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PUndertale (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore PU-Only Run)

Lord Chespin

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Unfortunately, Toriel couldn't be here because of [spoilers], but I would probably choose Delphox to be Toriel because they look similar to me. :P

Actually, once I get a Gogoat, I was planning on either naming it Toriel or Asgore, depending on what gender it is. I digress, however...


Well, Shade was... actually really hard! There were so many things that gave me trouble: xyr Rotom, Corey, xyr Chandelure, and sometimes even xyr Aegislash and Dusknoir; why, I think the only thing that didn't give me trouble was xyr Golurk. Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Moldsmal, and xe led with Rotom. Moldsmal set up an amnesia, tanked a discharge and a shadow ball, then got healed by a berry ice cream, tanked two more shadow balls, and badly poisoned Rotom with a toxic. What followed next was about a minute and a half of potion stalling, with the occasional sludge bomb or acid spray thrown in; eventually Rotom fell. Up next came Shade's Golurk, and I swapped out Moldsmal for Muffet. Muffet did massive damage to Golurk with a leaf blade while only taking minor damage in return from a thunder punch; she then did insane damage in return with another leaf blade, neutralizing the ultra potion Shade used that turn. Then, to my surprise, Shade swapped out Golurk for Corey the Gengar, causing Corey to get smacked by a leaf blade on the switch. Muffet then tanked a dazzling gleam when Corey mega evolved, and set up a sticky web before fainting to a shadow ball. I sent out Jerry to avenge Muffet, and he managed to survive a shadow ball with 12 HP remaining and KO Corey with a bulldoze! With Corey down, Golurk came back out, but it went down fast to a bubble beam from Chara. Up next came Shade's Dusknoir, and I sent out Alphys. Alphys disabled Dusknoir's leftovers with an embargo and then did some damage with a dark pusle; sadly, she fainted from two shadow claws before she could do anything else. Moldsmal came back out and badly poisoned Dusknoir with a toxic, but fainted from an earthquake. Luckily, Chara was able to come back out, and xe set up three acid armors and began spamming bubble beam despite being burned, xe managed to last long enough to KO Dusknoir after about a minute or so of waiting! Shade's Aegislash came out next, so I sent out Temmie. She burned it with a will-o-wisp, then tanked a brick break with 8 HP remaining and KO'd Aegislash with a flamethrower! All that remained was Shade's ace, Chandelure. I had Temmie sacrifice herself to heal Jerry with an ultra potion, and after she fell to a flamethrower, Jerry came out, tanked an energy ball, and fired off a bulldoze; amazingly, thanks to the bulldoze and the sticky web, Chandelure was so slow that Jerry was able to outspeed it, knocking it out! With Shade defeated, Frisk earns the Omen Badge... and proceeds to watch xyr friends get kidnapped by Team Meteor. Yay.

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 39

037.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 38

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 39

575.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 38

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 39

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 39

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #20: Come Join the Fun.

