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PUndertale (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore PU-Only Run)

Lord Chespin

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Update #32: Every Human That Falls Down Here Meets the Same Fate.

Well, I managed to beat Serra on my first try, but it was a pretty clutch battle. I led with Temmie, and she led with Mega Abomasnow. Poor ol' President Snow didn't even get off a single attack before Temmie KO''d it with a mighty fire blast! Up next came Serra's Mamoswine, and I swapped out to Chara. Chara managed to tank a critical-hit blizzard with 55 HP remaining, and did some mammoth (heh) damage with a reflected bubble beam! Mamoswine lived, though, and Serra healed it with an ultra potion while Chara got off another bubble beam. Sadly, xe fainted the next turn to an icicle crash, so I sent out Kid. Kid set up a reflect and a light screen while Mamoswine got healed by an ultra potion, hit him with an earth power, and missed an icicle crash; Kid then came into focus and unleashed a mighty psychic, which KO'd the Mamoswine instantly! Her Vanilluxe came out next, and I sent out Jerry. Sadly, Jerry fainted to two frost breaths before he could even get off an attack, prompting me to send out Moldsmal. Moldsmal was hit with a mirror shot and a signal beam, but he managed to land a toxic and a reflected acid spray, then set up a amnesia whie Vanilluxe set up a reflect. He then tanked one more signal beam to KO it with a reflected sludge bomb and poison damage! Up next came Serra's Glaceon. Sadly, Moldsmal fainted to a an evasion-boosted frost breath before he could attack, so I sent out my ace up my sleeve: Ice Cap! He tanked a frost breath and a shadow ball to do massive damage with three mirror shots, doing enough damage to take out Glaceon as well as make Serra use up her last ultra potion! Up next came Serra's Cloyster. I sent out Kid again, and he set up reflect while tanking a rock blast and a waterfall to do massive damage with two psychics! All that remained was Serra's ace, Froslass. I sent out Temmie, but she got confused and injured herself, and then fainted from a critical-hit shadow ball. Running out of options, I sent out Kid, but all he did was set up a light screen before fainting. All I had left was Ice Cap, but he managed to tank two frost breaths with just one HP left and ended Froslass with two mighty mirror shots! Time to chase after the Pokemart and get Anna some medicine!

The team so far:

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 48

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 49

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 49

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 49

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 49

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 49

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Wow. You really like living on the edge in this run...

Well, that's what you get when you use only low-tier Pokemon, I guess. Still, thanks for commenting! Anyway...


Well, Dr. Sigmund Connal was actually pretty tough, but after a few tries I managed to beat him. On TEH URN, I led with Muffet, and he led with Mega Ampharos. I had Muffet set up a sticky web, then swapped her out for Ice Cap after she tanked a thunderbolt. Ice Cap survived a dragon pulse from Ampharos and did massive damage with an ice beam, but fainted from a signal beam, forcing me to send out Jerry. Jerry started spamming earthquake while Sigmund spammed ultra potions, but when he ran out all Ampharos was able to do was get off a single signal beam before fainting. Out next came his toughest Pokemon for me to handle: his Eelektross. I sent out Kid, and he tanked a giga drain and a discharge while setting up dual screens; sadly, he was paralyzed and immobilized before he could do any damage, getting KO'd by a giga drain and a crunch. I sent out Alphys next, and had her spam psyshock while she took hits left and right; sadly, she too got paralyzed, and only got off three psyshocks before fainting. I decided to take off the kid gloves and sent out Temmie, who tanked a drain punch while setting up a nasty plot and unleashed a mighty fire blast, taking it out! Up next came Sigmund's Lanturn, so I swapped out to Muffet, who tanked a scald and ended it with two leaf blades! Out next came Sigmund's ace: Electivire. I sent out Temmie, and she tanked a cross chop with 25 HP remaining to burn it with a will-o-wisp, then got healed by a berry ice cream and tanked a fire punch. She then did serious damage with a fire blast and tanked one last cross chop with just 2 HP remaining, causing Electivire to faint from life orb recoil! Up next came Sigmund's Luxray, so I sent out Jerry. Jerry tanked a crunch and got off two earthquakes, ending it! All that remained was Sigmund's Rotom-M, so I sent out Muffet to finish the job. She survived a shadow ball with 24 HP left, then got off an x-scissor and was healed by a berry ice cream. The Rotom, clearly scared out of its wits, threw everything it had at Muffet by firing off two leaf storms, but Muffet survived and unleashed one last x-scissor, taking down Rotom! Anyway, stuff happens, and Saphira gets kidnapped. Let's go rescue her!

