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'Sup, man? You seem to be a man of extensive detail. I can respect that. Anyways, welcome to Pokemon Reborn. I hope to see you around and pray you enjoy your time here as you are slowly dragged into its madness!

You can find the community rules on the left and the door out on the right but don't bother. It's locked.

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Well met Zephyr.

Welcome to Reborn!

As Ark said, I guess I'll have to call you "Zephyr" or "07". Or maybe Person#13

The world might never know what we'll call you...

You see, I don't know if I should recommend our server in Showdown, because if Zephy is there, we all get the confusions.

I'm just kidding though, you should totally go there.

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Reborn!

I'll see you around o/

Welcome, Zephyr!

...we've gotta call you Zephyr, no shortening the name, I'm afraid. Because there is another with a very similar name. But she's a Blue Priestess, Wololo \o/

Enjoy your time here!


needs more caps

Welcome to the Pokemon Reborn community!! You can call me Sonic. If you have questions about anything, you can ask Daniel, Jericho and or Me via dm. :]

are you me from last year

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Welcome to the Pokemon Reborn community!! You can call me Sonic. If you have questions about anything, you can ask Daniel, Jericho and or Me via dm. :]


Welcome to reborn Zephyr. If you want to know something then I guess you could ask one of the people quoted above but they're a bit smelly so I'll answer your questions if you'd prefer that.

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