Well, ZEL and the PULSE Muk were kind of hard, but it was mostly the Muk. On TEH URN, I led with Temmie, and they led with Glaceon. Glaceon injured Temmie with a shadow ball, but Temmie survived and got off a mighty flamethrower, forcing ZEL to spend the next two turns healing it. Temmie kept up the pressure with two more flamethrowers, though, and after ZEL used up their last potion, Temmie ended Glaceon thanks to a critical hit! With Glaceon down, out came Team Meteor's trump card: the PULSE Muk! I swapped out to Kid, and he set up a light screen while the PULSE Muk fired off three sludge waves. Luckily, Kid lived and was able to get off three psychics, leaving Muk with only about a fourth of its health, but he fainted from a discharge immediately after. Jerry came out, tanked a water pulse thanks to sturdy, and fired off a mighty earthquake, ending the PULSE Muk's suffering! Even though the battle was technically won at this point (for crying out loud, ZEL only attacked me to protect the PULSE), ZEL still sent out their Flareon, so I sent out Chara. Chara tanked a flare blitz (although xe took a surprising amount of damage in the process) and trapped Flareon in a whirlpool, then got healed by a berry ice cream while Flareon used dig. The dig connected, but Chara lived and set up an acid armor, then tanked an iron tail and fired off a mighty bubble beam, taking the Flareon down! Jolteon came back out, so I sent out Temmie as death fodder while I healed Jerry with a berry ice cream. Temmie went down to a thunderbolt, but Jerry was able to come out, survive a signal beam, and end the Jolteon with an earthquake! Up next came ZEL's Espeon, so I sent out Alphys, who did some serious damage with three dark pulses while the Espeon set up dual screens and got off a psychic. Unfortunately, then the Espeon used morning sun twice, healing back HP faster than Alphys could take it away. Just when I thought things were going to come down to a stall battle, ZEL switched Espeon out for Umbreon! I swapped out Alphys for Chara, but xe missed two whirlpools while Umbreon set up two double teams, and once the whirlpool landed all Chara could do was miss a bubble beam before being taken down by three feint attacks. Luckily, Muffet came out next, and she did massive damage to Umbreon with an x-scissors, although she did get confused with a confuse ray; even more fortunately, ZEL swapped Umbreon out for Espeon, which resuted in Espeon getting taken out by an x-scissor! All that remained was the Umbreon, but it went down quickly to one more x-scissor! With the lake seemingly saved (spoilers: it's not), it's time to go out and get the HM for strength!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 40

037.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 40

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 40

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 41

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 41

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 41

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Update #21: At Least We're Better Than Those Sickos That Stand Around and WATCH it Happen...

Well, Cal wasn't all that bad, but it took me three tries to get everything to line up into place. On the third try (and TEH URN), I led with Alphys, and Cal led with Infernape. Infernape got off a fire punch, but Alphys lived with 29 HP remaining and took it down with a single psychic! Up next came Cal's most difficult Pokemon for me to deal with: Mega Charizard X. I swapped out to Jerry, and he survived a wing attack to do massive damage to Charizard with an earthquake. Cal used up his two ultra potions, but Jerry just kept retaliating with mighty earthquakes; ultimately, after getting off one last dragon claw, Jerry took the mighty dragon down. Up next came Cal's Typhlosion, and I sent out Temmie. Temmie began chipping away at Typhlosion with extrasensory while tanking solarbeams and flamethrowers; ultimately, however, she fell to a solarbeam, using her last turn to heal Jerry.I sent out Tsunderplane next, and she did some serious damage with an acrobatics, but fell the same turn from a flamethrower. Luckily, Kid was able to outspeed Typhlosion and end it with a psychic! Cal proceeded to send out his Delphox, so I had Kid set up dual screens and heal Alphys before he fainted to a shadow ball. Alphys tanked a shadow ball and fired off a mighty dark pulse, but Cal quickly swapped out Delphox for Blaziken; hilariously, though, it missed a high jump kick, allowing Alphys to take it down with a mighty psychic! Delphox reluctantly came back out, and Alphys tanked several shadow balls to take it out with a few dark pulses. All that remained was Cal's ace, Magmortar, so I sent out Moldsmal, who tanked a blast burn with just 10 HP to badly poison it with a toxic, then got off one last acid spray before getting KO'd by another blast burn. This, however, left Magmortar wide open to being KO'd by an earthquake from Jerry, ending the fight! Let's go tell Kiki that we beat him!

The team so far:

587.pngTsunderplane (Female) - Lv. 42

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 42

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 42

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 42

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 43

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 43

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Update #22: This Is Your Final Warning.

