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Diggersby vs Flygon in Reborn


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As the title might have already told you, I have trouble deciding which of the two is the better Ground-type.

On one hand we have Tho. With a humongous attack and QA, it can really pack a punch, as (Huge Power held in account) 464 Atk at level 100 is something Flygon could only dream of (299 neutral, 328 beneficial).
Flygon, on the other hand, is blessed with a 100 Base speed, meaning that, if well trained and bred, it outspeeds all of Charlotte's team (at least when I fought her), making her quite easy to beat. Levitate is also a good defensive ability.
Bot the mons have similar bulk: Diggersby has a bit more HP, Flygon as slightly better defenses.

Leaving out that Flygon is possibly outclassed offensively by Archeops, which of the two would be better? I have an incredible Diggersby, so for me it's deciding whether I should breed Trapinches or stick with what I got.

Leave below which of the two you think is better.

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Ehhh... while I love Flygon, I feel that Diggersby is overall the better Ground type. Even though both of them have meh defenses as well as the fact that Diggersby is weaker to alot more common types such as Water, Grass, Fighting than to Flygon's sole weakenesses to Ice, Fairy, and Dragon, I just prefer the raw offesnive power that Diggersby has.

But to answer your question regarding breeding a Trapinch or not, I say go for it. It'll be useful against Hardy in the future imo.

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If we're strictly talking about Charlotte, I would have to say Flygon. The speed, alongside the resistance to fire, both really work well agaisnt her.

That said, on the whole, despite how much I love Flygon, I gotta say Diggersby. Extra HP is nice, particularly if you tend to play by lobbing around healing potions. Availability helps to because, unless I'm mistaken, Trapinch got pushed back in E15. I mean, you can Have Diggersby for Corey. And then he just sorta... Never really drops off thanks to that insane attack stat.

Flygon learns Earthquake earlier though, iirc, so there's that. They're both very good mons, and despite the fact Diggersby is PROBABLY better, I'd say use Flygon because it looks cool. ALso worth considering the rest of your time and so on and how the mons mesh.

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Diggersby is very good in my opinion. Huge Power + Earthquake, Take Down/Strength, and Quick Attack are not to be messed with. You also have Hammer Arm and other choices for Moves in your last slot,

Flygon is also a nice choice although I think that Diggersby is better.

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Diggersby has HP manipulation with Flail which many players don't seem to realize. Sticky Barb is buyable with only 1 extra department store sticker and it's really easy to control Diggersby's HP to reliably get a 150 BP, 100 acc STAB attack. A Black Sludge can be found as a hidden item as well.

Edited by dondon151
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If you have the patience of raising it as Trapinch, it gets superpower in very late stage, which is not learnt by either Vibrava or Flygon, once you evolve it, superpower will have to be learnt via move tutors in main games, which is not plausible in reborn move tutors since they don't teach superpower. I had used a Flygon in Rejuv before, let's just say that 100 base power unboosted(the only boosting move learnable is power up punch) is rather underwhelming, leaving an opening for opponents for revenge kill. In this instance, i will have to go with the flow and root for Huge Power Sword Dance Diggersby in maxing out the raw power if thats what you are aiming for.

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Flygon.. Dragon.. 'Nuff said.. Though seriously, take a look at the rest of your team and then decide.. I always preferred Flygon as a ground type.. Plus with enough breeding and training, it can definitely work out well.. Also if you don't want to breed I can always trade one to you..

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Looking at both of them... Diggersby will hit harder but Flygon is faster. (Though Diggersby gets Agility to mitigate its low Speed somewhat.)

Set-wise... Flygon would be Dragon Claw, Superpower (though you'll need to get this from Trapinch before evolving it), Earthquake, Rock Slide. Diggersby, meanwhile... Take Down/Facade/Strength (ft. unreliable Normal STAB), Earthquake... Bounce? Hammer Arm/Brick Break? Swords Dance? Rock Tomb?

(Disclaimer: I'm only considering potential sets I'd run, not ones that you should run. Because I don't honestly know what I'm doing!)

I think I'm going to go with Flygon here. Dragon coverage is, more than likely, more useful than Normal. Unless of course you already have a Dragon-type. Diggersby has the harder hitting Earthquake... but that's really the only thing it has that counts in my book. They're both solid options, but... yeah.

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Perhaps another aspect worth considering is good team-ups in double battles. For these EQ-abusers, it's important they don't hit their companions. Since Protect costs a slot and gives the opponent a bigger chance to hit these rather frail mons, pokemon with Levitate/Telepathy or Flying-types are the better options. So add suggestions for good team-ups type- and strategywise.

For example: which of the two has the best synergy with Noivern? Flygon would make a pair of fast sweepers, while Diggersby only has a 2x Ice weakness, gets complemented by Noivern's Flying Stab, and coul make great use of Tailwind-support.
Similar is Archeops, although it can't really support another mon.

(P.S. I really don't have trouble breeding a good one, in fact I almost have one atm.)

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If you want, you can go back a few episodes and breed Return onto Diggersby with a Buneary to make it even better, if you want. With a trick room set up, Diggersby can set up one swords dance and sweep everything in existence. Also, i'm a huge fan of diggersby.

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