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 50

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 49

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 49

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 49

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 50

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 49

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Hey! Sorry for the lack of updates; I've been working on another challenge run of Pokemon Rejuvenation, which you can find here! Anyway...


Well, the Steelix wasn't all that bad, even with its Mega Evolution. I led with Kid, and he set up a reflect before fainting to an earthquake. Up next came Ice Cap, and he set up a mist, tanked two crunches, and unleashed two ice winds before fainting to an earthquake. Up next came Temmie, and while she was able to do massive damage with a fire blast, she still fainted from a stone edge. Luckily, at this point Steelix was so weakened and slow that Jerry was able to KO it with an earthquake! With Steelix down and Saphira and Laura safe, it's time to take out the PULSE Abra and put an end to this madness!

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 51

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 51

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 52

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 51

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 51

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 51

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Update #35: But Nobody Came.

Well, the PULSE Abra was... anticlimactic. I led with Jerry, and after he tanked an energy ball thanks to sturdy, he OHKO'd it with an earthquake, ending the fight in less than 30 seconds! With that, we meet Lin, the TRUE leader of Team Meteor, and Saphira destroys Team Meteor's Tanzan Mountain base! With that over with, it's time to finally battle Noel!

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 51

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 51

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 52

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 51

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 51

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 51

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Good strategy on the Steelix. Abra was...cheap.

Yeah, I'll be the first to admit that Abra was pretty cheap. But hey, I beat it, right? Anyway...

Update #36: (He Doesn't Know What To Say.)

Well, Noel was both really, really hard and really, really easy at the same time. I led with Muffet, and he led with Cinccino. Muffet managed to outspeed Cinccino thanks to the sunny weather and set up a sticky web, but then fainted from a rock blast. Temmie came out next, but she,too fainted from a rock blast. I sent out Kid, and he set up a reflect while tanking a light screen before getting off a single psychic; sadly, he then fainted to a rock blast and two bullet seeds. I sent out Parsnik next... and this is when the battle began to turn in my favor. Cinccino missed a rock blast, allowing Parsnik to set up a coil (which was boosted by the field). Cinccino then managed to land a rock blast, but it barely did anything and Parsnik just set up another coil. The battle started to weave back in Noel's favor when Cinccino managed to make Parsnik flinch twice in a row with a tail slap and a hidden power, but I was able to heal Parsnik with a berry ice cream, and she tanked a rock blast and a hidden power to end Cinccino with a gunk shot! Noel's Porygon-Z came out next, but fell almost instantly to a gunk shot before it could even attack, as did his Pyroar. Up next came his obligatory Mega: Mega Lopunny. Parsnik tanked a jump kick and a return to survive with just two HP remaining and KO Lopunny with two facades! I quickly healed Parsnik with an ultra potion the next turn, allowing her to tank two brave birds and do massive damage with a facade! It didn't KO Staraptor, though, so I healed Parsnik with a berry ice cream, allowing her to survive a double-edge and a close combat and KO Staraptor with one last facade! All that remained was Noel's Clefable, but it went down to a single gunk shot, ending the fight and earning Frisk the Standard Badge! Time to go see if Saphira's okay!

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 51

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 54

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 52

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 51

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 51

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 51

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Update #37: This is All Just a Bad Dream... AND YOU'RE NEVER WAKING UP!

Well, Fern was actually surprisingly easy! I led with Muffet, and he led with Ludicolo, back from its Mexican vacation! Ludicolo did massive damage to Muffet with an ice beam, but Muffet was able to just barely survive with 9 HP and set up a sticky web before fainting to another ice beam. I sent out Parsnik next, and she set up a coil while Ludicolo attempted to set up a rain dance... and failed, thanks to the naturally-blowing wind! Parsnik then ended Ludicolo with a mighty gunk shot, prompting Fern to send out his Krookodile. I swapped out to Ice Cap, who fired off an ice beam and tanked an earthquake, causing KKrookodile to KO itself from life orb recoil! Up next came Fern's Mega Sceptile... and it died almost instantly from an ice beam. Fern then decided to send out his Scizor, and I sent out Temmie. Temmie KO'd the Scizor with a fire blast, ending it almost instantly! Fern sent out his Serperior, and it promptly got a speed boost from the sticky web thanks to contrary. Joy. Luckily, Temmie was able to tank a leaf storm and KO Serperior with a mighty fire blast! All that remained was Fern's ace, Roserade. I sent out Kid, and he set up a light screen while tanking a giga drain, then fired off a psychic. The Roserade tried to get off a hidden power fire, but Kid survived and ended it with another psychic! With Fern down, it's time to explore the maze that is Route 1!