Well, Victoria was actually a lot easier than I remember her being! On TEH URN, I led with Tsunderplane, and she led with Scrafty. Scrafty survived two acrobatics, then managed to take down Tsunderplane with a brick break and a crunch; luckily, Tsunderplane left it so weak than Victoria had to heal it, allowing Muffet (who came out after Tsunderplane) to set up a sticky web while Victoria healed it. Muffet then tanked a high jump kick to take down Scrafty with two x-scissors! Up next came Victoria's Heracross, so I sent out Temmie, who managed to roast the bug with a fire blast before it could even get off a single attack! Up next came Victoria's Poliwrath, so I sent out Kid. Kid did an insane amount of damage with a psychic and tanked an ice punch, then set up a reflect while Victoria swapped Poliwrath out for Hariyama. The poor thing only got off a single force palm before Kid trounced it with two psychics. Victoria then decided to take off the kid gloves and sent out her ace, Emboar. I followed suit and sent out Chara, who tanked a superpower and a sucker punch, then set up an acid armor and trapped Emboar in a whirlpool. Chara then began spamming bubble beam while the Emboar feebly fired off two superpowers, only making itself weaker with each hit; Victoria even tried healing it, but it was too little, too late, and Chara took it down. Victoria's Mega Gallade came out next, but for something that used to be a run-ender for my previous challenge runs, it actually didn't put up much of a fight; Temmie managed to burn it with a will-o-wisp, then tanked two night slashes and KO'd it with two hexes! Victoria sent out her battered Poliwrath in a desperate attempt to win, but Muffet (who I swapped Temmie out for) trounced it with a leaf blade! Time to challenge Kiki... hope that nothing bad happens to her...

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 42

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 43

587.pngTsunderplane (Female) - Lv. 42

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 42

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 43

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 43

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Update #23: maybe she's not feeling well? heh... or maybe she's not feeling anything at all... ?

Well, Kiki was actually fairly easy! I led with Muffet, and although she fainted quickly to two stone edges, she still managed to set up a sticky web and get off a leaf blade. I sent out Tsunderplane afterwards, and while she fainted from a stone edge, she was able to get off an acrobatics before fainting, leaving Machamp in the red. Alphys came out next, and while Kiki tried using up her ultra potions on Machamp, Alphys just knocked it back down to the red with a field-boosted psychic. Kiki caught me off-guard by swapping her Machamp out for her Toxicroak, but this move backfired on her spectacularly, as Alphys knocked it down to one HP with a psychic (she would have KO'd it, if not for its focus sash), and then a combination of the sun and Toxicroak's dry skin finished it off! Kiki's Scrafty came out next, and I swapped out to Temmie. Temmie burned it with a will-o-wisp, then tanked two drain punches and KO'd it with two fire blasts! Machamp came back out, but Kid (I swapped Temmie out for him) managed to outspeed it and KO it with a psychic. Kiki's Hitmonlee came out afterwards to avenge it, but Alphys managed to outspeed it and KO it with a psychic, taking it out before it could even attack! Up next came Kiki's Lucario, but Temmie managed to pull off another OHKO with a fire blast before Lucario could even attack. All that remained was Kiki's ace: Mega Medicham. I kept Kid on the field, and he set up a reflect while Medicham got off a drain punch. The two then began trading psychics and drain punches; after a few turns, Medicham fell first, earning Frisk... a glimpse beneath Kiki's calm facade into her shattered psyche. Poor Kiki. Can I have my badge now? No? Okay...

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 42

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 43

587.pngTsunderplane (Female) - Lv. 42

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 43

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 43

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 44

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Yeah, I had a lot of free time yesterday. Also, I didn't use Chara because the field weakened xyr attacks. Anyway...

Update #24: Like, Team Attack!

