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Conqueror of worlds - An ancient pokemon (hardcore) playthrough


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Honestly, I might have nerfed some of his Pokemon a little too hard such as Gengar and Aegislash as they are about 1/3rd as strong as they possible could be (1/4th if you consider EV spreads). I'm aware of the issue at hand and I was going to fix it, but the group I needed for 2.1 is basically...inexistant. Haven't heard back from either of them so I'm back to myself. First off, I believe I'm going to drop the Mega from Shade's team as regular Gengar is a better option at this point (and also because I hate looking at that sprite). The issue with Gengar is that I had to hinder its speed to stop it from one shotting everything (which was an issue).

Shade actually did have a Sableye in the real league, but I don't want to use that one due to Luna. I'm working on it, but because there's no ghost/fighting type...that's the elephant in the room. There's actually a lot I could do to the current team as Dusknoir is axed (either for Dusclops or Jellicent), but Golurk is probably staying. I'm not moving the Sharpedo/Houndoom back either. You don't like they're too strong then don't use them. Scrafty I only moved back due to giving other fighting types a chance. I also can't just move those events without possibly screwing up the entire game. It's kind of like saying I need to remove Blaziken because he's too strong. And trust me, I've heard so-and-so leader is too weak for every leader who isn't Julia at least once. Shade I'll say I didn't have as much time to experiment and test compared to the others because I just don't have the time like I used to and there are 30 other guys who needed a bit of adjustment at the time.

I don't know when that will be released. It could be a couple weeks, it could be a month, it could even be delayed to episode 16. I just don't know right now, but I doubt it'll be soon, but Shade retesting was the only backtrack thing on my list.

Ah yeah, I thought that could be an issue about screwing the game up if you tried moving those events. Don't get me wrong, I don't think either Houndoom or Sharpedo are broken, I just feel like that make shades gym a lot easier than it should be. And that is actually quite scary to think that Gengar and Aegislash aren't even half as powerful as they should be. I won't lie, I expected the Mega Gengar to put up a more of a fight as I remember normal Gengar taring through my teams before.

I will say though, that I look forward for whatever changes you have planned. I am definitely enjoying the hardcore mod though as there are some pretty intense challenges that make up for any "easy" battles

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Chapter 6: Pride is only measured by Pain

Atilla fueled with confidence rushed to the underground railnet where they met up with Victoria who had said Cain had already started heading to Coral ward. Atilla headed on over where Cain had decided to try out his surfing Muk again. Atilla met up with Amaria who said she need Atilla's help in Peridot. Long story short, Atilla didn't understand why:


I honestly think she will be the ep16 gym leader, but that's just personal opinion.

Atilla got caught but was able to break through some iron bars with the help of a Vaniluxe, Cyndaquill and Rogenrolla. I would also like to say I think I got too happy after this


I can't be the only one getting delighted after the anime series where Jigglypuff can never get their song completed.

Atilla took out the pulse Muk, but Zel's damn umbreon was the real difficult thing.


Also just a reminder of team meteors morals:


With that we were given access to joy ride on Amaria's boat. Whoop party at 9.

Atilla and the team went to Apophyll beach and were surprisingly greeted by Victoria with no Cain in sight. Atilla wondered how Victoria managed to cross the lake, but hey.

Atilla took on Cal and this happened:



Then we took on Victoria and this happened:



Atilla was finally granted access to Kiki.

Atilla vs Kiki

Atilla was quite nervous for this matchup which they believed to be one of the hardest they would have to face. Kiki looked so weak and frail, it almost seemed cruel to take her on. But Atilla knew what they had to do and with that, the first pokemon were released


Mystic Art vs Machamp tangrowth.png/ Spr_4h_068.png

  • the 4 armed beast demonstrates its strength and gets paralyzed by a stun spore
  • It gets hit with a giga drain and confuses Mystic art with a dynamic punch
  • Mystic art hurts himself in confusion while Machamp is left paralyzed by laughter
  • Mystic rt hurts himself again and gets KOd with a dynamic punch

Sun God vs Machamp larvesta.png/Spr_4h_068.png

  • Full focus zen headbutt leaves machamp in the red but it KOs Sun God with a stone edge.

Hidori vs Machamp starmie.png/Spr_4h_068.png

  • The Machamp is healed but is KOd with a psychic.

Hidori vs Toxicroak starmie.png/toxicroak.png

  • A sucker punch takes Hidori down to half, Toxicraok only hangs on thanks to its focus sash
  • Ultra potion to the frog and Hidori recovers
  • Another sucker punch and psychic KOs the frog. No prince today I'm afraid.

Consume vs Scrafty cofagrigus.png/scrafty.png

  • Scrafty crunches the mummy and is returned by being burnt.
  • Another crunch and the scrafty is hit with a hex
  • Another crunch KOs the mummy.

Hidori vs Scrafty starmie.png/scrafty.png

  • Hidori recovers and gets crunched
  • Bubble beam KOs scrafty

See No Lie vs Hitmonlee 344.png/106.png

  • Fake out flinches SNL
  • Hitmonlee tries a poison Jab, ut gets floored with extrasensory
  • It tries poison jab again and poisons SNL while extrasensory leaves it with red HP
  • It tries yet another poison jab and gets walled by an extrasensory

See No Lie vs Lucario 344.png/ 448.png

  • Lucario's HP does ok damage. Earth Power takes it straight to the red.
  • It tries a calm mind but gets shut down by another earth power

See No Lie vs Medicham 344.png/only its actually mega medicham


  • Ice punch OHKOs SNL

Hidori vs M Medicham starmie.png/ 308-mega.png

  • Psychic takes just over half its HP. M Medicham meditates
  • another psychic KOs the fiend.


That was close

Edited by Genesis
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Impressive how Claydol and Starmie were able to combine forces and take down all of Kiki's threats.

To be perfectly honest Starmie was the real star. High Sp atk and speed make it a force to be reckoned with combined with recover, it could go on for days as long as it isn't at a disadvantage, Claydol's best redeeming quality is its defense and sp def. It sp atk is ok allowing it to 2-3 shot weaker opponents.

The larvesta probably could have done better if it hadn't been hit with a x4 weakness. I really didn't expect a stone edge. Also because it is unevolved it has started falling behind the main team.

Cofagrigus could have gotten more love if I hadn't tried to send it out against Scrafty. My mind honestly went blank at that point and I forgot dark>ghost. It actually does really well and helped me against Cal.

Tangrowth was put there to absorb hits due to the neutrality. If it hadn't been confused and hurt itself so many times it may have actually taken down Machamp..

All in all the battle against Kiki was close because if Starmie had been KOd the remaining member my ace Pupitar would not have handled the fight.

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I normally only do updates for gym battles but seeing as how one of the most famous reborn battles was coming up I thought I would do the update now.