...If I don't post in two days, send help.

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 54

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 55

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 54

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 55

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 55

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 55

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Hey! Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooong delay in updates; I've been playing Pokemon Desolation. It's a great game, and I'd recommend you check it out if you haven't already. Anyway...

Update #38: Knock 'em DEAD, Darling.

Well, Cain wasn't too bad at all. On TEH URN, I led with Muffet, and he led with Zoroark (disguised as his Nidoking). Muffet tanked a dark pulse and broke the Zoroark's illusion with an x-scissor, then set up a sticky web while Cain healed Zoroark with a moomoo milk. Zoroark then tried setting up a nasty plot, but fell to an x-scissor before it could land any hits. Cain decided to send out his actual Nidoking next, and I sent out Ice Cap, who took it out in a single turn with an ice beam before it could even attack! up next came Cain's Gengar, so I swapped out to Kid. Kid set up a light screen, but then, shockingly enough, Gengar used trick, giving Kid its choice specs and locking him into light screen! I swapped out for Alphys, and surprisingly, she managed to tank a shadow ball and a focus blast to do massive damage with a dark pulse! Cain then swapped out to his Beedrill, and I had Alphys take it down with a dark pulse and a psychic before it could even attack! Cain then sent out his Samurott, and I sent Muffet back out. She did massive damage to it with a leaf blade, but fell to a megahorn immediately afterwards. I sent out Kid next, and he took advantage of the choice specs Gengar gave him to do massive damage with a psychic, ending the Samurott! Cain's Muk came out next, but it only got off a single poison jab before falling to two psychics! All that remained was Cain's weakened Gengar, and although it took out Kid with a shadow ball, Temmie was able to tank a shadow ball and end it with a fire blast! With that done, it's time to chase after El and get Gossip Gardevoir back!

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 56

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 57

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 57

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 56

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 57

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 57

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Update #39: I Only Need One More Soul... Before I Become GOD.

Well, El was surprisingly easy. On TEH URN, I led with Kid, and he set up a light screen and a misty terrain before fainting to a judgement and a shadow ball. I sent out Ice Cap next, and he tanked a focus blast to lower the Arceus' speed with an icy wind. He fainted the next turn to a judgement, but this speed debuff was enough for Temmie to come out, tank a focus blast, set up a nasty plot, and do massive damage with two fire blasts! Although she fainted to two judgements, she left Arceus so weak that Alphys was able to swoop in, tank a focus blast, and end the Arceus with a psychic! With that little escapade over with, it's time to head out to take on Randomus!

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 56

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 58

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 57

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 56

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 57

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 57

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Clearly you didn't win the first battle against him if you used X-scissor on "Nidoking" or you caught on to that little cheap trick. I mean it's rare but some trainers do lead with their ace like mine and Blake's in the maison. Figuring out those battles to buff was a bit tricky, but I enjoy their rebalance compared to Chibi Gengar version. As for that Trick Specs Gengar, tbh, Trick is one of my signature moves so you can expect that to be seen if I do another Commander battle *hint* *hint*

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Clearly you didn't win the first battle against him if you used X-scissor on "Nidoking" or you caught on to that little cheap trick. I mean it's rare but some trainers do lead with their ace like mine and Blake's in the maison. Figuring out those battles to buff was a bit tricky, but I enjoy their rebalance compared to Chibi Gengar version. As for that Trick Specs Gengar, tbh, Trick is one of my signature moves so you can expect that to be seen if I do another Commander battle *hint* *hint*

You gotta love how it took 4 pokemon to take Arceus down. Zororak is a cheap trick, but it's good for a first playthrough. Glad to see you didn't waste the Luna update plan.

Yeah, I actually took the bait on my first attempt. I should have been tipped off that something was wrong once I saw it use dark pulse. Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates; between Christmas and visiting my cousins in Massachusetts, it was hard to get any updates done. But enough about me, let's kill YOU let's get to the juicy stuff!

