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What was the video game that got you into gaming?


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Sonic 2 is the earliest game I have memories playing. I never got past Wing Fortress Zone as a kid, but I still played it for hours on end.

Later on I started playing a larger variety of different games, including some RTSes on my brother's computer like Red Alert 2 and Stronghold, and some other games on the Gamecube, like Pokemon Colosseum, Starfox Assault, and Super Mario Sunshine.

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Hmm, the first game I played was Ocarina of time for the N64. And then my dad made sure, I got to play all the awesome N64 games. Like Mario Party 1 and 2 with family, Banjo Kazooie, and Pokémon Stadium. So it is more the N64 that got me into gaming and OOT as first game ^^

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The first games I actually remember playing, aside from maybe a few of those kids' games, are Settlers 3, and Populous: The Beginning, when I was like 5 or 6. Later on, we got a DS, and PMD: Blue Rescue Team was the game that got me into Pokemon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, I don't remember exactly.

I'm pretty sure I remember me playing Golden Axe.

I might have had other experience with games before that one, but it's the first game I remember. And I've loved games since the first game I played, so I'm pretty sure that's what got me into gaming.

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  • Developers

I remember watching my Dad play Pokemon Gold when I was 5 or 6, and it fascinated me, and I think the first game I ever properly played was Pokemon Crystal, which I got along with a gba for christmas or a birthday. Loved videogames ever since.

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First video game I played was Pong. Oldie but a goodie.... says the hundred year old. Game one I can't remember whether it was Sonic the hedgehog or Super Mario world on SNES. Then I played FF7 some time later and had no idea how RPGs worked let alone JRPG.

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Pokemon Blue, i think. And Super Mario Bros Deluxe edition for the gameboy color. i was like 4 when i got both. my parents made a Mistake for now i am massive gaming garbage and nothing can stop me

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I used to play my brother's Pokemon Pinball, that was amazing. I think what really got my interest was either Melee or Animal Crossing Population: Growing when my parents got my brother and I a Gamecube.

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I started with Sonic 3 or Golden Axe

Idk the name of my first console (I was four and I didn't cared for what console was, for me it was all videogame), nor my parents remember.

But when I was 6-8 I had a Playstation 2 but it broke ;-;

Then my dad gave me a NDS with Platinum, that's how I started playing Pokémon.

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I think the actual answer for me is Oblivion. Yes, the elder scrolls one. I used to watch my aunt play it when I visiited her. Probably explains my affinity for enjoying youtube videos as well.

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