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What type of gamer are you?


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Just as the title says - Are you the hardcore gamer? The completionist? The Achievement Hunter? The competitive gamer? Do you just play casually for fun? How do you go about playing most video games, and are there certain types of games you tend to lean towards?

I personally would fall under competitive/completionist. If a game can become competitive, I will make it competitive. Single player game? Ok, which one of us can make it farther? Who can kill x boss faster? Multiplayer? Ok, let me beat you at it. I generally tend to lean towards and prefer games that require a lot of technical skill. The more options you have and the deeper and faster combat becomes, the better for me. A great example of this is my HUGE preference of Super Smash Bros. Melee over Sm4sh. The game has so many more options and requires more dexterity to play, and overall it's just a lot faster, which is my cup of tea. Not to say Sm4sh isn't fun. If Melee didn't exist, I'd probably be crazy over Sm4sh instead right now. But anyway, I like to be able to prove my skill at something, and the best way to do that for me is by playing something difficult. That also leads in to games like Dark Souls, which in turn leads into the completionist aspect of me.

If I'm not playing competitively, I'm probably playing as a completionist. I'll only do this with games that I really like, so it doesn't happen every time, but once I get going, I'm going. In Dark Souls 2, for example, I've made it my goal to collect 2 of every weapon and shield in the game (Just in case I ever want to dual-wield them), one of every armor piece, one of every ring, every spell/hex/miracle, and every item. Despite the fact that this takes numerous playthroughs to do, it's something I have fun doing, and I still find stuff that I don't have even on NG+++. Another good example of this is Final Fantasy X. In order to get the ultimate weapon for the main character (Who happens to be my favorite character in that game, which is part of the reason why I bothered doing this), you need to enter a race and finish with a time of zero seconds, meaning you have to do the race absolutely perfectly to collect the time-reduction items fast enough. It's very difficult and tedious, but I did it.

Surprisingly, despite being a completionist for many games, I don't really care about achievements. In Dark Souls 2 for example, I think I have under half of the total achievements despite owning well over half of all the stuff in the game, having beaten every boss, and having completed the game 3 times. Part of that is due to the fact that Steam won't reward them in offline mode, so there are a bunch I should have but don't, (Like the one for maxing out a covenant or learning all gestures, both of which I finished offline), but it doesn't really bother me. I suppose I have my own criteria for completing the game rather than what the achievements say.

Anyway, how do you play games? What types of games do you tend to lean towards because of this?

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Just as the title says - Are you the hardcore gamer? The completionist? The Achievement Hunter? The competitive gamer? Do you just play casually for fun? How do you go about playing most video games, and are there certain types of games you tend to lean towards?

All the mentioned above.

However I lean towards games with good mechanics that are easy to learn and hard to master. Great story is always a big plus.

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I tend to be the thrillseeker of gaming across the board in most genres. The term "thrillseeker" I use as a blanket term for a couple different things. I play games because I want to have fun, or I can compete with others. For games like GTA, I seek thrills by just screwing around and stealing cars and shooting cops like in a usual GTA fashion. In other games like Pokémon, I get thrills by stomping on people. It is very fun for me to just absolutely and completely destroy someone, because I'm very cynical when gaming.

On the other side of the fence however, as a thrillseeker, I get VERY salty in competitive gaming. Usually if I lose very hard, I generally tend to assume my opponent was cheating or terrible in one way or another. I'm not talking like a close game, because I respect people who give me a good match, but wiping the floor with me is not very fun on my end. Heck, on the contrary, I'd prefer a close match over a complete cleaning anyways. It's more fun to watch someone struggle. I know it's ironic, but hey, it's me.

As a thrillseeker in gaming, I also tend to move on if games get boring after a while in order to seek a more entertaining newer game. And that's why I call myself a thrillseeker.

