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Help with Gourgeist


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So yeah, i was training my beloved female Gourgeist and she learned Trick Or Treat, i was pumped for this and so i immediately used it in battle. With my extreme joy, i discovered that currently ToT has a bug that block it's correct function, so i need another move that can be useful for Gourgeist.

Here is her current moveset:

Pain Split (whenever the TM will be ours i'll replace it with Protect)

Shadow Sneak (gonna replace it with PF)

Trick Or Treat

Leech Seed

EDIT/Response to Loyalitie: Seed Bomb could be a good choice since it has STAB, thanks for the quick reply! Yeah i saw the number just now, i'll make the 100th "special" lol

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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Seed bomb is a very good grass STAB for gourgeist as Loyalitie said, and it allows it to deal with lots of water types without a strong ice beam.

I personally run in my beloved gourgeist the set of leech seed, phantom force, will-o-wisp, and seed bomb.

  • Leech seed slowly drains away anything other than grass types, and stacks nicely with my girl's leftovers, allowing for an insane recovery most times.
  • Phantom force is interchangeable with shadow sneak, depending on what you want: 90bp STAB move that breaks protection, or priority to do revenge kills. Given XL gourgeist's attack stat, shadow sneak hurts enough to consider running it, as XL is also quite slow. I have phantom force because, together with leech seed, it allows to stall for even longer turns, and you cannot protect from it. Only normal types are immune to it, too, which means this has a great neutral coverage, being only resisted by dark otherwise. Also, you "don't need" protect when you have phantom force: the semi-invulnerable turn of the move acts as a protect of sorts, as nothing can reach you there, and you'll recover health and deal damage next turn anyways. Protect's only advantage over phantom force is the automatic, +4 priority protection it offers, but that's about it the way I see it.
  • Seed bomb is the mandatory grass STAB, incredibly solid move with 80bp, 100% accuracy, and no hindering effects to the user. Gourgeist can deal with rock, ground and water types quite nicely thanks to this one move.
  • Finally, Will-o-wisp is for hindering any mon that can be burned in general, and to cripple physical attackers in specific. With investment in HP, attack and Def, Gourgeist is a massive physical wall, that can even get 3HKO by strong SE moves like knock off and acrobatics. Ciel's gliscor in reborn, for example? its acrobatics didn't do more than half. A STAB SE flying move with 110 bp thanks to no item holding. Half. That's how sturdy gourgeist can be. When will-o-wisp hits a physical attacker, it is over for it: if you can stack it with leech seed, whatever you have in front of you will die SLOWLY and PAINFULLY.

The only thing you can't really do with gourgeist is put it in front of strong special attackers, more than anything if their moves are super effective. Gourgeist's special defense just won't allow it to do the wonders it does against physical enemies. A normal type with sap sipper is completely immune to its two STABS and leech seed, will-o-wisp being your only option, so watch out for that too.

I don't use trick or treat in my main Gourgeist because you can hit strongly regardless of it, and if a counter appears, the rest of your team should be able to take care of it. In any case, if trick or treat worked properly, you could be able to hit SE anything by turning it into a ghost first, but I just find it risky. I do have a gourgeist with this set however, but it isn't my main gourgeist.

So yeah, TL;DR - my suggestion is a leech seed/w-o-w/phantom force/seed bomb set.

NOTE: the gourgeist in my team card has shadow sneak because I haven't updated the trainer card in ages xD

Edited by zimvader42
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I mostly agree with Zim, but I'd say go with Protect over Seed Bomb (although both work). Yes, Phantom Force technically does give you that Protect turn, but it gives you one, you can be hit every second turn. With both PF AND Protect, you get double the invulnerability, which means double the residual damage before you get hit and double the LS recovery before you get hit.

And the combo of LS+WoW takes 25% of the foe's HP per turn. After getting both off, with only PF, the foe can hit you twice before they die. With both, they only get one shot. Those attacks will be doing almost nothing, but still, really comes in handy with things like Solaris Garchomp (which my Gourgeist soloed with LS, WoW, Protect and PF).

Seed Bomb is a decent STAB, but it won't be doing that much if you don't have any attack investment and the 2 PF+Protect mean that the foe loses 75% of their HP to LS+WoW just to hit you once.

To actually get Protect and WoW, Yamask is your best bet.

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Last time I used it, I had a nice Leech Seed/Phantom Force/Shadow Sneak/Seed Bomb set that demolished pretty much everything. Leech Seed and Phantom Force can stall almost any mon and with Gourgeist's solid base 100 attack it can efficiently sweep a lot of teams with its bulk and strong moves learned via leveling up. Stally sets like the one above (Leech/Willo/Protect/Phantom) really aren't useful unless you're going to beat all the bosses. totally not hating on it, mustve spent a while to get all those moves on and beating solaris is an accomplishment c; but going with more of an offensive set is much more effective to get through the game fairly quickly instead of stalling everything out xd

it's your choice though..

Edited by Restal
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Last time I used it, I had a nice Leech Seed/Phantom Force/Shadow Sneak/Seed Bomb set that demolished pretty much everything. Leech Seed and Phantom Force can stall almost any mon and with Gourgeist's solid base 100 attack it can efficiently sweep a lot of teams with its bulk and strong moves learned via leveling up. Stally sets like the one above (Leech/Willo/Protect/Phantom) really aren't useful unless you're going to beat all the bosses. totally not hating on it, mustve spent a while to get all those moves on and beating solaris is an accomplishment c; but going with more of an offensive set is much more effective to get through the game fairly quickly instead of stalling everything out xd

it's your choice though..

Actually, LS and PF are level-up moves and the chain for WoW and Protect in E12 is literally just Yamask>Pumpkaboo :P

And I'd usually agree with running an offensive set, Gourgeist can do it well, but there's a good number of other things that are simply better at it. And OP is already running a defensive-y set anyways.

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Actually, LS and PF are level-up moves and the chain for WoW and Protect in E12 is literally just Yamask>Pumpkaboo :P

And I'd usually agree with running an offensive set, Gourgeist can do it well, but there's a good number of other things that are simply better at it. And OP is already running a defensive-y set anyways.

yeah well

im still too lazy to breed that

anyways i really love pokes that are really tanky like gourgeist but still hit surprisingly hard which is why i like it more offensive which makes my opinion biased..

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Thanks to all for the responses (i haven't looked this for a while lmao) anyway i already have my Demony (Female Gourgeist) at lvl 70 fully EV trained in both HP and Defense, so i don't think i'll revert my game to get another one with Protect and Will-o-Wisp

Atm, i'm running her with

-Seed Bomb (Grass STAB, it's a fine move since Gourgeist base Atk it's not so bad)

-Pain Split (Basically because i don't know what to put in there, when ToT will not be bugged anymore i'll use it)

-Leech Seed (The name sais enough)

-Phantom Force (Ghost STAB + invulnerability for 1 turn)

Also, i love Demony too much lol

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