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Reborn Tips and Tricks


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This topic is meant to be a guide for all players, but focused on helping new players prepare for all the struggles of Reborn. So, post all your tips and tricks. For any plot points, I advise you contain those bits in spoilers (use

{/spoiler], but replace the curly brace with a square brace). I will add all posts into this first post to make it easier to see them all at one time.

1. If you're about to enter a suspicious area, save first.

Reborn has a habit of throwing you into tough situations. If you're about to enter a suspicious building or area, save first. This way if you have a bad starting pokemon, you can soft reset (F12) and get a better start. Saving every 5 minutes can also prevent you from goofing up, like all those people who give their EXP share away. -Dragon116 -Shurreal

2. Carry a gimmick pokemon.

There are some "impossible" battles that you will be pitted against. Some of these have plot shifts that occur later on as a result. A gimmick pokemon, like Murkrow with Prankster ability and Perish Song move, will enable you to beat these fights.Just search the forums for ideas.

3. Don't be afraid to try something different.

One of Reborn's greatest points is that it encourages you to use pokemon you don't normally consider. A great point is Kricketune, which is the god-send of early game. Canon games typically make Kricketune worthless because your first gym is Rock, and after that you get a lot better options. In Reborn, the better options are either only available as your starter (cough Torchic cough) or not available until way later (Hawlucha).

4. Keep a full party of 6

A full party of 6, at a decent level, will help you out tremendously, even at the first gym. In the canon games, 2 or 3 was plenty. That won't work for Reborn. -Spark95

5. Expect the unexpected, and don't give up if at first you don't succeed.

Patience is a key in Reborn, as it gets you further than you might have guessed. Stop for a bit longer than you normally would. Look around and think about the challenge you're up against. -Missdragoon

6. Talk to everyone, examine everything!

Sidequests and items are hidden throughout Reborn. These are often the only way to get unique pokemon and items. Some items like shards, have no value until later, but they're still useful. Also, mining is another worthwhile pastime, as you get fossils, evolution stones, and type plates through it. -iaggless01 -Matryoshka

7. Don't ignore potential.

Even though it may not look useful now, it may be just the thing for a gym or two down the road, or even a battle against a key character. Powerful abilities like Moxie are great on any pokemon, like Mightyena, especially early game. -Alpha_Blitz

8. Fight all the trainers you can find.

Most likely you'll need the levels gained for upcomming battles. This is especially important for the first gym. After the third gym, you get a rebattlable trainer in Grand Hall. -Wytch_doctr

9. Always carry common candy with you.

Common candy is not available outside Reborn City, so make sure you carry a stock with you. Having a key pokemon above the level cap before a critical fight is dangerous. -Wytch_doctr

10. Cover your blindspots.

Keep your team of 6 with pokemon able to cover for weaknesses in each other. For instance, Charizard is 4x weak to Rock, so carry a Ground type to cover that weakness. You can also raise some extra pokemon for rotation, that way if one or more of your teammates is at a disadvantage for an upcomming fight, you can swap them out with a trained pokemon in your PC. For monoruns, having pokemon with different moves can help in a pinch. -Crowve -Cyclonegale -AndSoThereIsSt3ffo

11. Keep pokesnax with you.

Many event pokemon only respond to pokesnax (although there are 6 that only respond to a Silver Ring). Even if you don't use them for those event pokemon, they are the second quickest way to raise friendship. -Crowve

12. Abuse Pickup ability.

When you are grinding one pokemon, carry it and 5 pokemon with Pickup. This way, while you battle, you will get random and good items like Full Restores, Revives, and even extremely rare things like Blue Moon Ice Cream. Get 7, and keep 2 in daycare while you're wandering through the game. By having higher a level (but mind your level cap), you get access to better items. Shuffle the 7 around through daycare to keep them all at about the same level, which should be at the minimum of the tier (level cap of 65, pickup tier of 61, all should be at least 61). -Luna

13. Abuse Meowth.

Meowth has both Pickup and Pay Day, making money farming a ton easier. However, when you get rebattlable trainers, farming money isn't really that hard. This tip is best for very early game. -Luna

14. Remember the Daycare.

Before you cross into Agate City, make sure you remember to check the daycare for any pokemon you left in there. You should also throw 2 pickup pokemon in there to level up while you're travelling through that region, since they'll be a much higher level when you return, thus saving you training time. -Luna

15. Know your fields.

The field effect manual provided in the Reborn folder will show you how to exploit the field against boss battles, or how to change it into a field that's more advantageous for you. It may be advantageous to carry a field changer in your main team (Mist, Misty Terrain, Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain) since they work 100% of the time, or moves like Discharge and Heat Wave that change common fields. -AuthorReborn -Luna -Cobalt

16. Use the forums for help

If you need help with a leader, or just fixing your team, check out the Team Showcase and post your questions there. If you want to find pokemon or items, check out On The Hunt, which has a directory for walkthroughs, items guides, pokemon locations, and other great tools. -laggless01

This next part is good for any game, not just Reborn

Event Pokemon - This is your easiest opportunity to get good IVs. Even if it's not perfect, you can breed it and the offspring will likely have most of the IVs of the parents. Make sure you have 1 spot in your team empty for easy checking of the event pokemon's stats, and then save before interacting with it. If it's a bad version, simply soft reset and keep trying. Also, if the pokemon has a skewed female-male rate, soft-resetting for a female is a lot easier than trying to breed one off a Ditto. -Luna

Ditto - In Reborn there is only one Ditto. To make sure breeding anything for good IVs is easier, Ditto should have at least 1 perfect IV. This is crucial if what you're breeding has a skewed female-male rate like Togepi. -Luna

X-Items - Don't underestimate these. Just 1 XAttack or XSpecial gives your pokemon wallbreaking capabilities. 1 XSpeed can let you outpace your opponent. Speed runs thrive on XItems for this reason.