Chapter 7: Impossible is nothing

After the Victory over Kiki, Atilla now had to go baby sit Cain who had not arrived at Apophyl. Word was that he may have gotten lost at Azurine island, so Atilla hopped on Amaria's apparently indestructible boat and headed there. First things first, Atilla knew 2 potential comrades were located in the area and so the hunt began. Atilla's influence drew the pokemon in and they managed to catch a shiny Yanma later named Casanova and a Shellos named fear. After searching the entire island, Atilla managed to find Cain who was being locked up by the meteors. They tried to prevent the great escape but failed,




With news of Meteors plans to BOOM Apophyl, Atilla and Cain sped off to try and save the city. Cain went on ahead.

Atilla found this particularly amusing. *Bump*


Cain was punished for his transgression though was promptly taken care of. Now it was Atilla's turn to try and take on Solaris.


Atilla vs Solaris

Cranky vs Scizor torkoal.png/scizor.png

  • It superpowers taking 1/4 of cranky's HP. A berry weakens Cranky's lava plume taking only 1/2 of Scizor's HP
  • Scizor tries an X scizor but it's NE. Another Lava Plume KOs Scizor

Jaws vs Garchomp sharpedo.png/garchomp_sprite_by_pokefusionz-d6ct61a.p

  • Garchomp uses Dragon Rush, Sharpedo barely survives, but hangs on thanks to a focus sash. It sets up destiny bond. Speed boost.
  • Next turn Jaws sets up destiny bond again. Garchomp smiles and uses EQ, taking itself out.

Cranky vs Gyarodos (I didn't know what would be next. Oh well) torkoal.png/gyarados.png

  • Waterfall KOs Cranky.

Hidori vs Gyarados starmie.png/gyarados.png

  • Psychic crits and takes 1/2 HP. Gyarados outrages and becomes fatigued and confused in the super heat.
  • Solaris uses an ultra potion while Hidori recovers
  • Another psychic takes 1/3 HP, while Gyarados dragon dances
  • Outrage nearly KOs Hidori. It returns a psychic to leave Gyardos in the red
  • Solaris heals again while Hidori uses a psychic lowering the sp def,
  • Outrage KOs Hidori

Peaches vs Gyarados mamoswine.png/ gyarados.png

  • Waterfall KOs Peaches

Frost Bite vs Gyaradosaurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png/gyarados.png

  • Waterfall nearly KOs. Thunderwave is setup
  • Ancient power takes half Gyardos's HP, It EQs and KOs Frost Bite.

Genghis vs Gyrados

  • Rock slide misses. Waterfall KO. game over.


Cranky takes out Scizor torkoal.png>scizor.png

Jaws takes out Garchomp sharpedo.png>garchomp_sprite_by_pokefusionz-d6ct61a.p

Frost Bite vs Tyranitaraurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png/tyranitar.png

  • Superpower KOs Frost Bite. Soft reset was expecting Gyarados. Also noticed Garchomp now isn't level 75 but 50, Tried something new.

Retry #2

Cranky takes out Scizor with Solaris using a full restore torkoal.png>scizor.png

Peaches KOs Garchomp with 2 Ice fangs after it misses a stone edge twice. mamoswine.png>garchomp_sprite_by_pokefusionz-d6ct61a.p

Frost Bite vs Gyarados aurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png/gyarados.png

  • EQ takes just over 1/2 of Frost Bites HP. It sets up a Thinder wave
  • Ancient power takes 1/2 HP and Frost bite is KOd with EQ

Genghis vs Gyarados 247.png/gyarados.png

  • Rock slide KOs Gyarados

Jaws vs Tyranitar sharpedo.png/tyranitar.png

  • Aqua Jet takes 1/4 of Tyranitar's HP. It would have KOd Jaws if it wasn't for the focus sash, but it dies to Sandstorm damage

Hidori vs Tyranitar starmie.png/tyranitar.png

  • Bubblebeam takes another 1/4. It Dragon Dances.
  • Signal beam leaves it in the red. An EQ takes Hidori down to 1/2 HP
  • Full restore and another Bubble beam.
  • Signal beam takes it to just inder 1/2 HP and Rock slide KOs Hidori

Peaches vs Tyranitar mamoswine.png/tyranitar.png

  • Another full restore. Peaches tries an EQ but there's no target?? Wtf.
  • Rock slide takes 1/2 of Peaches HP. Try another EQ and this one hits KOing Tyranitar.
  • Seriously WTF is up with that?
    level up to 46.

Peaches vs Excadrill mamoswine.png/530.png

  • It derps and uses an X scizor while Peaches KOs with an EQ

Genghis vs Madibuzz 247.png/mandibuzz.png

  • It uses snarl not doing much. Genghis uses a rock slide that crits and leaves it in the red
  • Genghis gets badly poisoned, but KOs bird brain with another rock slide.



And yes, Genghis was at level 49. i used it for all the double battles and forgot to give it common candies to lower it, luckily it didn't disobey me. Rest of the team was level 44/45.

With Solaris defeated, Atilla senses a dark presence emanating from Solaris. Kiki had arrived in an attempt to destroy the Pulse machine when #RIPMedicham


and then #RIPKiki


Cal now stricken with guilt orders Magmortar to destroy the pulse machine. Who knows what happened to the poor Camerupt.Too little too late, Victoria is now infuriated and tells Cal to leave, which he does. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

With that out the way, Atilla is given the HM strength and heads to the Byxbision Wasteland...

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Chapter 7.1 The truth's poison chalice

Atilla was eager to get to Aya, the next gym leader, to get their next badge removing more limits from their power. They rushed back in the invincible boat only to get hindered by Cain, but determination would see that Cain was handled appropriately.


(His wheezing used a destiny bond which is why Atilla's Gastrodon (Fear) was not in the pic at time of victory.

Atilla then got cheesed as Cain decided that since a bunch more people would be wanting entry to the wasteland he would just leave the gates open. Atilla socked him in the jaw for that before carrying through the hazardous wasteland.

When arriving at the new gym leader's house, Atilla met up with Lana, Aya's mother who was still trying to get accustomed to the new rituals.

Aya was in a battle to Fern and had just lost to him after beating him on his first try. With that, Fern decided to give Atilla a taste of his new team which included this lovely pokemon



Unfortunately, his team was no match for Atilla's team either.


With the 2 hindrances out of the way it was time to take on Aya.

Atilla vs Aya

Atilla stood their for a moment trying not to gag at the horrendous smell of sulfur filling their lungs and through the poisonous mist they took a gander at Aya, who quite honestly looked damn near perfect. Like a more mature and sultry version of Shelly. Atilla knew they would have a hard time with this battle.


Frost Bite and Hidori vs Tentacruel and NidoQueen aurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png& starmie.png/ 073.png& 031.png

  • Hidori one shots NidoQueen with an emphatic psychic while Frost Bite sets up mist after Tentacruel sends a sludge wave to try and devour the duo. Frost Bite levels to 46 after the KO.

Frost Bite and Hidori vs Tentacruel and Gengar aurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png& starmie.png/ 073.png&gengar.png

  • Hidori's Psychic KOs Gengar before it can even blink. Tentacruel sends out a muddy water which misses Frost bite and does very little damage to Hidori. Frost Bite ignores orders.

