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Trainer Cards!


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Hey guys! I decided that I wanted to make a trainer card earlier, but I just couldn't find a design I liked, shiny Pokemon sprites, the Riley Trainer sprite, etc. So, I decided to make one myself, and I think I did a really good job of it! Because I liked how they turned out, I figured that you guys might want a Trainer card for your signature too! Here's my Trainer Card just to give an example:


So, here's what you have to do to get your own special Trainer Card!

1) Pick a color. I have red, blue, yellow, green, and black bases to work off of. If you find another base you'd like me to use, just post it here.

2) List the Pokemon you would like in your trainer card. Here's the format I'd like you to put for each of your six Pokemon:

[Species Name], [Gender], [Shiny/Not Shiny], [Next to you/In the middle/In the back]

3) Choose your trainer sprite. This can be any trainer sprite as long as it's [s]from D/P[/s] in the Pokemon Online Client. If it isn't, please post the image you would like me to use, or at least tell me which sprite to use. Oh, and I can use the Reborn League Sprites as well.

4) Choose the badge set you'd like to have. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, or Sinnoh. Also, you can post a mix, but if you do that, you must post the names of the badges in the order you would like.

5) Choose any other special things you'd like. Text color, font, anything I haven't already mentioned. By default, the text color will be black, and the font will be what is shown in my trainer card.

The trainer cards should probably take less than a day, as I usually have enough spare time to make a few.

EDIT: I know there are trainer cards that you get if you join the league, but this is something that is a bit more customizable to your tastes.

EDIT 2: You can also post how close you want your Pokemon to you (next to you, in the middle, in the back) Oh, and if you want to, you can also change the place where you are (you could be at the far left or far right instead of the middle.)
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1) Black Base.
2) Haunter, Duskull, Darkrai, Rotom Mow (Shiny), Absol, Bannette. All Male.
3) Team Rocket Male Grunt.
4) Hoenn Badges. Any Order.
5) (Surprise me with font and all that jazz. and use the name, Jensran.)
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I'm done! Here you go, just as you asked. I actually had to get the Rotom sprite from somewhere else, seeing as the site I use doesn't have different forms. Oh well, it worked out! :blink: Oh, awesome, the files are small enough to be used as attachments! Just click on the attachment box to go to your trainer card:

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1. Blue(my favorite) 2. Tyranitar(male, ns), Dragonite(male, ns, next to me), Blaziken(male, ns, other side of me), Sceptile(female, ns),Gyrados(female, ns, behind me), and Gallade(male, ns) 3. 148 please 4. Kanto 5.Nothing else, thanks N8 you're a sweet person! _heart!_
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Here you go...it took me like 20 tries to get this right, but it turned out well. Oh, and to make it extra super awesome, Dragonite and Blaziken are in their second frame, because they look way more cool like that:

I'm out of attachment space. Until I figure out how to get more, I upload 'em to DA.

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[quote name='N8theGr8' post='3753' date='Aug 24 2010, 03:50 PM']I actually had to get the Rotom sprite from somewhere else, seeing as the site I use doesn't have different forms.[/quote]
Just use [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rotom#Sprites"]Bulbapedia[/url].
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Alright, here you guys go! Sorry ash15, orange isn't a color I have, so I gave you red instead. It still turned out nice:


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