Well, Aster and Eclipse were fairly easy, although their Solrock and Lunatone did sweep my team on my first attempt. On my second, successful attempt, I led with Muffet and Chara, and they led with Solrock and Lunatone. Muffet tanked a solarbeam from Solrock (really, AI?) and set up a sticky web while Chara injured Solrock with a bubble beam but got put to sleep with a hypnosis. Aster and Eclipse used their first ultra potion on Solrock while Chara slept softly, but Muffet managed to KO Lunatone with a single leaf blade! Up next came Aster and Eclipse's Magmortar, and it surprisingly went for a psychic on Muffet instead of, y'know, any super-effective attack! This, fortunately, gave Muffet enough time to KO Solrock with a leaf blade before it could do anything while Chara still took a nap. Up next came Aster and Eclipse's Rhypherior, but it didn't even get off a single attack; Muffet ended it with a single leaf blade! Chara, meanwhile, finally woke up and got off a mighty bubble beam on Magmortar, who then used a thunderbolt... on Muffet (seriously, what the hell, AI?!). Up next came Aster and Eclipse's Electivire, which paralyzed Chara with a thunder wave before xe got off a bubble beam. Magmortar, meanwhile, finally got smart and took out Muffet with a heat wave, but not before she hit Electivire with a leaf blade. I sent out Jerry to avenge Muffet, and he chipped away at Electivire's health while Aster and Eclipse healed it with an ultra potion; Magmortar then dented him with a psychic, but Chara managed to take it out with a bubble beam! All that remained was Aster and Eclipse's Milotic (as well as the aforementioned Electivire); Chara took one for the team and tanked an earthquake from Jerry, which finished off Electivire and seriously weakened Milotic, who missed a hydro pump while Chara trapped it in a whirlpool! Milotic went down fast to a rock blast after that, ending the fight! Let's go rescue Cain!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 44

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 45

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 43

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 45

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 44

024.pngParsnik (Female)

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Update #25: birds are singing, flowers are blooming...

Well, Taka wasn't too bad at all. I led with Temmie, and he led with Klefki. Right out of the gate, Temmie got paralyzed with a thunder wave, and then missed a fire blast. So far, so abysmal. Luckily, Taka swapped out for his Floatzel, and Temmie dented it with a fire blast. I quickly swapped her out for Muffet, who tanked a waterfall and an ice punch, then finished it with a mighty leaf blade! Up next came Taka's ace, Chatot. I sent out Kid, and he set up a light screen, tanked two boombursts, and chipped away at its health with a psychic. He then got confused by a chatter, but amazingly, managed to land another psychic and a psyshock while Taka healed Chatot! I didn't want to push my luck, though, and used his last turn before fainting curing Temmie of paralysis. I sent out Jerry next, and he tanked a boomburst and did massive damage with a rock blast, taking out the bird! Taka sent his Cradily out next, so I sent out our newest team member: Parsnik the Arbok! She set up a coil, but then got confused by a confuse ray; despite this, she still managed to tank two acientpowers and KO it with three gunk shots, making Taka use another ultra potion! Up next came Taka's Gliscor. I sent out Muffet again, but she fainted from an acrobatics before she could do anything. Luckily, Chara was able to tank a night slash and a cross poison, and then got off a whirlpool and a bubble beam, taking the Gliscor down from whirlpool damage! Take sent out his Aerodactyl afterwards, so I sent out Jerry. After getting smacked upside the head with a fly, Jerry seriously injured Aerodactyl with a rock blast, prompting Taka to heal it with his last ultra potion; this left it wide open, however, allowing Jerry to end it with a rock blast! All that remained was Taka's Klefki, and I sent out Temmie. Frustratingly, Temmie got confused and missed a fire blast the first turn, then injured herself while Klefki set up spikes; luckily, on the third turn she landed a fire blast on Klefki, ending it and wrapping up the battle! Now, it's time to confront Team Meteor atop Pyrous Mountain and stop Solaris!

...I am so not looking forward to this...

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 44

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 45

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 45

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 45

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 44

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 45

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And so ended the tale of the key chain, which was left in a pile of melted steel inside of the back room of the breeding facility.

Rest in pepperoni, key chain. Anyway...

Update #26: i can't afford not to care anymore.