Frost bite and Hidori vs Tentacruel (gets withdrawn for Venasuar) and Drapionaurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png& starmie.png/ 073.png( 003.png)&452.png.png

  • Tentacruel gets withdrawn for Venasuar who walks slap bang into a fatal psychic KOing it. A night slash from Drapion ends Hidori's murderous escapade. Frost Bite uses an aurora beam taking 1/4 of Drapions HP

Frost Bite and Genghis vs Drapion and Tentacruel aurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png&247.png/073.png&452.png.png

  • A muddy ater from tentacruel takes 1/3 of Frost Bites HP while KOing Genghis (curse this infernal x4 weakness). Drapion atempts to confuse Frost Bite but she manages to pull off an aurora beam that crits leaving Drapion with 1/3 HP.

Frost Bite and Fear vs Drapion and Tentacruel aurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png&105px-423Gastrodon-West.png/073.png&452.png.png

  • An ultra potion is used on Drapion. Muddy water is used by Tenacruel but storm drain helps Fear out while frost bite is hurt and decides to disobey. Fears muddy water takes 1/4 of Tentacruels Hp and hlaf of Drapions HP
  • Mist fades.
  • Tenacruel uses muddy water again boosting Fears sp atk and leaving Frost Bite at 1/3 HP.Drapions aqua tail pushes Fear's sp atk even higher. Frost Bite pretends not to notice while Fear's muddy water KOs Drapion and misses Tentacruel

Frost Bite and Fear vs Tentacruel and Dragalge aurorus_by_vale98pm-d6sv92o.png&105px-423Gastrodon-West.png/073.png&dragalge.png

  • Tentacruels blizzard does very little. Frost Bite tries an aurora beam on Dragalge taking 1/3 HP but is KOd by Dragalge's Dragon pulse leaving Fear's muddy water to do very little to the foes other than lower their accuracy.

Cassanova and Fear vs Tentacruel and Dragalge Spr_4p_469.png&105px-423Gastrodon-West.png/073.png&dragalge.png

  • Cassanova's bug buzz isn't very effective. tenatcruel tries to show what a real move is like by using sludge wave. That and a shadow ball from Dragalge leave it in the red. Fear's mud bomb misses
  • Cassanova's ancient power is just as useless. Cassanova and Fear become ninjas for that turn dodging all the attack that come at them. Fear is useless again and misses a mud bomb,
  • Aya uses an ultra potion on Dragalge, Cassanova and Fear avoid tentacruels Blizzard again.Fear's mud bomb finally hits taking Dragalge down to just over half HP.
  • Cassanova now tries an uproar leaving Tentacruel at 1/2 HP. Tentacruel takes revenge with muddy water boosting Fear's sp atk and KOing Cassanova. Shado ball misses fear and a mud bomb leaves Dragalge in the red,

Cranky and Fear vs Tentacruel and Dragalge324.png&105px-423Gastrodon-West.png/073.png&dragalge.png

  • Tentacruel opens with a blizzard that misses the team. Dragalge's shadow ball takes 1/4 of Cranky's HP. Fear's Muddy water KOs Dragalge and leaves Tentacruel with 1/4 HP. Cranky's lava plume takes it to the red.

Cranky and Fear vs Tentacruel 324.png&105px-423Gastrodon-West.png/073.png

  • Tentacruel's Blizzard finally hits something for the first time in forever but it is silenced with a whopping mud bomb that even a swampert would be proud of.



With that Atilla has attained half their true power. 2 more badges and they SHOULD be able to maximise the potential of any team member who would want to join.

Edited by Genesis
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I love that shiny torkoal, looks sweet. I'm amazed Tentacool lasted the whole battle.

Which battle though? Cos in both battles he appeared in he took out 2 maybe 3 pokemon, definitely not the whole battle. I blame it on luck with stupid AI spamming NE moves against it. It already has super high def and sp def and ev trained to max both out with HP so that helps her bulkiness. As seen though things like Gyarados will still one shot it.

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I will apologize in advance as I think this may be a lengthy update, turned out to be a lot more stuff involved than I thought there would be.

Chapter 8: The Bold and the Beautiful

With Aya down, Atilla had received word that there were some disturbances hidden deep within the wasteland. Keen to test the newly acquired strength Atilla head out on a grave robbing spree. They noticed a tombstone located for Kiki in the middle of the wasteland and another hidden behind a wall. 2 tombstones? There was definitely something off about this. Atilla entered the dark cavern which reeked of old moss and strewn waste. The pungent smell left a burning sensation in Atilla's nostrils. Atilla was then greeted by the sweet smell of death as they grew closer to the tombstone. "Z" and the tombstone reacted. It was Kiki, or was it really? Atilla didn't have the time to find out as Kiki began blaming Atilla for her death and sought revenge.

A spectral Kiki appeared before Atilla ready to fight, to the death


Her dead Medicham was ready to fight as well


Only Atilla was ready to bring the fight as well. With everything they had learned from Supernatural, they knew the only way to cleanse this spirit was to salt and burn the bones.


Turns out it was just a Misdreavus being mischievous.

Atilla then headed even deeper into the wasteland as if guided by Arceus's light to find secret passages. Atilla made their way through several caverns when they ended up at the source of all the waste


The mountain of waste just wanted some love. Unfortunately it had been taken over by the pulse 00 machine and had to taken care. For that, Atilla decided to grant its wish. Atilla smothered it with love, smothered it to death.


Atilla fought back tears as they delivered the killing blow


Atilla hated the meteors for what they were making them do and with that they ran for the wastelands exit where they were greeted by Cal who tried explaining himself with little to effect.


Did he really think he could be responsible for so much calamity, apologize and it would all be sunshine and rainbows again? Wrong. Atilla had to kill Kiki for a second time thanks to this idiot.

Atilla headed to the underground railnet where Cain was waiting. Cain enjoyed watching Atilla show off their strength, though Cain was a bit confused as to what exactly he was looking at seeing as Atilla was neither male nor female. Cain was intrigued to find how just how things operated, but there was a more pressing mission to tend to first. Rescuing the kids from the Yureyu building.Cain and Atilla fought their way through the Meteors when Atilla nearly broke down as they threatened Shelly's life.


For fear of putting Shelly's life in danger, Atilla had to press on to the next floor. Luckily they met up with Charlotte who helped free Shelly from the evil clutches of the meteors. Atilla exacted a vengeance like no other on the ones who threatened their dream. Atilla only wished they had Titania's Aegislash to put them permanently to sleep. Atilla and Cain headed to the top floor where they decided to take on Dr Sigmund for the first time.


Peaches made quick work of most of his team with Frost Bite finishing him off.


