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IV items + Day Care viable combo?


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Do IV items work together with day care?? for example i got a Krokorok with an IV bracelet to maximize ATK IV....if i give krokorok to the day care holding this item will the IVs rise up?? and if I give krokorok without an IV item whas going on with the whole IVs of all stats?

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On phone. It's pinned, so it's at the top of the TS page.

Thank you ^_^

On phone. It's pinned, so it's at the top of the TS page.

Sorry for interupting again but i need to know if the IVs of ATK are rising through leveling inside the day care for the Single Krokorok (holding ATK IV item) i gave to the day care....not if the IVs are passed down to the offspring

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Sorry for interupting again but i need to know if the IVs of ATK are rising through leveling inside the day care for the Single Krokorok (holding ATK IV item) i gave to the day care....not if the IVs are passed down to the offspring

Er, those items only have 2 functions. Let's take the Power Weight, it:

1) doubles the amount of HP EVs you get from a fight;

2) passes on the holder's HP IV in the daycare.

They don't do anything else. So being in the daycare won't change your EVs/IVs.

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Er, those items only have 2 functions. Let's take the Power Weight, it:

1) doubles the amount of HP EVs you get from a fight;

2) passes on the holder's HP IV in the daycare.

They don't do anything else. So being in the daycare won't change your EVs/IVs.

oh sorry i ve messed up i mean EV items....the bracelets....sorry i ve messed up from the start....will the EV for ATK rise up as they lvling up my krokorok holding an EV bracelet for ATK?

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If you have a Power Bracer on it, killing something that usually gives 2 Attack EVs will give you 4 instead. Leveling up makes no change (though your stats are recalculated once you level up, so you have to get a level after you got a stat to however many EVs you want). But leveling up itself gets you no EVs, killing something that gives Attack EVs does (check the On The Hunt section's pinned EV Training Guide to see what place has what mons that give what EVs).

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Actually the power items gives you +4 to whatever stat it is. So if you fight something that gives you 2 attack EV, you get 6 instead. You can also get EVs from the item without battling something that gives those EVs. For instance, if you fight a Grimer (it gives 1 HP EV) while your pokemon is holding the Power Bracer, you will get 1 HP EV and 4 Atk EV. In addition, stats recalculate themselves after every xp gain. I figured that out on Noel's Wigglytuff, which kept boosting my HP by 1 when it died, and I didn't understand how.

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Actually the power items gives you +4 to whatever stat it is. So if you fight something that gives you 2 attack EV, you get 6 instead. You can also get EVs from the item without battling something that gives those EVs. For instance, if you fight a Grimer (it gives 1 HP EV) while your pokemon is holding the Power Bracer, you will get 1 HP EV and 4 Atk EV. In addition, stats recalculate themselves after every xp gain. I figured that out on Noel's Wigglytuff, which kept boosting my HP by 1 when it died, and I didn't understand how.

Oh, guess I didn't remember that right, thanks for the info.

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