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On the other side of the fence however, as a thrillseeker, I get VERY salty in competitive gaming. Usually if I lose very hard, I generally tend to assume my opponent was cheating or terrible in one way or another. I'm not talking like a close game, because I respect people who give me a good match, but wiping the floor with me is not very fun on my end. Heck, on the contrary, I'd prefer a close match over a complete cleaning anyways. It's more fun to watch someone struggle. I know it's ironic, but hey, it's me.

As a thrillseeker in gaming, I also tend to move on if games get boring after a while in order to seek a more entertaining newer game. And that's why I call myself a thrillseeker.

This is me. Except that sometimes when I lose a close match (especially if the opponent makes a comeback) I feel robbed, robbed out of my win. I probably should compliment my opponent for their skill, but I can't shake off the feeling that "I had that match".

I consider myself hardcore gamer: I play several kinds of games, aim to improve at them and thus spend a lot of time playing games. I like to consider myself "a pro" at Monster Hunter series after spending at least 1000 hours on each since Tri. It's also something I - in a way- am proud of.

I guess I'm also competitive, since I don't like losing and put effort into getting better and better at the game. I think that's what might have gotten me into playing Reborn as well: I was watching Shofu's Let's Play, and more than once I found myself thinking: "heck, I can do better than that" or "doesn't look that difficult imo". Then I finally decided to download the game. Now I have played through the current version three times.

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  • Veterans

Mostly for fun. I just like having a good time c:

Although, sometimes, a challenge isnt that bad tho. I like games that are challenging but not THAT challenging to the point that it's annoying :V

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I've honestly been hoping to see a topic like this for ages as I've wanted to explain what type of gamer I am for awhile now.

I consider myself a hardcore gamer as I invest most of my time playing games and can easily put 100+ hours into games I really like and in general I always try to find ways to make a game I like last longer in unconventional ways if the game doesn't have a way of it's own to extend it e.g. New Game+ or something similar.

I would say while I can play for fun I prefer tough games that test my skills even if it makes me rage as I feel the emotions a game evokes are pretty much the best part of gaming for me while others would say playing with friends is the best but I don't have many of those and because of that I'm primarily a solo gamer as such I stick to single player games for the most part though I do play online from time to time.

I enjoy competitive gaming to a high degree as I like becoming better at something for the sake of victory certain games like Gears of War 2/3 and Halo 3/4 hold a place in my heart for having some of the most epic, funny and clutch moments in my gaming history.

Unfortunately due to how salty I get I try to avoid playing these types of games with friends and always opt for co-op games where possible to limit the negativity as I would rather have fun with others then yell at them lol I feel I do this out of consideration.

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How do I answer...

I usually play games for fun or as a pastime, and I don't give videogames that much importance right now. But that is also the reason why sometimes I try to make them more difficult or more interesting, so, whatever my goal is, achieving it will be more rewarding and challenging... hopefully compensating for the added frustration when something goes wrong. Yes, I sometimes rage at videogames. Like that one time when I was about to defeat a Gym leader in Reborn and got pummeled by a critical hit instead.

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Completionist/ Games4Fun

Hand me a singleplayer game and if I enjoy it, I'll complete the shit out of it. No 100% is too distant for me. Or 105%. Or 110%. But I have fun while trying to complete achievements/getting secrets/whatever else.

As for multiplayer, same thing. I'm the guy that, apparently, ruins your game because I want to have fun playing a game.

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I'm definitely a casual gamer as far as how I play games goes, but I tend to like games to be on the harder side if possible. Dark Souls was awesome. :) Also, options. Not quite sure how to put that. I like that games where I can look at alot of the options, make assumptions about how I expect choices to work out in the game mechanically, and then see how correct I am. This tends to cause me to have huge amounts of play times on games like Skyrim or Dragon's Dogma, even though I tend to only play a little into the game to see if what I think is actually right. I can't even guess how many characters I had saved just after the 2nd bell in Dark Souls that I just didn't play anymore because it was boring after the mystery was solved.

I really, -really- like playing co-op in the games that I like, but I don't like most shooters and typically can't convince others to play the other games that I actually like with me due to time constraints and such, so can't say much about that.