I did it. I beat Solaris. Funny thing is, it actually didn't take me all that long. On TEH URN, I led with Temmie, and Solaris led with Scizor. Temmie tanked a superpower and burned Scizor with a will-o-wisp, then switched out to Parsnik, who tanked another superpower. He then set up six coils, tanking bullet punches, superpowers, and an x-scissor while Solaris used up his first full restore. After all the setting up was done, I healed Parsnik with a berry ice cream, allowing him to tank a superpower and an x-scissor and do massive damage with two facades, ending it and making Solaris use up full restore #2. Up next came Solaris' ace, the mighty Garchomp; I had Parsnik use a glare and a facade while Garchomp fired off a stone edge and a dragon rush; this left Parsnik pretty low on health, so I healed him with a berry ice cream- and that was a good move on my part, as he got rocked by an earthquake and lost a pretty big hunk of health. Undeterred, I had him use a facade, and Garchomp miraculously missed a dragon rush; this allowed me to heal Parsnik with a berry ice cream, allowing him to tank another earthquake. Garchomp finally went down the next turn to a facade, and up next came his Gyrados. I healed Parsnik while Gyrados did chip damage with an outrage, and Parsnik went on to paralyze it with a glare and do massive damage with a gunk shot, ending it! His Tyranitar came out next, and it took massive damage from a gunk shot as well; it managed to live and get off a dragon-dance-boosted earthquake, but Parsnik lived and took it down with another gunk shot! Solaris sent out his Excadrill next, and I healed Parsink... only for Excadrill to do massive damage with an earthquake. I let Parsnik faint to a second earthquake, then sent out Jerry, who managed to survive a third earthquake and take out the Excadrill with an earthquake of his own! With that over with, all that remained was his most problematic Pokemon for me: his Mandibuzz. I sent out Kid, and he set up dual screens while surviving three snarls before I swapped him out for Muffet. Sadly, Muffet fainted almost instantly from an air slash, so I sent Kid back out and healed Jerry with an ultra potion before he fainted to a snarl. Jerry came out, and Mandibuzz missed an air slash... unfortunately, Jerry missed a rock blast the same turn, so the turn was kind of pointless. Jerry landed a rock blast the next turn, but apparently the Mandibuzz's defense was pretty high, as he barely did any damage. He disobeyed me the next turn, then got badly poisoned and barely did some more damage the turn after that. After he disobeyed me the next turn, I gave up with him and healed Temmie with an ultra potion and let Jerry faint. I then sent out Temmie, and after burning the buzzard with a will-o-wisp, she managed to take it down with two fire blasts! With that over with, and another sadly unpreventable death happening, we get the HM for strength. Time to get Cain to finally open up the Wasteland for Frisk so that xe can get xyr badge!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 44

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 45

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 45

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 45

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 44

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 45

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Ah doing the coil trick again. Arbok did well for this fight.

Thanks! Yeah, I figured that the coil trick worked last time, so it would probably work again this time. In theory, I guess a bulk up strategy would work too, but I'm not sure. Anyway...

Update #27: Drama! Romance! Bloodshed!

Well, Cain was pretty tricky, mostly because I didn't really have any counter to his Samurott, but I beat him eventually. On TEH URN, I led with Temmie, and he led with Venomoth. The poor bug didn't even stand a chance, as Temmie one-shot it with a fire blast. Cain's ultra-dangerous Samurott came out next, and I sent out Moldsmal. Moldsmal tanked two x-scissors, then set up a toxic and an acid spray. Unfortunately, Samurott then used dig, dodging a sludge bomb and doing massive damage to Moldsmal; luckily, he lived with just one HP and took it down with a sludge bomb! Up next came Cain's Nidoking, so I sent out Chara. Chara survived a superpower with 53 HP remaining, but fainted the next turn to a sludge wave, only getting off a single whirlpool in return. I sent out Alphys, and she tanked a sludge wave with 45 HP left to KO Nidoking with a psychic! Cain sent out his Muk next, so I sent out Jerry, who fired off an earthquake while the Muk set up an acid armor. Unfortunately, Cain then swapped out to his Gengar, getting a free switch as Gengar levitated over Jerry's earthquake. Luckily, Jerry managed to tank a shadow ball with 35 HP remaining and did massive damage with a rock blast, prompting Cain to use up a chocolate ice cream. It didn't help enough, though, as Jerry just took it down with another rock blast! Muk came back out, so I switched out to Kid, who dealt insane damage with a psychic but took insane damage in return from a poison jab; he even got poisoned to boot. Luckily, even though Cain used a chocolate ice cream, Kid was able to take down Muk with another psychic, leaving only Cain's Weezing! Kid did impressive damage to it with a psychic and even lowered its special defense, but then got KO'd by a sludge bomb. Fortunately, despite being overleveled, Temmie managed to come back out and KO Weezing with an extrasensory, ending the fight and finally earning me the right to challenge Aya and get my poison-type gym badge! Onward!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 45

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 45

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 45

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 45

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 45

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 45

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Update #28: Creatures Like Us... Wouldn't Hesitate To KILL Each Other If We Got In Each Other's Way.

