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Hey everybody, newbie here


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I began playing Reborn a few days ago, and so far, I’m really impressed with the game’s quality. The field effects and the added level of challenge are refreshing; I like the darker atmosphere and the well-written NPC dialogue too. Definitely one of the best fan-made Pokémon games I’ve played.

If anyone feels generous today, I have a couple of questions that need answering:

1. My avatar is a gif, but how come it doesn’t animate like other people’s ones do?

2. What’s with all the Fern hate?
Sure, he’s supercilious, but he’s not much worse than Blue or Silver. The former has his detractors, but he isn’t completely despised, and the latter has been turned into Draco in Leather Pants thanks to millions of fangirls. Granted, I’m used to dealing with douchy characters in video games, and I’m only about 3 hours into Reborn, so I don’t know if Fern gets worse later on.

Edited by HyperspaceFury
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2. What’s with all the Fern hate?

Sure, he’s supercilious, but he’s not much worse than Blue or Silver. The former has his detractors, but he isn’t completely despised, and the latter has been turned into Draco in Leather Pants thanks to millions of fangirls. Granted, I’m used to dealing with douchy characters in video games, and I’m only about 3 hours into Reborn, so I don’t know if Fern gets worse later on.

Just you wait. You ain't seen nothin yet. Anyways, Reborn's gonna be fun at first. Enjoy it while you can. We'll be here to help you get through it.

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If your gif won't play as an avatar, try re-sizing the gif file size to be 500 KB or lower. You can also try reducing the widthxlength of the gif to a smaller size.


I resized the image like you suggested and now it works! Thanks!


And oh god… Everyone’s ominous warnings about Fern are scaring me.

The worst possible thing I could think of him doing is fleeing while I’m completely surrounded by Meteor grunts, resulting in 4 double battles in a row with no breaks or healing.

Please tell me it’s not that bad.

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Well met Hyper. (I'll call you that nao~)

Welcome to Reborn!

New member or not, if you feel like chatting, come check our server on Showdown. We'll treat you well! maybe

2. What’s with all the Fern hate?

I don't get it either. I'm pretty sure people are just jealous of his Swag.

I just don't care.

Anyway, I like the blue on your Togekiss. But how about full on blue? WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Reborn!

I'll see you around o/

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Hello there Fern lover. Not that we got something against you liking Fern, but you will soon understand our disdain for him as you progress into the much later game.

I never said I liked him :P

In fact, I detest arrogant characters, LOL.

I was just wondering if the hate he gets is justified, or if this is a case of ‘Ron the Death Eater’*

* The short version for those who don’t know what I’m talking about but who’d rather not go to TV Tropes:

Basically, a sizable chunk of the Harry Potter fandom abhors Ron Weasley, who is otherwise a nice guy and a decent character, for the pettiest, stupidest reason ever: He gets in the way of Draco x Hermione. I feel that this hate is unwarranted, because in the source material, Ron doesn’t do anything to deserve this hate.

(The above is just an example; the hate needn’t stem from shipping preferences, but it does need to be a reason, that, by itself, is completely asinine.)

But anyway, with all the foreshadowing everyone’s been doing, Fern will eventually do something that definitely justifies all the hate he gets.

New member or not, if you feel like chatting, come check our server on Showdown. We'll treat you well! maybe

Thanks, I’ll be sure to try it out sometime :)

Edited by HyperspaceFury
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Bit late, but Welcome to the forums!

Don't feel to bad if I ctrl V'ed this,

There's plenty of time to get to know people ^^

A lousy first impression is better than none at all,

At least, that's my impression.

So, hope to see you around!

(Fern is a jerk. I don't care what anyone says about it)

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