Update #40: do you want to have a bad time? 'cause if you take another step forward... you are REALLY not going to like what comes next.

Well, Randomus was pretty tricky (I fought his trick room team, by the way), but I managed to best him through a combination of level grinding, bringing back an old team member, and a little luck. On TEH URN, I led with our old teammate Dogressa (back from before the first gym!) and Muffet, and he led with Exeggutor and Reuniclus. Dogressa seriously injured Reuniclus with a crunch while Muffet KO'd Exeggutor with an x-scissors; unfortunately, Dogressa fainted from a focus blast by Reuniclus. I sent out Jerry next, but the poor guy flinched from a zen headbutt by Randomus' newly sent-out Metagross and promptly fainted to a focus blast from Reuniclus before he could even attack; this wasn't all that bad, though, as Muffet was able to get off a free x-scissor on Reuniclus. I sent out Temmie next, and while Randomus healed Reuniclus with a hyper potion, Muffet kept hacking away with an x-scissor and Temmie smashed Metagross with a fire blast... which actually burned it! This let Temmie tank a hammer arm, and then knock it out with a critical-hit fire blast after Metagross got healed by a hyper potion from Randomus. Muffet kept hammering away at Reuniclus as usual, and Temmie tanked a fire blast. Randomus sent out his Malamar next, but the poor thing fainted from an x-scissor before it could even attack! Temmie, meanwhile, took out the weakened Reuniclus with a hex, leaving only Randomus' Slowking and Gossip Gardevoir. Gossip Gardevoir mega-evolved, and it took Temmie out with a psychic; before that happened, however, Temmie managed to burn it with a fire blast! Slowking, meanwhile, did only minor damage with a scald, and took massive damage in return from an x-scissor. I sent out Ice Cap to replace Temmie, and while Muffet tanked a focus blast and took out Slowking with a leaf blade, Ice Cap slowed down Gossip Gardevoir with an icy wind. Despite this, Gossip Gadevoir still outsped everyone and took out Muffet (as well as severely damaging Ice Cap) with a hyper voice; luckily, Ice Cap lived, and ended Gossip Gardevoir with a mighty ice beam, ending the fight! Unfortunately, Luna gets kidnapped by El and Team Meteor and taken to the Subseven Sanctum; let's go save her!

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 59

262.pngDogaressa (Female) - Lv. 58

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 58

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 57

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 59

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 59

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Mega G = Mega OP Hyper Voice.

Yeah, hyper voice in a double battle with a pixilate boost is insane. Seriously, if Gossip Gardevoir decided to spam hyper voice more, I would have been toast. Anyway...

Update #41: Don't You Have Anything Better To Do?

Well, despite the freaking Mega Rayquaza, Techie Johnathan wasn't too bad. He led with Patrat, and I led with Parsnik. Parsnik set up six coils while Patrat futilely chiseled away at it with bites, tackles, and even a leer. It didn't do any good for it, though, as Parsnik annihilated it with a facade. Up next came the Rayquaza, destroyer of worlds, but amazingly, all it did was set up a single, solitary dragon dance before it went down to a single gunk shot! With that pleasant diversion, it's time to get back to finding Luna!

...Oh yeah, I also fought Maxwell. He was fairly easy, as Dogressa pretty much swept his entire team. On to Seventh Street!

The team so far:

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 59

262.pngDogaressa (Female) - Lv. 59

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 59

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 58

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 59

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 59

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TBH, Gardevoir really isn't that much of a threat to me. Of course, I always let Radomus set up Trick Room (Exeggutor usually does it) despite how much it hurts and endure his barrage of attacks. I mean of course you'll get owned if you just try to hammer your way through with offense. A good chess player knows when to make the right moves after all.

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TBH, Gardevoir really isn't that much of a threat to me. Of course, I always let Radomus set up Trick Room (Exeggutor usually does it) despite how much it hurts and endure his barrage of attacks. I mean of course you'll get owned if you just try to hammer your way through with offense. A good chess player knows when to make the right moves after all.

True, true. However, a lot of my best Pokemon are faster than Randomus and (due to getting the short end of the BST stick) not very bulky, so I kind of had to go for a hyper-offensive strategy. Anyway...

Update #42: do you think even the worst person can change... ? that everyone can be a good person if they just try?