Well, Fern was actually pretty hard, but I beat him eventually. On TEH URN, I led with Temmie, and he led with Ferrothorn. Poor Ferrothorn didn't even get a turn to attack; it went down to a single fire blast. Up next came Fern's Krookodile, so I sent out Muffet, who got off exactly one leaf blade before fainting to a single fire fang. I sent out Parsnik next, and while Fern healed Krookodile with a chocolate ice cream, Parsnik set up a coil, tanked two fire fangs, and got off a gunk shot and a facade before fainting to a dig. Fortunately, Temmie was able to come out and fry it with a fire blast, leading to Fern sending out his Mega Sceptile. Temmie tanked a night slash and burned it with a will-o-wisp, then tanked a leaf blade and two x-scissors while spamming hex. It fell after three hexes, leading to Fern sending out his Scizor. Temmie managed to knock it down to one HP (and would have KO'd it, too, if not for its focus sash), but then finally fell to a wing attack. I sent out Alphys, and she survived a bug bite with just one HP to KO it with a psychic! Up next was Fern's Serperior, so I swapped the barely-alive Alphys out for Moldsmal (who I gave a black sludge prior to the fight. He badly poisoned it with a toxic while tanking a leaf storm, then began spamming setting up amnesia to counter the special attack buff that Serperior was giving itself with a leaf storm. After both managed to raise their respective stats as high as they could get, effectively cancelling each other out, Moldsmal tanked one last leaf storm and unleashed a mighty sludge bomb that didn't KO Serperior but did leave it weak enough to get KO'd by toxic damage! All that remained was Fern's Roserade, so I swapped out for Kid. Kid set up a light screen, then tanked extrasensory twice (he flinched once) before tanking a hidden power and a giga drain to finish the Roserade with two psychics! With that over with, it's time to challenge Aya! ...Tomorrow. Because it's time for me to go to bed.

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 45

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 45

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 45

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 45

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 45

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 45

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I find it kinda redundant that you have 2 poison types right now.

Well, I feel that one's a defensive Poison-type, and the other's an offensive poison-type; besides, they both have moves boosted by the wasteland field. Anyway...

Update #29: i'd just weight you down.

