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PUndertale (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore PU-Only Run)

Lord Chespin

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Hey! So, I just finished up my Electric-type Monotype Run (which you can find here) and, since people seemed fairly interested in the idea, decided to follow it up with a run where I only use Pokemon from Smogon's lowest official tier, PU (which you can find here)! This is also kind of a follow-up to an aborted run that I did before my hard drive crashed the second time, in which I only used Pokemon from the NU tier or lower. Basically, this is me pretty much being a masochist.

So, without further ado, here's the team so far (I started with two starters because WHY THE HECK NOT?!)

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 73

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 73

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 74

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 73

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 72

262.pngDogaressa (Female) - Lv. 72

Here's the Pokemon on my PC:

174.pngShyren (Female) - Lv. 8

016.pngDummy (Male) - Lv. 16

400.pngWhimsun (Female) - Lv. 15

261.pngDogamy (Male) - Lv. 10

507.pngToby Fox (Male) - Lv. 25

402.pngMigospel (Female) - Lv. 26

217.pngBurgerpants (Male) - Lv. 31

154.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 32

426.pngMadjick (Male) - Lv. 35

587.pngTsunderplane (Female) - Lv. 42

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 65

202.pngNapstablook (Male) - Lv. 65

012.pngWhimsalot (Male) - Lv. 65

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 69

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 70

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 73

Here's the major bosses we have to fight so far:

101.pngJulia (Defeated!)

346.pngFlorina (Defeated!)

169.pngCorey (Defeated!)

313.pngShelly (Defeated!)

609.pngShade (Defeated!)

308-m.pngKiki (Defeated!)

445.pngSolaris (Defeated!)

691.pngAya (Defeated!)

478.pngSerra (Defeated!)

036.pngNoel (Defeated!)

493-fairy.pngEl (Defeated!)

282-m.pngRandomus (Defeated!)

384-m.pngTechie Johnathan (Defeated!)

197.pngLuna (Defeated!)

534.pngSampson (Defeated!)

038.pngCharlotte (Defeated!)

445-m.pngTerra (Defeated!)

334-m.pngCiel (Defeated!)

All Bosses Defeated!

Here's this run's mascot, courtesy of PCTheSkitty of the Pokemon Insurgence Holon Dex:


And finally, this run's theme song!
Wish me luck! ...'Cause I'm gonna need it. (-_-ll)
Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #1: Name the Fallen Child.

Well, the first few battles were... uneventful, at least compared to the Hell that was the final few battles of The Spark of Life. For Cain, I led with Chara, and Cain led with Nidoran. Nidoran did some damage with a scratch, but it only landed one, and Chara crushed it without much effort, in a fashion that eerily resembled its namesake. For Victoria, Chara tanked a tackle and curb-stomped it with two bubbles. Time to explore this grand new world and find new team members!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 6

152.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 5

Edited by supermario79411
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At first glance, i thought this was a team consisting of representatives of undertale characters like Gogoat as Toriel or something similar, i was wrong lol, nevertheless it is an interesting tier based run. You can get female Combee from headbuttable trees in opal ward or peridot garden, Vespiquen is relatively good in early games for a PUer so to speak

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You saw me plenty of times use PU Pokemon quite well such as creepy bird so it's more than possible to do a run like this. Good luck though as you might need it this go around. (Seriously though you people are crazy when it comes to challenges. Still surprised you're doing another run of this mod after finishing one and another getting deleted).

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Hey, thanks for all the support, everyone! I'm glad so many of you guys are interested in this! Anyway...

Update #2: It's Your Best Friend!

Well, Fern was more annoying than hard. I led with Flowey, and he just spammed razor leaf on Fern's Lombre until Fern used up all of his potions. Unfortunately, he got kind of worn down after that, and (thanks to multiple growls from Lombre) wasn't doing all that much damage, so I swapped him out for Chara. Fern then had Lombre use absorb while Chara did pitifully little damage with a critical-hit bubble, causing me to question why I thought it was a good idea to send out a water-type on a mono-grass user. I quickly swapped Chara out for Migospel the Kricketune, and he tanked an absorb to take down the dreaded Lombre with a single fury cutter. Fern sent out his Servine, and Migospel tanked a tackle to do massive damage with a fury cutter. The two then missed a fury cutter and a wrap, but Migospel was able to tank a wrap and KO the Servine with a fury cutter! Roselia was kind of a joke; it only got off a single mega drain and, when only a few hit points away from death, used a mere growth instead of, oh, I dunno, literally anything else, allowing Migospel to KO it with two fury cutters! Time to investigate the Mosswater Factory!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 12

152.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 13

016.pngDummy (Male) - Lv. 12

399.pngWhimsun (Female) - Lv. 12

677.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 12

402.pngMigospel (Female) - Lv. 16

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #3: You Will Regret This.

