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Where to find the protagonish sprites?

Cool Girl

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Hey, do you guys know where I can find the pictures for the protagonists in Pokémon Rejuvenation? The reason I need them is because I want to do a poll!

Also, if you know the names for each of them, that would be great!

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Which sprites?

Ah well, I'll go through all of them.

Mugshots: Pokemon Rejuvenation --> Graphics --> Transitions

Battle Sprites: Pokemon Rejuvenation --> Graphics --> Characters (towards the middle of the folder)

Back Sprites: Pokemon Rejuvenation --> Graphics --> Characters (look for the rectangle shaped thingies towards the lower middle)

Overworld Sprites: Pokemon Rejuvenation --> Graphics --> Characters (the cluster towards the bottom of the folder)

I hope that answers your question!

EDIT: Oh, names...

Mugshots: vsTrainer0.png, vsTrainer1.png, vsTrainer3.png, vsTrainer4.png, vsTrainer141.png, vsTrainer142.png

Battle Sprites: trainer000.png, trainer001.png, trainer003.png, trainer004.png, trainer141.png, trainer142.png

Back Sprites: trback000.png, trback001.png, trback003.png, trback004.png, trback141.png, trback142.png

Overworld Sprites: trchar000.png, trchar001.png, trchar003.png, trchar004.png (I'm trying to find the last two, but it shouldn't be too far)

Edited by IdleThoughts
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That would be your Battle Sprites, then -- if memory serves. When you downloaded Pokemon Rejuvenation, all of the images were also downloaded to your computer, by accessing the folder for Pokemon Rejuvenation that you downloaded, you should be able to copy the pictures for your personal use.

Basically, go to the folder that Pokemon Rejuvenation came in; you probably downloaded Pokemon Rejuvenation in Documents, but if you were especially creative, you may of positioned it elsewhere.

Pokemon Rejuvenation

From there, go to Graphics, then Characters

Pokemon Rejuvenation -> Graphics -> Characters

Once you get to the correct folder, you can track down the files you want by typing in these: trainer000.png, trainer001.png, trainer003.png, trainer004.png,

trainer141.png, trainer142.png

You might not have the ".png" extension, but that's okay. It's still the same thing.

By the way, this is one of those forums that asks you edit your post to avoid posting two times in a row, it might take a bit to adjust to that but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Edited by IdleThoughts
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