Well, Aya was a bit of a pain in the arse, but I don't think she was quite as tough as Fern. On TEH URN, I led with Chara and Kid, and she led with Tentacruel and Nidoqueen. Kid set up a light screen and Chara trapped Nidoqueen in a whirlpool while Tentacruel injured Kid with a muddy water (Chara avoided it) and Nidoqueen injured everyone with a sludge wave. Kid then put a big ol' dent in Tentacruel with a psychic, but got knocked down to the red by a blizzard (which Chara once again dodged) and an earth power while Chara injured Nidoqueen quite seriously with a bubble beam. Aya then decided to heal her Nidoqueen the next turn, but not her Tentacruel- big mistake, as Kid annihilated it with a psychic, and Chara just knocked Nidoqueen back down to the yellow with a bubble beam. Up next came Aya's Gengar, which was usually the most difficult Pokemon for me to face. I knew Kid (who only had a sliver of health left at this point) wouldn't last a single turn against it, so I had him set up a reflect before Gengar took him out (and injured everybody else) with a sludge wave, Nidoqueen hit Chara with a crunch, and Chara ended Nidoqueen with a bubble beam! Up next came Aya's Drapion, and I sent out Temmie. Temmie got smacked with a sludge wave (which took out Chara as well) and a confuse ray, but managed to fire off a fire blast, which seriously injured Gengar. Aya then spent her next turn healing Gengar while I sent out Parsnik; Parsnik also got confused, but while Temmie injured herself from confusion Parsnik managed to stay focused enough to get off a coil. Temmie then tanked a shadow ball and a poison tail the next turn to do massive damage with a fire blast on Drapion, and Parsnik managed to dent Gengar with a gunk shot. I spent Temmie's next turn healing her with a berry ice cream, and Parsnik injured herself in confusion, so I didn't manage to get off any attacks that turn; luckily, Gengar actually managed to take out Drapion with a sludge wave! This led to Aya sending out her Mega Venusaur, but thanks to a combination of a sludge wave from Gengar, a Gunk shot from Parsnik, and a fire blast from Temmie, all it did before fainting was miss a leech seed! Aya decided to play her trump card and sent out her ace, Dragalge. I quickly healed Temmie with a berry ice cream, hoping that Parsnik would be able to paralyze Gengar; sadly, Parsnik fainted from a sludge wave, but Temmie was able to dodge a hydro pump from Dragalge. I sent out Moldsmal to avenge Parsnik, and while Temmie finally fainted to a shadow ball, Moldsmal was able to dent Gengar very slightly with an acid spray, lowering its special defense. With no other option left, I sent out Alphys... and miraculously, rather than use shadow ball, Gengar used icy wind, which both Moldsmal and Alphys survived, allowing them to counter with a psychic on Gengar (which took it down!) and an acid spray on Dragalge! While Dragalge did some serious damage to Alphys with a sludge wave, Moldsmal was able to heal her the next turn, and she did massive damage to Dragalge with a psychic! Moldsmal fainted the turn after that from a dragon pulse, but Alphys was able to end it with one last psychic, ending the fight! With that over with, it's time to go save those children!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 45

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 45

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 45

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 45

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 45

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 45

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #30: Hi. I'm Bob.

Ha! You were expecting Sirius, but it was actually me, Dio Mr. Bigglesworth! Anyway, Mr. Bigglesworth wasn't too bad. I led with Chara and Kid, and he led with his two Trubbish minions. Kid took out the first Trubbish with a psychic while Chara did some damage with a bubble beam and tanked a sludge bomb. Out came Mr Bigglesworth, and he took out Chara with a single gunk shot while Kid dented him with a psychic, then promptly got poisoned by a toxic spikes. I sent out Moldsmal, and while Mr. Biggles took out Kid, Moldsmal was able to lower his special attack with an acid spray. The Trubbish, meanwhile, just used toxic spikes. Temmie came out next, and she did massive damage to Mr. Bigglesworth with a fire blast; Mr Bigglesworth, meanwhile, set up a stockpile as Moldsmal got off a sludge bomb and the Trubbish got off another sludge bomb. Mr Bigglesworth then proceeded to KO Moldsmal with a gunk shot, but Temmie was able to finish him off with a fire blast! The remaining Trubbish, knowing that it was done for, just blew itself up. With that done with and the TM for Venoshock obtained, it's time to finally rescue those kids!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 45

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 45

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 45

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 45

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 46

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 45

Edited by supermario79411
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I like how this run is progressing. I almost started a poison monotype just to test Arbok as I was curious

Hey, thanks! Also, yeah, coil Arbok is awesome. Not quite as good as coil Eelektross, but still really good (as well as easier to obtain before Solaris). Anyway...

Update #31: Greetings.

