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Official Reborn Hunger Games: Registration and Leaderboard!

Ojama Yellow

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Hello, everyone! Pineapple here again, with another Hunger Games thread! Now that the Reborn Hunger Games backchannel on our own Showdown server is up, it's time to make these games more or less official! I'm probably taking this way too seriously.

1. General info

Our hosts for the official Reborn Hunger Games will be Pineapple (me), Zumi why and Chubb! What's an official Reborn Hunger Game?

- It has to be hosted in the Reborn Hunger Games backchannel by either Pineapple, Zumi or Chubb.

- The Games have to be announced at least five minutes on beforehand in main chat.

- There must be 24 entrants. No more, no less.

- Only registered users may be in the Games. More info on how to register below.

- The five minutes before starting, the host has to ask everyone in the backchannel multiple times whether or not they want in. People that do want in, always have priority over other people. If they aren't registered yet, the host must register them.

- Printscreens of all the rounds (Bloodbath, Feast, Day/Night, Arena Event) as well as a printscreen of the final ranking of both the players and the kills must be posted in the backchannel by the host.

- Printscreens and/or logs of all the rounds must be saved, as well as the printscreen of the final ranking of both the players and the kills to be posted here.

- For the time being, only the set events may be used. No adding in custom events.

- The death rate may be chosen freely.

Of course everyone is allowed to host Reborn Hunger Games in the backchannel, but only Games that meet these criteria will be 'official'. The 'non-official' Games won't count towards the Leaderboard.

2. Registration

Now for one of the main parts of this topic. To take part in these official Reborn Hunger Games, you have to let us know the name and gender you'd like to have in the Games. Only one name is allowed per person. You could let us know either through posting in this topic (which will definitely be the easiest of all) or by telling me (Pineapple the Blue) or Zumi (Mettaton) through PM on Reborn's Showdown server.

Important to know is that someone that neither asked to be in the Games nor registered themselves, will never take part in the official Reborn Hunger Games.

Current list of registered users for the Games:

Aang the Airmemer (male)

Ama (female)

Aquawaffle (male)

AuthorReborn (male)

Azery (male)

Blanchette (female)

BloodBirD (male)

BlueMoonIceCream (male)

BreezyPonie (female)

Chim (male)

Chubb (male)

Clarice (female)

Colin (male)

Comet (female)

DaB3haviorus (male)

DW (female

Fezzdog (male)

Flux (male)

Hushie (male)

ICSW (female)

Juu (female)

Mike (male)

Mikzal (male)

Murdoc (male)

NasDav (male)

n00battack (male)

Ody (male)

Pineapple (male)

Reignited'Light (female)

Sheep (male)

Shing (male)

skeleton (female)

Sparky (male)

Tack (male)

Trevore (male)

Vinny (male)

wytch (male)

Zetaark (male)

Zumi (female)

3. Leaderboards

You probably just scrolled down to see this, didn't you?

Amount of times won

Murdoc: 1

Reignited'Light: 1

Amount of kills

Fezzdog: 5

Pineapple: 5

Reignited'Light: 5

Ody: 4

Azery: 3

NazDav: 3

Ama: 2

Blanchette: 2

Chim: 2

Chubb: 2

Colin: 2

DW: 2


Juu: 2

Sparky: 2

Vinny: 2

Aang the Airmemer: 1

Aquawaffle: 1

Clarice: 1

Comet: 1

Murdoc: 1

wytch: 1

Amount of times participated

Aang the Airmemer: 3

Azery: 3

Chim: 3

Chubb: 3

Fezzdog: 3

Hushie: 3


Murdoc: 3

Ody: 3

Pineapple: 3

Reignited'Light: 3

Zumi: 3

Ama: 2

Aquawaffle: 2

Colin: 2

DW: 2

Flux: 2

Juu: 2

Mike: 2

NazDav: 2

n00battack: 2

Shing: 2

Sparky: 2

wytch: 2

Zetaark: 2

Blanchette: 1

BloodBirD: 1

Clarice: 1

Comet: 1

Mikzal: 1

Sheep: 1

skeleton: 1

Tack: 1

Trevore: 1

Vinny: 1

AuthorReborn: 0

BlueMoonIceCream: 0

BreezyPonie: 0

DaB3haviorus: 0

So that's more or less it. The only remaining thing to say is...


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