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Just as the title says - Are you the hardcore gamer? The completionist? The Achievement Hunter? The competitive gamer? Do you just play casually for fun? How do you go about playing most video games, and are there certain types of games you tend to lean towards?

I enjoy casually playing some games but generally I'm a competitive gamer, I pick out games that I can play with other people and generally work until I can destroy people that I know at said games

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I'm not even sure.

Whenever I get/start a new game and I like it, I single-mindedly go at it until I beat it or lose interest. After that, I alternate between whatever games I feel like playing at the time. There are very few games that I have been able to 100% because I rarely can keep interested enough to 100% a game.

I also usually play single player, or just stray away from everyone else in online games. I dunno why. Maybe I just like to do my own thing?

In multiplayer, I generally prefer team vs team games over 1v1 and PvE over PvP.

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For games with storylines - I love to just play until the end, and not worry too much about the sidequests along the way. I love a good plot, and then I often get really, really immersed into the experience of the game.

Games with levels - After I've completed all the levels, I become a hardcore completionist, and want to get the high score/ 3 stars/ 5 stars (whatever the game's ranking system is) and have all the levels completed to the best of my ability. I never succeed tho.

Games with multiplayer - I try to be semi-decent at the game, because I know that with my skills (or lack of) I won't be like the top 100 or 1000 or 10000. My wifi doesn't help either.

Sandbox games - I just try and be artsy. Like I used to build in minecraft, and make something that looked cool

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I'm the type of gamer who prefers story over everything. I used to use video games to escape my dull reality and that in turn made me a gamer. I obviously prefer the RPG genre but really anything with a deep story is good for me. I do like to get as much as I can for the most part. Damn you Disgaea. But sometimes that's not entirely possible. I really have to defend video games when I talk to some of the older generations and have read a bunch of the studies on benefits and hindrances of gaming, even wrote an essay in school. But yeah...casual/semi-completionist.

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  • Global Mods

I just play games for fun. I mainly play for the adventure. I've never played against a human player before, and don't have any interest in doing so. (although I am considering challenging the Redemption League, because I like the gym leader art)

I guess I'm half of a completionist because on one hand I like achievements and collectibles, and on the other if it takes too long or too much to obtain one I'll stop bothering with it.

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I'm a completionist for sure.do everything to get 100% and it really upset me when back in AC3 I done everything already and it said 98% >:c

Also I am a story gamer if it's a type of gamer you know that gamer that play game for story

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Well, up until I was about 15 or 16 or something along those lines, I would probably fit the mold of a hardcore gamer. I definitely spent most of my times playing games, although it was all single player campaigns and the sort. As I didn't have the funds to purchase games endlessly at that point (I mean, I still don't, but you get the gist), I would often times play through the campaigns of games I already had a few times in a row, sometimes ramping up the difficulty every now and then.

Then I discovered the wonderful world of e-sports and competitive gaming. League of Legends was my first attempt at that, but I ended up giving up on it and am now just playing it casually with friends every now and then. Hearthstone was up next, but I didn't have the patience at the time for it. I then discovered that fighting games had a competitive scene and started to get more and more into those and I'm definitely more into fighting games than MOBAs nowadays. That being said, I also have tried to recently get back into Hearthstone and am doing a better job at it; I just need to get a better grasp on what cards I could expect to be played from different classes on different turns and all of that noise.

So, as of now, I'm definitely more of a casual/competitive gamer. I don't have as much time as I used to to play games, but when I do I try to practice fighting games and such. I play the occasional single-player game every now and then and don't get me wrong, I still love all of my other games to death, but I'd love to be competent enough at, say, Street Fighter to play people on a competitive level, so I naturally focus more of my free time towards that.

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I'm a campaigner. If I get a game I will most likely play the campaign and drop it once I'm done. I want to enjoy the story as it is told. If I come back to play it again I'll try to get the most extra stuff done as I can before beating the game.

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