Well, Sirius was actually pretty tough, but I beat him eventually. On TEH URN, I led with Alphys, Cain led with Nidoking, and Sirius led with Chandelure and Hitmontop. Hitmontop used a mach punch on Nidoking, and Chandelure used a psychic... on Alphys. (slowly claps) Great job, Sirius. Anyway, Alphys and Nidoking then teamed up to KO Hitmontop with a psychic and a sludge bomb, prompting Sirius to send out his Manectric. Shockingly (no pun intended), Manectric managed to KO Alphys with a thunderbolt, and Nidoking took hefty damage from a shadow ball, although he lived and got off a shadow ball on Chandelure. I sent out Jerry next, and while Manectric took out Nidoking with a hidden power and Chandelure injured Jerry with a heat wave, Jerry wiped the floor with both of Sirius' Pokemon with a mighty earthquake! This prompted Sirius to send out his Seviper and his Probopass, and although Seviper took out Jerry with an aqua tail, Cain's newly-sent-out Samurott did manage to flinch Probopass with an air slash, so that's something, I guess. I sent out Chara next, and xe tanked a weakened thunderbolt from Probopass to get off a bubble beam on said Probopass while Samurott tanked a poison fang and began to dig under Seviper. Sadly, although Chara did do some damage with a bubble beam the next turn and Samurott did do some serious damage with a dig, xe fainted from a poison fang and a thunderbolt. I sent out Temmie next, and although she missed a fire blast, Sirius wasn't able to do much; he just swapped Probopass out for Honchkrow and healed Seviper while Samurott injured Seviper with an air slash. Temmie was significantly more useful the next turn, though; she seriously injured Honchkrow with a fire blast, and Honchkrow took itself out while taking out Samurott with a brave bird! Temmie unfortunately got badly poisoned that same turn from a poison fang, but hey, whatcha gonna do. Temmie did massive damage to Probopass with a fire blast while Gengar did some damage to Seviper with a shadow ball, but Temmie got knocked down to the red with a poison fang and Gengar got injured with a thunderbolt. Sirius tried healing Probopass the next turn with an ultra potion, but Temmie and Gengar knocked it back down to the red with a fire blast and a shadow ball; on the flip side, though, Temmie did get KO'd by a poison fang. With Temmie down, I sent out Muffet, who took out Probopass with a single leaf blade! Gengar, meanwhile, tried putting Seviper to sleep with a hypnosis, but failed, and promptly got its face bashed in with a night slash. This led to Cain sending out his Venomoth, which missed a sleep powder while Muffet got off an x-scissor; however, rather than target Muffet, Seviper chose to attack Venomoth with an aqua tail; it still didn't KO it, though, and Venomoth finished it with a mighty psychic the next turn! With the children rescued, it's time to flee to the Adventurine region!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 47

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 47

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 48

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 48

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 48

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 49

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #32: What's EXP? It's an Acronym. It Stands For "Execution Points".

Well, for once, Bennett was a boss who wasn't so bad. I led with Kid, and he led with Larvesta. Kid set up a reflect and a light screen while tanking a bug bite and a zen headbutt. He then fired off a psychic while Larvesta missed a flame charge and broke a mirror, allowing Kid to finish it off with a mighty critical-hit psychic! Up next came Bennett's Scyther. It was a pretty big joke; I swapped out to Jerry, and all it did was just get off a single wing attack before fainting to a mighty rock blast! Up next came his most problematic Pokemon: Heracross. I sent out Kid, and although he did some damage with a psychic, he fainted from a critical-hit megahorn. Temmie came out next, and although she managed to burn it with a will-o-wisp, she still fainted from an earthquake; luckily, the field breaking actually managed to end Heracross as well! I sent out Ice Cap- now a mighty Vanilluxe!- and Bennett sent out his Vivillon. Vivillon missed a sleep powder while Ice Cap set up a mist, and then missed a hurricane while Ice Cap fired off an icy wind. The whiffed Hurricane did blow away the mist, though, so I had him use an ice beam the next turn; although Bennett tried using a berry ice cream, it didn't really help, as the ice beam took it out! Up next came Bennett's Butterfree. It didn't even get off an attack; it just set up a quiver dance, then fainted to a critical-hit ice beam. All that remained was Bennett's Venomoth. I sent out Jerry, and funnily enough, the same exact thing happened- it got off a single quiver dance, then fainted to a single attack- this time, a rock blast. Let's go battle Serra!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 48

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 48

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 49

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 48

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 48

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 48

Edited by Lord Chespin
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