With everyone rescued Atilla grabbed the key and went through the rest of the railnet, picking up Arceus divine light (flash) and an Aron for future purposes. Atilla solved the railnet puzzle and soon as the gang saw light, Heather flew off with Cain on her heels. Atilla didn't quite understand since Cain headed towards Mysdia and Ametrine was the opposite route. Atilla headed through to the secret cove where it was discovered that new pipes had been set up in the tanzan mountain. Noel and Nostra had gotten real sick and Atilla was tasked with collecting some medicine from the Mysidia pokemart. Atilla entered the forest but was left like this after a few minutes:

Atilla got word of several tasks located in the area and set forth on completing them. One included locating a bunch of furniture. Another involved taking on some meteors after which Atilla was rewarded with a plume fossil.


Atilla set on reviving each fossil they had spent hours on mining. These resulted in Atilla acquiring an Omanyte (all hail lord Helix), Anorith, Shieldon, Cranidos and Archen. Atilla also headed through the mysterious mysidia cave to collect another ill fated doll which when presented to the totem pole back in Beryl cemetery awarded Atilla with a Golet.

Atilla was excited, because now it was time to take on the next gym leader, an apparently very beautiful individual. Atilla headed to the gym when they noticed the poke mart atop it. Atilla discussed the predicament with Serra the gym leader and Bennet her son who rambled on about a girl named Luna. They were then interrupted by man now only known as "El" who was looking for Luna, his daughter. Atilla did not like this character at all. while they claimed to be of the Lord Arceus service, something was off. Atilla believed this man a fraud, for Atilla was the mercenary sent forth by Lord Arceus to do his bidding.

Atilla made their way through the gym and got to Bennet who decided to challenge Atilla's strength to see if was worthy of his mother's time.

Atilla thought it was.


With bug boy out the way it was time to test the gym leaders strength.

Atilla vs Serra


Atilla gazed across the field where the mirrors gave off every conceivable angle possible of Serra. Atilla peered upon her mature sultry body and could understand all the hype about her, but all Atilla could really think about was the way Shelly and her shy smile kept crossing their mind. Atilla snapped their mind back to focus, back to the battle at hand and released their first pokemon.

Rhinoo vs Abomasnow (mega) bastiodon.png<mega_abomasnow_sprite_by_pokedigioh-d7ro

  • Wow, first pokemon out and it's a mega, thank goodness for x4 fire weakness
  • M Abomasnow uses outrage, but it's NE. Rhinoo sets up stealth rock
  • Otrage NE. Ancient power SE takes under 1/4 HP
  • Outrage confusion. Rhinoo sets up a Curse
  • M Abomasnow Hurt itself therefore metal burst fails
  • Focus blast KOs Rhinoo

Cranky vs M Abomasnow Spr_b_5b_324.png >mega_abomasnow_sprite_by_pokedigioh-d7ro

  • Blizzard misses, flamethrower KOs
Peaches vs Mamoswine (LOL) Battle of the misses 473.png<473.png
  • Mamoswine earth power takes 1/3. Peaches EQ misses and shatters arena taking 1/2 mamoswine HP and is left in the red
  • Ultra Potion and Peache's EQ misses again. WTF
  • Mamoswine's Blizzard misses and Peache's EQ misses the 3rd time
  • Mamosine's Rock slide misses, Peache's EQ misses
  • Mamoswine's Blizzard hits and KOs Peaches
  • At least that's over
Genghis vs Mamoswine 247.pngNo result 473.png(> glaceon.png)
  • Mamoswine's Rock slide crits and is NE. Genghis's Iron head does almost 1/2
  • Mamoswine Is withdrawn for Glaceon who is OHKOd by iron head
Genghis vs Mamoswine (the retreater) again 247.pngNo result again473.png
  • Ultra potion to Mamoswine, Iron head crits leaving it with 1/3 HP
  • Icicle crash nearly KOs Genghis, he flinches
  • Ultra potion to Mamoswine and Iron head leaves at 1/2 HP
  • Is withdrawn for Cloyster who receives Iron head taking down 1/3 HP
Genghis vs Cloyster 247.png<091.png
  • Waterfall KOs Genghis
Lady Luck vs Closyter Spr_3r_306.png> 091.png
  • Cloyster's Rock blast misses and it is KOd with head smash
Cranky vs Mamoswine Spr_b_5b_324.png>473.png
  • Blizzard NE. Flamethrower KOs. Level to 51
Cranky vs Vaniluxe Spr_b_5b_324.pngno result 584.gif
  • Frostbreath takes 1/3 more health. Cranky Ignores orders
  • Mirror shot NE, Cranky's flamethrower misses
  • Vaniluxe uses Reflect Cranky's. Flamethrower misses
  • Signal beam NE. Cranky Ignores orders
  • Ultra potion to Cranky. Vaniluxe swapped for Froslass
Cranky vs Froslass Spr_b_5b_324.pngno result froslass.png(>584.gif)
  • Froslass Double teams, Cranky uses amnesia
  • Shadow ball, and Cranky ignores orders
  • Swapped for Vanilux who at this point has taken more damage to stealth rocks than actual moves until flamethrower hits and KOs.
Nearly there
Lady Luck vs Froslass Spr_3r_306.png>froslass.png
  • Tries frostbreath but is KOd by a head smash



With that Atilla smiled to themselves with the chains holding their power beginning to fray.

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Tentacool for the Aya battle. I like Torkoal's appearance though.

oh yeah sorry, haha It was very early in the morning when I read that. Not enough coffee in my system. I kind of didn't want to take out Tentacruel. It wasn't as much of a threat to me as anything else. Also once Starmie fainted I had very little that had SE attacks to take it out with and it is bulky by nature

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Nicely done. In hardcore, is the mirror field not active? I didn't see you break it at all...

Peaches' Earthquake broke the field even though it missed... 3 times!!!

What pyrromanis said. it was active in the beginning, then when Peaches tried an EQ it broke the field even though it missed. It missed so many times thanks to an item the foe mamoswine was holding and also a held item.

i didn't think it would break the field since it missed, but then again EQs mechanics is that it targets all users in a double battle (entire field) so that could be why it still broke.

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Chapter 9: Confusion, Mayhem, Behemoths and a Simply Plain Victory

Atilla left Spinel town and headed back to Tanzan mountain where the earth tremors were starting to turn into earthquakes. Atilla quickly grabbed a Solrock back in the underground stairway cave and a Shiny Lunatone back in Tanzan mountain. Atilla was pleased with the lucky new shiny as they weren't even trying for a shiny. All other shiny members of the team were basically grinded until Atilla got lucky enough to hatch/ find in the wild.

Atilla headed back to the secret hideout and as about to enter into yet another gym battle with Noel hen they were interrupted by none other than Sapphira, stating that the meteors had discovered the hideout and were on their way to recapture everyone. Atilla was baffled, this was supposed to be a secluded location. Though given how easy it was to get their, Atilla soon overcame the confusion and readied for impending battle. Sapphira headed off on her Dragonite and started shooting off the meteors crossing the lake. Everyone scurried to hide while Atilla manned the front door. It was bashed open and a smug looking Dr Sigmund along with 2 orderlies entered. The 2 orderlies tried their best to defeat Atilla, but served only as a distraction to let Dr Sigmund get upstairs. Atilla turned quickly to head upstairs only to be interrupted yet again by Sirius who was irate from the attack launched upon him and his team by Sapphira. He attempted to take out Atilla as well to which Atilla responded with a close victory



Sirius's Honchrow bravebirded taking out itself and Peaches in the last fight. After defeating Sirius, Atilla attempted to rush back upstairs in an attempt to stop Dr Sigmund who paralyzed and captured Laura. What a creep.


