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Anybody addicted to a particular game series


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just curious if there is one game series or multiple series that you cannot get enough of and optionally explain why your addicted to the series

game addiction: assassin creed

I started playing the second game in the series and it had many interesting lore building moments to it and as I got more of the games the lore sucked me in making the whole series feel like the kind of history I wish I would of learned in school. right now I have 7 of them going on my 8th

Edited by smeargletail
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just curious if there is one game series or multiple series that you cannot get enough of and optionally explain why your addicted to the series

game addiction: assassin creed

I started playing the second game in the series and it had many interesting lore building moments to it and as I got more of the games the lore sucked me in making the whole series feel like the kind of history I wish I would of learned in school. right now I have 7 of them going on my 8th


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Here comes a list of games most of you probably never even heard of before!

1) Ar Tonelico: my absolute favorite series of all times. A duology of games for the PS2 (actually a trilogy, but the third one is for PS3 and I have no way of playing that). You probably heard of the first game, "Ar Tonelico Melody of Elemia", because I had started a playthrough of that very game here on this forum, but unfortunately IRL issues and the release of Se7en forced me to abort that project ;-;

2) Persona. Ok this one, this one you have heard of. I have the first four installments and boy, do I love them all. It's too bad that, from the looks of it, I won't be able to play the fifth one anytime soon.

3) Disgaea: THE series that brought me into the whole JRPG genre. I discovered the others mentioned here while looking for "other games like Disgaea" (in Persona's case, I went Disgaea->Devil Survivor->Persona, while in Ar Tonelico's case... Well, both series are distributed by NISA).

4) A little gem I discovered only recently: Luminous Arc, a duology for the DS!

5) And then of course, my little guilty pleasure: Akiba's Trip U&U for the Vita!

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1. Any ATLUS game, I've fell in love with SMT, Persona and Etrian Oddysey. They get a really deep story, with nice gameplay and overall good balance of hardness

2. Final Fantasy, have follow it from the first series since I have SNES in my home and loving it

3. Pokemon, need to say more?

4. Card Games, like Yugioh, Vanguard or Buddyfight, I like strategy and player interaction, in which I play IRL as well as online

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1. Definitely a fan of pokemon series.

2. Disgaea is one of the best series ever, started with 2 first but have now played all except the ones for portable platforms.

3. Breath of Fire, I love all of them except Dragon Quarter. I don't understand why there isn't more love for this series.

4. Final Fantasy, I liked most of them but wish they would try to steer clear of sequels like they used to.

5. Fire Emblem, huge fan of strategy.

6. Summon Night Swordcraft Story 1 and 2. I could play them on a loop an endless amount of time and not get bored.

All the other games I play I wouldn't say I'm addicted to but I'm never without a game. Always either have my ds or a friend's console to play on when I'm not home.

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