Well, the rematch with Maxwell wasn't all that bad. I led with Kid, and he led with Ninetails. Kid tanked a fire blast and an extrasensory and got off three psychics, but then got burned by a will-o-wisp and fainted to another fire blast. I sent out Alphys next, and after getting confused and injuring herself in confusion, she managed to dodge a fire blast and KO the Ninetails with a psyshock! Up next came Maxwell's Heatmor, so I sent out Jerry. Jerry tanked a fire punch, but got burned, so he only took off about 50% of the Heatmor's health with an earthquake. I quickly healed him with a full heal, allowing him to dodge a sucker punch. Maxwell, for some unfathomable reason, decided to swap out to his Pyroar, but it went down quite fast to a rock blast from Jerry. Maxwell sent out his new ace, Mega Camerupt, and I sent out Dogressa. Dogressa set up a swagger on Camerupt, causing it to injure itself twice, then countered with a crunch and a sucker punch, taking the big lug down! Maxwell then sent out his Charizard, and Dogressa managed to tank a dragon pulse and take it down with a crunch and a sucker punch. Heatmor came back out, but it fell to a mighty crunch! All that remained was Maxwell's old ace, Houndoom. I sent out Parsnik, and she tanked a dark pulse to KO it with a mighty gunk shot, ending the fight! With that little diversion over with, it's time to make our way to the Subseven Sanctum!

The team so far:

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 60

262.pngDogaressa (Female) - Lv. 61

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 61

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 60

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 59

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 60

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Update #43: LOVE, Too, Is An Acronym.

Well, Bennett was actually pretty tough, but once I played my cards right he went down rather easily. I led with Moldsmal, and Bennett led with his Volcarona. Moldsmal tanked a fire gem-boosted heat wave to set up a toxic, but then fainted from a second heat wave, prompting me to send out Chara, back out of retirement! Chara tanked a giga drain and unleashed a dive, doing massive damage to the Volcarona and did massive damage in return with a dive, leaving the Volcarona to be KO'd by toxic damage! Up next came Bennett's Heracross. Since Chara got burned by Volcarona's flame body, I swapped xem out for Muffet; sadly, Muffet fainted to a single Megahorn before she could attack. I decided to stop messing around and sent out Temmie next, and Temmie tanked a megahorn to do massive damage with a fire blast, ending the mighty Heracross! Bennett sent out his obligatory Mega, Mega Pinsir, next, and I sent out Jerry. Jerry survived a crazy-powerful close combat, and retaliated with a rock blast, taking out the Pinsir with two hits! Bennett then sent out his Durant, but the poor thing got OHKO'd by Temmie with a fire blast. Running out of options, Bennett sent out his Venomoth over the smoldering remains of his Durant, and I sent out Ice Cap. Ice Cap tanked two sludge bombs and did massive damage with an icy wind and an ice beam, then began spamming ice beam while Bennett started spamming moomoo milks. Eventually, Bennett ran out of moomoo milks, and Venomoth fell to an ice beam, leaving only his pseudo-ace, Vivillon. Fortunately for me, Temmie was able to outspeed it and KO it with a mighty fire blast, ending the fight! With that over with, we can challenge Luna... and Bennett storms off, claiming that he'll make Luna love him.

...I think we created a supervillain. Joy.

The team so far:

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 62

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 61

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 61

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 61

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 61

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 62

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Update #44: Just Think Of It Like... A Visit To The Dentist.