Liligant stands there helpless unsure of what to do. ~"just gonna stand there and watch me burn?"


Atilla and Sapphira regroup where a number of times Shelly tries to voice herself w=to which she is shutdown by Sapphira. Atilla doesn't like this Sapphira person much. But, they press on together back to Tanzan Mountain where the quakes start to increase in size. Atilla is informed of just how violent the attack on team meteor was. Atilla almost feels sorry for them.


Atilla carries on where they discover an Abra hooked up to a pulse machine. They also receive word that the real Meteor Boss, Lin, is on their way. Sapphira and Atilla are teleported to the very depths of Tanzan mountain where the quakes are tremendous. The cause of which is found out to be an enormous Steelix which has been pissed off by the meteors.


Only in hardcore reborn it's a mega steelix.



Atilla defeats it and doesn't understand why Sapphira gets to ride it and they don't. Oh well, we are just gonna go back and sulk in a corner. Sapphira has been all but useless up to this point,


Atilla heads back to the control room where they are still trying to control the Abra


They ask Atilla to put the pokemon out of its misery.


Genghis assists after Hidori helps deal some damage.

But it's too late, Lin arrives and Atilla is introduced as a new meteor member who helped contain the Pulse Abra however Lin sees straight through Sirius. Luckily Sapphira is useful for once and helps create a diversion that allows Atilla to escape. Atilla rushes back to the secret hideout where everyone is worried about Sapphira. After some history about Reborn city and some intel on the jewelry keys it's decided that Noel and Atilla will have their battle now.

Atilla vs Noel

With Shelly as ref, there's no way Atilla can lose this.


Lady Luck vs Flincino aggron.gif>573.png

  • Rock Blast hits a zillion times and does almost no damage and it is knocked out in return with a proper rock attack. head smash

Cranky vs Lopunny (mega Lopunny) torkoal.png> mega_lopunny_sprite_pixel_over_by_thegre


  • M Lopunny starts with a jump kick that takes 1/4 HP from Cranky, it uses iron defense to boost its defense stat
  • M Lopunny uses return taking Cranky down to 1/2 HP. Cranky uses a lava plume which burns the bunny. And the grass. Lopunny is KOd by burn damage from the field and her burn

Wannabe vs Staraptor 567.png>staraptor.png

  • Wannabe OHKOs Staraptor with a Rock slide

Genghis vs Porygon Z tyranitar.png>474.gif

A sandstorm blows

  • Tri attack barely scratches Genghis while an iron head and field damage take Porygon Z under 1/2 HP
  • The sand snuffs out the flame
  • In an attempt to save the poor pokemon Noel uses an ultra potion on it, while Genghis bears down with another iron head
  • It tries another tickling tri attack and is KOd with a rock slide

Moist vs Pyroar 091.png <pyroar.png

  • Pyroar's Hyper Voice OHKOs Moist. And I am sitting here like wut.

Wannabe vs Pyroar 567.png>pyroar.png

  • Wannabe's rock slide exacts swift vengeance with a OHKO

Peaches vs Clefable mamoswine.png <036.png


  • Peaches sets up mist which strengthens Clefables moonblast leaving Peaches under 1/2 HP
  • An EQ from peaches takes Clefable under 1/2 while she is KOd by another Moonblast

Lady Luck vs Clefable

  • An ultra potion is given to Clefable and an iron head takes it down to 1/3 HP
  • Another ultra potion, but this time iron head crits and KOs the fairy.



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A 3rd updated. In one day? Wut.

Chapter 10: Trickery is Fickle to the Weary

Atilla headed through to try and find Sapphira in Tanzan west. Along the way she was found alive and well. Atilla pressed on to the next adventure. Route 1. Luckily, Atilla was not going to attempt its puzzle just yet. As soon as they entered route 1, they were met by Fern, who was promptly dealt with.
It was then on to the Vanhanen Castle where the next gym challenge awaited. Of course, but who else would be there to try and prolong the process but Cain. He was defeated too. Along with his new Mega.


It seemed however that their battle served as a diversion to kidnap Gossip Gardevoir (who even thought such was possible?)
Gasp the terror
Atilla, Radomus and Cain rushed off to the opposite end of Route 1 where they discovered a chasm. trust Cain to liven things up

Atilla reached the top where they became enraged at what they saw. This blasphemous heretic shall die!
Jaws, use destiny bond and take care of this vagrant scum
Atilla stared with murderous intent at the devil before him. You shall be purged from the very existence of this Earth when my shackles are released.

Atilla headed back to the castle for their battle with the ever fashionable Radomus who had take Elias as his personal butler,

Atilla vs Radomus

Atilla felt confident even as the sweat began to form across their brow.


Jaws and Genghis vs Exeguttor and Reuniclus 319.gif& 248.gif/ 103.png&reuniclus.png

  • A crunch from jaws and rock slide from genghis (that misses Exegutor) KOs Reuniclus. Exegutor uses Trick Room

Jaws and Genghis vs Exegutor and Metagross 319.gif& 248.gif/ 103.png& 376.png

  • Exegutor is swapped for Malamar
  • Jaws crunch takes metagross to 1/2 HP. Metagross misses Meteor mash and Genghis KOs it with another crunch
    Jaws levels to 61

Jaws and Genghis vs Exegutor and Malamar 319.gif& 248.gif/ 103.png& malamar.png

  • Exegutor leaves Genghis with under 1/2 HP after a giga drain and Malamar KOs Jaws with a superpower. Rock slide does ok damage to the foes

Hunter X and Genghis vs Exegutor and Malamar348.png & 248.gif/ 103.png& malamar.png

  • Hunter X's X Scizzor KOs Malamar, while Genghis KOs Exegutor with a crunch.

Hunter X and Genghis vs Slowking and G Gardevoir (mega) 348.png & 248.gif/slowking.png&Gardevoir-mega.png

  • Slowking uses a scald that KOs Genghis. Hunter X's X scizor leaves Slowking in the red. G Gardevoir's focus blast crits and leaves Hunter X in the red.

Hunter X and Golurk vs Slowking and G Gardevoir 348.png & 623.png/slowking.png&Gardevoir-mega.png

  • Sloking's scald KOs Hunter X. while Golurk sets up a curse. G Gardeoir KOs it with Psychic

Sun God and Wannabe vs Slowking and G Gardevoir 637.png& 567.png/slowking.png&Gardevoir-mega.png

  • Slowking's Scald KOs Wannabe. Psychic KOs Sun God.

Loss. What. Damn trick room.