Well, Aster and Eclipse really took me by surprise with how difficult they were! Seriously, it took me quite a few tries before I beat them. On TEH URN, I led with Flowey, Fern led with Roselia, and Aster and Eclipse led with Magmar and Electabuzz. Electabuzz hurt Flowey with a shock wave and Roselia fainted to an ember, but Flowey lived and managed to poison Magmar with a poison powder! Fern's Lombre came out next, and while Flowey fainted to a fire punch, Lombre tanked an ember and did chip damage with a bubble. I decided to stop playing around and sent out Chara, who set up a water sport (finally, that move becomes useful!) while tanking a feint attack and while Lombre fainted to a low kick. Fern's Servine came out next, and while Eclipse healed her Magmar and Electabuzz used low kick, Chara got off a bubble and Servine actually managed to wrap Electabuzz! It then proceeded to tank a fire punch and get off a wrap on Magmar while Chara tanked a feint attack and unleashed a bubble. The next turn, Aster used his potion on his Electabuzz, and although Servine missed a wrap, Chara was able to take out Magmar with a bubble! Sadly, Electabuzz took out Servine with two shock waves, so the two-on-one advantage was lost fairly quickly. Chara set up a water sport and got off a bubble while this happened, then tanked a fire punch and got off a confuse ray before finally fainting to a shock wave. I sent out Whimsun so she could get some HP, then swapped out to Kid, who tanked a low kick and got off a confusion while the Electabuzz injured itself in confusion, taking itself down and ending the fight! With the Mosswater Factory in ruins, it's time to take on Julia!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 18

152.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 15

016.pngDummy (Male) - Lv. 14

400.pngWhimsun (Female) - Lv. 15

677.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 16

402.pngMigospel (Female) - Lv. 16

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #4: NYEH HEH HEH HEH!

Well, Julia was actually pretty hard; it was mostly that stinking Magnemite, though. On TEH URN, I led with Chara, and she led with Magnemite. Chara managed to confuse it with a supersonic, causing it to hurt itself twice in confusion while Chara got off a bubble. Julia used a super potion on Magnemite, but Chara just knocked it back down with two more bubbles; unfortunately, Magnemite snapped out of confusion, allowing it to do massive damage to Chara with a charge beam. Luckily, Julia (for some reason) didn't use her super potion,allowing Chara to take it down with a mighty bubble! Up next came Julia's Emloga, and let me tell you, that thing hits like a truck. I sent out Kid, and he spammed psybeam while tanking a charge beam, nuzzle, and quick attack, making Julia waste a super potion in the process; sadly, he finally fainted to an acrobatics. I sent out Dogaressa the Poochyena next, but she fainted from a single acrobatics. With her down and not many Pokemon on my team left that resisted flying-type moves, I sent out Moldsmal the Gulpin, and despite being paralyzed by a nuzzle, he was able to tank an acrobatics and KO it with two sludges! Julia sent out her Voltorb next, and I sent out Migospel. Although Migospel dodged a sonicboom and got off a fury cutter, Voltorb managed to take him with it by blowing itself up. This led to Julia sending out her Chinchou, and I sent out Flowey. Chinchou set up a charge but was slammed by a razor leaf, so Julia swapped it out for her Heliolisk. Heliolisk got cut by a razor leaf on the switch, and then got poisoned while only doing chip damage with a hidden power. It tried weakening Flowey with an eerie impulse, but Flowey was a physical attacker, so he just shrugged it off and did massive damage with a razor leaf, leaving it to be KO'd by poison damage! Chinchou came back out, but it only did pitiful damage with an electro ball before fainting to a razor leaf. Up next came Julia's ace: Electrode. I kept Flowey on the field, and while it set up a charge I had flowey poison it with a poison powder. It then did massive damage with a charge beam, but Flowey was able to make it use up its sitrus berry with a razor leaf, then poison stalled it with synthesis and a super potion. After a few turns, Flowey managed to outlive it, ending the fight! And so, Frisk (our player character) earns the Volt Badge, and learns about the plant uprising in the Obsidia Ward... Time to see what we can do to help!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 18

