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Stall team


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Hello guys,

I'm planning on doing a different type of run for myself. Everytime I play any Pokémon game I always use mons that kill and die in one hit. I've never used any defensive team in any game, and I want to try it in Reborn.

However, I have no knowledge on which mons are tanky and can stall well. Could you guys give me a couple of hints on pokémons to use throughout the game?

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I'm really no fan of stall cause an offensive team gets the same job done, just way quicker. But the best physical wall you can get is Gourgeist (if you go back to E12 to breed for Protect and Will-o-Wisp. check this section's pinned guide for details). Will-o-Wisp halves the foe's attack, Leech Seed gives you recovery, both take 25% of the foe's health each turn. Protect and Phantom Force together make it so you can only be hit every third turn, while you're getting health via LS and doing good damage via statuses..

Toxic is stall's best move, but without breeding in E12, almost nothing gets it. Vespiquen is pretty good, it can Toxic something, then spam Defend Order. Scolipede gets Toxic, but more importantly, it has Toxic Spikes, which it should be able to set up with it's decent physical bulk and Speed Boost. And a Sturdy Pineco/Forretress ensures at least one layer. Weezing and Cofagrigus are kinda bad vs special attackers, but they're really physically bulky, both have Will-o-Wisp (though you need E12 for Weezing's) and both get TS (Weezing also has the handy Destiny Bond).

Another thing you can do with Toxic and Toxic Spikes is getting flinching moves to rack up Toxic damage. Nasty Plot Crobat with Air Slash comes to mind, or if your Mystery Egg turns out to be a Toge, Air Slash Toge. Or something like Serene Grace Glare+Coil+Headbutt Dunsparce.

And if you wanna see if anything particular is available, check the Location Guide V3, it's pinned in the On The Hunt section.

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