Round 2 Begin

Sun God and Hunter X vs Exeguttor and Reuniclus 637.png& 348.png/ 103.png&reuniclus.png

  • Bug Buzz from Sun God KOs Exegutor. Hunter X X Scizor takes Reuniclus down to 1/2 HP. Reuniclus misses its focus blast

Sun God and Hunter X vs Metagross and Reuniclus 637.png& 348.png/376.png &reuniclus.png

  • A hyper potion to Reuniclus. Sun God delivers a fiery dance to Metagross leaving it with 1/4 HP, it retaliates with a zen headbutt leaving Sun God in the red. Hunter X ensures a KO with a critting X scizor.

Sun God and Hunter X vs Slowking and Reuniclus 637.png& 348.png/slowking.png &reuniclus.png

  • Sun God and Hunter X KO Slowking with an X scizor and bug buzz. Reuniclus misses another focus blast.

Sun God and Hunter X vs Malamar and Reuniclus 637.png& 348.png/malamar.png &reuniclus.png

  • Reuniclus is wthdrawn for G Gardevoir. Malamar KOs Sun God and is in turn KOd by Hunter X

Jaws and Hunter X vs G gardevoir and Reuniclus 319.gif & 348.png/Gardevoir-mega.png &reuniclus.png

  • Jaws uses crunch and nearly KOs Reuniclus and is then KOd by G Gardevoir's focus blast (damnit I need one for turn for destiny bond). Hunter X cleans up after Jaws and KOs Reuniclus

Golurk and Hunter X vs G Gardevoir 623.png & 348.png/Gardevoir-mega.png

  • G Gardevoir attempts to KO Golurk with a psychic but it leaves it with a scrap of HP allowing it to lay a curse on G Gardevoir KOing itself in the process. Hunter X uses a metal claw that takes 1/2 of G Garvevoirs HP.
  • Curse damage leaves G Gardevoir in the red

Genghis and Hunter X vs G gardevoir 248.gif & 348.png/Gardevoir-mega.png

  • A hyper potion is delivered to G gardevoir but the combined forces of Genghis with iron head and Hunter X with metal claw silence the TV Superstar.

Victory. Phew

Edited by Genesis
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So this is actually a very short update at least since the last few updates have been coming in like rapid fire. I am getting close to the end of this run and already thinking of the next one.

Chapter 11: Darkness Becomes Me

With Radomus defeated, Elias put his plan in motion to capture Luna and incapacitate the rest of us. Luckily Cain allowed for Atilla's escape and when outside, Radomus showed of a secret path out the maze, Word was that Luna was being held somewhere on 7th street, a place Atilla had only ever heard of before.

Atilla headed towards the Aqua gang leader to get intel on where 7th street was situated. He also gave Atilla another mission - to put an end to Mrs Cradenbury's foul mouth. Atilla gladly complied silencing the old hag.


Atilla also took care of Maxwel the Magma gang leader


With that Atilla headed back to save Luna. Atilla was mortified at the dealing going on, but pressed on. Luna was saved with a bit of drama and headed towards Iola valley with Benneit on her heels.


Atilla also did some helix missions to get a Tyrunt.

Then they headed to Iola Valley where they also caught a Carbink. Atilla thought this may be useful for the battle against Luna.

The only person who tried to get in the way was Bennett.



His power had increased since our last battle


But in the end it doesn't even matter~


With that it was time to face Luna.

Atilla had a plethora of questions they wanted to ask this prety girl, but now was not the time. They gazed at her and could understand the obsession Bennett had with her. She was delightfully pleasing to look at, but she still wasn't Shelly. Atilla had a lump in their heart, wondering what this feeling was, but they shook it off and drew the first pokeball.

Atilla vs Luna


Hunter X vs BoojumSnark 348.png<greninja_by_vale98pm-d6t9w75.png

  • Hunter X OHKOd by scald. LOL

Cassanova vs Boojumsnark Spr_4p_469.png>greninja_by_vale98pm-d6t9w75.png

  • Bug Buzz crits taking Boojum to 1/3 HP. It uses scald and takes just over 1/2 HP
  • Hyper potion and bug buzz takes 1/2 HP
  • Bug Buzz KOs

Rocky vs Bandersnatch carbink.png<248.pngturns into Mega how_to_make_mega_tyranitar__youtube__by_

  • Iron head nearly KOs Carbink. it flinches anyway
  • KOd

Lady Luck vs Bandersnatch 306.png no resulthow_to_make_mega_tyranitar__youtube__by_(but 302.pngis KOd)

  • Bandersnatch tries a stone edge NE. Iron head takes just under half HP.
  • Is withdrawn for Sableye who is KOd by head smash.

Lady Luck vs Humpty Dumpty 306.png<spiritomb.png

  • Head smash misses. Shadow ball takes over 1/2 HP
  • Head smash leaves in the red, dark pulse KOs Lady Luck

Genghis vs Humpty Dumpty 248.png>spiritomb.png

  • Rock slide misses. Dazzling gleam takes 1/3 HP
  • Rock slide hits and KOs Humpty

Genghis vs Bandersnatch (the great showdown) 248.png>how_to_make_mega_tyranitar__youtube__by_

  • Iron head leaves Genghis in the red. It uses an EQ and KOs Bandersnatch. FTW

Genghis vs Jubjub Bird 248.png>mandibuzz.png

  • Genghis is healed and Jubjub uses foul play NE.
  • JubJub badly poisons Genghis with toxic and is in return KOd by a rock slide

Sun God vs Cheshire 637.png<umbreon_sprite_by_mvidmaster.png

  • Sun God quiver dances. Cheshire uses confuse ray
  • Sun God hurts itself and then is hit with a dark pulse
  • Bug buzz echos in the chasm and leaves cheshire with a sliver of Hp. it retaliates with a dark pulse
  • Hyper potion to Cheshire but it's not enough and another Bug Buzz KOs Cheshire

After a very shaky start, Victory


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Chapter 12, Fun at the Circus

Cain informs Atilla that upon entering the circus there's no turning back for who knows how long, So Atilla heads out across reborn collecting all the important items they will need as well as doing a few extra side quests for some additional comrades. Once set and complete, Atilla heads back to Shelly's gym to wish her farewell, but the gym is empty. Atilla is a little heart sore but feels confident they will meet up somewhere in the future. Atilla heads to meet up with Cain.

it seems the city is has been overtaken by a sleeping spell. Atilla wonders if this is the work of the meteors and if so was pokemon could cause such ... tranquility? The 2 discover the sleeping bodies of Hardy and Aya, a thought crosses Atilla's mind of the things they could do, but they quickly shake it off. They are interrupted by a very vibrant and loud character going by many alias' but better know as T3RR4. Cain is actually shocked for a change by just how forward this person is. Atilla stands back bemused. T3RR4 advises them to head to Agate circus where they will be safe from the sleeping spell.

