3 as well as Jet-Set Radio (a skating and graffiti game) and Sonic Heroes (Sonic game) being amongst my first games that got me into gaming on the original Xbox. However I had been playing WWE Smackdown wrestling on my dad's PS1 since I was about 4. I guess the Xbox games were what got me started. Then it bridged into Super Mario, Yoshi's Island, and Pokémon Ranger on the original DS. And I've been a Nintendo regular since then.

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Let me think...it was so long ago...when i was like 8 or 9 years old i went to my friends place and his dad had a PC with some games on it, i spent the entire day playing (don't even remember what game it was) when my grandmother came to pick me up i didn't want to leave. The next morning i asked to buy me a PC, after we got one i went to a nearby store and bought a random bundle of games, it had 3 games in it: Diablo which at that time scared me (i still remember running away from the Butcher), Starcraft and Warcraft 2, needless to say it was love at first sight.

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