153.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 19

316.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 18

261.pngDogaressa (Female) - Lv. 17

677.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 17

402.pngMigospel (Female) - Lv. 17

Edited by supermario79411
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Frisk? What...I don't get it. Sounds like you're a thief or a grabby security guard.

Good work on Julia. I'm surprised you led with Chara since it's weak to that gym.

Undertale Spoilers:

The character you play as in Undertale? They already have a name: Frisk. The character you're naming is a totally different character, canonically named Chara.

Anyway, thanks for the praise! I led with Chara because xe was the only Pokemon I had that could tank a charge beam and do neutral damage with a bubble, as well as incapacitate it with a supersonic. But without further ado...

Update #5: Prove To Me You Are Strong Enough.

Well, Victoria wasn't too bad, although it was something of a close battle. I led with Kid (not knowing what she would lead with), and she led with Scraggy. I quickly swapped Kid out for Migospel, who tanked a feint attack. She then went on to tank a low kick and another feint attack, and KO'd the Scraggy with three fury cutters, making Victoria use up her first potion in the process! Her Pignite came out next, and as to be expected, Migospel fainted from a single flame charge before she could even land a single attack. I sent out Chara next, and xe spent three turns tanking a smog and two flame charges to lower its attack to nothingness with three charms, then began spamming bubble while tanking an arm thrust and another smog. Unfortunately, the second smog poisoned xyr, and Pignite proceeded to set up a sunny day, preventing xyr from doing much damage with a bubble. Xe finally fainted from poison, and so I sent out Moldsmal, who got off a sludge while Victoria healed Pignite and tanked a flame charge and an arm thrust to KO it with an acid spray and a sludge! Up next came Victoria's Kirlia, and it KO'd Moldsmal before he could even land a single hit. ...I really don't know what I expected. Anyway, I sent out our newest team member, Burgerpants the Teddiursa, and he managed to tank three magical leaves to KO it with a feint attack and two licks! This led to Victoria sending out her Makuhita, and I sent out Kid. Kid survived a fake out and a knock off with 10 HP left, then KO'd it with two psybeams! All that remained was Victoria's Poliwag, but it went down fast to a razor leaf from Flowey after only getting off a single rain dance! Onward to the Slums!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 18

153.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 20

316.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 19

216.pngBurgerpants (Male) - Lv. 18

677.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 18

402.pngMigospel (Female) - Lv. 18

Edited by supermario79411
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I assume you mean 10 HP, not 100.

I like these names for your pokemon. Burgerpants is hilarious.

Uh... oops. (edits) YOU SAW NOTHING.


Update #6: Futile. Futile! FUTILE!