Atilla heads to the circus excited at what lies ahead only to be greeted by a very haphazard and dysfunctional site Most of the rides don't seem to work, pokemon run rampant and clowns are set up trying to steal your cotton candy. Kids are losing themselves by the hour and have the most outrageous request. Luckily with how small the circus is, they don't stay lost for too long. Atilla is mostly upset they didn't get a chance to ride the Ferris wheel. Atilla heads to the ring master, a rather young and inexperienced individual who seems to be neither here nor there. She advises Atilla that Aya was found and was placed inside by the circus strongman, Samson. Samson uses the opportunity to boast his strength to which Atilla tries too. While not as successful, Atilla is awarded with a Clefairy for their efforts. Samson escorts Atilla inside where they find Aya. hardy however is not with her, so Atilla sets out on route 2 in search of him. While their, Atilla catches themselves a Rhyhorn.

Atilla makes their way to the end of route 2 when they come to Fiore mansion and what a surprise, Amaria is there too, also her lover, Titania who seems to have an animosity towards Atilla for some strange reason. Chicks dig ice cream, maybe that will warm her up while cooling her down? Atilla discovers Hardy, who is Titania's brother and they head back to the circus, but not before discovering Team meteors plans up in Calcenon. Atilla is given a battle pass for Samson t get access to Surf and heads back to the circus in hopes of another badge.

This is a new environment, and Atilla has equipped themselves with some new team members. Unfortunately, rock has a chronic weakness to fighting types, so this may be a very tough battle. Atilla hands over the battle pass after a bewildering chat with T3RR4 and Ciel. Samson heads out to the main arena waiting for Atilla. Atilla takes a deep breath as they walk to the end of the centre stage, the spot lights glaring down on them, blinding them slightly. The crowd cheers as the ring master finishes her speech and starts the battle. Atilla is ripped back to reality as Samson sends out his first pokemon.

Atilla vs Samson


See No Lie vs Hariyama 344.png<hariyama.png

  • SNL Extrasensory takes just nder half of Hariyama's HP. It uses a brick break hat scores over 9000 and leaves See No Lie in the red
  • A second extrasensory leaves Hariyama in the red. A heavy slam that again scores over 9000 KOs SNL

Wannabe vs Hariyama 567.png>hariyama.png

  • A hyper potion is given to Hariyama but he is KOs by Wannabe's acrobatics

Wannabe vs Blaziken 567.png>blaziken.png (turns into Mega Blaziken mega_blaziken_sprite__1st_on_da__by_veen)

  • Acrobatics OHKOs M Blaziken. Phew gla that's taken care of.


Rocky vs Meinshoa carbink.png>mienshao.png

  • Meinshoa poison Jabs taking under 1/4 HP while Rocky sets up a reflect.
  • Meinshoa tries another Poison jab leaving Rocky poisoned, but Rocky deals swift justice with a moonblast that crits and KOs the rat monk.

Cheesy vs Heracross 337.gif <214.png

I probably should have chosen either Arheops or Yanmega for the x4 flying weakness, but I felt like showcasing Cheesy a bit

  • A megahorn leaves Cheesy with 3 HP. Cheesy's psychic takes just over half of Heracross's HP
  • A second Megahorn KOs Cheesy. #showcasefailed

Wannabe vs Heracross 567.png>214.png

  • Wannabe outspeed the horny bug and KOs it with acrobatics

Moon Goddess vs Hawlucha 036.png> hawlucha.png

  • A flying gem strengthened acrobatics takes just over half of Moon Goddess's HP, she retaliates with a moonblast that crits and OHKOs the bird prodigy.

Sun Goddess vs level 71 Conkeldurr sheesh 036.png<conkeldurr.png

  • Moon Goddess crits with a moon blast taking just over half the giant's hp. It poison jabs and KOs Sun Goddess

Cassanova vs ConkeldurrSpr_4p_469.pngconkeldurr.png

  • Cassanova outspeeds the behemoth and KOs it with an air slash.

Victory - Atilla


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Chapter 13: The Soul is Set Ablaze

With Samson defeated, Atilla needed to head out and get the TMX Surf in order to get to Calcenon. When they arrived at Fiore mansion they discovered Titania's diary. Should not have read that, should not have read that. Amaria walks in and discovers Titania's facade and stricken with guilt and depression she flings herself off a waterfall. Boy, this really isn't helping Atilla score brownie points with Titania. Atilla, now needs to get waterfall as well. On the way to Ametrine, Atilla discovers a huge mountain ice blocking the way.

Hardy, Cain, Aya and Atilla agree it best to head to Calcenon to try and make some headway. Only on the way there, Sapphira is defending the city from massive pulse clawtizer attacks and ends up destroying the easy route in. Cain and Hardy get separated from Aya and Atilla who team up and make their way through where the eventually meet up with Aster and Eclipse. Who the defeat


Eclipse is tired of what the meteors have done and turns ff the pulse clawtizer. She is dealt with in a very condemning manner


Aya is Kidnapped after she defends Atilla. Atilla tries their best to get to Calcenon as quickly as possible. Word is Charlotte is the gym leader for Dive and that should get us to Ametrine. In a turn of events, Charlotte ends up stealing the ruby ring in a plot to confuse the meteors, save Aya and buy some time. Atilla wastes no time laying waste to all the gym servants on their way to Charlotte.

With Fiery determination Atilla hurls the first 2 pokemon on to the super hot battlefield.

Atilla vs Charlotte


Fear and Wannabe vs Typhlosion and Darmanitan 105px-423Gastrodon-West.png& 567.png/157.png&555.png

  • Darmanitan outspeeds Atilla's glass cannon and gets off a rock slide hurting the team. Wannabe's rock slide leaves the foes with 1/2 HP and Fear's mud bomb KOs darmanitan. Typhlosion flinches

​Fear and Wannabe vs Typhlosion and Rotom Heat 105px-423Gastrodon-West.png& 567.png/157.png&479-heat.png

  • Wannabe delivers another rock slide before being KOd by Rotom and Typhosions overheat which combusts the field. Fear's Mud Bomb puts an end to Typhlosion.

Fear and Hidori vs Talonflame and Rotom Oven (changed for Houndoom) 105px-423Gastrodon-West.png& starmie.png/talonflame_sprite_by_natsu714-d6mjxdb.pn&479-heat.png(229.png)

  • Rotom is wiithdrawn for Houndoom.
  • Hidori uses surf. It boosts Fear sp atk, KOs Houndoom and Talonflame and douses the field's fire. Wow. Then Fear sets up rain dance.

Fear and Hidori vs Ninetails and Rotom Oven 105px-423Gastrodon-West.png& starmie.png/038.png&479-heat.png

  • Ninetails drought causes a rainbow
  • Hidori surfs again doing much less damage this turn. Ninetails Solarbeams activates in turn 1 and KOs fear. Rotom's hidden power takes half of Hidori's HP

Genghis and Hidori vs Ninetails and Rotom Oven tyranitar.png&starmie.png/038.png&479-heat.png

  • Genghis whips up a sandstorm
  • Hidori uses psychic on ninetails leaving it in the read and it in turn uses heat wave doing meh damage. Rotom.s volt switch KOs Hidori, but a Rock slide from Genghis puts both Ninetails and Rotom to bed.