Well, Luna caught me off guard with her new lead, but after that I think I did pretty well. I led with Muffet, and she led with BoojumSnark the Greninja. Muffet fainted fairly quickly to an extrasensory and an ice beam, but she was able to set up a sticky web before fainting. I sent out Temmie next, and thus began a long, drawn-out war of healing and predicting the unpredictable AI. Temmie tanked a scald thanks to the sunny weather (which lit up the field, by the way), and she burned BoojumSnark with a will-o-wisp. She then tanked an ice beam and got off a hex, doing massive damage. Both Luna and I then took a turn to heal each of our Pokemon- Luna with a hyper potion, and me with a moomoo milk. The next turn, my luck started to wane, as BoojumSnark did a surprising amount of damage with an extrasensory, and then missed a fire blast. I quickly healed her again with a moomoo milk, allowing her to tank an extrasensory and an ice beam and fire off a hex. Luna and I once again healed our Pokemon using the exact same items, and BoojumSnark finally managed to take out Temmie with a dark pulse and a scald. I sent out Chara, and xe tanked an ice beam and fired off a dive, doing enough damage for BoojumSnark to be KO'd from burn damage! With her lead finally down, Luna sent out HumptyDumpty the Spiritomb, and I swapped out to Moldsmal. Moldsmal set up a toxic and three amnesias while HumptyDumpty fired off a dazzling gleam, set up a calm mind, and launched two shadow balls. Moldsmal then decided to go on the offensive and unleashed a sludge bomb... which did pitiful damage. Luckily, he was able to tank a dark pulse and got healed by a moomoo milk while Luna used her last hyper potion. He then lowered HumptyDumpty's special defense with an acid spray and tanked a dark pulse, and followed it up with a sludge bomb... and then the game glitched out. Seriously, an error message popped up, and Spiritomb just refused to move. This let Moldsmal finish the job through toxic damage and one last sludge bomb, making HumptyDumpty take the fall! Up next came Bandersnatch, Luna's Mega Tyranitar, and I sent out Jerry. Jerry unleashed an earthquake, turning the field into a regular old cave, and Bandersnatch just set up a hone claws. Luna then pulled a surprising move and swapped out for her Sableye, March Hare, which got smacked with an earthquake. It then got slammed and welcomed to the Jam with a rock blast, taking it down! Up next came Bandersnatch again, but it went down fast to a rock smash, of all things. Luna then sent out her Mandibuzz, Jubjub Bird, and I swapped out to Ice Cap. JubJub bird did some considerable damage with a brave bird, but this backfired thanks to Ice Cap's weak armor, giving him a speed boost and allowing him to KO it with two ice beams before it could attack again! All that remained was Luna's ace, Cheshire the Umbreon, but Jerry just came back out and collapsed the whole cave with an earthquake, taking out Cheshire in the process! With that, Frisk earns the Eclipse Badge (what about the Breaking Dawn Badge?) and prepares to move on to Agate City to investigate the sleeping spell!

The team so far:

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 62

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 61

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 62

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 62

317.pngMoldsmal (Male) - Lv. 61

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 62

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So what i get from this is PU is horrible without potions. Duely noted.

Well, I wouldn't say horrible. They have their strengths and weaknesses, but I guess there are just Pokemon out there that do their jobs better. Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates; I've been busy grinding up my team to Lv. 65 so I wouldn't struggle against Sampson. So, without further ado...


Well, Sampson was a right pain in the arse. I led with one of our newer team members, Napstablook the Wobbuffet, and he led with his Hariyama. Napstablook tanked a brick break and did serious damage with a counter, then got healed with an ultra potion while Hariyama got healed by a hyper potion. Napstablook then tanked a critical-hit smack down and did massive damage with a counter, ending the Hariyama! Up next came one of Sampson's more troublesome Pokemon: Meinshao. I sent out Alphys, but to my horror, Meinshao used u-turn, pivoting out to Sampson's Heracross! Alphys smacked it around with two psychics while it got healed by a hyper potion, but after that it took her out with a megahorn. I decided to send out Temmie, who did massive damage with a fire blast, taking down the bug! Sadly, she got overleveled, so I had her use next turn against Sampson's Meinshao to heal Napstablook before she fainted to a high jump kick. Napstablook came back out, and he tanked an acrobatics to finish off the Meinshao with a counter! Sampson decided to stop playing around and sent out his Mega: Mega Blaziken. Napstablook tried to counter one of its attacks, but he fainted from a flare blitz. I sent out Kid, who set up a reflect before fainting to two flare blitzes. Chara came out, and while Blaziken unleashed a flare blitz, Chara set up an acid armor. The Blaziken realized its mistake and started spamming thunder punch, but it was too little, too late, as Chara managed to set up two more acid armors. Xe then got healed by an ultra potion, tanked a bounce, and dove underwater with a dive... and then, while xe was still underwater, Blaziken used high jump kick, which (obviously) missed and KO'd it from recoil damage. GG, Sampson, GG. Anyway, Chara came up while Sapmson sent out Hawlucha, and Chara tanked an acrobatics and set up a rain dance and aqua ring while Hawlucha set up a swords dance. Chara then tanked a high jump kick, but got pretty dinged up in the process, so after dive hit I healed xem with an ultra potion (in case you were wondering, while Chara was submerged Hawlucha whiffed an acrobatics; I guess Hawlucha is smarter than Blaziken). After getting healed, Chara tanked two more high jump kicks (which, mercifully, hit pretty low on the High Striker) and fired off one more dive, ending the Hawlucha and leaving only Sampson's ace: Conkeldurr! I kept Chara on the field, and xe got healed by an ultra potion again while Conkeldurr did pitiful damage with an ice punch. Chara then began spamming dive while Conkeldurr spammed poison jab, drain punch, and ice punch; mercifully, after about a minute and a half of chipping away at its HP with dive, it went down, earning Frisk the Fury Badge (for real this time)! Unfortunately, while getting Surf, Frisk just can't help xyrself and peeks at Titania's diary, causing a chain of events that leads to Amaria attempting suicide... welp... guess we better get the HM for Waterfall...