Well, the Pokemon Gang was actually harder than I expected! On TEH URN, I led with Chara and Moldsmal, and they led with Stallord and Dragonborn. Chara got off a bubble, Dragonborn set up a dragon dance, Stallord set up an iron defense, and Moldsmal made Dragonborn sleepy with a yawn. Dragonborn then did some serious damage with a headbutt on Moldsmal, and Stallord managed to badly poison Chara with a toxic, but Chara held on and hit both Stallord and Dragonborn with a bubble while Moldsmal yawned at Stallord. Dragonborn then fell asleep, allowing Chara to get off a bubble and Moldsmal to tank a drain punch (which actually hurt Stallord thanks to liquid ooze) and land an acid spray on Dragonborn. Both Stallord and Dragonborn fell asleep the next turn, allowing Chara and Moldsmal to wail on them with a bubble and an acid spray. Unfortunately, although Chara was able to take Dragonborn down with a bubble the next turn, Stallord woke up and took Moldsmal out with a drain punch. Flowey came out to avenge Moldsmal, and set up a reflect while tanking a thunder punch from the newly sent-out Tyson and while Chara took out Stallord with a bubble! Up next came the gang's leader: Big Boss the Scrafty! Big Boss dodged a razor leaf and KO'd Chara with a payback while Tyson tanked a razor leaf from Flowey and got off a fire punch. I sent out Burgerpants next, and he licked Big Boss in an attempt to paralyze it; he failed, and a very irked Big Boss ganged up on him with Tyson, injuring him severely with a payback and a thunder punch while Flowey got off a razor leaf. Burgerpants got off a baby-doll eyes on Big Boss before fainting to a payback, and Flowey took down Tyson with a razor leaf! I sent out Kid to replace Burgerpants, and while Flowey missed a poison powder, Kid managed to fight through a swagger to steal Big Boss' leftovers with a covet! Unfortunately, Flowey got confused too, and although Flowey was able to set up a reflect, Big Boss broke through it with a brick break while Kid and Flowey kept injuring themselves. Ultimately, Flowey fainted, and out came Migospel. Sadly, Migospel was only able to get off one fury cutter while before fainting to two paybacks, so all that I had left was Kid. Kid still held on and snapped out of confusion, so Big Boss decided to play dirty and started lowering Kid's accuracy with a sand attack. Fortunately, Kid only missed once, and managed to take out Big Boss with two more covets! With the gang down, it's time to head on out to the Obsidia Ward!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 20

153.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 21

316.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 20

216.pngBurgerpants (Male) - Lv. 19

677.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 21

402.pngMigospel (Female) - Lv. 20

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #7: OHHH YES!

Well, Cain wasn't too bad, or at least not as bad as the Pokemon Gang. I led with Burgerpants, and he led with Grimer. Burgerpants wasn't able to do much damage before fainting; he only got off two feint attacks before fainting to three acid sprays. Luckily, he weakened Grimer enough for Kid to swoop in and finish it with a critical-hit psybeam! Up next came Cain's newly-obtained (and somehow magically evolved) Dewott, so I swapped out to Flowey, who managed to tank a razor shell and take it down with three razor leaves, making Cain use up a potion in the process! Cain sent out his ace, Nidorino, next, and it set up a focus energy while Kid did massive damage to it with a psybeam. Clearly having second thoughts, Cain swapped it out for his Venonat, but it went down fast to two psybeams. Cain's Nidorino reluctantly came back out, but I had Migospel take over for Kid. She dodged one horn attack and tanked another one, then unleashed two might fury cutters, taking it down! All that remained was Cain's Gastly, but i kept Migospel on the field. She did massive damage with a fury cutter while the Gastly cursed her, but then fainted from a combination of curse damage and a night shade. Luckily, by this point Gastly was so weak that Chara was able to come out and (despite being confused) take it down with a bubble! Time to end this floral kerfuffle!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 20

153.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 21

316.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 20

216.pngBurgerpants (Male) - Lv. 20

677.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 22

402.pngMigospel (Female) - Lv. 21

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #8: Welcome to My Special Hell.

Well, the Tangrowth wasn't too bad. I led with Moldsmal, and he tanked a growth-boosted acid spray to put it to sleep with a yawn, then unleashed three acid sprays; unfortunately, the Tangrowth woke up and set up another growth, giving Moldsmal only enough time to get off a sludge before he fainted from a knock off. Kid came out next, and he managed to confuse the Tangrowth with a psybeam; sadly, he still fainted from a knock off. Burgerpants came out next, and while ZEL healed Tangrowth with a super potion, Burgerpants did chip damage with a cut and a feint attack. However, I then got smart and had him use lick, paralyzing Tangrowth! This caused the Tangrowth to be immobilized for several turns, allowing Burgerpants to slowly chip away at it with feint attacks, eventually taking it down! With Tangrowth defeated, it's time to take on Florina... after we get past Fern first, of course.

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 23

153.pngFlowey (Male) - Lv. 22

316.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 22

216.pngBurgerpants (Male) - Lv. 23

677.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 22

402.pngMigospel (Female) - Lv. 22

Edited by supermario79411
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That was a quick 3 updates, Nice job on the Pokemon Gang. Crazy how Espurr survived against a Dark type.

Thanks! I'm a little surprised myself; all Big Boss had to do was just use payback and it would have been all over.

Anyway, I have a busy day today, so I might not be able to post any updates today. Sorry about that.

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