Victory again


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Damn you're flying through this now. I'm having trouble keeping up, but what I get is Genghis is OP plz nerf.

Shhhh! Don't say that too loudly! haha just kidding, but I guess it is to be expected from a psuedo legendary. It starts out terrible though and still has some hefty weaknesses. I think I mainly get lucky when the AI derps in boss battles because with all these megas that you face in hardcore you have to hope you are really lucky to beat them. ofcourse it helps that I EV trained everything early on before even getting to Agate as I am sure without the EV training it would have been a lot harder.

I blame the speed of this run on my anxiousness to start my next run which will end up taking a lot more time since I will be going on leave and surprisingly will have less time to play than I do now. I think in the last 2 days I have put an extra 20 hours or so in my play time with all the grinding done behind the scenes.

My next playthrough will probably also be a hardcore playthrough. Having dealt with hardcore up til now, I find it difficult turning back to the "normal" version haha though it's plenty tough. I ill probably still keep my first and second playthroughs on the normal version. The problem is I have so many playthroughs I want to do. After the next one, I may want to try a monotype playthrough, though there pros and cons to all of them and it's difficult deciding which one to try. But those are 2016 problems fortunately. For now, I am tasked with rescuing Heather and defeating Blake. Then its T3RR4 who I think will be toughest to deal with since 90% of my roster are weak to ground. Ciel should hopefully be easier thanks to her flying type disadvantage, though I will probably be surprised by Commander and be like "oh God" when I do face her. While this run is coming to an end it's daunting to think about the battles that are still coming up. I would hope to finish by Monday, but we will see.I am quite thankful that there was no Mega in the Charlotte fight as that was quite tough.

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Chapter 14: B00ty dun got sp4nKe(D). T3RR4 goes down ifyuknowatimean

With Charolotte defeated and the level cap raised again, Atilla headed towards Ametrine where they discovered the source of the huge iceberg - a puse Avalugg which was surprisingly tough. Damn full restores. But no stress Atilla managed a victory


Atilla's hard work didn't go unnoticed though as Shelly walked in. Notice me Senpai


Atilla and Shelly headed towards Ametrine where it was discovered that Heather had been secretly feeding the town, Blake who was a meteor agent had locked her up. Atilla and Shelly rescued Heather when the unthinkable happened. She became nice


Atilla and Cal then teamed up to take on some meteors, when Atilla got word that Shelyl was available for team up, they quickly dumped Cal to fight along side Shelly. As you can see from the pic it's just meant to be


In desperate need of the TMX waterfall, Aster a knight in shining armor came to Atilla's rescue, Atilla didn't understand at first and wiped the floor with her.


When Atilla reached the summit they discovered Blake had harmed their precious Shelly and exacted revenge on him too.



Then it was back to Agate circus to confront T3RR4 about her involvement with the meteors. When confronted she jacked into the PC system like megaman with Atilla hot on her heels. It was a strange environment, but in a way similar to Atilla original birthplace. Atilla pressed on in search of the queen of booty when they happened across this dashing man:


After a couple (quite a few really) of attempts. Damn that Mega Alakazam, Atilla obtained Victory


And it was straight on to the next challenge


Thank Arceus for focus sash and destiny bond. Jaws, the God killer.


With that, the final challenge of this chapter grew nearer. Atilla could hear the crazed giggles of laughter in the distance. They presented their last badge to gain access where they saw T3RRA waiting for them, looking smug as a bug. After a long explanation of t3RRas childhood, the battle started.

Atilla vs T3RR4


Peaches vs Giovanni 473.png> 034.png

  • Giovanni starts with earth power taking over half of Peaches HP. Her EQ OHKOs the giant lizard.

Jaws vs Excakill sharpedo.png< 530.png

  • Aqua Jet takes 1/4 of Excakills HP. It uses an X scizzor and OHKOs Jaws.

Peaches vs Excakill 473.png<530.png

  • Excakills EQ KOs Peaches

Hidori vs Excakill Spr_4h_121.png>530.png

  • Thankfully life orb damage and previous attacks have left it at about half HP. Hidori's Surf has no trouble sweeping away the mole.

Moist vs Hippo 091.png>hippowdon.png

  • Moist's ice beam leaves the hippo in the read. It uses an EQ that takes 1/4 of moist's HP
  • Hyper potion but it's not enugh as the next ice beam KOs the Hippo

Hidori vs Clayboybunny Spr_4h_121.png>344.png

  • Surf takes just over falf of the clay figures HP. It uses psychic and takes 1/4 of Hidori's HP
  • A hyper potion is given to fully recover the clay idol, it is hit with another surf
  • 3rd Surf KOs

Mystic Art vs Swagsire tangrowth.png>195.png

  • Giga drain OHKOs the king of swag.

Cassanova vs Rawrchomp Spr_4p_469.png<445.png

  • Please don't be a mega, please don't be a mega, please do-
  • "The foe garchomp is reacting to mega ring ....."
  • I think the pic explains perfectly hat happens next
  • qrNf5V3.jpg

Hidori vs Rawrchomp Spr_4h_121.png<1381078081065994300.png

  • Hidori's psychic takes around 1/3 of the dragons HP. It KOs Hidori with EQ

Mystic Art vs Rawrchomp tangrowth.png<1381078081065994300.png

  • Is just here to help heal Moist. Flame thrower takes 1/2 of Mystic arts HP
  • Draco meteor misses and Mystic Art gets off a giga drain taking Rawrchomp just under half HP
  • T3RR4 has a 3rd hyper potion hiding and heals rawrchomp. Another giga drain takes 1/4 of rawrchomps HP
  • Rawrchomp flamethrowers again taking Mystic art back don to under half HP. His giga drain crits taking rawrchomp too to under half HP
  • Rawrchomp flamethrowers again leaving Mystic art in the red, but a giga drain rectifies that and leaves rawrchomp in the red
  • A final flamethrower ends Mystic arts valiant attempt at victory

Moist vs Rawrchomp 091.png>1381078081065994300.png

  • All I need is to survive 1 hit and then its victory.
  • Draco meteor hits and leaves Moist with 10 HP. Yes! Ice beam KOs the dragon.

Mega PHEW!


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Wow, that broadens up the choices quite a lot. Any background on where this image comes from?

It's the giant panoramic view of the Kalos war that appears in Pokémon X and Y, when AZ is telling his backstory about the ultimate weapon. Unless the mural is a historically inaccurate artist's rendition of the war, it's safe for us to conclude that all of the Pokémon depicted therein were present 3,000 years ago.

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Ah I am so Bleak. I typed out chapter 15. Then my browser crashes, The auto saved content is from 2 hours back. FML. Chapter 15 will be posted on monday. For now here are some pics:

Chapter 15, Death Defying Areal Aces and Ciel is Locked into Position Number 52

Water treatment center




Fiore mansion battles




Ciel defeated



Mega Rayquaza defeated


Edited by Genesis
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