The team so far:

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 65

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 65

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 66

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 65

202.pngNapstablook (Male) - Lv. 65

012.pngWhimsalot (Male) - Lv. 65

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Well, the final Aster and Eclipse battle was pretty darn tough! I led with Muffet, Aya led with Dragalge, and Aster and Eclipse led with Lunatone and Solrock. Lunatone and Solrock set up a light screen and a reflect while Muffet set up a sticky web and Dragalge dented Solrock with a sludge bomb. Muffet then set up a swords dance, but fainted from a rock slide and a blizzard before she could attack while Dragalge just flinched. I sent out Chara next, and xe managed to tank a rock slide and damage everyone with a surf while Lunatone took out Dragalge with a moonblast. Undeterred, I had Chara set up an aqua ring while xe and Aya's newly sent-out Drapion tanked a blizzard, Solrock got healed by a hyper potion, and Drapion took a big ol' chunk out of Solrock's health with a crunch. The next turn, Drapion finally ended Solrock with a crunch while Chara dodged a moonblast by diving underwater. Afterwards, Eclipse saved her Lunatone by swapping it out for her Mismagmius while Aster sent out his Rhypherior, which dented Drapion with a megahorn while Drapion retaliated with a... crunch, of all things. Mismagmius then confused Drapion while Aster swapped Rhypherior out for Golurk, which was promptly confused and smacked by a surf. Chara tanked a mystical fire and dove underwater while Drapion took out Mismagmius with a crunch before getting taken out itself from a bulldoze by Golurk. Aster, realizing that Golurk would probably get seriously damaged, swapped it out for his Slurpuff, which tanked the dive; Eclipse, meanwhile, sent out her ace, Magmortar, which got frozen by a blizzard from Aya's Tentacruel. This gave Chara enough time to dive again, dodging a return from Slurpuff and allowing Tentacruel to safely take it out with a sludge bomb. Golurk came back out, and while Aya swapped her Tenatcruel out for her Venusaur, Chara did serious damage with a dive... only to get KO'd by a thunderbolt from Magmortar while Golurk confused Venusaur with a dynamic punch. I sent out Jerry next, and while Venusaur injured itself in confusion and Golurk hid with a phantom force, Jerry took out Magmortar with a mighty rock blast, making Eclipse use up her hyper potion in the process! Lunatone came back out, but it fainted from a power whip from Venusaur while Golurk launched its phantom force, injuring Venusaur. Eclipse sent out her Milotic next, and Jerry and Venusaur managed to knock it down to just a sliver of health; sadly, Golurk and Milotic managed to take Jerry down with a dynamic punch and a scald, prompting me to send out Parsnik. Eclipse swapped out to her Vileplume while Parsnik set up a coil, Venusaur did chip damage to Vileplume with a power whip, and Golurk hit everyone with a bulldoze. Luckily, the next turn Parsnik was able to tank a petal dance and work together with Venusaur to end Golurk with a mighty crunch/power whip combo! Rhypherior came back out next, and while Parsnik took out Vileplume, Venusaur did massive damage to Rhypherior with a power whip before Rhypherior took out Parsnik with a rock wrecker. Starting to run out of options, I sent out Temmie while Eclipse sent out Milotic, and Temmie almost KO'd Milotic with a hex; unfortunately, she didn't, and Milotic confused Venusaur with a confuse ray- not that it mattered, because Venusaur still managed to take out Aster's Rhypherior with a power whip. Aster sent out his ace- Electivire - and while it took out Venusaur with a fire punch, Temmie managed to burn Electivire with a will-o-wisp while dodging a blizzard from Milotic. Aya sent out her Nidoqueen, and Temmie burned Milotic with a will-o-wisp while tanking a cross chop- not that it mattered, since Nidoqueen just took it out with an earth power. Eclipse then sent out her Aromatisse, and while Nidoqueen and Temmie ganged up on it with an earth power and a fire blast, Temmie went down to a thunder punch from Electrivire and Nidoqueen tanked a dazzling gleam. All I had left was Kid, but he was more than enough: he took out Aromatisse with a psychic, and Nidoqueen took out Electivire with a flamethrower. This left only Aster's Vespiqueen, and while Kid set up a reflect, tanked an attack order, and did some damage with a psychic, Nidoqueen launched a sluudge bomb and a flamethrower, zapping the bug and ending the fight.

