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More Updates, Less Pokemon Species


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I'm new to Reborn and to pick up knowledge on how the game goes, I have skimmed through some forum threads and found out that some Pokemon present in the older episodes is removed in some succeeding updates. Why is this? Does this mean that we can no longer acquire these species? Just wondering. It would be a bummer if this is the case. I've always thought that the a Pokemon game with the accessibility to catching all Pokemon and completing the Pokedex without the involvement of external game materials and human resources is what Pokemon fans have always longed for but kept from us by GameFreak. That's my opinion though. Any thoughts. But of course no offence or pressure to the developers. I'm just a peasant fan :)

Edited by gabgonzales
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No, they were removed for balancing. Certain Pokemon could make the game a breeze, and as such, were either "chopped" or moved to later portions of the game so the game wouldn't become overly easy. (Magikarp, never forget.) They will eventually be added later in game however.

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All Pokemon are supposed to be obtainable by the end, so no worries. As for why they were removed, one of Reborn's main selling points is it's difficulty, which is kinda ruined when you can have a Gyarados and Staraptor (2 of the axed things) before even the second gym.

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