BTW, I took the liberty of rewording some tips. If you would prefer to have your tip reproduced exactly as stated, please let me know :)

Edited by Dragon116
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Expect the unexpected , but most of all don't get frustrated if something does not work out the first time or if you don't understand something at first glance. Patience is a very good thing to have in reborn as it gets you further then you might have guessed to just stop look and think for a bit longer then you normally would.

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Don't sleep on most of the mons you encounter,you'll never know when they might come in handy,maybe for the next gym or one of Ame's troll boss encounter,(Garchomp anyone?)but still you might be surprised how most mons that are weak like mightyena and kriketune can still put in work(mightyena's moxie,best early sweeper in the game.)

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Fight all the trainers you find.

Most likely you'll need the levels for upcoming gym battles and boss battles.

Always carry Common Candy with you

If you find yourself far from Reborn City where Common Candy is easily accessible, and it turns out your Pokemon are overleveled, you're most likely unable to use that Pokemon for the upcoming battles. Thus you should always have some with you in case of this situation

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I would say have pokemon that cover each other's weaknesses. Even an incredibly leveled and EV trained mon could go down fast if attacked by a super-effective move (looking at you Charizard, and your 4x weakness to rock).

Edit: Oh, and ALWAYS carry PokeSnax, a lot of event pokemon, specially the ones early game, require you to have a PokeSnax for the pokemon to be caught

Edited by Crowve
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General tips about pick up pokemons:

Always have a team of pick up pokemon. 5-7 pokemon with pick up. why 5-7 because 2 will go into day care while the other 5 follow you when you are grinding/EV training.

Always train your to the next tier, according to the pick up table and your lvl cap.For example your lvl cap right now is 65 train your pick up mons to lvl 61.there no point training them higher since at lvl 61 the item the pokemon pick up "upgrades" and the next teir unlocks at lvl 71 which is past your lvl cap.

Before heading off to Agate dump 2 pokemon with pick up abilities into the day care since you wont be able to go back to reborn city for awhile also it is best that they are lvl 65.It is always good to have a pick pokemon which is higher lvls when you reach the end of the game. plus you do not have to grind them 2 pick up pokemons since it think by the time you get back to reborn city they should be around lvl 70+ depending on how many steps you take.

Meowth is the best pick up+ pokedollar farmer because meowth has payday. but now a days you dont need to farm much since you can easily get pokedollars from re battling the trainers at grand hall or the clowns in agate.

Edited by Luna
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Read the descriptions of the feild effects. They are provided for a reason and that reason is to help you 1- survive the boss battles and 2- turn the feild against the opponent. Every fight has a Pokémon or move that can easily counter it. Early Electrics take out Julia really easily and Kricetune can spam Fury Cutter through Florina.

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Soft reseting to get good/decent IV event pokemon:

you can save before each event pokemon(leave a blank spot in your team so you can directly check the event pokemon stats). soft reset if you get a event pokemon which has bad IV. Nature of the pokemon does not matter since you can change it later on in the game.


you only get 1 ditto in the game so save and soft reset to get the best ditto possible. A good ditto is good for breeding.

Breeding Tip:

If you are planning to breed pokemon which have low % of female(starters/fossil/togepi) get a female fossil/starter. soft reset until you get a female as it would be harder/ takes luck to get a female from breeding.

Field changing pokemon:

It is always good to carry a pokemon which can change/clear the field effects. Pokemon which learn mist/misty terrain/grassy terrain/electric terrain are awesome to have since they can change the field to your advantage and these move change the field 100% of the time.

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  • 1 month later...

Going off what Luna said, a Pokemon with Heat Wave or Discharge is always welcome, due to the reletive prevalence of Factory/ShortCircuit fields and Forest/Grassy fields. Additionally, best to make sure you have the ability to use the three water HMs (Surf, Dive, Waterfall) with your team—or at least surf—lest you get a ever-so-fun HM buddy clogging up a slot of your team. RIPfirebugghostmonos

If you have money issues early on, get a ChocolateIC (pickup or sunny weather outside Great Hall), go to Obsidia Candy Shoppe, Get the Vanillite, and save. Buy as many VanillaIC as you can, and you'll prolly get a BlueMoonIC or two (or twelve, RIP hobo life). These sell for 10000 each, and are useful as both healing items and for speeding up evolution by happiness.

You ever talk to that kid on the 2nd floor of the department store? Well, he's not smart, because you should NEVER FORGET X ITEMS. I cannot stress that enough, because GuardSpecisBork just one XAttack/XSpecial is enough to make your Pokemon strong enough to beat through that wall you've had trouble with. Really helps when you outspeed Minccinno and Crobat, too.

Edited by Cobalt996
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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Don't underestimate double team, it CAN be a saving grace, and CAN sweep a team, no matter the field effect and advantage they would have, high risk, high reward.

Most people don't want to use it though because it's the definition of hax and can make the game extremely easy with a bit of luck. Minimize Clefable can sweep all gyms from the moment you get him.

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I'm going to have to pass on that one, as it's far too specific of a tip. I could also say just use Speed Boost Blaziken, or overlevel the crap out of your starter and you'll still win, but those are far too restrictive for play style. (If you're wondering, my friend did clear that game mainly using his overleveled Charizard, despite it disobeying him)

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Adding to the gimmick pokemon, a ghost type with curse or any fast mon with destiny bond makes the single pokemon boss battles easier. Also a pokemon with sturdy is pretty handy when the opponents start hitting harder. ;)

Edited by Andal
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