...And then Eclipse gets her soul Dementor's kissed away. Yay.

The team so far:

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 66

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 68

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 67

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 67

542.pngMuffet (Female) - Lv. 67

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 67

Here's the Pokemon on my PC:

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Update #47: I Soon Realized I Didn't Feel ANYTHING About ANYONE.

Well, Charlotte was hard, but I managed to get past her eventually. On TEH URN, I led with Kid and Jerry, and she led with Darmanitan and Typhlosion. Kid set up a misty terrain and tanked a u-turn from Darmanitan (which pivoted out for Charlotte's Rotom-H), while Jerry tanked a solarbeam thanks to sturdy and ended the Typhlosion thanks to a mighty rock blast! Charlotte sent her Darmanitan back out, and while it finally KO'd Jerry using hammer arm, Kid was able to set up a light screen, allowing him to tank a hidden power from Rotom. I sent out Chara next, and while Kid set up one last reflect before fainting to a hammer arm, Chara damaged everyone with a surf. I then sent out Alphys, and while she tanked a hammer arm and Chara tanked a hidden power, Chara hurt everybody (even Alphys, though she didn't take much damage thanks to light screen) with a surf, ending Darmanitan; Alphys then took out the weakened Rotom with a surf. Up next came Charlotte's Talonflame and Mega Houndoom, and while Chara just barely survived a brave bird and Alphys survived a dark pulse, Chara did massive damage with a surf and Alphys took out Talonflame with a psychic. The terrain finally turned to normal at this point, and Charlotte sent out her ace: Ninetails. Knowing that Alphys would faint from either the Houndoom or burning field damage, I had Alphys spend her last turn healing Chara with a hyper potion; this proved useful, as Ninetails took out Alphys with a heat wave. Luckily, thanks to the hyper potion, Chara lived and unleashed a mighty surf, extinguishing the field. I sent out my own Ninetails, Temmie, next, and while Chara barely tanked a heat wave and a sludge bomb and dove underwater, Temmie took out Houndoom with a sun-boosted, field-boosted fire attack. She then tanked a heat wave from Ninetails and ended it with another fire blast (this one a critical-hit), ending the fight and earning Frisk the Cinder Badge! With that over with, it's time to go forth and save Amertine City with our new Dive powers!

The team so far:

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 68

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 68

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 68

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 67

076.pngJerry (Male) - Lv. 67

262.pngDogaressa (Female) - Lv. 65

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Update #48: It's So Cold.

Well, the Pokemon Redoubt was tough, but much easier than most of the other battles. Anyway, I actually forgot to record this fight, so I can't remember everything, so here's more or less what happened. I led with Kid, and he tanked three bulldozes while setting up dual screens and a misty terrain, then got off one last psychic (which lowered its special defense) before fainting to a rock slide. I sent out Temmie next, and she did massive damage to the Avalugg with two fire blasts, tanking two freeze-drys and burning it with a will-o-wisp while it healed before fainting to a rock slide. I sent out Alphys, and she unleashed two psychics (one of which landed another special defense drop), but fainted from two more freeze-drys. Luckily, by this point the burn damage was seriously racking up, allowing Chara to swoop in and end the poor thing with a dive! Time to confront Blake!

The team so far:

038.pngTemmie (Female) - Lv. 68

678.pngKid (Male) - Lv. 68

489.pngChara (Non-Binary) - Lv. 68

576.pngAlphys (Female) - Lv. 67

024.pngParsnik (Female) - Lv. 67

584.pngIce Cap (Male) - Lv. 67

Edited by Lord Chespin
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